Today feels like a bit of a flashback to my old routine.
Ryan and I woke up around 5 a.m. and drove to the gym together for a workout. It felt great to check my workout off the list first thing in the morning and have a little extra time with my husband!
I began my workout with a quick five-minute warm up on the arc trainer before I hopped off and went through 10 rounds of a fast functional workout.
After 10 rounds of that bad boy, I was spent! It was a good one!
Once we arrived home, I quickly blended myself a smoothie to take on our morning walk with Sadie.
In the mix:
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tablespoon almond butter
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 2 handfuls fresh spinach
- Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
It was already hot and humid outside before 7 a.m., so this cold smoothie was the perfect treat to enjoy during our warm one mile walk.
Once we arrived home, I quickly showered and sat down to type up this blog post. I will be heading off to work as soon as I press publish!
Of Possible Interest
- Beginner’s 5K Training Schedule (
- Healthy Eating On the Go (
- Take Your Workouts Outside (
Question of the Morning
- If your schedule was wiiiide open, what time would you prefer to work out?
I definitely prefer to work out right after I wake up in the morning. I like setting my day in motion! However, I must admit that sometimes I am quite sleepy when I go to the gym right after I wake up and I would probably get a better workout if I waited to work out an hour or so after breakfast, but that doesn’t really work with my schedule most days. I guess this is a long way of saying that I prefer to work out at the crack of dawn, but the quality of my work out improves if I work out around 9 a.m.
I definitely prefer the morning too! It makes you feel like you’ve accomplished something first thing, which is a great feeling. I was planning a treadmill workout today and I’m going to incorporate your circuit for a HIIT workout. Thanks for sharing and have a great Wednesday!
That’s so nice you had a morning like your old routine 🙂 and thats so funny you asked about workout time, because i have the day off today and yesterday i was trying to plan my workouts since i do find myself in the rare case where i have the whole day! i originally planned a 7am bar method class (usually i do the 6am) but then i decided to take it slower- have breakfast, coffee, read blogs and then go to class at 9:30, followed by a run. i think i’m more likely to get the most out of my workouts this way. we shall see!
8:30 am! Just enough time to get going but not waiting around and putting it off. That’s usually what time I shoot for.
I would prefer to wake up, have a cup of tea or coffee and then work out about an hour later. That would give me time to wake up, blog or check some emails, and relax before getting active!
Nice workout! I’ve been trying to switch it up lately and your workouts always give me good ideas. I prefer to hit the gym in the morning. By default, I have to go at 5 am, but if I have a day off I usually go around 10 or 11.
Probably about 8-3:30am. Usually I am awake enough by then 😉 Even though I do not love my evening workouts after work all the times I do find I have better workouts later in the day and feel better after a long day of work then working out. So maybe I do prefer evening workouts!
I prefer to work out when I wake up but if my schedule was wide open that would mean no alarm so instead of getting up at 6am to workout it’d be more like 9am 🙂
That smoothie looked so delicious!
This summer I finally started running in the morning, and I’m loving it! I only have time for 3 mi runs, but I’m doing them 5x week. I definitely run better on weekends at 9, but weekdays at 6:30 aren’t that bad.
Even if I had all day to workout, I still think I would choose the morning. It is a great feeling to get a sweaty workout in and out of the way before anything else. That way, if anything comes up throughout the day, exercise has already been checked off my to-do list!
I love working out in the morning. Being able to get my exercise out of the way makes my day always go by more smoothly. Usually if I make evening workout plans I end up spending the entire day coming up with reasons why I can’t/don’t want to work out. Not good!
I like to work out first thing in the morning. If it were up to me I would hit the gym whenever I woke naturally. Too bad the alarm has to wake me most mornings.
Morning for sure! I really like the feeling of accomplishment I can enjoy throughout the day!
My ideal workout time is 9:30-10ish. Not too early not too late; of course this hardly ever fits in with real life :p
That smoothie looks fabulous!
