It’s a creamy food I like to eat
It’s good on apples, it’s good on toast
It’s the nut butter that I love the most
Crunchy or creamy, I like them both the same
When it comes to eating peanut butter, I’m always game
I lick it off my finger because sanitation doesn’t concern me
The only thing that would make it better, is if it all was free
Any guesses what I had for lunch today?
Yep, A peanut butter sandwich! Man, nothin’ gets past you guys! 😀
I enjoyed a peanut butter sandwich made with whipped peanut butter and slightly thawed frozen banana slices on an Earth Grains whole wheat thin bun.
Because I have to keep you guys interested and a simple pb & b sandwich doesn’t exactly scream “creativity,” I sprinkled pumpkin pie spice over the bad boy before folding the two halves together.
Confession: I definitely added the pumpkin pie spice to make this sandwich more attractive for the ol’ blog. BUT… man-oh-man, did it kick up the flavor about 10 notches. Seriously! Next time you make a simple pb & b sandwich, sprinkle a little pumpkin pie spice, nutmeg or cinnamon on the lil’ guy.
Along with the spiced up pb & b, I enjoyed a very loving array of butterscotch chips that I stirred into a cup of Fage Greek yogurt, sweetened with honey.
(Quick question to all you dog lovers out there… Can dogs eat butterscotch chips? I know chocolate chips are a complete no-no, but I wasn’t sure about butterscotch. Sadie definitely had one… and by one I mean 5… okay like 8.)
This lunch was more like a breakfast, but the body wants what it wants… and mine wanted peanut butter. Shocking, I know. 😉
Keep Calm Print Giveaway Winner
You guys had me smilin’ real big as I was reading your entries for the Keep Calm print giveaway.
Some of my favorite entries included:
- Molly: Keep Calm and Love Carbs
- Pursuit of Happiness: Keep Calm and Love Cheese
- Shane, Corinne: Keep Calm and Smile Big
- Sarah: Keep Calm and Love Whipped Cream
- Lauren: Keep Calm and Love Funfetti
- Marsha: Keep Calm and Love Fur-butts (about her cats 😉 )
- Lindsay: Keep Calm and Crack a Beer
- Clarissa, Noel: Keep Calm and Love Each Other
- Jess: Keep Calm and Eat Cheeseburgers
I think I may need to order some more. I think a whole wall of “Keep Calm” prints would look fantastic in our house, but they might inspire us to drink copious amounts of wine and beer every night and eat an entire batch of cookies daily, so maybe that’s not the best idea. 😉
Without further ado, the winner of the “Keep Calm” print giveaway was:
Kayla: “I love these prints! There are so many I want, lol. I love the Cupcake one and so want the Be a Nerd one. But if I could make my own it would be Keep Calm and Love On OR Keep Calm and Om On for yoga <3. Ok, maybe Keep Calm and Love On. ”
Please email me ( your mailing address and the print phrase you would like so I may pass it along to Barb to make you your free print!
Question of the Afternoon
If you were going to write an “ode” to a food, what food would you choose?
(Feel free to actually write your own ode below. 😉 )
Aside from peanut butter, I think ice cream also deserves an ode… And so does cheese. And cookies.
Your peanut butter poem reminds me of the scene in My Girl where Vada reads her poem about ice cream 🙂
can you believe i’ve never actually seen that movie? terrible, i know.
Congrats to Kayla! I love her saying, as well as Keep Calm and Crack A Beer!
Bacon, obviously.
I most definitely agree with an ode to peanut butter, ice cream and cookies! Other ode-worthy foods would most likely include thin crust pizza, pancakes, Belgian waffles and French toast. I guess I like my breakfast foods!
oh man – you have to watch My Girl!!!!
and i’d have an ode to hummus 🙂
Probably pizza. I’m a pizza freak.
The butterscotch chips…not sure if they’re okay for dogs or not, but I’m sure mine would love one…or 8. Hehe.
Today, my ode would be to cheese, but who knows which food I’ll be singing the praises of tomorrow. Chocolate? Peanut butter? Both? 😉
An ode to Wine by Shanna:
Thank goodness it’s Friday
Because that’s my vino-day
Who am I kidding anyway
I’ll drink it no matter the day!
My favorite type of you, is a Pinot
When it comes to you, I can’t say No.
Before dinner or with some cheese
Yes, a little more please.
Paired with chocolate or an olive
With vino, I need no motive.
