With every bicep curl, I imagined biting into a cool, perfectly ripe nectarine.
With every lunge, I pictured myself cutting into doughy French toast, while inhaling the fragrant scent of cinnamon.
Fortunately I didn’t have to wait too long for these little daydreams to become a reality!
After BodyPump and a quick 40 minute walk with Sadie, I came home to make myself the breakfast I was pining for all morning.
I started by stirring two egg whites, cinnamon and pumpkin pie spice in a bowl until the spices were fully incorporated into the whites.
I then dunked a Thomas’ whole wheat English muffin into the mix and cooked the English muffin French toast on the griddle until it was ready for eatin’.
While the French toast was cooking, I ate half of a nectarine…
…and chopped up the other half to stuff in between the two English muffin halves.
At this point this breakfast was missing a little somethin’ somethin’.
Once the nectarine-stuffed English muffin French toast was fully coated in syrup, I sprinkled it with nutmeg for a little extra flava.
Craving successfully satisfied.
And just to satisfy those of you who check this blog only for pictures of Sadie…
All of you Sadie-lovers out there should know that the gas coming out of this dog this morning was lethal. Seriously. I think a squirrel innocently climbing a tree in our backyard may have passed out when the scent hit its nose.
Pulse of Central Florida Interview
In case you’re interested, Pulse of Central Florida, a neat blog that explores Central Florida hot spots and hidden gems, posted an interview with me yesterday as part of the site’s “People Pulse” series.
Question of the Day
Which do you prefer, peaches or nectarines… or is it a toss up?
If both fruits are equally fresh and juicy, I prefer nectarines solely because the fuzziness of a peach is kinda creepy.
Peaches! But I do tend to find ‘better’ nectarines, so sometimes those win. 🙂
Brilliant! Syrup topped on an English Muffin, amazing. What a fresh breakfast idea for summer.
AND KUDOS on your amazing CF shoutout!!
I think I’d prefer a peach! I am SOOO trying out this breakfast tomorrow morning with a banana in the middle!!!
Thanks for sharing!
Peaches, but only if they are perfectly ripe!
I love peaches… And body pump! Looks like a great breakfast:)
HAHAHA poor Sadie! My dog gets gas too, especially when I give her a bath, I think she gets the nervous toots 😉 And it’s my punishment for bathing her.
I don’t know how you don’t eat before you work out! Kudos to you! I’d end up gnawing someone’s arm off in the gym or start chewing on the dumbells. I guess it’s just more proof that everyone’s body operates differently 🙂
I love love love nectarines and MAY have to recreate this breakfast for dinner one night 😉 I love french toast for din!
Enjoy your day!
LOL – i totally read this as “my dog gets ass too” – i was like “oh, wow! a frisky lil’ dog, huh?”
HAHAHA! Oh goodness, she’s almost 15, that’d be a pretty damn frisky pup at that age 😉
Haha – poor Sadie and her *ahem* issues! 🙂
That french toast looks absolutely delicious! It’s pretty much a toss up for me between peaches and nectarines…both are so good!
Yum Yum Yum!!!
I definitely prefer nectarines – actually just picked up 3 of them from the store yesterday. White nectarines are my favorite, but they’re always a little pricier, so I wait for them to go on sale. 🙂
Hahaha, WOOPS! That was my comment – don’t know where my name went! 😉
oh sweet sadie lady. my dog has Those Issues sometimes… 🙂
that french toast !??!? looks so yum.
what an AWESOME interview!! Go Girl !! 🙂
i actually CAN’T eat peaches, and never have been able to — the fuzzies freak me out. i figure a nectarine basically tastes the same, so i’m not missing out much…. or am i?
Wowzers! That breakfast looks amazing, but I definitely would have preferred peaches. I don’t know if its where they are from, but peaches always seem juicier and riper than nectarines. To be honest, the fuzz doesn’t bother me at all. Then again, I eat kiwi with skin. What can I say? I’m like a garbage disposal 🙂
peaches!!! You just gotta get used to the fuzz 🙂
Congrats on the interview! You came across as very well spoken and warm! So much fun for you!
Peaches, but I don’t completely hate nectarines.
By the way, OMG! I have to try that breakfast soon! My mouth is watering! 🙂
Peaches! I like nectarines but peaches always seem sweeter and juicer.
Thanks for the shout-out, Julie! It’s a pleasure to feature you on our site. I only hope highlighting you and your awesome blog will expose your great content to more readers!
for me it is a TOTAL toss up- they both are so similar! but i love that you were dreaming of taht during body pump 🙂 so funny
What a great idea for breakfast! I like peaches just a bit more than nectarines.
