This morning when the alarm went off at 5:05 a.m., Ryan rolled over, asking me if I wanted to sleep in.
I mumbled yes and we slept for another glorious hour and a half.
At 6:30, I awoke, got dressed and sat down at the kitchen table, debating in my head what kind of workout I wanted to do. Usually I’m on autopilot in the morning and go right to the gym without really thinking about my workout, but today I was feeling inspired to change things up a bit.
I remembered seeing an awesome circuit-style workout on Tina’s blog yesterday and thought that seemed like a good way to go. I took a few minutes to jot down my own circuit workout to complete when I arrived at the gym.
My circuit looked like this:
- Jumping jacks – 50
- Squats with 25 lb. kettleball – 20
- Squat jumps – 20
- Alternating lunges – 20
- Burpees – 15
- Push ups (on my knees) – 25
- Mountain climbers – 30
- Crunches on exercise ball – 50
I did the circuit three times through which took me slightly less than 25 minutes. I really liked how this circuit seemed to build in intensity. I didn’t begin with burpees (the hardest thing for me) right out of the gate, but rather built up to the harder exercises with slightly easier ones like jumping jacks.
I rounded out my workout with 20 minutes of light cardio on the elliptical with People magazine.
This workout was no nonsense!
Who owns socks like these? I mean really.
Just in case you’re a circuit workout lover, you may also enjoy these workouts:
After a quick walk with Sadie, it was breakfast time!
I saw a guy sipping on a delicious-looking smoothie from my gym’s café as I was leaving morning and knew that was exactly what I wanted… but I saved the $4 and made my own.
Booya, Tropical Smoothie Café!
Served in my favorite Anthropologie mug!
This smoothie tasted like a chocolate and banana cloud. It was so light and fluffy, but thick at the same time.
In the mix:
- 1 c. milk
- 1 scoop chocolate casein protein powder (makes smoothies extra thick!)
- 1 extra large frozen banana
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 1/2 tsp. xanthan gum
- 1 extra large handful fresh spinach
Garnished with chia seeds!
This was one of the best smoothies I’ve had in a while. The perfect post-circuit workout treat!
Now it’s time to tackle my email inbox. It’s currently giving me the evil eye for neglecting it since lunchtime yesterday.
I have that same glorious mug 🙂 Obviously mine has an “S” on it. Love the circuit workout!
okay, so the first time i read the ingredients in ur smoothie i thought it said anthrax gum! lol…i was like, “what?!?!”
white powder aside i’m always amazed at how much places charge for smoothies and all else we drink. i’m a cheapo and find it redic! plus, i’m sure whatever that dude at the gym was selling it didn’t taste like a cloud. 🙂
good luck tackling that inbox!
I have actually never EVER had a smoothie bowl or made one. I never tried overnight oats either. I am not really sure where to find xantham gum, is it in a regular grocery store? Thanks!
yep! i find it in the organic section of my local grocery store (publix).
I love your smoothie recipes! I’m allergic to dairy, so I’m trying to make a substitute that tastes just as good! I hope vegan protein powder makes it happen!
Reading this while sipping on my own Chocolate PB Banana Smoothie! Where do you get your xantham gum? I’m so intrigued to try it!
I am OBSESSED with smoothies . YUMM. pErfect for summer. I did some circuit training today too, hey twinner!! 🙂
Circuit workouts are my new favorites—they’re quick, intense, and totally effective. I think I’ll have to give yours a try!
I do I do! Have the socks I mean. I think they were either a costco or target purchase…anyway I love the no nonesense encouragement!
Wally-World!! I have them also;)
Haha those socks are hardcore! And your workout sounds great! I was just reading the most recent People mag last night 🙂 And I have that cup too!
I know you don’t usually eat anything before you workout, but have you ever tried something small? I’ve read so many conflicting stories about how bad it is! It’s enough to make anyone’s head spin. Did you catch the latest on FitSugar?
I never comment, but I had to this time —
I always tell my husband when I’m reading your blog that you are my long-lost twin because of weird things we have in common, like a love of Miracle Whip and liverwurst. (Including last night, when I came inside with no fewer than 25 mosquito bites and your post popped up in my google reader.)
