Starting the day with some tunes from Sister Act is always a good way to go!
Yes, the song starts out slow, but just try to resist singing along and dancing your heart out when they start breaking it down and singing “Oh Maaaariiiiiia!” (Michaela, Carrie, Leah and Kristen, this song makes me miss you girls so much.)
Though I adore the original Sister Act soundtrack, the Sister Act II soundtrack will always be my favorite. I used to listen to it nearly every day before high school as I got ready in the morning. “Oh Happy Day!” <—That boy can sing.
My workout today began with 30 minutes of cardio split between the treadmill and the elliptical. “Hail Holy Queen” motivated me to kick things up a notch on the treadmill and helped me get in the zone.
I followed up my cardio with an upper body workout that had my muscles burning.
Breakfast this morning was an old standby!
Toasted English muffin + Cheese + Eggs + Jelly for a little sweetness
Sweet and savory all the way!
BICBands Giveaway Winner
The winner of the $40 gift card to is…
- Janay Campin: “There is a little city my dad grew up in that is full of our relatives that are Irish. My grandma grew up there and her parents came from Ireland. All of my dad’s side and their friends have a HUGE St. Patrick weekend get together. It’s always so much fun with potato bobbing, an Irish jig contest, a parade and lots more. Moving to Chicago this will be my second year not being able to travel back for the festivities. So this year my fiance and I have decided to run in a race. The Lucky Run. One of the fun St. Patrick’s BICbands would be perfect to add to my wonderful accessories!”
Congratulations, Janay!
Please email me at and I’ll get you your gift card right away!
Question of the Morning
- What is your all-time favorite movie soundtrack?
My favorite movie soundtrack is definitely Sister Act II, but I also love listening to the soundtrack from Home Alone at Christmastime. The soundtrack from Remember the Titans is also pretty stellar.
I love adding jelly or jam to my breakfast sandwiches to make for a sweet and savory breakfast! Pumpkin butter and Laughing Cow cheese wedges are also great additions! 🙂
Titanic and Pitch Perfect have great soundtracks!
songs from the pitch perfect soundtrack keep popping up on a few of my pandora stations and i love it!!
Movie Soundtrack all time favs are: Practical Magic, Hope Floats (is there a Sandra Bullock theme here ) and Boogie Nights (Sister Christian).
The Kidless Kronicles
Oh my goodness! My sister and I used to be OBSESSED with the Sister Act movies!!! We would literally rewind (back in the VHS days haha) and play that song over and over and over again. Never gets old!
Hmmm, good question. Home Alone and Charlie Brown Christmas are my two all-time favorites, but I don’t know if I have a non-holiday go-to. I guess a like a couple songs from a lot of things, like “Be Our Guest” from Beauty and the Beast and the main Ratatouille theme.
Yummy looking breakfast Julie! I’ve never seen Sister Act but want to now!
My favorite movie soundtrack is Across the Universe.
I don’t really listen to musicals/soundtracks, but this made me laugh because one time when we were still training people in our basement I came home to some crazy musical-like music in the basement when my husband was home. I’m thinking…what??? Cometo find out he let his client choose the music that day and they were jamming out. lol
My favorite soundtrack is My Best Friend’s Wedding. Silly songs that make you wanna dance!
My movie soundtracks are going to be weird. Any classic Disney soundtrack, Despicable Me soundtrack, the Hunger Games soundtrack… and Pitch Perfect!
I love the soundtrack to the play Wicked!!
AMAZING songs! I LOVE Wicked!
Sister Act did have some amazing music. I didn’t realize how long it’s been since I saw that movie until you mentioned it.
I’ll admit, I love “A Night at the Roxbury” soundtrack. There’s so much fun dance music that’s perfect for exercising. The movie was terrible, sure, but that music is awesome. What can I say? 🙂
totally agree. i own that soundtrack, too! it’s great!
I looooove the Moulin Rouge soundtrack. Actually, I love everything about that movie. I can be such a musical theater nerd sometimes.
THanks for sharing this song 🙂 great start to my day!
I have a soft spot for the Grease soundtrack :)!
I love that you mentioned Sister Act II…..I break out with Oh Happy Day and Joyful Joyful every now and again, and maybe after a few drinks! My friends get a kick out of it, bc I’m Jewish 🙂 But it is definitely one of my fave soundtracks!!!
Sister Act is a good one! It’s hard for me to pick a favorite. I really love the Wicked soundtrack!
I love the RENT soundtrack – I could listen to that CD on repeat all day long! “No day but tooooodayyyyy”!
I used to love Sister Act in grade school.
I like the soundtrack from A Walk to Remember–love Switchfoot! 🙂
Love the soundtrack from Remember the Titans, such good music in that movie. I’m also a big fan of The Wedding Singer soundtrack and Grey’s Anatomy (seasons 1 and 2).
bahahahahahaha. i’m literally laughing out loud to this because i seriously listen to both the sister act sound tracks probably once a week! seriously such good music!! one of my friends even saw it come up on my itunes and was like wth is this!?!? hahaha.
