Good afternoon, my friends!
How is your Thursday going? Things are looking up around here!
I am officially done with work for the week and will be driving up to Jacksonville with Ryan this evening to spend the night at my parents’ place before catching a 6 a.m. flight to New Jersey. It will be one heck of an early morning tomorrow, but I am thrilled for all of the wedding festivities that await us when we arrive in New Brunswick.
I checked the weather and apparently temperatures climbed to 82 degrees in New Brunswick today! I was kind of hoping for some chilly fall weather and a change of pace, but sunny weather is great, too. I guess I’ll leave my boots behind!
Workout + Work
Ryan and I were up at 5 a.m. today for a workout. My legs are still so stinkin’ sore from Wednesday’s workout, so I concentrated on chest and shoulders at the gym today and left my poor hamstrings alone.
After a workout and protein pancakes for breakfast, I typed up my morning blog post and drove to the gym to start my work day. I had a great time teaching TRX and water fitness and my work day was over in no time at all.
In between classes, I needed to run home to pick up something I forgot to bring to work with me and rather than eat the leftovers I originally packed, I decided to make myself a big salad while I had access to our fridge.
I made a salad topped with avocado, chicken, asparagus and ginger dressing.
It was a good one and fueled me through water fitness with no problems!
Now it’s time to pack and wrap up one last project before we’re off to Jacksonville.
Enjoy your evening!
Have fun at the wedding! Looks like great weather!
Hi Julie! I go to Rutgers University in New Brunswick and I’m a huge fan of your blog!! The weather this weekend will be perfect for a wedding! Enjoy!
Yay…I live in NJ! Yup, the weather has certainly been crazy! Yesterday it was 84 degrees! At least the nights have been on the cool side though. Have a great time at the wedding!
Wow, so much travelling in Canada…so awesome! Enjoy your stay 🙂
That salad looks yum! Question – when you teach the TRX or water fitness do you actually do the class or you’re more just teaching/monitoring/walking around helping people with form? Sounds like such a fun job (I’m actually looking into getting my CPT certification very soon!)
-Sammy @
For TRX I really can’t do it with them because I have to constantly correct form since it’s kind of a hard thing for people to do correctly (especially if they’re first timers). I just observe, correct, encourage and watch the interval timer since we always do intervals. For water fitness, I do the class, but it’s not challenging since I’m on land. I sweat but only because it’s outside. It’s a lot of slower movements since they have to translate to water.
I’m from NJ, too, and this fall weather has entirely caught me off-guard! I’m used to snuggling up in blankets during the first week of October – this is not typical Northeast weather! I hope that you enjoy the trees, though – the leaves have already started to change colors 🙂
I was wondering if you might ‘help a girl out’ and start posting your workout ideas, again. I’m in need of a motivational push and your combos have always given me that little nudge to try something new!
Yes, definitely!
Wow, that salad looks amazing! I was thinking of making fish for dinner, but now I’m thinking a salad with avocado, chicken and mozzarella is sounding mighty tasty.
You have TONS of weddings this year! 🙂 Enjoy your trip and I hope you all have a blast!
yum, such a great looking salad! i’m on the biggest avocado kick right now 🙂
hope you have tons of fun this weekend. safe travels!
I work in NJ and it certainly has not been boot weather yet! 🙁 mine are still untouched in my closet. It’s been a little chilly at night though. Have fun!
Ill be working the ER in New Brunswick this weekend… So let’s not meet this weekend! 😉
You are just a little traveling bug! 😉
Have fun! Yay for another wedding weekend!
That salad looks awesome! Lovin’ all the travel–have fun!
YAY!! I live in NJ (Jersey Shore) 🙂
It’s so funny that the weather you check asks ‘now you know what the weather is what do you think?’ Hehe
Hope you have a lovely time at the wedding! I’m sure it will be tons of fun. And that salad looks delicious!
Safe travels! Have a great time at the wedding!
I work not too far from New Brunswick, NJ. It’s been ridiculously warm here this week. I want fall back! Safe travels 🙂
Don’t let that 80 degrees fool you. It’s a non-muggy 80 and it’s nice and cool at night. Enjoy NB. I went to college there at Rutgers so I have a lot of fond memories. Stop by clydz for martinis or take a fun ballet/dance class at ABR!
omg i go to school in new brunswick!!! rutgers! that’s so funny haha
Have a safe trip! 🙂
Do you not eat carbs for lunch?
where is the wedding? make sure you go to Clydz for a martini and red mango for some fro yo…hmmm what else can I tell you about….you should have a meet up!!
Hi Julie, not sure how much spare time you’re going to have in NB this weekend but if you get a chance go to Stuff Yer Face (on Easton Ave) and get a stromboli. They are without a doubt the best in my very un-biased opinion. Definitely an indulgence health-wise but so, so, SO worth it.
Welcome to Jersey lol
I feel like you’re so close, but so far away! I live in DE. I would soooo meet you half way!
Have fun and safe travels.
BTWm that salad looks delicious!
yeah! I live in NJ! 🙂
Have fun at the wedding!!! 🙂
RU 2010 grad! It’s so cool to see how many of your readers are in that area! Hope you have a great weekend in my old neck of the woods.
Hi Julie! What type of dressing did you use for the salad? It looks super yummy!
It’s a great time to visit NJ! Enjoy the cooler temps!
I try to avoid syrup because of the sugar.. do you ever top your protein pancakes with any other toppings that you’d recommend?? Have fun in NJ! I was just in NY last weekend and it’s so lovely up there this time of year!
Have fun at the wedding! SF is similar temps right now. It’s going to be 80 on Sunday! No fall clothes this weekend 🙂
Yay, for another wedding weekend! I dug out all my sweaters and boots from storage a few weeks ago and then the temps in the SF Bay Area remained in the 80s for what felt like fooorrreeevvverrr. I was so impatient to start wearing all my comfy fall gear!