As someone who always worked at a desk job after college, my new job at the gym is totally different.
I am slowly adjusting to my new work schedule and the fact that I am always running around like a madwoman, but I can honestly say I am loving it. The other day I was talking with a coworker about personal training and I told her that this is the first job I’ve had where I am working one on one with people to help them achieve something for themselves.
I feel truly invested in the wellbeing of another person and really want to help people reach their goals, fall in love with fitness and value their health. It’s a new challenge, that’s for sure!
I feel like my mind is wrapped up in my job at the gym these days and the success of my personal training clients. When the group exercise class schedule changes at our gym in a couple of months, I’m really hoping to pick up some additional classes and teach more than I already do which has me feeling really excited about my future at the gym. I’d love to eventually teach a strength workout class, cardio interval training class, a TRX class and possibly spinning. I already pitched my idea for a cardio interval training class to my director (inspired by Amy Dixon’s FitnessGlo cardio athletic workout) and she seemed as excited about it as I am!
This morning I arrived at the gym at 6 a.m. so I could check my workout off the list before I met with my first client at 7 a.m. I began with a cardio warm up on the stair master followed by a leg workout. It has been a while since I’ve done a straight strength workout for my legs and I felt the burn during squats!
My workout included three sets of 15 repetitions of the following exercises:
- Squats
- Deadlifts
- Walking Lunges
- Leg Extensions
Then I quickly washed my face, ate some trail mix (Kashi Go Lean cereal + walnuts + yogurt covered almonds) and met up with my first client of the day.
After our 60-minute session, I had 30 minutes until it was time for my next appointment, so I ran to Starbucks for breakfast. (I meant to bring my breakfast with me to the gym but forgot it at home. Grrr!)
I ate an egg white and spinach wrap in the car on my way back to the gym and arrived ready to train my second client. She is so full of personality and makes me laugh a lot! I have to remind myself to really concentrate on watching her form because she can easily distract me with her stories.
Now I have about an hour to kill until I have my next appointment and I am using the time to blog and update my oldies but goodies playlist for my water fitness class this afternoon.
See ya after lunch!
Question of the Afternoon
- Would you prefer to work at a desk job or one that has you up and about and constantly interacting with people?
It sounds like your job is the perfect fit for you Julie! I hate it when I work behind a desk, would much rather be out meeting people and learning new things 🙂
That’s great you’re loving your new job! It sounds like it’s a great fit, and fits your personality nicely too which is awesome.
I’m sure new opportunities to teach other group classes will come along, of course it just takes time. It’s always nice to try new things and step out of our comfort zone!
I’ve always had desk jobs, but I’m beginning to wonder if they’re right for me. It’s so awesome you decided to switch it up and try something new! It’s so inspiring!
WOW I am so happy you like your new job! I can’t wait to be in your shoes helping people one on one. Your are inspiring me daily! Thanks PBF!
Sitting at a desk can get so boring! So much better (and time goes faster) when up and about with people.
That’s so awesome that you’re loving your new job!! I feel the same way about teaching (although I don’t teach fitness, I teach preschool :))…to me, there is nothing more rewarding than running around all day and guiding my little kiddo’s through the beginning of their education, and seeing that excitement for learning that they are developing…I always say that I couldn’t imagine sitting all day! 🙂
I’m really glad you’re enjoying the environment and responsibilities at your new job. I think having a job where you’re constantly busy helps the work day go by so fast! The reason I love teaching is because you’re always challenged with something new every day. There is always something new to deal with and experience like your job with clients. Desk jobs are so boring and I could never be a teacher to just sit an entire class, I’m always engaged with students. Have a great day!
The reason I want to be a sports physician is for that same reason, I’d rather move from room to room and meet a bunch of new people every day rather than working alone behind a desk! Your job sounds fantastic, congrats! Are you still doing freelance writing?
I am, but I’ve had to turn down a couple of assignments recently. :/ I am planning to continue writing, but know I’ll have to cut down on some of my writing workload for a little while until I feel more secure at the gym and don’t have to pour as much time into prepping for classes, etc.
