Does anyone else feel like during the holidays vegetables and fruits somehow fall to the wayside?
I know my daily veggie servings were replaced by casseroles or decadent holiday dishes. I’m not complaining because all the food I ate was beyond delicious, but it’s time to give the ol’ bod some much-needed nutrients.
Along with a simple cheese sandwich (Colby jack cheese on a whole wheat Arnold sandwich thin), I enjoyed steamed broccoli and baby carrots.
Dinner Plans
I am hoping to sneak some veggies into my dinner tonight, too. Ryan and I have plans for a double date with our friends Ryan and Jenessa who are in town from North Carolina.
Ryan was a groomsman in their wedding back in May of this year and our friend Ryan will be one of my Ryan’s groomsmen!
I took the picture below of the happy couple on their big day.
How cute is this picture!?
Here’s a flashback picture of me and Ryan at their wedding at the Duke Gardens in Raleigh, North Carolina.
We’re meeting Ryan and Jenessa at my favorite restaurant, Season’s 52.
The restaurant serves healthy dishes, with nothing on the menu above 475 calories. The best part? It all tastes amazing!!!
According to the Season’s 52 Web site:
“We promise our guests the freedom to indulge while simultaneously eating well and feeling good about themselves by featuring foods that are thoughtfully prepared and in appropriate portion sizes, with no item on the menu above 475 calories. This enables our guests to indulge in a complete dining experience, including our custom flatbreads and signature mini-indulgence desserts, while still feeling good about themselves and their dining choices. We use natural cooking techniques such as wood-fire grilling, brick-oven cooking and caramelizing vegetables to let the natural flavors shine through. We do not use any fryers or heavy cream sauces, which hide the authentic flavors of food. And we execute precision seasoning flavoring, and oil with control and care to ensure just the right amount is used to bring out the great flavor profiles. The result… great tasting food that just so happens to be good for you!”
Sounds pretty wonderful, huh?
I’ve never left this restaurant disappointed and I’m hoping to have another fantastic experience there this evening.
I love Seasons 52 and I really wish we had one here.
I love Seasons 52!! I need to go back there soon!! 🙂 Have fun tonight!!!!!!
I wish we had something like Seasons 52 here!
Wow! I would LOVE to visit that restaurant! 😀
You two are so cute!
it’s the best! if you ever get the chance to go, definitely try it out!
Wow…sounds fabulous…can’t wait to hear your review!!
I can relate to the vegetable thing more than you can imagine!!! All I can think about is veggies for dinner tomorrow night after we get home from our inlaws!