BUT it just got even weirder because I OWN THOSE SOCKS! I bought them at a Walgreens one day when I forgot my gym socks.
I swear I’m not a stalker 🙂
Yay! I love hearing your circuit workouts.
Except I always ignore burpees. I hate them haha.
I have those same socks hahaha! I got them from Academy I think? I like em’ as well as my academy sock pack that looks like the rainbow! You have those ;D?!
& circuit workouts = my fav! They remind me so much of Zuzana workouts ( Have you ever bodyrocked before? I never see you post anything about her so I was just wondering 🙂
Wow!! That circuit looks tough!
I’m going to do this workout right now. Seriously! I’m putting down my computer, turning up the volume on the tennis on my telly and getting my sweat on! Thanks to you (and your inspirational socks!) 🙂
Love those quickie circuit workouts! There are also nice to take with you when you are traveling.
I have that mug but with a “K” on it…it is my favorite too!
Great Workout! Circuits are my favorite!
You should give Tabata a try! It is a HIIT circuit that is 12minutes total and it is a great workout!
you can most likely download the app on your phone or off of iTunes.
I have a bunch of Tabata workouts on my blog 🙂
I’ve been getting more and more into circuits lately…I used to detest them.
I have those socks too!! I started laughing out loud when I saw the picture…my boyfriend makes fun of me so much for them, but they’re so comfortable. I’ve had them for years though and are no longer white (gross).
Thank you so much for posting those circuit workouts! I was trying to find some new workout ideas and these are perfect. I’m almost looking forward to the alarm clock going off at 5:15 tomorrow morning.
If my name started with a J, I’d fly down right now and steal that mug from you. So cute!
Nice circuit! I’m going to do this right now (while I have 10 minutes to spare)!!
I believe those socks are the walmart brand. I know I own some.
I love those socks! And I love the little pouch you carry to the gym, it’s so cute!
A random thought occurred to me as I was reading your circuit list…is there a reason why you go to the gym to do those exercises as opposed to just doing it at home? I mean, unless you have a kettleball at home you couldn’t do that one, but everything else you could…including the cardio. Just wondering, I know for me, I am very unmotivated to work out at home and need that motion of actually leaving the house to get in the “mood” to workout lol, but sometimes I feel silly for going to the gym to do a workout I could have just as easily done at home…for example, going to the gym to run on the treadmill instead of running with my dog. He still gets his walk, but sometimes I just want to run on the treadmill! 🙂
1. because of sadie. seriously. i tried doing a kickboxing dvd once and sadie wouldn’t leave me alone.
2. i’m like you and NEED to get out of the house for more motivation!
LMAO, actually this is sooo true. If I try a workout video at home or even a circuit, every new position I go into my dog is right there sniffing and checking it out. If I go to do a pushup, he’ll put a paw on my back lol. Oh dogs…. 🙂
I also have these socks! I got them at Duane Reade in NYC when I needed an emergency pair of socks like 3 and a half years ago!
Looks like a pretty good circuit workout! I may have to try it out this week!
That smoothie looks so good! I did a circuit workout similar to yours when I was training for my Tough Mudder last year. I’m doing another mud run in September, so I’m probably going to have to break that routine out again soon. Maybe I’ll try this one too for some variety.
i have those socks too! i got them at costco
DUDE! I totally have those socks too! 😀
I have those socks… in every friggin color too. They are for sure K-mart/Walmart specials in my area! Lurve!
I have some “no nonsense” socks too! Got mine at Wal-Mart.
Why do you use the xanthan gum in your smoothies? What does it do?
Came upon your site looking for graphic design ideas of “No-nonsense workouts,” which is the business I’m in. I formerly lived in Ocala when I worked for MedX, the equipment company started by the legendary Arthur Jones after inventing Nautilus.
I strongly suggest you see what’s offered at Ocala Family Physicians. I hope they’re still operating their medical exercise center, which I helped launch (sometime around 2003). A lot of the video on my website ( was shot in that facility.
Just did my first circuit workout EVER. I loved it! Super fast and got me sweaty and shaky in no time. Thanks Julie 🙂
I saw this circuit workout on Pinterest but it don’t link to your blog. It linked here.,
As a long time reader, I thought I saw it here first! Not cool that someone would take your workout and not give you credit!