Last night Ryan and I stayed up entirely too late, chatting away in bed before finally drifting off to sleep. (Totally worth the lack of sleep! I love late night conversations.)
I didn’t join Ryan in bed until close to 10:45 p.m. (that’s late for us old fogies) because I was busing participating in my first blogging-related webinar about rising above negativity.
Thanks so much to those of you who participated and attended the webinar via phone last night. Though I sounded like a complete goober, we had a great time! The Q&A portion of the night was by far my favorite part, so thanks so much for keeping the webinar interactive and interesting.
While we had some technical difficulties, I believe the webinar (at least the first half of it and the slides) will be uploaded to the FitBlogChats website soon. A big shout out goes to Katy for organizing the webinar and being an all around awesome person.
This morning’s workout wasn’t too bad considering our lack of sleep.
Ryan and I began with 20 minutes on the elliptical before splitting up to do our own thang.
I did an upper-body workout that included three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Superset One: Tricep dips, Upright rows
- Superset Two: Chest press, Tricep extensions
- Superset Three: Incline bicep curls, Side shoulder raises
- Tricep pushdowns
- Ryan’s awesome shoulder move
- Bicep curls (one set of 3 min. non-stop curls)
- Ab work on exercise ball
I also spent some time stretching and foam rolling my legs which felt amazing. Hopefully they’ll be nice and loose and ready to run in tomorrow’s race!
Nice and savory!
Scrambled eggs made with milk and cheese, served with a muenster cheese-topped sandwich thin and Greek yogurt that I sweetened with a squirt of honey.
Not a bad way to start the day!
No Newlyweds Reunion
I tweeted about this two days ago when I first heard the news, but according to InTouch magazine, Jessica Simpson is pregnant.
I’m not gonna lie, I’ve been holding out for a Newlyweds reunion ever since she and Nick Lachey split up.
I absolutely loved (love?) that show and own every single season on DVD. I thought they were the most adorable little duo. I guess it’s finally time to let go and move on.
At least I can still hold out hope for these two crazy kids to reunite…
I think all Britney needs is a little Justin lovin’ to get her back on track.
Question of the Morning
- Is there a former celebrity couple out there that you think should get back together?
- What celebrity couple do you think seems to have an admirable relationship?
Clearly I’d love Jessica and Nick to get back together. As for a current couples that I think have a solid union, I’d have to say Beyoncé and JayZ, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith and Ellen DeGeneres and Portia de Rossi.
Glad you had a good night! Late night convos are the best!
And I totallyyy agree That Nick and Jessica should get back together!
I loved that show so much… more entertaining than anything though really, haha. I always thought Jessica Simpson would be the NICEST person in real life… even though she is really goofy sometimes, and by goofy I mean says stupid things… haha
She is legitimately one of the nicest people – I met her backstage before she opened for Rascal Flatts. I was speechless 🙂
I’m holding out for Brit and Justin too!! 😉
she was fightin’ the good fight until their breakup. it’s tragic, really.
I LOVE Newlyweds and no shame, I have every season on DVD and watch them constantly. I may or may not have 95% of the dialogue memorized. I too hoped they reunite but it’s definitely not looking good on that front now 🙁 As for strong unions, I used to think Jada and Will but there have been so many rumors lately about them not being together…say it ain’t so!!!
oh no! really!? i always liked how he said “we said in the beginning that ‘divorce is not an option'” and said that eliminating that thought and option from their relationship made them work REALLY hard through really hard times. i hope they don’t split up!
Yeah, I know!! But there have been a bunch of stories the past month on–get this–Jada possibly cheating on Will with MARC ANTONY. I mean…I don’t even know what to say about that. It’s so crazy it just can’t be true…
I heard this particular couple has an ‘open’ relationship (?!!!) as in they can ‘cheat’ on each other as long as they tell the other person before it occurs….I heard this when they were married for only a few years, so perhaps things have changed…? Or maybe they’re getting a bit lazy and getting caught by the papparazzi…? Or (more likely) the paps are waaaaaay more intrusive, and finding things out quicker…
I’m a bit sad to hear Ashton and Demi are on the rocks 🙁 not sure why I’m upset about this one….
My favorite “together” celebrity couple is Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner…. i seriously LOVE her and think they seem like such well-rounded people and wonderful parents… but what do I know it’s not like we’re friends!!
I wish for Jennifer Anniston and Brad Pitt to get back together… even though I think he’s kind of scummy… they were adorable together!
yes! jennifer garner seems so down-to-earth and like a “real” mom, not some glamazon.
Good luck for your race tomorrow Julie! I’m sad I had to miss the webinar but hopefully I’ll catch the next one. 🙂 Happy Friday!
My favorite celeb couples that I think will ‘make’ it are Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner and Ellen DeGeneres & Portia de Rossi 🙂
I always hope for a britney and justin reunion!!!
