The word of the day that showed up on my iGoogle page has special meaning to me!
(Side note: iGoogle is a personalized Google page that you can use to have a bunch of different websites or applications displayed on one page… Get it if you don’t have it. It’s awesome!)
Anyway, this particular word of the day, “juju,” caught my eye because it is the nickname that my dad gave me when I was little. He still calls me Juju to this day!
Seeing my nickname on my iGoogle page got me thinking about other nicknames I’ve had throughout the years. My past and present nicknames include:
- Juju
- Jules
- JB (my initials)
- Juboo
- Juju-Bee
- Ju
- Lil’ Squirt (Ryan is “Big Squirt” and Sadie is “Dog Squirt”)
I know I have some other nicknames I’m forgetting, but those are definitely the most common.
Lunch today was a little unusual.
I was intrigued by a box of Turtle Island Foods coconut curry marinated tempeh strips.
I tried tempeh for the first time on pizza back in May when I met Meghann and I really enjoyed it. The texture really appeals to me and when I saw that the tempeh strips were on sale, I was sold.
Though the strips are meant to be sautéed and used in a stir fry, I used them in a simple sandwich.
I topped an untoasted whole wheat English muffin with the strips and served it alongside a sliced green pepper and roasted, salted pistachios.
Now that I’ve tricked my taste buds into liking curry, I absolutely loved these tempeh strips.
They were very flavorful and pretty filling, too! One serving of the strips has 13 grams of protein. Not too shabby!
Tempeh, you may be devoured more often. Watch out! 😀
Question of the Afternoon
What is your nickname? (10 points to those of you with truly ridiculous nicknames! 🙂 )
I never had nicknames. Seriously.
Maybe my name is too great for nicknames loll :P. When I was young, I was sad because everyone had nicknames but me!
My youngest sister used to call me Chubba as she couldn’t say Chelsey properly. It has stuck around all these years although I don’t get called Chubba all TOO often thank goodness! 🙂
I have about a million! I love nicknames.
-Gavi (my real name is Gavriel)
-Teaker (my boyfriend is Smeaker…bizzare!)
-my personal favorite: Gavrielli Smelly Jelly Belly
10 points for the last one! 🙂
Love your nickname story. My good friend Thomas has always called me “Peaches” since I have always lived in GA. He uses it to this day. Other than that, I guess you could say Tina is a nickname since my full name is Christina. My parents call me Christina and some old friends, but to most everyone else I’m Tina.
I like tempeh, but it’s crazy expensive here!
My dad used to call me…hm, what would be an english version of it, maybe a kitty or sth, and my mom calles me Mini 🙂 I actually love those nicknames 🙂
“puddie” or “puddin”
just one of those cutesy words new parents come up with for the baby & continue to call me when im 22 😉
oh my gosh! that is exactly what my grandma calls my dad!!
Hahha…I have lots of nicknames…a few are:
Shan, Banana, “S” (a la Gossip Girl), pooper, pooter, and tig
My hubby’s nickname is Fab which came from a season of The Bachelore when Tina Fabulous was on. Zach wanted to have that nickname so I gave it to him and it stuck. Yes his nickname is after a girl reality show contestant 😉
My bff’s name is Shana, and we nicknamed her “Nanners” as a shorter, easier version of her “Banana” nickname. She did not like that.
Kabeanie – like Kuh Bean Eee. My ex-step-sisters still call me Beanie.
Katie Dead as well – it’s the Missouri term for a Cicada.
Then the obligatory Kat and Latrina. Step sisters to thank for the last one as well 😉
My sister’s name is Julie and her nickname is Juju, too!
Some of my weirder nicknames are Dozzy Kamoni (when I was little, people used to ask me my name and I’d reply with that) and Heh- for some reason my brother calls me this. Who knows!
I really don’t have one, but my dad has always called me “angel cake.” 🙂
I’m Ash Bear! In high school my friend nicknamed my brother Derek, Dare Bear. Since then (almost 8 years) everyone in our family has acquired the “bear” nickname. My parents are both Mom Bear and Dad Bear, my husband is Chris Bear and even our 2 year old dog has jumped on the “bear train” and she is Bella Bear or for short B Bear!
