Leftovers for lunch!
I included a thick slice of meatloaf in a big salad composed of spinach, lettuce, carrots and zucchini. I topped it off with some balsamic vinaigrette for some extra flava.
A white chocolate macadamia Luna bar was enjoyed on the side.
And before anyone says, “But Julie! You gave up sweets for Lent! You can’t have that,” let me just say that the day I consider a granola or protein bar a “sweet” will be a very dark day indeed.
Just like I will never consider a hot mug of tea a “snack.” Does it bother anyone else when they read a magazine article that says to satisfy your cravings for a snack with a mug of hot tea? Puh-lease.
Happy Birthday to Laura S.!
Before returning to work I wanted to take a minute to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Laura S.!
Apparently Laura is a blog reader and her adorable fiancé Ryan emailed me about her special day today asking if I could send her a quick email. Well, I “awww-ed” for like 10 minutes at my desk and just had to send her some special birthday wishes through the blog.
Happy birthday Laura! I hope it’s amazing! 😀
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one really nice thing you’ll always remember someone doing for you?
P.S. The Fashion page was updated!
Such a fun post and comment section today on pbfingers! Spreading the LOVE over he-ah! 🙂 Ya’ll are great!
Thanks Pbfingers! I just now discovered Ryan’s little plan! Thank you so much for the birthday shout out! That honestly made my day! You are too sweet! I surely now will never forget my 23 birthday!
PS…my birthday cake was just picked up…pink champagne flavored! Oh, and I totally stole a mini mud pie cupcake while I was there!
Thanks again!
i think someone said this already but the chocolate dipped coconut is the best flavor out there. the white choc macadamia still have a slight “protein-y” flavor but the coconut has no traces of it at all. also the chocolate chunk is tops!
Happy Birthday Laura!!
Your leftovers look so good today! Granola bar is not a sweet! and tea is most definitly not a snack or ANY way to calm a craving in my book!!
I think it makes me want something more! 🙂
Ahh! The tea for a snack thing has always bugged me too!! Haha 🙂
When I came home one day and found a dozen roses strategically placed in different parts of the apartment. After I gathered them together and put them in a vase, my husband would take them out (when I had left the apartment) and put them in different places again. He has done this with paper hearts too. 🙂 I loved it.
Happy birthday to Laura!!
Something I remember very clearly: last year I pulled a muscle in the middle of a 5K and my then BF found me (I don’t know how!) and carried me to the medical station 🙂
That is the sweetest! My boyfriend sent me flowers on my birthday to my parents’ house (I went there at the last minute) while he was in Iraq–I still have no clue how he actually pulled it off, but I felt so special!
Have you tried the White Chocolate Macadamia Clif Bar??? OMG, I die!
I have a mug of tea as PART of my afternoon snack, but it’s not the the whole thing!
Happy Birthday Laura 😉
I LOVE Luna bars! Especially the Peanut Butter Cookie flavor!!!
tea could never be a snack, it can however accompany a snack!
the nicest thing someone’s ever done for me was this past christmas. i’m a nanny while in grad school 14 hours from my family and boyfriend in dallas, tx. instead of getting me the usual gift card present they bought me a plane ticket and paid vacation days to spend the holidays with my family. it was so nice, special and unexpected that i cried on the spot! i’ll never forget that as long as i live.
happy birthday to laura!
I can’t stand it when I see a magazine article that says for an afternoon snack drink some hot tea or water with lemon. That is not a snack…they might as well recommend inhaling oxygen as a tasty treat! 🙂
Gah tea as a snack is just tragic
When we move in a bigger city, we didn’t know much about how to handle with the locals. Some of them were very tricky. Or may I say mean.
After 2 months the owner kick us from our appartment for not paying the rent on time. In fact, that was a lie and he wanted to double the money if we wanted to stay another month.
I will never forget the neighbour who gave us the key to his laundry room so we have a place where to put stuff until we find another place. He said someone should have warne us about the reputation of that crazy owner .
Yeah protein bars are not sweets. And a hot mug of coffee or tea is never a snack. That’s a drink! What am I chewing with this drink, huh?? I can’t even have a smoothie as a snack, I need something to chew!
One year for Valentines my older sister order and had a dozen Red Roses sent to me in class (high school). You see I never could stand Valentines. So she went ahead and had the roses delivered to me! On the card she wrote from your secret Admirer. By the end of the day I was still trying to figure out who had did this lovely gesture and lo and behold it was my sister! I will never forget that day or how fortunate and blessed to have her as a sister! That’s One Valentines that will never be forgotten!! The moral of the store is that you don’t always need to celebrate Valentines with your partner but with people you really love ;0)
Thanks for the great Blogs BTW!