Our vet was able to squeeze Sadie into his schedule just before his office closed last night.
She was pumped.
They ran two different tests and concluded that the goop coming out of her eyes is likely a bacterial infection. We were sent home with a prescription to rub ON her eyeballs. Yes, on her eyeballs. Easy peasy, piece o’ cake! I have the scratches on my stomach to illustrate just how simple rubbing medication onto a crazy dog’s eyeballs (<—plural) proved to be last night.
Even the vet recognized that we have quite a “squirmy” dog on our hands.
Since Sadie’s vet is awfully close to a frozen yogurt shop, I stopped by before heading home and got a little too excited when I saw this…
Nutella frozen yogurt!
It was just as fantastic as it sounds.
I filled my cup with a mix of Nutella, cupcake and taro frozen yogurt, topped with Oreos, Reese’s peanut butter cup crumbles, Butterfingers, yogurt-covered pretzels, whipped cream and peanut butter.
I snagged an extra cup so I could scoop off a little bit of my whipped cream to share with Sadie since she was a good little patient.
Since I’ll be doing a lot of sitting in cars and airplanes today, I wanted to sneak in a workout before my two-hour drive to the Jacksonville airport this morning. I did a cardio hodgepodge and completed 50 minutes of cardio split between the stair master, treadmill and the elliptical.
When Ryan and I arrived home from the gym, I quickly showered and made breakfast to eat while typing up this blog post.
I made a batch of honey whole wheat pancakes (I loosely followed my recipe for honey pumpkin whole wheat pancakes minus the pumpkin) and topped them with a bit of syrup.
Time to hit the road!
See ya from Boston!
Haha squirmy is such a scientific medical term isn’t it?! 😉 Nutella fro yo sounds absolutely amazing! Safe travels today! 🙂
Oh gosh I haven’t gotten frozen yogurt in over 2 weeks, that needs to happen! And that is insane, I can’t even imagine trying to run medicine on anyone’s eyeballs, let alone an energetic dog!! My brother’s dog, Molly, would probably hide from us after that
I need Nutella fro yo in my life…that is all 🙂
Yikes! I don’t think my family dog would let us put anything on his eyeball. He is such a bad patient when it comes to taking medicine. He can even find it mixed into his food. I hope Sadie feels better! 🙂 Safe travels!
I’ve totally had to do that before… only my dog was the lab version of Sadie – squirmy, hyper and crazy!
Although it may not seem like it at the time, they do forgive you! 🙂
I think my dog would be ok with that honestly, she behaves fairly well when I trim and file her nails anyway. I think it also helps she’s only 20 pounds!
Also, I think I’m the only person on the planet that actually doesn’t like Nutella…but I think its better that way considering how addictive that stuff it!
You’re totally not the only person who doesn’t like nutella..I’m not a fan either 🙂
I’m also happy about it since it could be dangerous for me if I did like it!
Poor Sadie! Safe travels to Boston – I’m SO jealous, that’s my favorite city!!!
Aww, squirmy lil pooch! Hopefully all of the struggle and scratches will be worth it once she’s all healed up.
Must. Find. Nutella. Frozen. Yogurt. *faint*
Glad Sadie is going to be fine, but sorry about your eyeball medication struggles! Wow, giving meds to pets can just be SO much fun, right?! 😉 You’re such a good doggie mommy though, Sadie is lucky to have you.
Aaah, you’re making me miss living in FL & all the fro-yo shops!! I really miss Menchies, that was my fav one. I also miss the warm weather… but that’s a whole other story!
Safe travels to Boston!!
Bundle up! It’s getting cold up in here Boston! Safe travels 🙂
hey! I live in Boston! get ready for the COLD, it got chilly this week.
Nutella Fro Yo??? MUST. FIND. NOW. That looks so good!!!!!
Poor Sadie!! Wear a coat its cold here in Boston!! 🙂 Safe Travels!
Nutella frozen yogurt?! Omgosh that has my name written all over it. I hope poor Sadie gets rid of that awful bacteria so you won’t get too many more scratches on your stomach. 🙂
The picture of Sadie just makes me go “Awwwwww!” Poor pup. Best of luck with those instructions, haha.
Do you have any stair master workouts that you can share? I have a few workouts that I do on the stepmill, but since my gym at work only has stairmasters it would be great if you have some tips!
My lab had goop in her eyes and I ended up taking her to a doggy opthalmalogist. Her condition was probably more sever than Sadie’s, but after surgery she was diagnosed with chronic dry eye. So I had to squirt Genteal (recommended by the vet. I wasn’t experimenting. Fortunately, it was only ~$5 a tube at Wal-Mart or Walgreens–designed for human dry eye) on her every night before bed (when her eyes dried out the most). It worked very well. She got used to it after a while. I think she realized it helped.
Although it sounds silly, it’s important to identify chronic dry eye early on. As a result of me thinking it would go away/was just allergies, she scratched her eye one time and scratched the cornea, which required a corneal tran$plant. Needless to say, I’m hyperaware now of any unusual scratching or squinting or limping or…
Good for you for paying close attention to Sadie!
Every time I see the super yummy stuff you treat yourself too, I’m reminded that I could do that to if I got up every morning and worked out like you did! Thanks for the motivation! 🙂
Oh, poor Sadie! And definitely poor you..that could not have been easy! Safe travels today!
