For the past two evenings, Ryan and I have spent a few hours assembling furniture and organizing things for our baby’s nursery! The crib and a side table arrived, along with a new ceiling fan and I’m so happy to see the neutral look we’re going for begin to take shape.
Naturally Sadie inserted herself in the middle of the fun but spent her time chasing light reflections which was oh so helpful. Ryan and I often joke that we wish we could give Sadie a task to help with sometimes because she always seems so darn eager to be involved! If only she had thumbs…
Assembling the crib wasn’t too bad but uninstalling the old fan that was previously in the room was such a pain. Getting the new fan up and running felt like a piece of cake once we finally got the old fan down. Yeesh! I’m just going to pretend that the two other ceiling fans we’re hoping to replace in our house one day will magically uninstall themselves when the time comes.
This morning I woke up feeling not so hot. I hate waking up on mornings when I have to teach feeling nauseated because I know the feeling is likely to pass but I get worried and always flip flop over whether or not I should preemptively call someone to standby to sub for me just in case.
So far I haven’t needed to do that, so I held off and immediately made myself a small smoothie since having something in my stomach at all times is still a pregnancy necessity for me when it comes to keeping nausea at bay.
In my smoothie: Frozen berries, a frozen banana, unsweetened soymilk
The smoothie definitely helped take the edge off while I prepared my real breakfast and I’m feeling better already. I’ve said it before and I’m sure I’ll say it many, many times to come: Pregnancy nausea is the weirdest thing ever.
Breakfast today centered around a bowl of my egg white oatmeal but I added a bit of peanut butter and a scoop of Hershey’s Special Dark cocoa powder to the bowl to amp up the flavor.
The Special Dark cocoa powder is my favorite because it really makes the oats taste extra chocolaty. It can also be credited with making them look like death.
Along with my oats, I made myself a cold cup of decaf iced coffee. I’m normally much more of a hot coffee lover, but for some reason iced coffee called to me this morning, so I went with it.
Now I’m off to spend a little time updating my spinning playlist and planning out today’s class before it’s off to teach at 9 a.m.!
Have a great Thursday!
I’ll have to try out cocoa powder and peanut butter in my oatmeal. Sounds really good and indulgent for breakfast! Can’t wait to see what the nursery looks like once it’s all done! Happy Thursday 🙂
Hi Julie! I don’t know if this would help you but when I was pregnant with my twins chocolate milk (made with almond milk) and coca-cola (regular or non caffeinated) really helped my nausea! Good luck! 🙂
Pregnancy nausea is the strangest thing and definitely no fun. Mine subsided around 20 weeks and then I felt like a million bucks. Hoping you feel an upswing soon!!
I put dark cocoa powder in my oats the other day and it turned them a gray color LOL it looked terrible but tasted good!
Decorating the nursery is so much fun! Reading all your posts makes me want another baby! 🙂
Where did you find your nursery furniture – crib and glider? My husband and I are just beginning our search as we are 18 weeks right now! Thanks! 🙂
I can’t wait to see how Sadie acts around the baby 🙂 I imagine she will be equally as clingy to him as she is to ya’ll! And yay for neutral nurseries! I was telling my husband the other day that I could never see us doing a super BRIGHT explosively pink or blue room, I’m all about the browns and warm tones!
I can totally relate to the dark chocolate powder! Over Christmas I used it to make hot chocolate, and I thought it tasted great! Everyone else refused to drink it because it looked purple/grayish
I love adding cacao powder to oats! SO good! Good luck teaching!
Glad your feeling better! I love that Sadie is so eager to help haha! She is going to love your little munchkin! I can see them becoming best buddies 🙂
My friend started putting her nursery together and I think I’m more excited than she is!!! Hahaha!! 🙂 🙂
Ohh, I love cocoa powder in oats! So yummy. Have a great class! 🙂
feel better!
I’m convinced that pregnancy does something weird to hunger cues – I find myself forcing down food when I’m not hungry, and then feeling better… So excited to see the nursery progress!
