Leftovers for lunch!
I included a thick slice of meatloaf in a big salad composed of spinach, lettuce, carrots and zucchini. I topped it off with some balsamic vinaigrette for some extra flava.
A white chocolate macadamia Luna bar was enjoyed on the side.
And before anyone says, “But Julie! You gave up sweets for Lent! You can’t have that,” let me just say that the day I consider a granola or protein bar a “sweet” will be a very dark day indeed.
Just like I will never consider a hot mug of tea a “snack.” Does it bother anyone else when they read a magazine article that says to satisfy your cravings for a snack with a mug of hot tea? Puh-lease.
Happy Birthday to Laura S.!
Before returning to work I wanted to take a minute to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Laura S.!
Apparently Laura is a blog reader and her adorable fiancé Ryan emailed me about her special day today asking if I could send her a quick email. Well, I “awww-ed” for like 10 minutes at my desk and just had to send her some special birthday wishes through the blog.
Happy birthday Laura! I hope it’s amazing! 😀
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one really nice thing you’ll always remember someone doing for you?
P.S. The Fashion page was updated!
Tea would never be a snack for me either. Not that I like it anyway, I think it tastes like dirty water. But how could it ever be a SNACK?! That baffles me too.
Awe! Happy Birthday Laura! What an honor to be giving a shout out by you Julie!
Have a great day!
Happy Birthday Laura!!!
I totally agree that a cup of tea will NEVER be considered a sweet- that would be crr-azy!
My hubby tried sending flowers to my work for V-day but due to super high security, his effort was thwarted, but I loved that he contacted a coworker to find out my building and everything!
i tried to send ryan chocolate covered pretzels to LM for valentine’s day one year, too! they didn’t get to him until like a WEEK later b/c of security!
Happy Birthday Laura!! =)
I had that Luna bar for breakfast! It was delicious, but I think would have preferred a Reese’s… 😉
you and me both!
Whoever considers tea a snack is seriously misguided. A drink is not a snack….unless maybe it is a smoothie 😉
That was just about the sweetest thing you did wishing Laura a happy birthday – so HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA!
I do tea for a snack at work around 4…I find myself even more hungry an hour later, NOT worth it since I probably eat more at dinner than I should.
Totally agree about the tea! My boyfriend gave up “candy” forms of chocolate for lent and I tease him for still have bars with chocolate, but protein bars/shakes aren’t a sweet in my mind. When people tell me they had tea and almond milk for dessert, I wonder about them!
Luna bars are definitely not sweets. I’ve defined my Lenten resolution by saying I can’t eat anything you’d find on a dessert menu, candy store or pastry shop 🙂
me too!!! i’m basically saying anything i’d consider a “dessert” = a sweet.
Tea is definitely not a snack, and protein bars are definitely not a sweet! IMO that would be like calling a green monster with vanilla or chocolate flavored protein powder a sweet…not even!
I went to the store at 2am in college to buy medicine because I was super sick. I was standing in line coughing and sniffling like crazy and when I went to pay my wallet was no where to be found. I thought I was going to cry because I REALLY needed the medicine and didn’t want to have to drive all the way back home. Before I could throw a fit, the man behind me paid for all my stuff. He said I looked like I needed it, and to get some rest. 😀
aw, i love nice strangers!
The night that my mom passed away, a friend of mine drove me two hours on a week day/work day evening to get me to the hospital as soon as possible. Unfortunately, I did not get there in time, but I will never forget her selflessness. It’s unfortunate that there are not more people like her in this world.
i am so sorry. 🙁 i’m glad you have such an amazing friend. she sounds like an angel.
aww sadie you always make me smile! 🙂
Ahhh, the tea thing as a snack definitely bugs me! Along with taking a walk instead of having dessert. Um, no!!! lol. That never works for me at least! Just postpones the dessert-eating 🙂
you HAVE to try chocolate dipped coconut luna bars. they taste just like girl scout cookies. im totally on Team Granola Bars Are Not Sweets…but these kind of are. seriously. run, don’t walk to buy some!
that is so so sweet that she wnted you to email her!! how cute!! umm tea as a snack? psha.. thats gotta be a joke
How sweet!!!
Granola bars are definitely not sweets! and tea is NOT a snack! 😀
I consider tea a snack…as long as I have cookies along with it! 🙂
You are SO sweet!! Happy Birthday Laura!!!! 🙂
HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURAA =D You (laura) have a really sweet man for him to know your favorite blog and send her a message haha <3 Too cute!
for our 2 year anniversary my husband went to the florist and tried to have my wedding bouquet remade. he over heard me telling a friend that i wanted to have it done. although it wasn’t exactly (as in, not at all) right, it was very sweet of him to try!
Have you tried the Chocolate Peppermint Stick Luna bar? I cannot stop eating these! It’s like a protein-packed thin mint, and definitely not a “sweet”! 🙂
I definitely can’t consider some tea as a snack. It’s just like drinking water and I would still be hungry! Tea as a snack has got to be a joke unless you’ve got something to go with it like coffee cake or a cookie or banana bread…mmm.
