Another thing that has me pumped for the fall? Ryan and I are in the process of planning a long weekend trip to Asheville in October and we’re hoping we can convince a few of our out-of-town friends to join us. After checking, we were surprised to find inexpensive rates for cabin rentals which makes the trip even more appealing! (If you’ve ever rented a cabin in the Asheville area and have a recommendation on where exactly we should stay, I’d love more info!)
Lots of fun stuff coming up!
After barre, I grabbed coffee (it will be lovely to have a coffee maker at home again soon!) and headed home to make breakfast. On the menu for today was a bowl of Chex gluten-free oatmeal topped with cinnamon and peanut butter.
And yes, the oats simply served as a vehicle for a big ol’ scoop of peanut butter.
I love that stuff so darn much. And so does Sadie. I swear her hearing ability kicks into high gear when she hears me start to open the peanut butter jar. She’ll be fast asleep on the couch but sprint into the kitchen when she hears that familiar sound.
Other sounds that psych her up? Opening a can, the doorbell, the fire alarm (she howls!), pressing buttons on the microwave and a squeak noise coming from of one of her toys. Sadie is actually kind of goofy about squeaking toys. She likes to squeak them but if Ryan or I squeak one of her toys, she gets this pitiful look on her face (see below) and grabs the toy, carries it into a corner and gently licks it for five minutes.
We’re convinced she thinks we’re hurting it when we squeeze it and she must nurture the injured toy back to health. What a good toy mama.
Question of the Morning
- Pet owners: What noises drive your pet crazy?
lol so funny! Definitely treats moving around in her treat bowl (aka when we’re grabbing one) or when we’re getting ice (she loves ice!)
My puppy does the exact same thing with peanut butter! She’ll be in a different room, and as soon as I open the jar, she’s sitting in between my legs looking at me like “Mom! Look how good I’m being! Don’t I deserve a treat?”. Other sounds that get her attention are the doorbell and dogs barking on TV.
I can’t say that I blame them for their peanut butter enthusiasm. 😉
Our boys run to the door every time I grab my keys!
Sadie runs in circles whenever I grab my keys. It always makes me feel so bad when I have to leave her at home!
My fish has a memory of 3 seconds so I don’t think it matters. 😛
Our dog goes crazy when we turn the vacuum on! Other sounds that get her attention are when she hears me opening a ziploc baggie because it usually means I’m getting some cheese. a doorbell, baby crying and our smoke detector.
Sadie haaaaates the vacuum, too! She just runs into another room. 🙂
Hahaha, ohhh Sadie. We don’t have a pup yet, but my in-laws dog FREAKS over the sound of someone popping their gum, which is something I do a lotttt. It’s hysterical.
I haven’t had PB oatmeal in awhile and now I’m thinking I’m going to have to put it on the breakfast menu for this week! 🙂
VRBO is seriously the best way to go for vacations…. I’ve found some read deals!
My pup can be upstairs or outside on the deck, but once he hears the top ripping off of a container of yogurt, he is immediately at your side. Same with peanut butter.
PB on oats are my favorite thing! Especially once the pb melts and it’s all soupy. Definitely a great comfort food for the fall!
Haha Sadie is too cute.
My dog can hear the Dishwasher opening from a mile away and SPRINTS to try to get a lick in before it closes up. =)
Well… once upon a time, the batteries in one of our smoke detectors died while we weren’t home and apparently the annoying beeping noise bothered my dog so much she put her head through a glass window to get away from it!!!!!!!!!! She’s a pittie so she has a super hard head and she was ok afterwards, but HOW CRAZY is that?!
I’ve heard Ashville is so much fun.
Noises don’t really bother Niko so much, but if I reach up to grab something out of the “tupperware cabinet” she bolts. She knows what happens when the door to that cupboard opens! LOL
Abner instantly snaps to attention if he hears a baby crying on tv or a cat meowing. but not our cats in real life…just tv cats 🙂 should be interesting once real baby gets here!
My dogs appear out of no where when I’m cracking hard boiled eggs…my son only likes the whites so the dogs know they get the yolks! 🙂
Oh my gosh haha Sadie is too funny. My cat is the same way with her “baby bird”. It’s a bird toy that use to chirp like a bird, now it’s broken. And if you touch it, she gets the same look on her face that Sadie does, and she has swatted at me before until I give it to her. Then she smells it, and licks it. To make sure I didn’t hurt it haha.