I would love a Brittney/Justin reunion! Love!
I love Denzel Washington and his wife…they’ve been married for 28 years way before Denzel was a big name and I just love stars who marry, make it big and don’t fall victim to hollywood starlets. Go Denzel! 🙂
love that, too!
Ryan Phillippe and Reese Witherspoon. They were so cute together, and made a very convincing couple in Cruel Intentions. My favorite celebrity couple was always Michelle Williams and Heath Ledger though. 🙁
I agree o still want Nick and Jessica back together and I own the entire season as well. I also desperately want Jen and Brad back together! The couples who I think have a solid relationship Jen and Ben and Tom Hanks and his wife totally drawing a blank on her name right now
rita wilson? is that right?
Yess thank you!
LOVED Jessica and Nick. But I think if Vanessa and Nick did a reality show … that we would really love them too! I think it has to do with Nick … I love his little looks and the way he tries to be serious when you know he is totally adoring his lady 🙂 Hmmmmmmmmm I think Victoria and David Beckham are pretty stinkin cute … they have weathered a lot of storms and come out on the other side … and of course I LOVE LOVE LOVE Prince William and Duchess Katherine….. I think they will be a forever couple … crossing my fingers …I can’t get ENOUGH of them! 🙂
yes! nick has that midwestern boy charm. so down-to-earth, polite and “gentlemenly.”
Definitely… plus there is just something so sweet about him! I love when he’s all sarcastic and yet you KNOW his wife is going to get away with whatever it is she wants him to do 🙂 So charming … Vanessa and Nick had a wedding show … and he was still a lot like himself (like on Newlyweds) …. and maybe even a bit sweeter? I miss good couple reality shows :/
how did i miss that show? i love nick and i love weddings. match made in heaven.
Hmmmmmmmmmm … not sure! It was on Lifetime Network… if it’s on again I will let you know 🙂 Vanessa is super cute too … I am kinda hoping they do a Newlyweds type show .. but I think Nick learned his lesson …. so that’s a good thing! Although the two ladies seem pretty diff … I think Vanessa would handle it better perhaps … who really knows though! 🙂 But if we had to vote on which couple we would watch on a reality show … my votes would for sure be for Vanessa and Nick OR William and Kate (which I know would never happen though) 🙂
Yummy breakfast! I did egg whites on a jelly muffin this morning and thought of you as I ate my weird savory-sweet combo. 🙂
I’ve always admired Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner’s relationship–they seem so grounded and down-to-earth, and their two little girls are absolutely adorable. And in all the pictures I see, they always look like great, doting parents who really care about bringing them up in a fairly normal environment. Such a great example!
I love late night conversations. I think sometimes you have the best conversations before you go to sleep. I sometimes loose track of time and end up keeping my fiance and I up for over a half hour longer because I won’t shut up. Whoops 😉
I would love for Britney and Justin to get back together or Nick and Jessica. My favorite celebrity couples is Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck. They seem so happy 🙂
Oh I’m definitely still holding out for JT and Britt to get back together! It’s always so sad to see celebrity couples break things off – I couldn’t imagine that kind of publicity during heartbreak 🙁
I see that you do incline bicep curls a lot and I’m curious as to how you do them. I’ve seen people on the incline bench on their stomachs (so they’re lifting up from the floor) and people on their backs (so they’re lifting towards the ceiling). Which do you do? And also, do you know what that does differently from regular upright bicep curls?
i do them on my back. i like them a lot because i find them more challenging than regular ol’ bicep curls.
I loved Brad and Jennifer together. Still holding out for them. LOL
Yess thank you!!
Apparently those two don’t see what we saw on Newlyweds because they were perfect together!! (I also have all the seasons and thought of pulling them out when Josh was gone the other day.. No shame.)
I tried to watch an episode of Nick and Vanessa’s wedding show…but it just wasn’t the same.
Holding out for Brit and JT!
My favorite celebrity couple is Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale. Gwen is one of my music and fitness icons. I saw the No Doubt reunion tour last year and she was incredible. Her body is truely inspirational.
I LOVE Ben Affleck and Jen Garner! They seem so cute together, and she is my favorite person in Hollywood.
I also love Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel. I thought they made such a good couple and am so excited they’re back together again!
im with u on the JT and Britney.. or even better.. why dont he just get together with me?
was totally thinking this too! definitely a little biased due to the movie..but they are still adorable together!
I holding out hope that Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams will get back together! I loved them together and they will always be Noah and Allie to me! Good luck tomorrow! 🙂
Glad you had a good night! I still want Jennifer Aniston and Brad pitt to get back together! Although i know that will never happen!
Happy Friday!
I also think Jennifer Lopez and P. Diddy need to get back on the relationship wagon together, especially now that she no longer with that manorexic.
Also, Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams 100% she comes to my pilates and yoga classes all the time and she is sooooo sweet!
i LOVE rachel mcadams! they really were adorable together.
