I had a lunch meeting early this afternoon with one of my local freelance clients. We met up at Earth Origins, a local health food store, and ate at the little tables set up inside the market.
The salad bar intrigued me, but a wrap sounded better, so I bought a tuna salad wrap from the prepared foods section to eat.
It was a great choice!
I typically steer clear of store-bought tuna salad because I don’t really love mayonnaise (I’m a Miracle Whip girl – don’t hate) and feel like many store-bought versions of tuna salad overuse mayo which creeps me out. This version had just the right amount of mayonnaise and incorporated some unexpected Asian spices that I liked a lot!
After lunch, the two of us walked next door to grab cookies at Betty Cakes.
My cookie was packed with chocolate chips and pecans! Fantastic!
Obstacle Course Races
During lunch, our conversation strayed from work-related talk to an obstacle course race that’s coming to Ocala. Last night I attended a meeting for the Junior League of Ocala and a bunch of the women are forming a team for the same race. Ryan’s work also has a team. Apparently it’s going to be quite popular!
The Hero Rush obstacle course 5K race is coming to Ocala on November 3 and sounds like a blast!
According to the website, the Hero Rush is “a challenging, tough, heroic and fun 5K+ race with 17+ totally unique firefighter and hero-themed obstacles, entertainment, food, drink, kid’s races and more.”
I’ve heard a lot about obstacle races, mud races, color runs and more and they all intrigue me and sound like so much fun!
The Color Run, in particular, sounds like a blast! During a 5K race, each kilometer of the event is associated with a designated color. As runners pass through each color zone, they are splattered in color and cross the finish line looking like a rainbow!
(Source – Can we take a moment to recognize the two hilarious guys in the background of this picture!?)
The Color run is coming to St. Pete and Orlando in December and my sister and I are thinking about signing up for the St. Pete race if we have that weekend free. Doesn’t it look like fun!?
Questions of the Afternoon
- Have you ever done an obstacle course race, a mud run or The Color Run? Would you want to?
The Color Run was very fun. My only complaint is the volunteers who threw the powder in your face so you couldn’t see or breathe!
I did the Color Run in DC a couple weeks ago, and it was AMAZING!!! Not only was the race really fun, but there was a crazy dance party at the end. Everyone was just going crazy and throwing packets of color everywhere. It was so so SO FUN!!!
I just did the Color Run this year and it was a blast! Not such a blast to get off your body, but definitely fun during the fact 🙂
The Color run looks like so much fun! I definitely want to try that!
The dirty dash is crazy fun!: http://www.thedirtydash.com/
I definitely want to try a mud run and a color run some day but I definitely have to get my lungs a bit more comfortable with running outside (darn asthma)!!
I’m signed up for my first Tough Mudder in a month, I’m excited and terrified!! I definitely want to do a color run also. Are you going to do that super hero race? It sounds like a blast!
My husband, my two teenage boys and I are signed up to do the South Florida Warrior Dash in November. It will be a family adventure! LOL.
A few friends and I just signed up for the color run in St Pete, Im so excited for this race!!! I have heard it is so much fun!
Signed up for the Color Run in October in Cincinnati. I can’t wait! I did the Warrior Dash last year. It was fun, but felt it was way overrated.
We have a team together for Tampas on Dec 15 so let me know if y’all want to join! 🙂
I did The Color Run in August in NY. I ended up walking it because of an injury but a few of my friends stayed back with me. It was really hard not to run because of the energy but there was a mix of fitness levels. My friends & I were talking about how cool it was that it got people out moving & having fun who might not ever consider a 5k.
My recap is here: http://theadventuresofnow.wordpress.com/
The Color Run is coming to Jax December 29th!!
I would totally do the Color Run; looks like a blast!
I was looking at the hero run, but I’ll be in GA that weekend (I live in Tallahassee)- I feel like it’s a lot harder for me to find things in N. Florida like this, you’re lucky that you’re so much closer to Tampa/Orlando! I’m registered for the Miami Color Run in October, I can’t wait!
I did an obstacle run just recently called the Stampede- it was absolutely brilliant and so much fun! Ps. For some reason your page is running really slowly on my computer and causing my laptop to make some crazy noise. It may not be your page but instead be my laptop- but just thought I’d let ya know, just in case 😉
I’ve volunteered for the color run and it’s fun. There are more walkers than runners, but since it’s a fun run, no one cares! I just did the tri-state Super Spartan on September 9th and it was unlike anything I’ve done! Challenging, hilly and the obstacles gave me bragging rights forever! I’m doing a tough mudder in October. Mud obstacle races are fun, but also serious if you catch my drift. I suggest doing the color run.
