The smoothie I initially had planned for breakfast popped up around lunchtime!
In today’s smoothie bowl:
- 1 c. almond milk
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey)
- 1 c. frozen strawberries
- 1 1/2 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 tsp. xanthan gum
- 1 handful fresh spinach
In case you want to cram in all the smoothies you can in the next month or so before the cooler weather sets in, here are some of my favorite smoothie recipes:
- Banana Mocha Protein Shake
- Chocolate-Covered Strawberry Smoothie Bowl
- Extra Chocolaty Smoothie Bowl
- “Ice Cream” Smoothie
- Mocha Green Monster
- Peanut Butter Cup Smoothie
- Piña Colada Protein Smoothie
- Pumpkin Pie Protein Smoothie
- Strawberry Banana Smoothie
- Thin Mint Green Monster
I also had a microwavable quesadilla on the side of my smoothie bowl.
This fast lunch served as good fuel for some puppy playtime in the backyard.
Isn’t my coworker such a cutie?
And speaking of coworkers, I thought this might be a fun little topic…
Office Romances!
Have you ever had a crush on a coworker or dated someone you worked with?
My high school boyfriend and I were lifeguards together, but he got the job after I already worked there, so our relationship didn’t originate in the work place.
I love watching office romances blossom (is that creepy?) and quite a few office romances popped up around me at my last workplace.
I remember asking Ryan to weigh in on one relationship I was convinced was forming at an office Movember party we attended. (<—Whoa! Throwback post!) Ryan said he definitely thought there was something between the couple I pointed out. A few weeks later, I saw them kissing in the parking garage! Caught!
Question of the Afternoon
- Have you ever discovered an office romance between two coworkers?
- Have you ever had your own office romance?
I was an intern in my now-husband’s office on Capitol Hill! Very appropriately DC, right?!
My boyfriend and I met in lab! Technically this was school, but our labs were on the same floor. And my mom and her boyfriend met at work, 3 years and going strong despite both having different jobs now 🙂
there are two people who i work with had worked together for years. no one suspected any romance between them. then one day they came in and said they were engaged! we didn’t even know they were dating! it was super cute! 🙂
I’ve had two work romances. One was when I was in high school and it was confusing. The second actually caused me to break off my engagement because the new guy I met made me question being with my then fiance. Best decision ever, even if people at work thought I was horrible for what I did.
The first time I ever heard the phrase “Don’t sh*t where you eat” was in reference to office romances. I kind of have to agree :\
Not that it’s always doomed for disaster, but from what I’ve seen it’s never ended good. For a while I was even crazy obsessed with this guy I worked with. Nothing ever happened but I was miserable for the duration of my limerance.
Two of my coworkers recently got married. They met at work and after years of “sneaking” around, finally let us all in on the “secret”.
I had an office romance…and now we’re married! We tried to keep it a secret, and when I finally told someone, she said, “Oh, honey. I know. We ALL know.” Haha. Luckily, our bosses were totally cool with it. 🙂
Thanks for the smoothie list, those sound so good! I just recently started to make smoothies so I’m kind of a rookie. I have to find some xantham gum…
Also, I married my office romance. We dated for a couple of months on the downlow (although everyone knew anyway) until he got a new job. We got married about 6 months later 🙂
once upon a time, maybe I did. It made work SO much more fun while it lasted! ha! (I was working a summer camp !)
I don’t think it ever really works that often….but maybe I am wrong and have only seen it one way??
Love your lunch! Smoothies in a bowl are the bombdotcom!
I love reading all these comments about office romances that worked out! I met my first serious boyfriend at work. We tried to hide it for awhile, but once people started seeing us out together, word spread pretty quick! We were together for about a year and it was a good relationship, especially once all the “excitement” around the office about us dating died down. It’s soooo funny to hear people talk about office romances now though having been the person everyone was talking about.
I am so glad you did a smoothie round up! I use your recipes for smoothies pretty often (hello Pumpkin protein one) and they are always great!
I haven’t had any experience with this yet, but some of my friends have and about half have worked out!
I work for the family business (ie my dad and uncle)… that would be just plain wrong.
my fiance and i met at the summer camp we both worked at 🙂
One of my managers had a thing with one of my fellow workers. They would disappear for hours into her office. Professional, no?
