Is anyone else out there a sucker for the awesome foodie items at places like T.J. Maxx and Marshall’s?
I can’t get enough! I love trying new items I find on sale in the food aisle and yesterday I came home with Carlsbad Oblaten original vanilla almond wafer cookies.
I bought them for $3, but online they sell for nearly $10 a tin!
I cannot believe how flippin’ delicious these wafers are!
I ate about a billion yesterday, but managed to save a couple wafers for dippin’ in my Greek yogurt after lunch today.
I think I plowed through my lunch just to get to this “dessert.” 😉
Lunch today was an old favorite.
Tuna salad!
I enjoyed my tuna salad on top of a bed of romaine lettuce.
I love how a can of tuna packs such a huge protein punch.
…Aaaand I’m off to prepare for a meeting. See ya fo’ dinn-ah!
Those wafers look so good! I love finding fun foods at random places!
I just scored some awesome stuff at our T.J. Maxx the other day. It’s awesome.
Do you have a home goods near you? I LOVE there food section there!! Great marinades, olive oils, and seasoning for such a reasonable price!
Happy Wednesday!
ahhh i wish! there’s one by my parents’ house in st. pete though & i just love it! they have great furniture too!
Yes– I am SUCH a sucker for the food aisle at TJ Maxx…and sometimes they have really good stuff there! I got some agave nectar there for a dollar once!
I love the unique food items at TJs! I especially like the teas, coffees and chocolates!
I keep seeing everyone on the blogs scoring these fantastic finds at TJ Maxx and Marshalls. Whenever I go though, all they have is olive oil 🙁
I want cookies too!
hahahha this made me laugh out loud. they do have inordinate amounts of olive oil!
i love the foodie finds at discount stores!! My favorite was when I discovered ginger chews…now I’m addicted!! Happy hump day 🙂
The tuna salad look delicious! I
I’ve never shopped the food aisle at TJ Maxx or Marshall’s, but now that I know it’s OK, (i.e., not old) I might give it a shot!
I <3 TJ MAXX…best store ever! 🙂 Too bad there is one literally 2 miles from house…
tuna and sweet corn, what a great combo! I have both of those in my apartment so I may just copycat you soon 🙂
TJ maxx has the best food, marinades, tea’s etc!! love it oh and the kitchen gadgets are not too shabby either 🙂
I’m going to have to try adding sweet corn to my tuna…
I love the home and food section of TJ Maxx! I’ve been searching like crazy lately, with the new house around the corner!!
Tj maxx is the best. Where else can you get a plunger, a Marc Jacobs bag, and some ghirdelli chocolate in one place?
adding corn to tuna is a great idea! and i loved the pup photos in the last post. i am on catch up mode 🙂