OMG, that face! So funny!
WAAAAY back in the day, the Mac desktop would do this kind of rimshot noise (that drum sound to put the punctuation on a joke punchline) when we shut it down for the night. Our dog would be in sound REM sleep and ROCKET out of bed in the guest room because she knew it was time for ‘real’ bed.
One of mine comes running when she hears me peeling a banana(I then end up giving her about half of it)! She also has one toy that squeaks differently than the others and when it squeaks she’ll begin to whimper like she is concerned it is in pain. My other dog will come running and begins to go bonkers if she “hears” us grab their leashes, I am convinced she can identify the noise they make coming off of the hook…
I live in west Michigan, and (sadly) our summer was much cooler than normal because the big lakes were so frozen last winter. Our trees are already changing here, and a hint of fall has been in the air most of the summer. I don’t mind a less than humid time, but to see changing trees this early only makes me feel like icy commutes are not far away.
My husband and I have a cat, Blinker, who is a big sissy-pants! If the doorbell chimes, he BOLTS under the bed. But if he hears a squirrel or a bird outside the window he jumps up to watch the critter and proceeds to make strange, non-kitty chirpy noises. I’m not sure if he’s trying to speak their language, or what … but it’s pretty fun to watch!
Our westie goes crazy if you walk down the creaky stairs to the front door. His tail and ears stand straight up, he is on high alert to see if you’re going to take him somewhere exciting!
We LOVE Asheville! A must visit restaurant is Curate. Usually it’s just the two of us so we like to sit at the bar, which isn’t a bar really but more of a counter over the kitchen. So it’s fun to see them putting stuff together, chatting with the cooks, etc. We haven’t done VRBO, always just stay at the Hotel Indigo – so I’d love to hear how it goes!!
Our dog hides from all loud noises, even if you just drop a shoe by accident!! She also knows JUST what the cheese drawer sounds like when it’s opening… 🙂
I have a basset hound mix who absolutely hates the sounds of an acoustic guitar. He always runs and dives under the bed every time my husband starts playing. It’s absolutely hilarious.
Our dog gets crazy if we open one of the cupboards. It’s an old one and makes a lot of noise… Unfortunately this is my dog treat hiding place.
Also if we say the dutch word “snoopjes” wich means dog treats he will run and wait in front that very same cabinet 🙂
Many greetings, Susann
My pup comes running anytime I open the pantry. He thinks he should always get a treat! 🙂
Oh my goodness- Sadie’s face!! So precious. Opening a can or bag always gets that pavlovian response going and pups get superdoggy hearing!
Our English Shepherd (Watson) NEVER barks. Since he was a pup, he rarely has felt the need to bark. However, if you pull out a harmonica (because everyone has one, right 😉 ) and lightly play it, he will go into a full-blown howl and “sing” along.
It’s funny you should mention this. Just yesterday, I found my cat’s old laser pointer, and it makes a clicky noise, which puts my cat on edge, because she knows the villainous red dot is near, and she’ll catch it this time! Just you wait and see! 🙂
I love animals. They crack me up.
I really miss having a fall season. We don’t get one in Arizona. It literally goes from 100 degrees to 70. Usually happens on Halloween like clock work every year.
Oh man, that face! Too precious. My dog gets crazy when he hears us opening the freezer, he loves ice cubes!
I dog sit for a few different families. The thing that drives all of the dogs mad is a the reflection off glass, a watch face or a flashlight. They go nuts!
My grandfather used to live in Ashville and visiting the Vanderbilt House was my all time favorite trip. The house is gorgeous and you can make it an all-day trip. Definitely look into it, I would go back every summer if it wasn’t such a long drive from Maryland!
Oh my goodness Sadie is a hoot! haha That is so funny. Marley goes crazy over the vaccum, the sound of leaves rolling across the ground (He gets soooo spooked out!), and cabinets opening. He automatically assumes that the sound of a cabinet opening= treats for him. He’s usually right! I can’t say no after he comes running in all excited 😉
Nothing beats Asheville in the fall! I’ve only ever camped or stayed in a hotel there, so no vacation rental suggestions from me. 🙁 My Sheltie gets worked up by any sort of mechanical noise–barks aggressively at cars, vacuums, the blender, my hair dryer… And she hates thunderstorms, too.
