I had a lunch meeting early this afternoon with one of my local freelance clients. We met up at Earth Origins, a local health food store, and ate at the little tables set up inside the market.
The salad bar intrigued me, but a wrap sounded better, so I bought a tuna salad wrap from the prepared foods section to eat.
It was a great choice!
I typically steer clear of store-bought tuna salad because I don’t really love mayonnaise (I’m a Miracle Whip girl – don’t hate) and feel like many store-bought versions of tuna salad overuse mayo which creeps me out. This version had just the right amount of mayonnaise and incorporated some unexpected Asian spices that I liked a lot!
After lunch, the two of us walked next door to grab cookies at Betty Cakes.
My cookie was packed with chocolate chips and pecans! Fantastic!
Obstacle Course Races
During lunch, our conversation strayed from work-related talk to an obstacle course race that’s coming to Ocala. Last night I attended a meeting for the Junior League of Ocala and a bunch of the women are forming a team for the same race. Ryan’s work also has a team. Apparently it’s going to be quite popular!
The Hero Rush obstacle course 5K race is coming to Ocala on November 3 and sounds like a blast!
According to the website, the Hero Rush is “a challenging, tough, heroic and fun 5K+ race with 17+ totally unique firefighter and hero-themed obstacles, entertainment, food, drink, kid’s races and more.”
I’ve heard a lot about obstacle races, mud races, color runs and more and they all intrigue me and sound like so much fun!
The Color Run, in particular, sounds like a blast! During a 5K race, each kilometer of the event is associated with a designated color. As runners pass through each color zone, they are splattered in color and cross the finish line looking like a rainbow!
(Source – Can we take a moment to recognize the two hilarious guys in the background of this picture!?)
The Color run is coming to St. Pete and Orlando in December and my sister and I are thinking about signing up for the St. Pete race if we have that weekend free. Doesn’t it look like fun!?
Questions of the Afternoon
- Have you ever done an obstacle course race, a mud run or The Color Run? Would you want to?
I wanna do the color run so badly!!! Just have to wait for it to come in my area lol My friend tried to get me to do tough mudder, but honestly it looked like I would die halfway though and cry as I crawled my way to safety hahaha
OMG, but that cookie looks like it’s to die for!! I’m not picky about the mayonnaise or Miracle Whip in my tuna salad, but I don’t want onion in it. I always have to ask about that.
Another one I’ve done that you might enjoy is Muddy Buddy – a partner ride/run with mud only at the end. My husband and I have done it twice and loved it! Now he’s into those obstacle runs…he has me signed up for Tough Mudder and I’m terrified!
Just did the Color Run in San Jose CA It was soooo much fun!! 😀
I JUST told my sister that we are so doing the color run next year. And I am now craving tuna because of this post! LOVE your blog and your workouts!
So I did the color run in DC a couple weeks ago and I’m definitely glad I did, but I don’t know if I’d do it again for the money. First of all, it was the least “running” i’ve seen in a “run” which was just amusing. Actually running in it put me in the minority! Also, you don’t end up super covered in color from the race, like most people’s pictures show. It’s the “after-party” that really does it to you. But my friends and I all thought that got a bit intense when the air was filled with the powder and we couldn’t breath too well! haha.
I still think you should definitely do it-just some things to be aware of. ALSO-the best advice I got before it was to just take a towel and wipe off the powder-it’s when it’s wet that it’s really hard to get off. Have fun!
I’ve done a few theme races to get my ‘non-runner’ friends involved in my favorite hobby. While I would love them to run by my side during a half or full, a santa hustle 5k is usually a better bet. I’m running my second Warrior Dash in Texas in November specifically for their partnership with St. Jude. My family is meeting up to celebrate my cousin’s 10 year cancer free!
I really want to do the Color Run! Everyone’s photos from the event always make it look so fun!
I did a mud run just this past summer. It was so much fun!!! If you’d like to see a few pictures, look here: http://eatmovebalance.com/dirty-girl-mud-run/
My martial arts school has a group doing that Hero Run but I can’t get behind traveling 2 hours just for a 5k. It’s over too soon!