I prefer to get it done right when I wake up so I can come home, shower and be ready for the day!
Morning. Always…as soon as I get up. It sets the tone for the rest of my day and I don’t have to worry about scheduling my workout in later in the day. When I work out in the morning, I know that I can schedule everything else AFTER my workout and not have to worry.
I am totally with ya on the crack of dawn workouts! I like to start my day with a good sweat session and then I do not have to worry about scheduling it in. I find that I am often too tired after work to get my butt moving.
Love days where I get to sleep in a little later! I prefer to work out right away when I wake up … but on days when I’m on rotations for med school that doesn’t happen so I work out at night.
Love the smoothie! I would prefer working out in the a.m. rather than the evening. It’s nice to get it done first thing and know you have the rest of the day to do other things.
I’m the same way! There’s just something about being done with your workout by 7 or 8 but then there are some days where I feel like my body is dragging! But like you, it doesn’t work well for me not to get it done first–better to do it than not at all!
If I could get to bed early enough, I’d love to run while the sun is coming up. Unfortunately, I’m usually not able to be up that early because I have things I need to accomplish in the nighttime, but that’s the dream! I’m still able to get out early enough for my runs where it’s still pretty out and the sun’s not violently beating down on me, so I guess I can’t complain too much. 🙂
I am a big fan of the lunch time / 3pm work outs. Lately I have been working out from 3 – 4 then I go to physical therapy 4:30 – 5:30. Prior to going to physical therapy I would start my work out between 10:30 and noon. I am always ready to get my self up out of my seat by then!
I like getting my workout early in the morning. I recently cancelled my gym membership and I don’t want to run in the heat so waking up at 5-6am is imperative! I get too tired after work to be able to workout. I’m not sure how people do it.
It must be so nice to be back with Sadie and Ryan after traveling so much! I love working out in the morning as well. If I don’t get myself up and going early, it won’t end up happening.
I like to go around 9 or 10am, so I would be done before noon. Unfortunately, my schedule rarely allows for that anymore except on the weekend because I am looking after my grandma during the day and I have to wait until she goes downstairs to the dining hall for lunch (meaning I don’t get to leave until about 11:15). Working out earlier in the day helps me wake up and start my day right!
I would love to start working out first thing in the morning! I know it would be much better for me and I’d feel so accomplished. But we wake up at 6 to get ready for work and have to leave by 7, so I haven’t made myself wake up any earlier yet! I always work out right when I get home from work, before we make or eat dinner. I think if I had someone who would run with me at 5 am I could totally do it, but the thought of running outside in the dark alone makes me nervous 🙁
The smoothie sounds so good! I am the same way- I love getting my workout in first thing, but the days when I do workout a little later I tend to have a bit more energy and stamina. Thanks so much for the link love!
I normally workout between 5 a & 6am. I definitely prefer an early morning workout, as opposed to waiting until the evening, but something more like 7am would do nicely sometimes. 🙂 I would much rather drag myself out of bed and get the workout over with, because the last thing I want to do after work is go to the gym and it’s much easier to make excuses! I’m also much more alert and energized if I work out in the morning.
i love my little routine — it’s sort of similar to yours. i’m usually up at 5, have a snack and coffee and read until 6, then work out from 6-7 or so. at work by 9! best way to kick off the day IMO.
also, how is vanilla almond milk “unsweetened”?? wouldn’t it need sugar to make it vanilla-y?
I like to work out first thing in the morning or in the evening, a couple hours before bed. I work during the days so I can’t work out then and I need an hour or two after work to unwind before I workout.
I would love to be able to work out after I wake up in the mornings, but I always have to in the evenings after work. I feel like a morning workout would jumpstart and shape my day to be a good one 🙂
I’m all for morning workouts but I’m usually in the gym or out running for 6am as opposed to 5am…not sure I could hack it quite that early 🙂 10 rounds…sounds epic! How long did it take?