Yay for nectarine lovers! Peach fuzz belongs on Spencer Pratt, not on my fruit!!!
I love the interview! That is so cool!
I prefer nectarines for that SAME reason!
Your breakfast looks delicious! I must try, ASAP!
I’m definately a peach girl! They’re the best fruit ever! I call nectarines “knock-off peaches”, heheh.
I don’t think I’ve ever eaten a nectarine, so for right now I guess I have to say I like peaches the best! I’ll have to look for a nectarine the next time I’m shopping!
That’s hilarious about Sadie!! 😀
Great interview!!
& this is yet another one of your awesome, quick creative meals!!!!! Looks so yummy
That looks AMAZING!! I love french toast. It’s by far my fav breakfast meal. I like both peaches and nectarines, but if you forced me to choose, I’d go for the white flesh nectarines 🙂
I prefer nectarines for the same reason! And this breakfast looks bomb. I’m glad I’m not the only one who gets through body pump with the thought of delicious food!! 🙂
we have some really close friends with a Viszla named Jasper…
…but lately they’ve been calling him Gas-per. maybe he and sadie should date 🙂
I’m gonna have to go with peaches, since I’m eating one now! But really, they only win by a hair…all summer fruit is amazing to me!!
peaches, all the way! that breakfast is sooo creative. yum. love your face!
Congratulations on the interview! It was such a great article — if I wasn’t reading your blog and read the interview — I definitely would start now!
very cool! You are a person of Central FL! That’s a big deal!
and great breakfast!
I prefer nectarines because they aren’t as messy and “drippy” as peaches. I always need to shower after eating a peach lol. But to me, they taste the same. I”ve been on a nectarine kick as well, I think I have to try this recipe out!
OMG, I think I’ll be thinking about that all during BodyPump tonight. Too bad I have no nectarines so I can make it a reality.
I like both, but peaches are harder to get my hands on so I think I like them better. You always want what you can’t have right?
That looks like a delicious breakfast!! I’m definitely a peach girl!! Just bought a bunch of georgia peaches yesterday in fact!! 🙂
Peaches…definitely peaches!!! And congrats on the interview! I know somebody famous!!! hahahaha! 🙂 Happy Wednesday Julie!
I’m more of a peaches girl but your nectarine french toast looks awesome!
PS I just founds your blog through twitter and can’t wait to read more.
I am totally a peaches girl! My favorite as white peaches… yummm : )
I haven’t had french toast for too long, and nectarines sound perfect for it.
I prefer nectarines 🙂
That looks terrific! Working out before breakfast takes a lot of will power, well done. I am always an after work exercise kind of guy. One day for breakfast, just to switch things up, you might want to replace the English muffin with a Deep Chocolate VitaTop! Only 100 calories, very low fat and high in fiber! I just wanted to put that on your radar. Looking forward to reading your blog.
Hahahahaha! I’m glad my dog isn’t the only one with lethal gas!!!
I love peaches. Nectarines are a close second, but I love the squishy-ness of a peach when it is perfectly ripe.
What a great interview! You answered the questions perfectly!!
Peaches for sure, and most people will disagree, but I almost like peach fuzz as much I like the insides!
OMG … that looks amazing! I would have never thought to make French toast with an English muffin.
I found your blog a few weeks ago, and I LOVE it! 🙂 I have a question, and sorry if you answered this already, but do you workout first thing in the morning, before eating anything? Thanks!
yep! i get crampy if i eat anything right before i work out. if i work out later in the day (like on the wknds), i’ll eat something 1 -2 hrs. before a workout.
Hola chica! Just found your blog through Kim’s Facebook page. She featured my fashion blog a couple weeks ago. One of the questions I get most often is what my workout routine is (I don’t have one!) so I think I’m going to start sending people to you!! 😉 Super-cute blog you have though, would love for you to check mine out. It’s only a couple months old, but the Facebook page has 1,500+ fans so far! Hope to see you around town sometime!
i love ’em both! 🙂
omg, my dog has the stinkest gas that could knock you unconcious, and he’s only 3 pounds! hahaha. i wonder why that is.
it always amazes me how much you accomplish before you even go to work! it’s a struggle for me to even get to work on time!
Definitely prefer peaches!
Canned peaches because they are always ripe 🙂 And Natasha has gas too…
Sad story, but I don’t really like either :-0
..Blasphemy! haha
Congrats Julie on the article! That is super exciting. It’s a great article!