Though I was a bit MIA this weekend, I hope to be back to my normal blogging schedule now that the majority of the craziness from a weekend full of moving is behind me.
It’s amazing how much blogging is beginning to feel part of my daily routine. When I don’t blog or update PBF, I feel like something is missing!
If you have a blog, do you feel like blogging is part of you?
I still look at blogging as a hobby because I don’t ever want my blog to feel like a chore or a burden since I love it so much, but I do feel a little anxious when I haven’t shown it much love with adequate posts over the weekend sometimes!
Aaanyway, on to a new fun-filled week!
I woke up in the new apartment after sleeping like a baby. Ryan and I were exhausted (and still are a bit…) from such a jam-packed weekend.
Our old place still has a few things left in it and we have to do the “final clean” over there, but the majority of our belongings are already transferred.
Yesterday afternoon we headed to IKEA and bought a couple of things for the new place:
- White bed for guest room
- T.V. stand
- Chest of drawers for our bedroom
- Coffee table
- Three pictures for guest room
We assembled the bed and television stand last night and they look great!
Our relationship managed to survive yet another moving and furniture assembly experience. 🙂
Workout + Breakfast
I headed to the gym with Ryan for our morning workout before the sun was up. Apparently a lot of other people had similar plans today because the 5:45 a.m. BodyPump class was PACKED.
I snagged a spot in the back of the class and managed to get a decent workout in before finishing up with 25 minutes on the elliptical.
Breakfast was tasty!
I enjoyed a toasted waffle with Greek yogurt and strawberries. (I forgot to snap a pic of the waffle… Oops!)
This was my first time trying Yoplait Greek yogurt and it was pretty good! I still prefer Chobani, Oikos or Fage (they seem a little thicker), but I enjoyed every bite.
After a weekend of some crazy and sporadic eating, it feels good to be back to a healthy routine.
Hope your Monday is off to a good start!
I totally know how you feel, if I go a weekend without posting or checking the google reader I feel like something is missing!
It’s great that you and Ryan work out together! I agree, getting back into the swing of things after a weekend of not-so-healthy eats always feels great! Happy Monday chica!
I definitely feel like my blog is a part of me. Sometimes I feel like I need a break from it, but shortly after I find myself missing it like crazy!
We have the same taste in IKEA furniure! I purchased the drawers as well & liked the frame! Can you post pictures of the final bedroom design? I’d be curious to see how it all comes
together because I’m re-doing my bedroom. 🙂
yes definitely!!! it’ll probably take me a couple weeks to get it the way i want it to look, but i’m thinking i may do an apt. tour after it’s all set up. 🙂
Awesome, thanks!!
I always miss my blog when I don’t get to spend as much time on it as I want to. It’s a way for me to de-stress and relax from my crazy life.
Enjoy your new abode!
I get the same way when I don’t think I’ve been showing my blog (or the ones I follow) enough love…and I’ve only been doing this a few months! Congrats on getting all moved into the new apartment, have fun decorating!!
don’t be so hard on you not blogging–yoiu still blogged and that’s important! I don’t think I will be able to blog much because school is becoming insane this week and I know I will miss it. Its like your baby, and you dont want to not invest in yourbaby.
Sometimes I never blog on the weekends. Like you said, blogging is a hobby, not my life or my occupation.
I’m glad you’re settling in and that your relationship survived another move 🙂
I know how those moving and unpacking fights can go hahaha! Good luck with the final clean! Happy Monday!
I’m so grumpy when I try to assemble things lol! Glad you are getting settled! Andy and I are looking for a place with a fence as well for the pups, I can not wait to just let them out instead of leashing them up all of the time!!
I like that little pig cartoon picture, too cute 🙂
Since I only blog once a day, I definitely feel bad if I miss posting! Yesterday we ate so much during the day that we didn’t feel like having dinner, so nothing to blog! Definitely keep your blogging fun!
A new apartment that’s so exciting!! Loooove IKEA.
Congrats on surviving moving and furniture assembly! IKEA assembly is a beating, but you can’t beat the prices. I love that place. I still gotta find Yoplait Greek yogurt. Anxious to try it.
I always feel bad when I don’t have time to blog, and I only do it once a day!
I totally feel like my blog is an extension of me!!
Not only is my blog apart of me, but everyone else’s blogs are apart of me now too. I think about them often and they make me so happy! 🙂
I tried to use the Yoplait Greek Yogurt coupon at Publix this weekend but they didn’t have any! 🙁 I hope to try it sometime. Even though I’m sure I will prefer Oikos or Fage (havent tried Chobani yet). But free is worth it right?! 😉
I also feel that blogging is a part of me. But, like you, I refuse to post if I really don’t feel like it or have time for it. It’s something meant to be fun and a release for me. Not add to my stress.
i do miss the blog and blogging when I take some time away form it, but its nice once in a while to just have a technology break. There is no need to aplogize for being MIA…life happens! congrats on the new place! you will be settled in no time 🙂
I know exactly how you feel!
I just miss blogging… It´s already part of the schedule!
And YUM, girl – gotta love waffles!
Hahaha 😉
Have a terrific week!
Brazilian XOXO´s,