We just got the same antibiotic ointment for our vizsla’s eyes too! She’s only 6 months old so we give her a treat and while she’s busy eating it I put the ointment in her eye after putting it on my finger first. Too afraid I would poke her eye out with the pointy tube!
I would think anyone would be squirmy if someone was trying to rub something on their eyeballs! Ha! I hope the medicine does the trick! That Nutella fro-yo sounds incredible!
Why oh WHY hasn’t the frozen yogurt train hit full force in Canada yet?! *sigh* i SO wish there were a place near me that I could try because as of now the closest city that has any such place is Toronto and that’s over an hr away.
Nutella frozen yogurt?!?! Oh boy, I hope that lands in frozen yogurt shops around here!
When our dog growing up was a puppy, she lost her eye in a battle with our cat (totally random and weird accident, the cat wasn’t even being aggressive, our puppy just got a little too curious). She was totally fine, but from that day on, we had to put drops in her other eye daily to help it stay moist and avoid overuse. She got so used to it that now at 10 years old, we call her over and she just sits there while we put the drops in. haha. I hope Sadie gets better soon!
I’m so glad Sadie is okay! Good luck getting that stuff on her eyeball, my puppies would be impossible!
Poor Sadie! I thought it was tough putting medicine in my dogs ears! And I need some fro yo, that looks delicious!
Ah – I cant even stomach touching my own eyeball!! Poor Sadie – Hope her eyes are a little less clogged up today!
Nutella froyo….that better make it’s way to Texas soon! I hope Sadie gets better soon and have fun in Boston!
Nutella!! brings me back to my childhood for sure 🙂 Poor Sadie- Hope her eyes are feeling closer to normal by now..
Haha, wow, do they seriously expect you to rub medicine on her eyeballs?! I have the most submissive dog I’ve ever seen (she doesn’t squirm or fight us when we give her a bath, force pills down her throat when she’s sick, trim her nails, etc.) but I don’t think there’s any way she’d let us put medicine on her eyeballs. I sure wouldn’t want to rub medicine on my own eyeballs!
Sadie, she looks so cute. Hope she will get better soon.
Frozen yogurt…yum yum 🙂
by the way love your blog
yayy! can’t wait to see your boston posts (since i’m a boston-based reader/fan of yours!). enjoyy 🙂
Ohhh boy – good luck applying that medicine!! I hope her eyeballs feel better soon!! Have a great trip! Hope you’re packing a coat – it’s chilly up here!
What do you eat before a morning workout (you noted that you had breakfast AFTER your workout)?
I have a sensitive stomach so fruit or anything too acidic is out, unfortunately, since everyone seems to say “have a banana.”
Poor Sadie!!! I hate to see the little animals struggle, and I’ve had to put ear drops in my dogs ears before at let me tell you that was a STRUGGLE so I can only imagine eye drops!
Have fun in Boston…I hope you brought boots and sweaters, this isn’t Florida 😉
awww poor Sadie! My cat used to struggle with his insulin (he has diabetes) but we give him food now to distract him haha
Have fun in Boston! I def agree with the above comments, dress warm lol! It’s been really cold up North lol
Wow, I’m super impressed by you-there is no WAY I could ever get Bentley to let me near his eyes without him licking the medicine off my finger first. Poor Sadie! 🙁 Sick dogs are the WORST-I can’t even imagine how I’m going to be as a mother one day. Have fun in Boston! You’re not missing out on any nice weather down here in FL!
Aww poor Sadie! Anything that requires poking the eyeballs is so scary! Period. 0_0 but I had to laugh about the description from the vet, it’s so specific 😛
That fro-yo sounds freakin’ amazing!
Have fun in Boston! I was just there this past weekend! 🙂
Nutella FRO yo?!?!?!?!?!? AHHHH that sounds amazing.
Glad I got caught up on Sadie’s eyes! Koda has goop that always comes out of one eye but it’s always clear. I guess she just has one over-active eye. Good luck getting the meds ONTO Sadie’s eye. Doesn’t sound like an easy task 🙂
OMG nutella froyo?!? I must find this!
I had to give my kitten oral antibiotics 2x a day for 2 weeks…not fun!
Aww! My dog Cody is squirmish too! The vets always have a hard time with him. As for the nutella froyo… that looks so good!!Have a safe trip!
That is quite the mix of frozen yoghurt! All the goodies one could think of! Hope you manage with the eye meds…anything eye related and I freak out!
Seriously? Nutella Froyo?? That sounds amazing!!
I hope Sadie gets to feeling better! 🙂
Poor Sadie girl! Yesterday’s post actually prompted me to make an appointment for my chocolate lab, Angus. He has been having goop in eyes for the past week and I just hoped it would clear up on it’s own BUT this morning it was worse so off to the vet we went. They gave him drops but it looks more like a cream. Anyway, here’s to less goopy eyes for Sadie and Angus! Safe travels to Boston!
Nutella fro yo is my husband’s favorite kind. He won’t eat any other flavor.
Poor pup. I just got through some sort of respiratory cold. On a dog that is young and well vaccinated. Very weird. Have fun with the eye treatments. 🙂
I can’t imagine having to rub medicine on the eyeball, and I thought brushing a cat’s teeth with those fingertip brushes was hard! They just want no part of it.
Have fun in Boston!
I don’t know anyone can put ointment on a dog’s eyes, especially an active one. Butters has had periodic eye problems over the past couple months too. For some reason, he’ll have a slight eye irritation at night but then wake up in the morning and have completely fine eyes. Hope Sadie gets better soon!