I’ve mostly watched classmate romances bloom. Those are my favorite since I’m still preparing myself for the working environment, these are the things I witness now. Haha. It’s just funny to watch two people slowly get to know each other and spend more time together bit by bit. You end up seeing them everywhere together, then the jokes settle in. Oh, young love. 😉
I’ll shoot you straight: I think, if any of my coworkers fell in love, it’d end in heartbreak and a mess. I say this, not because they’re not well suited (though most are married or women that aren’t interested in other women) BUT because I work here.
When I went to visit my beau at his place of employment for the first and ONLY time, I interacted with ONE other human being the whole time. Within hours, that man was fired and forcibly had his belongings removed from the office.
I can’t imagine what’d happen if Jordan, the office kiss of death, was around anyone with romantic intentions.
I am a teacher & so is the husband. We work in the same school district! ……..They hired us as husband & wife though.
I met my husband at work, I worked in an office and he was my IT guy. We were both married, became friends, went through divorces within six months of each other, then romantic feelings started to develop. We tried to keep it quiet but our close friends knew. I ended up leaving the company to move to a new city and he asked to come along. Seven years and two kids later, we are still in love!
My husband and I both worked in the athletic dept in college. I was the front desk secretary and he worked near me in the marketing dept. We started off as friends just laughing and joking around. Then one day he started leaving cute notes on my desk for me to find and then finally asked me out on a date. We’ve almost been married for 2 years, and I just had our first baby boy 4 weeks ago!
Oh, office romances, they hold a special place in my heart. Probably because mine resulted in my current fiance – who will become my husband in 7 weeks!!
We met on my first day of work – I was smitten from the moment I saw him. He worked in another office for the same company about 3 hours away and watched me fall asleep in a meeting. No joke.
We chatted via gtalk and Facebook for about a year and a half, then randomly I drove to spend the day with him around Christmas. The rest, as they say, is history.
We were really cautious about it, or tried to be, at first, but it ended up being harder and less natural to act disinterested in each other than interested, plus many of our co-workers commented that they had wanted to set us up from the beginning but didn’t know how.
Yes, years ago. It only lasted a short time but boy was it fun. It definitely made going to work MUCH more fun.
We both worked in the same building of a company with a few buildings. We’d casually say hello for about a year and a half.
Then somehow we connected on google chat and facebook and would chat throughout the day.
One thing led to another, I think we went out for a drink…
No one knew because everyone at this company was NOSY. We’d plan to run in to each other in the breakroom and even gently brush hands when we’d pass each other. It was intense then, although now it sounds cheesy.
There was even one after hours rendezvous in a closet.
I’ll leave it at that.
I’ve had three long-term relationships and all with co-workers! Apparently, I’m the office hussy, haha j/k. I met my first two boyfriends at a part-time job and I met my soon-to-be husband at my last job. I’d say the last relationship was well worth the office awkwardness 🙂
hahaha – the office hussy. 🙂 too funny!
My best friend and her boyfriend met at the PR firm I work for now. There are 2 or 3 other couples that met here! One couple got married last weekend.. 🙂
Of course, I have my own massive, massive work crush on someone I used to sit next to (we recently moved cubes). We still have “joint custody” of office frogs. 🙂 I’m too nervous to tell him how I feel for fear it will make work too awkward – plus we’re good friends. Rough!
aw, too cute! i hope something happens between you two, soon!
My husband is my boss! We keep it very professional though. It encourages me to dress cute for work and do my job well. Weird? Probably, but it works for us.
I like it because I get to see him do what he does best. Its very sexy to see your husband so professional and successful.
I’ve never had an office romance because I’ve never worked in an office! I work as a nanny, so it would be pretty weird if I were to be involved with one of the dads that I babysit for….ew!
I’ve never had an office romance, but I wish I did..
I have a gay ex boyfriend though! That HAS to count for something
I married my office crush last year 🙂 It all started with emails and talks at our cubicles and in the elevator lol we meet right when I got out of college (he is 2 years older) and we moved in together 2 years after we started dating and got married a year after that!
I married my office crush three years after we got together 🙂
I have had an office … errr… restaurant romance. When I was in college, I started dating an ex whom I met at an Italian restaurant that we both worked at… it made me look forward to going to a job (that I didn’t like….) and it would be fun to sneak little kisses. It was near the end of the summer so we only worked together for a month or so before I went back to school – but the relationship lasted more then 2 years. And…ended rather poorly.
I met my (now live-in!) boyfriend through work. I love our story. I was living in San Francisco, and my company had just aquired his company in Brooklyn, NY. He was out there for 2 days for meetings, and we saw each other and it was a love at first sight thing. We started talking every day, and then started trading visits a week every month. Him in SF, me in NYC. We did that for a year, and I finally transferred to the NY office in May 🙂 We’re now living together with our 2 kittens and things are SO wonderful! Long distance totally blows, but it was all worth it in the end.