I agree, Luna doesn’t = sweet.. you MUST try the chocolate dipped coconut flavor.. Amazing.. best ever 🙂
Ahh I love that flavor! It is amazing!
oh wow. that sounds fantastic! i’ve never even seen it for sale before!
Yes!!! You have to find it- I hope you can find it 🙂 SO GOOD!
I always remember when someone gives me a big hug! Hugs are my favorite 🙂
i love white chocolate macadamia anything, yum!
Happy birthday Laura!!! shwwettt post~
Well today I went through the drive thru at my local coffee shop and the car in front of me paid for my tea! Then this afternoon, the lady sitting next to me paid for everyone in the spa’s pedicures! I thought that was so kind! 🙂
where do you live b/c i’m moving there!!! 🙂
Nebraska! lol. I’ll trade ya!
that is really cute– love LUNA bars 🙂
HOW CUTE! My boyfriend calls your blog “butternut fingers” and calls fitnessista’s the “fitness sistah”.. bahaha at least he tries 🙂
So…how DO you pronounce fitnessista? I always said fitness-sistah..haha looks like I was wrong!
Haha it is fitness-eesta. 🙂
Luna Bars (well all granola/protein bars) are nooo way sweets!!!! I agree!
Happy Birthday Laura!
my boyfriend was away working on the oil rigs during my birthday last year, so he sent a big bouquet of flowers & some birthday balloons to school to wish me a happy birthday! that was super sweet & all the girls were “awwwww”ing all day!
OMG how sweet is Ryan? So cute!!
haha your luna bar/tea thoughts were hilarious! I hear you!!
Ryan told me what he did this morning!! It was really hard to keep a secret and I have had PBFingers up all day waiting… Happy Birthday Friend!!!!!! Cupcakes?
Thanks PBFingers!!! Your our Favorite!!!
he was the cutest thing for emailing me! i just had to put it on the blog! 🙂
I don’t know how you kept this a secret all day! Kudos to you!
Happy Birthday Laura!
I will never forget the people who helped my mom, sister and I after our car was caught in a flash flood — the tow truck drivers, the police, fire department, etc. They were all wonderful!
Happy Birthday Laura!
I agree that if you wouldn’t ordinarily consider a Luna Bar a dessert then it isn’t a dessert now. 🙂
” Does it bother anyone else when they read a magazine article that says to satisfy your cravings for a snack with a mug of hot tea?”
YESSSS! Thank you for pointing that out. Or satisfying a craving with a piece of gum. I don’t get it. Actually I find that both tea and gum just make me more hungry (pretty sure that’s my imagination :-))
The nicest thing someone has done for me recently is when my boss got me an extra day off after my recent marathon just because I worked on another project over the weekend. Having that day off was SUCH a blessing!
Aw that’s a nice boss!
NO!! Gum makes me more hungry too! It’s all good! Its not your imagination at all! I am THEE biggest gum addict but it kinda puts a little pit in your stomach that says “FEED ME!” LOL!
Saw this and thought of you:
That was so sweet of him to ask and sweet of you to post the shout out. Who knew the internet was full of such friendly people?
And granola/protein bars are definitely not desserts in my mind either. They are snacks (unlike tea which is a beverage). Strange that people get these things mixed up 🙂
Your Lent seems much more do-able than mine… I gave up added sugars of all sorts, including granola… ketchup… barbeque sauce… le sigh.
I agree, a Luna Bar is NOT a sweet!! Great looking lunch 🙂
Have u ever seen the box for lipton cup of soup. It says on the side that u can satisfy your cravings with a cup of soup. There are pictures of things they must think are popular cravings that can be satisfied instead with soup. For example, martinis and donuts! I tried finding a picture of the box online but to no avail. Who on earth thinks soup can satisfy a craving for donuts? The people at Lipton are seriously misguided
happy bday laura! how sweet!
recently it was my doggie’s bday, and a friend of mine went to buy him a gift certificate to his groomers…they found out it was his bday and the groomers sent her back w/a gift card and a bag of treats to give to my dog from them. it was so unexpected and sweet 🙂
He’s a keeper! My now-fiance, not the creative type at all, sewed me a Queen size fleece quilt for Xmas one year because he knows that I always freeze! I was practically bawling when he unveiled it! It took him many months to complete.
That is amazing!
I had a salad similar to that too but with shredded chicken!
Tea is not a snack! Just like coffee is not lunch. It’s a pet peeve of mine when people tell me that they just had a coffee for lunch. That’s not lunch…that’s a beverage!
A friend of mine once purchased a cupcake plunger at Bed Bath and Beyond for me. She was there shopping, saw it and thought of me. I thought it was one of the sweetest, most thoughtful things ever!
What a feel good bunch of comments.I’m reminded quite often how lucky I am to have so many amazing, generous people in my life. In the fall, a friend of mine co-signed my student line of credit for me. It was literally life-changing because if she hadn’t I in all likelyhood would have had to quit school.