For those color runs, they throw colored powder at you and it sticks to your sweat basically. A friend of a friend had yellow contacts at the end of her race because the powder got in her eyes. I think that made me want to skip color runs.
Do it! The color runs around here tend to sell out fairly quickly though and by the time I decide to commit to do it, they’re full.
You should check out the Spartan Run. Its like circuit training in a course. I am doing the color run in Nov. in Charlotte!
I loved the color run, I would suggest goggles! I have done the tough mudder (10 mile course) and the warrior dash (3 mile course) and strongly suggest only doing a 5k version. 10 miles is a long way to go when you have hard obstacles.
My boyfriend and I have been talking about during a tough mudder event within the next year. It’s also made me start to incorporate more running into my workouts. The color run looks like a blast!
You should definitely do the Color Run! It is an absolute blast! I did it with a bunch of my friends this summer in Grand Rapids, MI and we had a great time. It really is the happiest 5K I’ve ever run. A whold group of ladies ran through in their white wedding dresses and another group had colorful tutus. Next on my list is to do the Warrior Dash next time it comes to the area, I’ve heard that is a lot of fun too!
COLOR RUN! I just did it a couple of weeks ago in Washington, DC and it was a blast (get it?!?! LOL!). Seriously, it is so much fun. Music blaring, no competitiveness at all, just an all-round good time. It sells out fast, though …. ours did in less than a day.
Definitely do the Color Run! I ran it this year in Boston and it was an absolute blast. So, so much fun. I recommend taking before and after pictures. You are stark white in the beginning and a huge color mess at the end.
I brought my phone with me to take pictures (recommend keeping it wrapped in plastic wrap or something). That color gets into the strangest of places. And – baby wipes are great for getting it cleaned off your face.
I just completed the 2012 Tri-State Super Spartan and reading this blog helped me stay motivated for it!!! So thank you Julie!! It was amazingly challenging and fun!! I’m def. doing another one as soon as I can. It’s a great way to set goals and be able to see and measure your results. And I’ve been wanting to do a color run, they look so fun!!
The color run sounds like SOOO much fun!!! I missed it thios year when they came to Boston! 🙁 I did sign up for the Rebel Race which is just like Heroic Rush race you were explaining. It involves several obstacles to go through, which all involve lots of MUD! I am nervous to do it mainly because of the wire and fire that we are supposed to go under and jump over….but other than that I’m pretty pumped, I just don’t want to get hurt! Online it says that kids as young as 11 can do it, so that makes me feel a little better. You do have to sign a waiver though….ut oh….
I’m a Miracle Whip girl too 🙂 Unless it’s in a spinach artichoke dip, mayo is kinda gross!
Defiantly do the Color Run!! I did one a few months ago in Cleveland and it was sooo much fun! 🙂
The Color Run is a totally fun, hilarious, messy awesome run! Me and some of my fellow alums from Kappa Delta – Zeta Psi did it in Milwaukee in August & made some memories we will not soon forget!
I’ve done Muddy Buddy races a few times– SO FUN! Not only do you get a nice mix of off road running and biking, but the challenges in between legs are really fun! And, the partner aspect is a nice change of pace. Not to mention going through the mud at the end– something you won’t forget and makes for great pictures!
I’m planning on doing the Color Run in Orlando in December! I’m really looking forward to it
I’m doing the Color Run in Nashville next month – cannot WAIT!!
I’m totally a miracle whip girl too!
HA I didn’t even notice the two creeper guys until you pointed them out! How ridiculous.
I have actually been looking into a mud run or color run but the closest one is 6 hours away
I live in Houston, the Color Run sold as really quickly. LivingSocial had a deal for the Graffiti Run, so I’m doing that instead. I’m really excited.
I’ve never done an obstacle run but the Tough Mudder looks crazy!
That’s the one I’m doing soon!
