Today feels like a bit of a flashback to my old routine.
Ryan and I woke up around 5 a.m. and drove to the gym together for a workout. It felt great to check my workout off the list first thing in the morning and have a little extra time with my husband!
I began my workout with a quick five-minute warm up on the arc trainer before I hopped off and went through 10 rounds of a fast functional workout.
After 10 rounds of that bad boy, I was spent! It was a good one!
Once we arrived home, I quickly blended myself a smoothie to take on our morning walk with Sadie.
In the mix:
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tablespoon almond butter
- 1 tablespoon cocoa powder
- 2 handfuls fresh spinach
- Unsweetened vanilla almond milk
It was already hot and humid outside before 7 a.m., so this cold smoothie was the perfect treat to enjoy during our warm one mile walk.
Once we arrived home, I quickly showered and sat down to type up this blog post. I will be heading off to work as soon as I press publish!
Of Possible Interest
- Beginner’s 5K Training Schedule (
- Healthy Eating On the Go (
- Take Your Workouts Outside (
Question of the Morning
- If your schedule was wiiiide open, what time would you prefer to work out?
I definitely prefer to work out right after I wake up in the morning. I like setting my day in motion! However, I must admit that sometimes I am quite sleepy when I go to the gym right after I wake up and I would probably get a better workout if I waited to work out an hour or so after breakfast, but that doesn’t really work with my schedule most days. I guess this is a long way of saying that I prefer to work out at the crack of dawn, but the quality of my work out improves if I work out around 9 a.m.
I prefer to workout in the PM. It helps me clear my head before hitting the sheets. I always have a million things running through my mind!
I prefer to workout in the morning. My day goes so much better when I do. I have more energy, eat better and am in much better mood. I work late though so my morning workout happens at about 11am.
Mornings are a must for me because if not, other things are likely to take priority… my kids!!!
I am pinning that workout for sure. It looks like a great one!!!
I am ALL about morning workouts. I love getting it done and out of the way and not having to think about it any more during the day!
I’m definitely a morning workout person. I’m way more likely to get it done! I’m fine in the evenings if the workout is a Spin class or something because I’m less likely to skip, and I don’t have to think so much! The worst for me is afternoon runs-I NEVER can get those in!
YUM! That smoothie is amazing! I just made one (minus the spinach, none on hand). Wow this is like dessert. Thanks!
I need to make that smoothie! I’ve been wanting a chocolate one forever, but I keep forgetting! I am the exact same on the workout front. During the year, I do it right when I wake up, but on weekends and in the summer I hang around for a bit. I’m more awake, fuelled up and have a much more productive workout. 🙂
I would prefer morning but take my time, get up (without and alarm), eat breakfast, wait about an hour so I don’t feel sick and then go. If only I didn’t have to go into work until noon, it’d work out perfectly!
I totally prefer working out/teaching fitness in the morning. For sure! I feel so so much better when I do. And I have to say, my workouts usually go well–I just have to do a warmup to get moving!
If I had it my way, I’d work out around 9 or 10…probably wake up around 8, relax for a bit, then head out!
Totally love to workout first thing when I get up, but lately I have been sleeping a little more, teaching a class at 8am or 9am and then doing my workout. I love it, but I hate that when I done, showered and given myself some time to eat the day is half over!
I’m going to try this workout after my run today! (I think I’ll cut it down to 5 rounds since running in the hills will have my legs hammered already!). If I had all the time in the world, I’d workout around 11am, like I’m about to do now since I’m on vacation! I like sleeping in until 7:30 or 8, eating breakfast, and having time to digest before heading out. But usually, I head out the door around 5am to squeeze in my workout before work!
That smoothie looks delicious!
I am NOT a morning person, but I’ve discovered that getting up and getting it over with is the best way for me. 6am workouts, yay!
This is totally off topic (sorry if I’m breaking any Serious Blog Rules, I hope not!) but I was reading your old blogging tips posts, and you mention tweeting a lot. How do you organize your twitter? It’s so overwhelming to me! (I would love to see a whole blog post devoted to this! Just an idea. Cause I’m sure you don’t have enough 😉 ) Thanks!
Check out I’ve been using it for years to organize my Twitter accounts and find it very helpful!
I actually prefer to work out at night! In fact, I’ve been known to do so at 9PM or even later!
I definitely prefer to workout first thing in the morning, but whatever time my body wakes up! If I set an alarm, I usually hit snooze a thousand times convincing myself that sleep is more important (and it probably is most of the time). But when I don’t set an alarm (hi weekends I love you!) and wake up naturally, I’m usually energized and ready to work it!
I always work out in the afternoon. My gym isn’t very big so it gets PACKED in the mornings! I usually try and avoid that rush 😉 I’d prefer to work out in the mornings though!