Oooh, I’m totally going to try this! I’m just not feeling a run out in the super hot humid weather today.
I can workout first thing in the morning if I have to, but like you, it’s just better if I wait about an hour to fully wake up.
Do you ever miss your old routine? Is the place you currently work at the gym you went to all along?
Your smoothie looks so thick, mine are always too thin and I still cant find an appropriate mix. Needs crunch on top or toast on the side 🙂
Yes it is! And I do miss it sometimes, but working at the gym has been incredibly rewarding. I love it and feel like it’s something I probably should’ve done a while ago! I do miss my early work outs most days though!
That workout looks like fun! I’ve been searching for something to switch up my cardio routine. Can’t wait to try it!
As of now, I work out AFTER work. Pregnancy has made me extra tired lately and slow in the mornings! Once I have my baby though, I’ll work out in the morning after I drop him or her off at daycare before I go to work.
That must have been fun to work out in the morning with Ryan again! I think I prefer working out in the afternoons or evenings because that’s when I am used to working out when I’m in school or working.
First off, I just wanted to say I have loved reading your blog! I’ve tried some of your treadmill workouts and they are fun and intense!
I like to workout right when I get up, because if it doesn’t happen in the morning the chance of me actually working out significantly decreases as the day goes on. However I do agree, usually later in the day I actually have better workouts because I have had a chance to eat and hydrate, but I always feel more productive if I get a workout in when I wake up (usually 7-8am).
I’m the same way I like to work out in the AM but too early and I’m way too sluggish! The afternoon is okay too but too late and my motivation dwindles. Your smoothie looked sooooo good!
I think I’d still prefer the mornings because I like that feeling of getting it out of the way before I start my day. And also because I like to shower in the mornings, not in the middle of the afternoon! It fits just into my schedule, esp when school starts!
Love this functional training workout. I need to learn how to do a plank jack!
I’m with you. I like to workout early in the morning, but I usually end up waiting an hour, from the time I wake up to the I get to the gym, before working out. I either blog for an hour, of if I’m working out by my office, drive to the gym by the office. Gives me more time to wake up. Definitely like getting it done early though. Sets the tone for a productive day!
Geez that’s so early!!! I prefer to workout between 7:30-8:00, any later and I just become beyond hungry and then the workout just doesn’t happen lol. MMmmmm that smoothie looks good 🙂
Ok, I love this smoothie recipe AND I want to try that workout. I no longer have a gym membership bc I moved to a different state, so want to make use of the weight room in my apartment complex. By the way, I was always surprised you weren’t a trainer til recently hahha it seems like you’re a natural.
Do you have a recommendation for nondairy protein powder??
I like working out first thing in the morning too. I end up having more energy for the day. I’m also more likely to get it in if I do it in the morning, otherwise life gets in the way.
I like working out in the morning as well. If I try and do it at night, there are too many excuses not to do it; too many fun things to do instead.
I would love to workout mid morning but a desk job doesn’t really allow that!
I usually get to the gym an hour after I wake up. Going early also sets me up for a better day of eating. For some reason exercising makes me crave fruits and vegetables.
I prefer morning workouts over all others. Even though it’s not easy waking up at 5:30 every day, I feel so good afterwards. AND getting it done in the morning means my evenings are wiiiide open!
If I could workout whenever I wanted to, I would pick right around 8 or 9. That way I am more awake, but I can still get it done early on in the day!
I couldn’t decide what workout to do today so I did this one…I was a sweaty mess at the end!!! Please tell me you took a little break at the end of each round?? :0 Also, did you use weights for the lunges? I started off with weights but as the workout progressed I had to nix ’em!
I always find exercising in the morning to be the best option because if I do it in the evening, I always think about the things I COULD be getting done. It just makes me antsy so I do it bright and early! Plus, gyms tend to be packed in the evenings so it’s nice to go when the gym is at its quietest!