My dog, Corrina, goes berserk at the sound of the can opener too! I guess she’s used to it opening up dog food, but she gets pretty disappointed if she finds out it’s just chickpeas or tomato sauce.
She also goes on full alert mode when she hears dogs barking on the tv or a doorbell ring from the tv lol
My cat hates the fire alarm and the sound of the doorbell.
One of our cattle dogs is a total chow hound so any sort of noise in the kitchen (opening the fridge, rustling a bag, the ice maker! haha) sends her running in to sit pretty and beg. 🙂 She’s otherwise totally afraid of the vacuum. Our other cattle dog is deaf (hereditary) so instead of noises, she goes nuts over airplanes (they MUST be attacking), seeing neighborhood cats, and she loves staring at herself in the mirrored fireplace and TV, haha!
Haha that’s adorable! Our dog hates the sound of the smoke alarm beeping. We were watching a Modern Family episode where the smoke alarm beeped every 60 seconds and it drove her nuts.
My dog absolutely hates remote control helicopters and the big bubble wrap you use for packing. Even looking at them gets him upset!
I’m actually heading to Charlotte this Thursday and Asheville on Sunday 🙂 Looking forward to seeing some restaurant recommendations! 🙂
Sadie’s face reminds me of Puss in Boots from Shrek with those big eyes. My pug goes crazy for popcorn. He stares at the air popper the entire time.
Sadie’s face looks so adorably sad in that picture.
My dog goes crazy for the True Blood opening credits song. He throws his head back and howls like I’ve never heard. It’s bizarre and hilarious all in one.
Sadie’s face looks so adorably sad in that picture.
My dog goes crazy for the True Blood opening credits song. He throws his head back and howls like I’ve never heard. It’s bizarre and hilarious all in one.
Asheville is so so pretty in the fall. Downtown is charming and the Biltmore Village area is cute too. Have fun!!
Our dog used to be able to hear the UPS/FedEx trucks and would go insane – fur standing up, barking. It was nuts. Animals are so funny!!
I don’t have a dog, but that’s hilarious about the PB jar & her running in!
Omg Sadie is too cute! I love that she consoles the toy if you guys squeak it! haha
HA I love Sadie! Our dogs go crazy when they hear me open the peanut butter jar, too! Also, when they hear me open the plastic bag that deli meat/cheese comes in … when I’m packing lunch they always get a little taste!
Cheese wrappers! If you are opening a piece of string cheese anywhere in the house – my pup hears it! She could be in the most sound, wonderful sleep and she’ll pop right up and be under foot if you have cheese.
That and she gets excited if she hears any type of bag opening. There must be something great in the bag for her!
I have cats so every noise at any moment bothers them. Or not if they’re trying to be contradictory.
We rented the Blue Moon Lodge on VBRO for a bachelorette party. The place was HUGE and amazingly beautiful and could sleep a TON of people. They have a camp fire and hot tub and even an enormous wrap around deck so big you could play corn-hole on it. I would definitely recommend it if you are looking to get away with a group. However, it is outside of Asheville, so you do not have access to much of anything but the house.
I feel your joy over the pumpkin spiced everything. Just last night when I was walking home from dinner I saw the sign up at Starbucks proudly announcing the return of the Pumpkin Spiced Latte and I cant wait to get one over the holiday weekend while I’m in Vail.
The two little doggies in my house both hate the vacuum and proceed to cower and climb on furniture anytime its out and on. Our Australian Shepard is a huge puppy-dog-eyed beggar and if you make any sort of food noise she’ll come running into the room to patiently stare at you in the hopes her “good” behavior while you’re eating warrants her a piece as well.
HOORAY for Asheville! 🙂 My husband grew up there and we spend a week or two visiting his family each year. We almost always rent a home through VRBO or HomeAway. It’s sometimes the same cost as a hotel and we love to have a house of our own, especially since we live in a tiny NYC studio apartment in real life! We’ve stayed at some incredible places. Unfortunately, our fave (a tiny farm house on three acres of a working farm for $100 per night) was recently sold and no longer available for rental. There was another house we loved on Town Mountain- a super quick drive to downtown. I will search through my old e-mails and send you the link! You must eat at Chai Pani for amazing “Indian Street Food”! We are planning a long weekend trip for September or October. Maybe we’ll be there a the same time!
Millie loves the ice maker on our refrigerator. As soon as she hears that noise she comes running, wanting a piece.