HAHA so funny to think about how nicknames are originated and how (sometimes) they are so ridiculous!!
I have a few nicknames!
Mish (I absolutely hate LOL)
shell bell
my bell
Very few people call me by my actual name!
Julie, when is your last day at work this week??
ahhh i have to work through thursday! eeeek.
I’ve had a lot of nicknames over the years, including Annie, Annabelle, Annie Bananie, and Little Bit (my dad, of course).
But I think the weirdest would have to be Zab, which is what my boyfriend calls me. (When I was little, I couldn’t pronounce Anne Elizabeth [my middle name] so I said “Annezabeth.” After he heard that story, he started calling me that, and it morphed over time into just Zab.)
My childhood best friend always called me “Lua” because she couldn’t pronounce my name. When I was about 10 my parents started calling me “Louise” and that seems to have stuck. Nicknames are funny! 🙂 My last name is Underwood, and in elementary school everyone thought they were being so clever by calling me “Laura Underwear.” Ha ha ha – very funny!
The normal Moll and Molls, plus…
-Molls Balls (I have no idea)
-Moll Doll (that one my dad called me when I was little)
-Molly-cule (like “molecule” – creativity also courtesy of dad)
i like your dad! 😀
Mine was “Miley” because my sister couldn’t pronounce my original nickname “Smiley.” So it just just stuck! This was wayyy before Miley Cyrus. 😉
I love tempeh! I just had a tempeh wrap for lunch!
I’ve been called Barb, Babs, Barbie, Sissy, B, and my fiance calls me Bunny (I call him Bear)
Tempeh is good. You NEED to try Fakin Bacon–it’s a smoked tempeh and it makes an incredible healthy BLT
I always wanted a fun, unique nickname, but I guess with a name like Brittany, I only got the typical- Britt, Britt Bratt, B-dog, B-dizzle, etc 🙂
I have a few nicknames as well. 🙂
KTMo (first and last name somewhat combined)
Peenelope (ok this is from Club Dread, don’t ask)
Fel (when my friend and I got pulled over for speeding in college… nothing mayjah)
the club dread reference is funny! me and my friend use to laugh at that part all the timehahaha
Close friends and family call me Beth or B, but I also go by BP and B-Beans. My Hungarian aunt had trouble pronouncing my name when I was little, so I used to be Bootny to her. And as my brother approached his adolescent years, he fondly started referring to me as Cheeseburger Butt… ah, sibling love (I started calling him Chicken Legs after that).
i have had A LOT of redic nicknames.
some which come to mind is
Chelsarina Bo Bina
or just Chelsarina
Cha Chi (chee)
chels mc bob
and i think that is all haha
Mine are fairly boring: Britt, Britty, Bitty ( I had trouble pronouncing my r’s when I was little)-but my brother’s nickname takes the cake: Squeaker. He’s had it since the day he was born, literally. He’s 18yrs old and I have never called him (nor has anyone else in our family & close friends) anything other than Squeak or Squeaker. 🙂
oh and chowsee (my roomate/bff is silly)
Oh man…I don’t even know where to start! When I was reading the beginning of this post, I was thinking of all my ridiculous nicknames!
My name is Theresa (as everyone can see!), so far I’ve gotten:
Tiggles…from rappers saying “Tig ol’ bitties”….yikes
T-Bags (even my boyfriends mom calls me this!)
and now my boyfriend calls me
T-Bilbo Baggins
Um my nicknames have included…
Sweet Pea
and lots of variations of Banana including Bananiee ha
oh man, i don’t have a ton but my dad calls me “froggie” and nate calls me scooter…i love them both!
With the name Amanda, you can bet my brother called me “A Man … DUH” through most of my childhood!
Made those pumpkin spice cookies yesterday (spice cake mix + canned pumpkin) and added walnuts, too. OMG so good!
What a fun post!
When I swam, we made up really embarrassing nicknames for one another, and my friends decided to call me B.A. Langsta in honor of my large backside (B.A.) and lanky frame (Langsta). Thanks, guys!