I have always had a desk job and was fine with it. Since I lost 60 pounds (about 3-4 years ago), I have HATED it and decided to go back to school for something else. I am starting my 3rd (and final!) year of sign language interpreter training and can’t wait until I have a different interpreting job every day! 🙂
that is awesome!!!
Starbucks’ egg white and spinach wrap is my favorite. It’s SO good!
I’d much rather be at a job that has me up and about and interacting with people. I can’t sit still for any longer than like 10 seconds without getting fidgety!
Oh I would much rather stand and move around. I hate my desk job, sitting for 8 hours is not only boring but it is so dangerous to your health. I sit on a exercise ball just for the extra challange and it really helps with my back pain!
My dream job is to be a nurse, so up and moving is definitely what I want to do! Plus it makes your day go by faster!
I currently work at a desk job and hate it! Staring at a cubicle wall all day long is no fun. I’d love to have a job where I could be up moving around and meeting with different people all day!
I would really love a job like yours. I CANNOT sit at a desk all day, I just cant’ handle it, 3 months of that in the summer is awful enough when I have internships.
Your job sounds great! I would much rather work at a job where I am up busy all day and helping people! I can’t stand to sit for too long.
I worked as a temp at at desk job for months, while searching for full-time work, and it was awful. I got so antsy. My current job has me up and moving pretty frequently due to working events, but there are days (like today) where I’m stuck at my desk. I definitely prefer a more active job!
Haha, I actually do not mind a desk job. As long as I am able to stimulate my mind with a challenging project or interact with clients, the day goes by quickly.
After I graduated college I got a desk job and I hated it from the moment I started! I could only take it for two months before I quit! I then started to work as a waitress and I loved the constant interaction with people, but I new it would last forever. This week I accepted a job as a personal trainer and I’ll be putting my degree in Fitness and Sports Sciene to work!! I’m really looking forward to this new and exciting change!!
Man! Typing on an iPhone can be a headache! Haha
I love yogurt covered almonds – YUM! I teach a cardio strength interval class at my gym and love it. If you want any suggestions on format, just let me know.
thanks! i may be following up on that offer soon! 😀
I am a teacher and am so grateful that I get to be up and moving most of the day! I get antsy even just standing talking sometimes and find myself pacing around or fiddling with objects. I love being able to stand/walk around most the day as part of my job.
That’s awesome your loving your new job! I like both, as a graphic designer, I like the stability of a 9 to 5, but freelancing has it’s perks too because I love interacting with people and new clients.
I too was at a desk job after college and started teaching Pilates after work once a week (of course became certified). I fell in love with group exercise. I slowly made the transition & now I can’t imagine going back to a desk. I love interacting with people & love fitness.
you never really talked about why you took the job at the gym…where you not making enough money from this blog?
I completely understand what it is like to change from a desk job to one where you are constantly on your feet. Mine happened in the opposite way. I worked at a gym then eventually made my way to a desk job. I just make sure to get up frequently throughout the day so that my legs get some circulation. I think teaching spinning or TRX classes would be fun!! I hope you get to put together that new class!
Mmmm…yogurt covered almonds?!? I SO need to try those!
I would love to find a job where I was up and moving around. I hate sitting all day! I think I would be too afraid of leaving the stability and the money though!
Interesting question, and as I rethink my career, I’m not sure! I recently interviewed for a sales job at a magazine. I never thought I would be doing sales, but I absolutely love the magazine and the people. It’s a regional magazine, and I’m new to the area, and I think it would be a great way to learn more about my amazing new area. It’s a desk job, but not all the time. Perhaps it’s the perfect balance. And it gets my back in magazines, where I ALWAYS wanted to be.
Anyway, I just wanted to thank you for sharing your thoughts and experiences in personal training. It’s something I’m so curious about so to hear your honest perspective (and enthusiasm!) is really inspiring. I feel like you would be the most positive personal trainer and such a joy to work with. Your clients are lucky 🙂
it’s great that you’re loving what you do. feeling like you’re making a difference is key! eventhough a lot of my work is considered desk job-ish, i feel like i’m making a difference when it comes to children and literacy. it’s wonderful to see children grow up loving books and wanting to read and learn! i’m sure you feel the same way when you show clients that fitness can be fun!