Me too!
Neutrals are a great choice for the nursery! You can def use it for years to come while adding new touches as he grows 🙂
So sorry about all the nausea you have! I can’t even imagine how awful that is.. especially when you have to go be all upbeat and teach! Hope the day goes well 🙂
How exciting! I bet working on the nursery is so fun! Hope you feel better as the day goes on!
Are you planning on painting the frame of the twin bed to go with the neutral nursery look? Either way I can’t wait to see the final product!!
we’ve thought about it but i’m feeling a little lazy about it at the moment. 🙂 mainly b/c I don’t see the bed in that room super long term, but we’ll see!
That is so exciting that you and Ryan are starting to put together the nursery! My husband and I are still trying to figure out what colors and theme we are going to use.
By the way, what kind of blender do you use to make your smoothies?
Vitamix! It’s amazing!
Aw, so awesome. I remember assembling the nursery for our first. I got VERY NEST-Y and went all out. Haha. And, your oatmeal looks so good. Isn’t it funny how certain foods can be so ugly, but be so amazing….like my ugly brown-orange peanut sauce. Haha. Take care, Julie!
So exciting! Getting the nursery ready was so fun when I was pregnant with Hunter, and I can’t wait to do it again with this next little babe…one of the many reasons I cannot WAIT to find out the gender! Sorry you were feeling kinda yucky this morning. Seriously, pregnancy nausea is SO weird!! Some food and a good sweat always make me feel better – hope it does the same for you!
Hope you are feeling better!
I actually just posted a Pineapple Ginger Smoothie recipe this morning. I was thinking the fresh ginger might help your stomach?
Just a thought– I’m sure you are getting all sorts of suggestions!
Ohhhh! Sounds like a winning combination! I’ll check it out!
That’s so exciting that the nursery is beginning to progress! What fun times you have ahead! 🙂
I too get nausea bad in the morning when I don’t have food in my stomach–I had to eat an apple in bed this morning before getting up or else it would have been baaaaad news. Have fun teaching!
Ahh so exciting you’re decorating your nursery! I know it’s going to be beautiful!
Happy Thursday, Julie! Hope your class went well!
Ugh pregnancy nausea. Definitely don’t miss it! Hey, if you like dark cocoa powder, you must try the vahlrona that is sold at whole foods. It’s packaged in store in the specialty department, by the cheese. Just ask if you can’t find it. It’s SO good, smooth, and rich. Nothing but pure cocoa and makes the best cookies, cocoa, etc.
We always joke that my brother’s golden retriever, Molly, is his “supervisor” when he’s doing things around the house. Especially since she has to get her nose riiiiiight up in there, whatever he’s doing.
Our chocolate lab, Joby, loves the baby’s room! He just hangs out in there even when we are in another room…. He must know that it’s going to be a popular place in a few short weeks 🙂 I cannot wait to see your finished room!
I (weirdly) love to assemble furniture! I think it’s really just that I love decorating, and assembling furniture means fun changes! I imagine it’s even more fun when you’re decorating for a baby. 🙂 Can’t wait to see more progress!
Always, Anita
I love seeing your home improvement stuff! Can’t wait to see more 🙂
Yay! I can’t wait to see your nursery! When I was pregnant sadly food never made me feel better 🙁 It was the worst! Glad it helps you though 🙂
Just a preggo question!… Do you drink any caffeine? I noticed you usually post about decaf. They say it’s safe to have a cup of regular coffee a day but do you just skip the caffeine all together? Appreciate the pregnancy tips and advice!
Ginger chews will solve all nausea! They were my life line. I’m a few days behind you.
That’s nothing … try making a bed with a cat in it. Sadie is nothing compared to that!
Have you done a house tour it your house yet? I would love to see!
I’m also due on August 10th and I’m having a boy! I’d love to see a post on what you plan on registering for….please!!!
Oh my gosh, this is so cool!!! And I’ll definitely share more about this once we get to that point! I have NO CLUE where to start at the moment!