My sister and brother-in-law ran The Warrior Dash last year, and I was asked to be their photographer. It was so much fun to watch and made me really want to do it myself! Plus, it was only 3 miles so you could totally do it with friends who aren’t intense runners.
I did the color run and had a great time! One thing to keep in mind though, I tracked it on my Garmin and it only ended up being around 2.54 miles. It was still a great time and this might not be the case for all of them, but it’s definitely more about fun than racing 🙂
I just signed up for Tough Mudder in Utah in October- should be tough but doable!
I signed up for the Color Me Rad in October. I’m so stoked, it sounds like a blast! I’m also pushing my two little girls in the double jogger in this race…should be interesting lol.
The color run is so much fun!!!! You won’t regret it! So worth the money!!! Best race I’ve ever done!
Do the color run! It is so fun and so laid back! I ran it in Minneapolis this summer with my husband and our families a week after our wedding – it was an awesome way to blow off steam and have fun together! A lot of people dress up for it too (mostly in white though, of course). I wore a cheap veil and my husband wore a tie and it was a great ice breaker to chat with other runners! 🙂
Your wrap looks delicious! I’ve been into wraps lately.. you should try them with Tradeer Joe’s Spicy Black Bean Dip, Laughing Cow cheese, scrambled eggs, and a bunch of veggies!
Doing the Color Run San Diego on November 3! Can’t wait!!!
I know that the obstacle races are really booming right now, but I’m going to pass on those for the time being…okay, okay – they scare me!!! 😉
Julie – If you want to do the color run – sign up NOW. they fill up fast. The two events in DC SOLD OUT. Have fun!
oh my goodness! you have GOT to do the color run — so so much fun! when i ran it, it was POURING down rain and i still had an amazing time and ended up with an awesome t shirt. sign up fast!!
I got rained out of the color run in Austin tx. I will be doing it next year. I’m signed up to do the go dirty girl mud obstacle run as well as the zombie obstacle run. I want to do a foam obstacle too! Totally do the color run!
Color run is awesome, did it in march in the ATL, HOWEVER…. Avoid the pink and purple to the face, anywhere those colors hit that had sweat beads stained my skin for days (over a week on my wrist where my road ID bracelet is and ankle where my sock line was). A lovely purple moustache and pink/purple “birthmark” on my neck and chest was a topic of much fun with my patients the following week. But dressing up in a tutu and fun stuff made it worth it!
I did the color run this summer…. Twice!!! It was so fun the first time and sold out so quickly, they had two events in the area. Warrior Dash is also a MUST do– definitely makes you feel like one tough cookie!!
My friends and I are doing the St Pete Color Run…can’t wait!!!
I loved the Color Run!! It was a lot fun and you definitely need to do it with at least one another person. I did it by myself and felt like a creeper.
I’ve never done any of those or a 5K but I signed up for my 1st 5K in October & its called the THE GLO RUN & it goes all over & the one I’m doing is in Washington DC. It’s done at night & you get glow in the dark shirts & a DJ plays music while you run/walk or dance HAHA :-D. I’m pumped & excited woohoo!! 🙂
I’ve done a color run and an obstacle run. I did a Color Me Rad 5K – and it was a blast. It was just for fun.. no competition.. nothing crazy.
My obstacle run was Tough Mudder… 10+ miles and 30+ obstacles. It was something that I will always remember and I felt really accomplished after finishing. My husband (then fiance) and I did it together and it was great to experience together.
you MUST do the color run! you will not regret it! bring some $ to buy extra color packets.. you’ll want to do the big toss at the end at least twice (it’s where you get crazy colored) i’ve done the warrior dash (mud run) and it was very been there done that but i’d do the color run again in a heartbeat! 🙂
Okay, SO glad to see you are a miracle whip girl too! I am SO grossed out by mayo…my boyfriend had to eat a whole container of it when he was pledging his frat and ever since he told me that story I have been so, so grossed out by it! It just looks like white flubber to me…yuck!
I’m doing the Color run this month! ahhh I’m so excited!! the pictures look like it’s a blast!