Have always loved the soundtracks from My Girl 2 and That Thing You Do!
LOVE Oh Happy Day!
My favorite soundtrack– It’s a toss up between When Harry Met Sally and Curious George. Because I LOVE me some Harry Connick, Jr. AND Jack Johnson. How is one to pick between those two?!
I’m obsessed with the TV show Nashville right now and the songs from the show are amazingggg. Pitch Perfect is pretty awesome too!
For some reason the last few days I have had the Space Jam soundtrack stuck in my head! No idea how or why!
Love the Garden State Soundtrack… and Home Alone is an essential at Christmas!
I LOVE Sister Act! I actually did Joyful, Joyful with my choir group in high school haha. My favorite movie soundtrack currently is Pitch Perfect, and Les Mis… musical theater nerd all the way haha
Sister Act II is one of my favorite movies! I am partial to all Disney soundtracks- I love the Lion King and Beauty and the Beast. My bf loves to belt out the Gaston song, “When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help me get large!” He sings it every time we make an egg breakfast together 🙂
MAMMA MIA!!! Although it’s really a musical, but they made it a movie so that counts, right?
It’s not really a movie, but it’s a play. I love the soundtrack to The Jersey Boys. I love belting out all the lyrics (even though I can’t sing to save my life). I know all the songs by heart, word for word.
Sister Act 2 definitely has one of the best soundtracks. Did you know the kid (Ryan Toby) that sings “Oh Happy Day” was in City High? They sang “What Would You Do?”
My favorite soundtrack is Legally Blonde The Musical. I know every single word, that album never ceases to pump me up and make me smile. It reminds me of when my dad took me to see the play to celebrate my acceptance to Bucknell.
Oh my gosh I loved Sister Act when I was a kid!!
I love soundtracks to movies that have no lyrics…the Pearl Harbor soundtrack was my go-to study music all through college.
My favorite bfast sandwich! I love jelly on egg sandwiches and my husband thinks I’m nuts!
I don’t know how you guys answer questions like this so easily. I can’t possibly pick my favorite soundtrack. I just like too many! Nor can I pick my favorite food, song, movie…
Great music AND breakfast 😀 I usually jam to the Glee Pandora station while I’m getting ready. They’re amazing, and I love that they do all the songs I know.
Yum you are making me crave a cheesy egg + english muffin right now!
Hmmm….probably Grease!! or the Lion King, I listen to Hakuna Matata quite frequently!
I LOVE the Burlesque soundtrack…and movie. Not much can get me pumped up as much as that.
Love SISTER ACT!! Seriously!
The pitch perfect soundtrack obviously and I love the classic snow white soundtrack!! I’m super cheesy like that though and its cool..;)
Have a great day Julie!
The Chicago soundtrack is definitely my favorite!!
Ah the Remember The Titans soundtrack is the bomb! I also really like the soundtrack for The Big Chill, even though I’ve never seen the movie haha. Other than that, I love all the musical soundtracks (Mamma Mia, Rent, Wicked, etc).
I absolutely LOVE both Sister Act soundtracks but I think the Chicago soundtrack is great and I also loved Drumline and Pitch Perfect 🙂
Old school here…Grease (sing with the movie EVERY time is comes on and sooo want to go to a sing-a-long showing) and the sountrack to Star Wars. I still have my originals of both. On vinyl, 😉
Haha, I always put jelly on my egg sandwiches, my hubby thinks its so gross. I say hay, don’t knock it till you try it bub.
I don’t know if I have a favorite persay, but I love the soundtrack from “Enchanted” and just about any other Disney movie! I’m such a Disney fan. We are taking our boys (8 and 11) to Disneyland for the second time at the end of May. We took them four years ago but we drove all the way from Colorado to Cali. This time we are flying and it will be their first time ever on a plane! It is a complete secret and its so hard to keep it from them. We aren’t going to tell them until we are at the airport, we want to see how long it takes them to figure out after they get over the excitement of going on a plane! I am so excited I get these random moments where I feel like squealing lol.
Top 3 are for sure Pretty Woman, Dumb & Dumber, and. The Notebook.
I don’t know if I have a favorite, but recently I’ve been listening to some Pitch Perfect soundtrack. I love Capella music.
I loved Sister Act II! With Lauryn Hill, I used to rewind the part where she was playing the piano so many times! Second favorite soundtrack is Grease, and I also love West Side Story just because it’s so fun.
Well this morning was a batch of overnight oats, but that egg sandwich looks delish! Funny, I had never considered adding jam to an egg & cheese sandwich until about a year ago when I started reading your blog – such a great idea! Now I can’t imagine not.
I have to say, My Best Friends Wedding is an awesome soundtrack. And for the Disney lover in me, oh gosh, I loved every song on the Anastasia soundtrack and definitely belted them out when I was alone.