By the bottle, or by the glass
Sometimes, you put me on my @ss 😉
cheers to this ode! 😀
pizza…clearly pizza is superior 🙂
I think Nutella deserves its own ode. And maybe a monument too. And a movie created after it. Too obsessive?
definitely not too obsessive. you’re just passionate. i get it. 😉
I love your Ode to Peanut Butter! Reminds me of this song about nothing but peanut butter, the song is called “A Nutter Dimension.” haha check it out:
hahaha LOVE your ode to PB! amen sista
Definitely an ode to ice cream…and cookies…and greek yogurt 🙂
ode to oats. hands down. my favorite food ever.
i went through a phase in HS in which that is all i wanted to eat! now that i know about healthy living, i know it isn’t best to have that EVERY meal…but i do have it DAILY for breakfast! =0)
Lol the ode is too cute!! Love it. I was actually going to ask YOU if dogs could eat cauliflower?? (Did I even spell that right?) I think I usually have a good handle on what they can and can’t have, but last night I was roasting some and a piece fell off and Molly was over like a bullet and ate it in like, a half a second flat. I figured it was only one piece, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
sadie eats cauliflower & broccoli ALL the time!
What a cute ode….you and your PB! I could probably write an ode to Orbit Sweet Mint Gum…that stuff is the best!!!
THAT is amazing! I’m not creative in that way at all. But if I could I would write an ode to margaritas right now. Summer is cruel to me this month. I don’t typically care to drink. Go figure that when I’m pregnant margaritas will look delicious.
I would defiantly say Ice Cream.. I can eat it everyday.. not lying!
For sure it would be French fries. Actually, I just had fries – and only fries – for dinner the other night. It was incredible 🙂
Your ode is so creative! I’m going to have to do an ode to the avocado.
I’ve never heard of whipped peanut butter…do you make it yourself or is it something you can buy?
my friend merri gave it to me… it’s made by peter pan & is so delicious! it had HFCS in it, but sometimes you just gotta give in! 🙂
WOW I LOVE peanut butter and bananas! Mine would probably be ode to blueberries or ode to avocados! 🙂
Glad I could make you smile 🙂
Goat cheese or peanut butter! 🙂
An Ode to Frozen Yogurt (a haiku):
Sweet swirl in my cup,
Rainbow sprinkles make me smile –
Best treat of summer!
Ode to almond butter(my Fav), greek yogurt, and oatmeal, oh and can’t forget bananas. Love those too.
My ode would be to peanut butter, just like yours! Or cookies. 🙂
mmm…now I want some pb!
Oh dear green beans,
how sweet are thee.
You are crispy,
you can be crunchy,
and you can satisfy a case of the munchies!
You’re so sweet,
and tender in my mouth
that when I bite into you,
everything is well
and life is bliss 😀
a healthy ode! yay!
I’d write an ode to oatmeal or chocolate 🙂 Yours is too fun!
i’d write an ode to coffee….or chocolate…or strawberries!
Ode to Coffee
Oh dear coffee
you keep me on my toes
the best way to wake up
is your fragrance in my nose
I must have you daily
to keep the headache at bay
addiction is the name of the game
I think its safe to say
Your caffeinated richness
bold and creamy and hot
I like you with a splash of milk
and could drink pot after pot
so creative!
I looove your ode, that’s hilarious, and it’s all so true 🙂 I’d write an ode to peanut butter as well, or coffee!
Oatmeal! love, love, love!
I would do an ode to sweet potato fries. Because they are delicious and so much more colorful than their beige competition!
Well, my sister would have the same ode as you – PB. When I visit her, she typically has between 5-10 different jars of PB. She may need an intervention!!
My ode would be to bagels. They were my staple food in my swimming days, and I still love every carbolicious bite of
’em. Maybe it’s the NYer in me!
I actually just did an Ode to World Market on my blog today!
PB sammys never tire in my book either 😉
an ode to oatmeal and this probably sounds weird but granola bars…i can spend hours down that aile trying to figure out what new granola bar flavour/brand to try!
Girls, please help me, Im confused. I tried buying natural peanut butter but it becomes so hard either in the fridge or in the cupboard. How do you guys keep it so smooth?? I can’t even spread it on bread without destroying it LOL.
try skippy natural pb – you don’t have to keep it in the fridge & it tastes JUST like the pb from childhood!
LOVED the PB ode! I would make an ode to Nutella, almond butter, cheddar cheese, yogurt, and salt & vinegar chips!
I love this ode to pb. I wrote a paper my freshman year of college about why pb was my favorite food. I had a “Crunchy or creamy, I like them both the same” sentence too!!
LOL @ “Peanut butter is such a treat
It’s a creamy food I like to eat
It’s good on apples, it’s good on toast
It’s the nut butter that I love the most
Crunchy or creamy, I like them both the same
When it comes to eating peanut butter, I’m always game”
Man O Man did I love that! lol and the recipe!
Can’t wait to restock on peanut butter and enjoy!
And what a fun idea to add butterscotch morsels in Fage yogurt. Sounds tasty! I am a huge fan of peanut butter (<— lol) morsels lol I wonder how that would taste!
Thank you! 🙂