Oh man, there’s a good story behind one of my friend’s nicknames. A group of us were having a conversation and someone said “city of Austin,” but she thought they said “sh**ty Boston.” Someone decided that should be her new nickname and when she protested, we shortened it to “Shibby.” I actually don’t think it has stuck, but it’s a good example of how some ridiculous nicknames can come about.
Oh my goodness Julie, you had me CRACKING UP at your ‘The Squirts.’ I was laughing SO HARD in my office 😀 THANK YOU for a much needed Monday laugh.
Some of my nicknames…
-H Dub
-Lil H
And needless to say, most of them are from Craig. He calls me every random name in the book.
My dad called me Jen Ren, my grandpa called me Squirt, and my husband calls me AJ (Angry Jennie…he says this right when I’m about go get mad and it makes me laugh every time).
Friends in college called me “Blackey” because my good friend was another Lindsey, but blonde, so they called her “Whitey”. They still call me that when they see me. To everyone else, I’m just Linds.
My nicknames:
Beeners ….this is what my husband calls me.
Janer Jew…this is what my family calls me.
Jacuzzi Jane…my sister calls me this and I have no idea why!
My grandfather called me “Reuder.” I don’t even know if that’s how you pronounce it. I also have no idea why I had that nickname. He gave all the grandchildren nicknames and mine was the only one that never made any sense. Weird.
I’ve had a few nicknames:
-Kody Lou Who- seeing as my name is Kody Lou
-Some kids down the street used to get crazy with it and their nickname for me was: Kody Lou Lou pooped in her tutu.
-Kody Balody, or just Balody
-Schimmy the Shroom (Schimmel means fungus or something in German)
You two are such a hot couple!
My husband just calls me schweetie-poo. That’s as dork as he gets 🙂
Ever since I was little my brother has called me “goober.” That’s the only name he ever introduces me to his friends by.
I have a few nicknames. Some I like, others I do not!
Weezie (thanks Uncle Buddy!)
Syrup (my boyfriend is Honey)
Juju-Bee (or Juju-bead as my boyfriend pronounces it)
Julia Gulia
Hmm, I’ve had lots of nicknames but I’ve never “officially” gone by anything but Kattrina. Here are the ones I can remember:
Katy (with a soft “a” – Spanish accent)
Kattrina Latrina
And my husband calls me Amor or Viejita.
None really. My name doesn’t lead to many. Except for “Ambergur” which my dad, brother, and male cousins loved to tease me with.
I am known as:
Jaime (the hispanic way….I am 100% white)
or “Hey you, get me some cereal!”
Tak your pick!
One of my younger brother’s friend used to call me Joely Green Giant, instead of Jolly Green Giant. I hated it. One of my BFF”S used to me JC (for Jimmy Cricket), she felt I helped her conscience stay on the right side of the force, LOL! And then last but not least, my family used to call me Joely Bowlly, I have no idea why, hehe.
and….when i was a little girl, my mom used to call me “poopsie”. haahahahahah
Don’t have a nickname, but my old dog’s name was Squirt! Haha!
Oh and my brother calls me Towee (he’s one).
Lulu, Paiger, P, P dog!
Ash Dash (I was really good at dodging in dodge ball)
Brainstein (instead of Brenstein – hated that one)
Baby Girl
Barbie (I’m not sure why my sister came up with that one when she’s blonde too…)
MASHley (but that’s a combo for me and my fiancee)
When I was born, my dad came up with the name “Addie” to substitute the more serious sounding “Adrienne.” Now I’m 20 and starting to go by “Adrienne” in classes and and internships and jobs, but I think I’ll always be Addie to my family and friends!
my boyfriend calls me sparkles…it’s a mixture of my first and last name.
At the restaurant I used to work at in college, the cooks would call me “Soul Crusher” because I always laid down the law. 🙂 Nowadays, my husband and I call eachother Boo Bear. Not usually in public though!
I never had any nicknames growing up other than my little brother calling me sissy for a while, or my parents using both first and middle name. My daughter’s nickname is whatcha. When she was born, her brother, then almost 3, made up a song for his new sister: Baby girl, baby girl, baby girl whatcha! So somehow that changed and Whatcha became her nickname.