I did the color run in may and it was a blast! I recommend wearing a bandana to cover your mouth and sunglasses to cover your eyes during the parts where you get colored. When we were just walking, the bandana would just rest around my neck, cowboy style. 🙂 I’d also recommend Bringing a change of clothes or towels for your car after.
I am doing the Color Run next weekend in Portland. I am excited to do it. I am also doing an obstacle 5k in October that involves mud running, a slip and slide type contraption, jumping over fire, jumping over cars, climbing a rope wall, etc. I bet it’s going to be a blast.
I’ve done the color run and it is so much fun. The energy is amazing.
I just did the Dirty Girl Mud Run (Godirtygirl.com – it helps benefit breast cancer) with my mom and little sister. It was so much fun getting filthy in the mud obsticles. I was so proud of both my mom and sister, and glad that we could participate together. If it comes around near you, I totally recommend it!
I just did the color run in Richmond, VA with my sister- Totally had a blast!!! Would highly recommend it!!!!
We also did the Rugged Maniac in Richmond earlier this year!!! So much fun!!!!
Go for it!!!!
That cookie look yummy!!
I’ve never done the Color Run, but I know a lot of people did it here and seemed to have a blast.
I did the color run the first week of September and then did the Dirty Girl Mud Run the second week of September…both are equally fun and amazing! Definitely do both if you get the chance!
Huge fan of obstacle course races, much more fun than a standard road race! I did the Warrior Dash this summer and had such a blast, it’s a great way to see results from strength training too, not just cardio. It takes arm strength to climb all those walls!
I love fun races! I’m doing color me rad in Jacksonville sept 29. I can’t wait!
That’s too funny! Imam the same way about mayo, and I don’t like to eat it from anyone else’s house! Yuck… And I have been thinking about signing up for a race! The color runs seem SOOO fun! My friend did one for her 21st!
I’m doing the zombie run with a bunch of friends this Saturday in Toronto and the Color Run Thanksgiving weekend in Montreal with my sisters…can’t wait! I love silly runs!
I did the Brooklyn Color Run in August and it was a BLAST. I wish there was one in the winter months around here — August is WAY too humid in New York.
I’ve signed up for a zombie run in November, 5K of being chased by zombies!!
I did the Tap n Run in Columbus! It was a 2.5 mile run, with beer chugging stations along the way!! 🙂
I’ve done 4 different obstacle/mud runs: the Gladiator Assault Challenge, Rugged Maniac, Warrior Dash, and Tough Mudder. They are so much fun! Even though Tough Mudder is the longest, most challenging one of the bunch, I’ve done it twice and it’s been one of the most internally rewarding experiences of my life. I highly recommend it.
I did the Run for Your Lives (Zombie) 5k in Pgh, PA it was sooo fun, not too much of a challenge, just ALOT of fun!
Let me know if you end up doing the Hero Rush. It’s not too far from me and I’d love to join your team!
I did the color run and it was a blast its totally for fun and you get COVERED in color I loved it… Check out my run!!!
Hi there! My name is Elise and I am new to your blog, but I just have to tell you how much I enjoy your workouts and your recipes! Thanks for taking the time to blog for us all! 🙂
I’ve done two so far: Run For Your Lives (the zombie race) and the Diva Dash (a women’s only race).
They were both a lot of fun!!! The Diva Dash was put on by Shape magazine — great race for beginners.
I (along with about 10 other ladies in my running group) will be doing the Color Me Rad 5K race in Jacksonville, FL next Saturday (9/29). We are so looking forward to it. It looks really exciting on the videos
The color run is so fun! I did it over Labor Day weekend in Birmingham and it DOWNPOURED the whole entire time but we still had a blast. We didn’t get the full “color” experience but we looked very “water-colory” ha!
Definitely do the color run! My husband and I signed up for it. I actually couldn’t do it last minute but I went to cheer him on it looked so fun! He really enjoyed it.
miracle whip FTW!!!
The Color Run looks like a blast!
Some girlfriends and I are doing the Dirty Girl Mud Run & Obstacle course in November! It’s my first 5k and I can’t wait!
Awesome! I am doing The Jailbreak tomorrow and I am so excited and nervous.
The Color Run is high on my list but I missed it this year. i did do a glow run (The Firefly) which was also really fun.
I am doing the color run in St. Pete this year with a big group of my friends. I can’t wait!!!
I have the gladiator rock n md coming up in two Weeks! I’ll blog about it