I’m with you that I like to workout in the morning, but I have to get up so early. To workout in the morning I have to get up at 5, but I would prefer to workout at 8 or 9.
I would workout at 9am if I had nothing else on my schedule for the day. It would give enough time to get up and eat breakfast, but still get the workout done before too much of the day got away. I so admire people who can workout in the early morning or before work!
Thanks for the that amazing looking workout! Will definitely be trying it while travelling this holiday weekend. Love no equipment workouts!
Looks like a great workout!! Love KBs.
Do you use PicMonkey to create your cute workouts, or?
I’m like you; I definitely prefer to workout first thing in the morning! I think it sets my day off on the right foot, and gives me energy to face whatever is next. I really would not have considered myself a morning person until I started working out in the mornings. It was hard at first, but now I absolutely love it!!!
Looks like a fun heart pumping workout. Cant wait to try it!
I definitely prefer working out in the morning! I feel exhausted and out of it if I don’t run first thing, it’s so weird!
how do you make your cute little workout posts? i own a boutique and would love to make signs like that.
If i have absolutely nothing to do I like to lounge around a bit and work out around 10 am
I absolutely love working out first thing in the morning- it feels so great to get it done and keeps me motivated for the rest of the day. Unfortunately I’m a teacher so this is only possible in the summer, so I relish those 2 months!
I also prefer to workout in the mornings! It keeps me well energized (and extremely hyper) thoughout the day! I like the feeling of working out on an empty stomach as well. But recently I’ve been doing 1 mile runs in the morning, and strength and agility training in the evening.
I prefer to workout about an hour and a half after eating breakfast – in an ideal world anyway 🙂
*pinned that workout to try sometime soon!
I prefer morning workouts BUT as the mother of a 1-year old, I now get it in whenever I can. I take her with me on my runs in the jogging stroller and she loves it! Sometimes she will even fall asleep. Other times, I will wait to she goes to bed around 7 and get my workout in. A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do!
I prefer to workout in the morning because it means I’m less likely to miss it. But my body definitely functions better in the afternoon. PM runs are always quicker than AM runs for me.
I have never been able to do the morning workout thing! I find that no matter how much sleep I get, if I try to fly out the door immediately upon waking to go work out, I’m exhauuuusted the rest of the day. I love working out late afternoon, before dinnertime 🙂 Andddd speaking of, I’m definitely taking this workout to the gym today!
I dont have a preferred time, typically I workout in the evening after work. I do enjoy a early morning run in the summer!!
Love that workout! I always lose count though with 10 rounds! I have to keep track on my Tabata timer. Such a space sometimes! I like to workout in the mornings after I’ve had my coffee and breakfast. I used to be a first thing in the morning person but had to alter my routine after my son was born. Darn kids! 😉
I prefer to workout in the AM! That way I can start my day off right and enjoy the added energy for the day.
By the way, I tried out the functional workout today and LOVED IT! I sweat up a storm and it felt amazing. Definitely a fun way to switch things up. Thank you for posting it! 🙂
I prefer to workout fasted, but can only go for so long without eating in the AM so I prefer to workout first thing (post-coffee, of course)!
I absolutely love to workout first thing, although often times I also want to stay in my bed. Working out as the sun is coming up on a warm summers day but it still being crisp in the morning is the absolute best! If only it wasn’t winter down here in Australia 🙁 brrrr!
I love working out in the mornings, around 8ish or a little earlier if it’s hot out. Unfortunately that doesn’t work out so well when I have to be at work around 630 lol. Can’t wait to try that routine!
I am at work right now on the 4th of July and I am NOT BUSY… So I am doing the FUNCTIONAL WORKOUT that you posted above and boy oh boy is it AWESOME! I emailed you a couple of days ago asking for a workout I can do when I am not busy at the hospital and this workout is the bomb diggity because I don’t need any equipment and I am buring the calories! PHEW!
Loved the workout! Only made it through 6 times butnthisnis a keeper and I will make it to 10. As far as working out I really enjoy mid morning because the gym is not as crowded!
I love the workout! I’m planning on doing it this afternoon (minus the kettlebell move…I’m still in the process of moving and have no equipment). I prefer to workout in the early afternoon. The gym I usually go to has a huge wall of windows with treadmills facing the east…takes a little bit of the fun out of sunrise workouts!
Early morning! It’s cool out for summers so that’s a plus. I just like to get it done and enjoy the rest of the day! It also makes me feel great for the day knowing the hard work I put in bright and early! 🙂
Did this workout today… kicked my @$$.
What bledner do you use? There are so many options out there and I want to make sure I am buying something worth the $ 🙂