No, I wish I would have caught one!! My office needed a little livening up! Everyone was basically married. Boring! Haha.
I’ve never had that experience myself, and I’ve never witnesses an office romance “blooming.”
I do, however, work with teachers who are married and work in the same school. That’s kinda cute. 😉
My first year of teaching, I found out that two of the teachers on my team were dating—they did a great job of hiding it; I had NO CLUE. Now they’re married!
Your smoothies always look sooo amazing 🙂
Haha so funny you bring this up, tonight at work i was told by two different people that me and my coworker act like a married couple! Creepy!
Office romances seem to happen all over my workplace! I went on two dates with a co-worker of mine, and he ended up being a bit of a jerk. It was awkward for a little while, but now it’s just fine.
Also, we used to have a married couple working in my program! They would literally come to work and be angry with one another…and it showed! Needless to say neither of them are working with us anymore! 😉
I def thought this was going to turn into a post with a bunch of sadie pics with funny romantic quote bubbles.
My boyfriend and I actually teach in the same school district and met at a school function. At least we aren’t at the same elementary school!
I met my soon to be husband while I was a legal intern during my first year of law school. He is a police officer and was in the office because he had to testify at a hearing. I liked what I saw, and my supervising attorney must have noticed because he not so subtly said, “He’s single, and he’s a good guy.” Well, he was right, he is a good guy, and he’s no longer single 🙂
There’s a relationship going on at the hotel but it’s not so discrete.
My friends got into a relationship when we were all working at a hotel together. They ended up getting in trouble and let go from their jobs. 🙁 But happy ending: they’re getting married this October!!
I met my boyfriend at the office we worked at over the summer. We were both legal interns. His dad owns the firm, and I was technically interning for his cousin. Semi-scandalous 😉
get ’em giiiirl!
I think office romances are cute!!!! And hopefully they all work out, or that could get awkkk
I met my husband at my old job, almost 7 years later, we are married and expecting our first child-we got very lucky to have found each other like this!
yes marrying my former co worker next september! we just got engaged in Ireland. it was funny when finally i had to spill the beans after he changed jobs.
oooh ireland!? how romantic!
I met my fiance (wow, almost said boyfriend because we’ve been engaged for only 5 days!!) at work! Turns out we grew up less than a mile from each other on the same street. We went to all the same schools and even had some of the same teachers. We just never knew each other until two years ago because he’s six years older than me. Cheers to office romances 🙂
happy engagement! such an exciting time!!
Yes! My boyfriend and I have been dating for 3.5 years and we had an office romance, though it was never a secret. Everyone knew. 🙂
We technically met on on a very crazy whim (I made the first move… he was so gorgeous and had the same interests as me) and then immediately discovered that we both worked at the same ad agency. He worked two floors above me in a different department! I truly believe that it was fate.
Now we’re working at separate companies, but I absolutely loved the time that we got to go to coffee together each morning, have lunch together, and bus back home together.
Love your story! Definitely meant to be. I met my now-bf at our old workplace and I found so much comfort knowing he was always just a 20 second walk away. I miss it now!
Thanks! 🙂 Totally agree. Knowing that he was just a 20 second walk away was perfect. Having my best friend/bf for coffee and lunch was such a plus and made the day go by faster.
that’s so crazy!!! so glad it all worked out!
My boyfriend and I were on Law Review together in law school. It’s not a job where you get paid, but there is definitely an office, you spend a lot of time there doing work, and people get to know one another’s business. I’d say it qualifies.
We weren’t trying to be super sneaky about it or anything, but we definitely didn’t want people talking about us as we entered the office. What I’ve learned that no office romance stays quiet for long, especially if the office people get together socially. One night all of Law Review was at a fancy open bar event, boyfriend and I thought we were discretely sneaking a kiss in the corner until we heard gasps (and saw pictures people took of us kissing the next day).
It’s inevitable that these develop because you spend a lot of time together – some people are going to hit it off romantically! It’s always fun to speculate though and I think most of time its harmless 🙂
omg!! haha what sneaky friends!
Funny you say typed that because I just kissed a guy I’ve been crushing on from work! ha ha
I had a feeling that my friend at work was dating our former boss (he began managing a different team). All the signs were there and one day she finally told me that they were together. Now they even bought a house together!