I’d much rather be up and about interacting with people! My favorite job was in college when I worked at the deli counter! I loved helping people and seeing familiar faces come back! Now I’ve been working at a desk for the past 8 years…I love it because I still interact with people over the phone but I miss the face to face. If only working at a deli counter paid more!
I love being a personal trainer and love changing lives its such an amazing feeling! So happy that you are able to do the same! LOVE + SHINE Courtstar
I had a job in retail where I was constantly running around crazy and now I’m at a desk job. I would rather the latter, but all in good time! Gotta experience different things right?
I work outside with children and it’s amazing. I cannot imagine being stuck behind a desk!
great post!! i have a question for you—for your leg workout today, did you use any weights? if so, how many lbs? thank you and i love your blog! 🙂
Right now my job is mostly at a desk but someday I’d like to spend a bit more time running around!
I am certified in Spinning and teaching for over a year..if you have any questions!
I’m so jealous of your job! I definitely prefer an active job and working with people.
i’m an elementary teacher so i think itz safe to say i prefer to be up moving around and interacting with people! 🙂
I am so happy to hear you love your job. I love fitness and being in shape and lately I have been really leaning toward getting my PT cert. When I read your posts about NASM I got even more excited and I am ready to take the plunge. I just cant imagine myself sitting here at this desk any longer. I need more interaction and I want to help others as well!
I’m definitely with you on this one – I’d much prefer working with someone one-on-one than being stuck behind a desk/computer/telephone. There’s something so rewarding about being able to see positive changes in people and know that you helped them achieve those… That’s actually why I’ve been looking into going back to school to pursue a career in the health and wellness industry.
I do love my desk job right now, but I prefer a job where I am constantly moving. Sitting down for long periods of time seems more strenuous than standing up and moving all day.
That’s so fantastic that you love your job so much! Yay!
And teaching fitness is THE best 🙂 Keep on enjoying it!
I definitely prefer up and about! I even find the past few days we have been watching a lot of movies (end of the year) and i’ve been sitting way more than i want to! I would much rather be up and going than sitting on my rear end!
Being a teacher I could never imagine simply sitting behind a desk all day.
I work in tech in Silicon Valley and I’m REALLY thankful to be at a company that encourages being active and outside – meetings are regularly held outside, there are healthy (and free!) breakfast and lunch and snack options at our offices… and GYMS! With classes! (Like bodypump!)
That said – I’d definitely prefer to do the active job if I could 🙂
My job is a desk job 90% of the time and while I absolutely love the work that I do, I often wish I could be more active during the day… I keep telling myself that I get to save it all up for my afternoon playtime with my boy so having more energy when I pick him up makes it all worth it 🙂
I think it’s so wonderful that you’ve found your niche! When you truly love what you do it doesn’t seem like work at all :).
That trail mix looks like the perfect snack, I’ll have to look into making my own 🙂
Personal training really does sound like so much fun! I would love to do something like that.
Right now I would consider my job a desk job; although, they are some days when I’m hardly at my desk and running around all day. I prefer those kind of days. It makes the day go by much quicker!
I would prefer one that has me up and moving around. I’m actually getting ready to go through yoga teacher training and plan on being a yoga instructor full-time shortly following graduation! 🙂
Like you, I’ve worked desk jobs ever since college, and once I turned 30 this year, it dawned on me that I really don’t get any satisfaction out of these kinds of jobs. I won’t be making as much money as a yoga instructor, but you better believe I will be a thousand times happier. 🙂 And I’m A-OK with that!
Definitely interacting with people! I left my “desk” job after two years of it which I’d gone straight in to from college…I’m now working in wholefood restaurant, doing some social media on the side and loving life again! I’ve also just started seeing clients as a nutritional health coach and although I feel like I’m running around like a mad woman it’s all worth it because I enjoy it! I’d love to try your new class! You should so video one and stick it up on youtube to see what feedback you get!
That’s my fave Starbucks purchase! I definitely prefer interacting with people and not sitting at a desk all day. I am going to be a teacher so I will definitely not be staring at a computer screen most of my work days!