I totally want Justin and Brit Brit to get back together!! that would make my life
Yep i own every single season of Newlyweds too!! Its funny I actually bought the last season after they got divorced and it was like $3!! haha! But I always make my boyfriend watch it with me, he thinks they were hysterical!! But really I cried alot when I found out they were getting divorced…:(
I’m pushing for Leonardo dicaprio and Kate winslet to be a couple! I’m not loving the whole Leo and Blake lively thing (if it’s still a thing ?)
OMG! Totally a question for me 🙂
I love Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner. They are super cute!
I was the same way with wishing Jessica and Nick would get back together, they just always seemed like such a cute couple!
My fav still together couple is Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, they just seem like they are really open about it being really hard work to stay together as long as they have
i wish david arquette and courtney cox would get back together… they both seem so sweet! and i just don’t understand scarlet johannson leaving ryan reynolds. why? why?!
My favourite celebrity couple by far is Blake Shelton and Miranda Lambert. They’re so cute and funny together! I do wish that Brit & Justin will get back together though! Hollywood needs some more matching denim couples, tbqh.
I thinking took Justin and brit’s breakup harder than they did. The were such a teen pop power couple and I’m keeping my fingers crossed that they find their way back to each other too!! 🙂
I love Ellen DeGeneres and Portia di Rossi, too! As well as Wil Arnett and Amy Poehler – they must be the funniest couple ever.
I want Ryan Gosling and Rachel MacAdams to get back together. You know, if he and I don’t work out.
Loved Newlyweds-a couple episodes came with Jessica’s CD and I was hooked! As for couples I sound like a hick but..Tim & Faith 🙂
I am still a huge fan of Newlyweds and still watch them frequently. I was holding out for a reunion but oh well 🙁 My favorite celebrity couple has been Sarah Michelle Gellar and Freddie Prinze Jr. And of course Victoria and David Beckham… =)
Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are my favorite EVER. They are so great together.
And Ellen and Portia DeGeneres are so sweet.
I still love Nick and Jessica too!
I love Ellen and Portia, too! As for holding out hope? I’ve got my fingers crossed for Aaron Carton and Lindsay Lohan. I can’t rest until their love blossoms again 😉
I watched Nick and Vanessa’s wedding special and they are super cute together-they seem so normal, but I loved Newlyweds too. Love Jenn and Ben Affleck because they seem so un-Hollywood and Will and Jada. I love Will and Kate, even though she crushed my dreams of being a Princess. I’m still secretly holding out-my hubsand says I’m still like a 12 year old girl 🙂 I meet a girl during sorority rush who had meet him when he came to the US and I think i freaked her out because i got so excited and asked a million questions. oops! ha, i think she picked another sorority!!
My BFF and I have only had one fight in our over 15 yr friendship and it’s over Britney and Justin. She’s all about them being together and I ask her all the time “would you want to get back together with the guy you dated when you were 16?” HECK NO. haha I really love Ben Affleck and Jennifer Garner, they are so cute.
I totally agree about Nick and Jessica. I still watch old Newlyweds episodes sometimes! I used to want Brad & Jen back together, but he’s kind of creepy to me now.
#1 couple who I wish would get back together…BRAD and JEN!! BOOOO Angelina!!
I LOVED Nick and Jessica too… and I am still heartbroken over the fact that they didn’t work out. As for Britney and Justin… that would be amazing. I love Britney and feel so sad for her and all that she has gone through. They were cute!
Dare I say Brad and Jen?! haha
Oooo ^^^ Brad and Jen…. yep, that wouldn’t be bad!
I love the couples you mentiond that were strong and steady. They are good ones!
Ryan Reynolds & Sandra Bullock! oh those two- they just need to quit denying it and be together!
I may or may not own the entire series of Newlyweds on DVD also…I really want them to get back together too! Why can’t those crazy kids work it out??
Aw I agree, I thought they were adorable. I still remember where I was when they announced the break-up. It was right around the holidays and I remember thinking, “If they can’t make it, my boyfriend and I are doomed.” haha
Couple I’d like to see back together? I’m going to echo Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The Notebook is just too good. I also kind of like Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. So cute and innocent.
I just had to comment on this–I totally remember where I was and what I was doing too when I heard they split! I’m glad I’m not the only one who was so traumatized by it!! haha Hopefully it didn’t end up dooming you and your bf 🙂
And I had so much love for Zac and Vanessa…very sad that one died out!
wait… Zac and Vanessa are no more?! NOOOOOOO *HSM heart breaks* When did that happen? So sad… hope he doesn’t go back to Ms.Tisdale!
Matt Damon and his wife Luciana are so cute. And they met when she was his cocktail waitress! They’ve been together an eternity in celeb. years and have the cutest kids.
I guess Sonny and Cher aren’t going to have a second shot at love, are they?