Breakfast first, then some mantra talk!
This morning I made a batch of honey whole wheat pancakes, but stirred some almond butter into the batter for a little extra flavor.
Topped with syrup and slivered almonds!
One Word Mantras
This morning, during my five mile treadmill run at the gym, I watched as the weatherman detailed the forecast for the coming week. Temperatures in Central Florida are expected to hit 80 degrees (and above) every single day.
My mind immediately skipped ahead to my half marathon next Saturday. What if the weather is still so warm? I started to think about my experience at the Women’s Half Marathon in St. Pete when the heat really got to me about halfway through the race. I remember feeling incredibly overheated and my mind got into a funk and couldn’t shake it.
I’ve been lucky with the weather during my long runs for the past few weeks. My eight miler was hot, but during my 9, 10 and 11 mile runs, the temperatures were in the 50s or 60s which was perfect. I started thinking about how my body probably feels used to running longer distances in cooler weather and psyched myself out as I ran today. I let other negative thoughts creep into my mind.
I want to run next Saturday’s half marathon and feel strong. I know heat and thick, humid air drain my energy quickly, but I think one of the biggest hurdles I faced during the Women’s Half Marathon was my mind.
Rule your mind or it will rule you, right?
Once I got it into my mind that I was hot and tired, that’s all I could think about. I focused on feeling defeated and that is obviously no way to invigorate a run.
Last month Theodora wrote a blog post about the power of running mantras. Her therapist encouraged her to explore using a one-word mantra during her runs. Theodora chose “speed.”
I often use music as a way to break through mental funks during long runs. In addition to filling my iPod with upbeat music, I’m going to try Theodora’s tactic and focus on a one-word running mantra during my half marathon if I feel negative thoughts creeping in.
My word? I feel confident in my ability to finish the half marathon. I’ve followed my training plan. I’ve run four half marathons before and know I can finish, but I want to really enjoy this race and keep my mind in a good place during all 13.1 miles. I know many things influence a runner’s attitude, but hopefully calling upon the word “strength” during my run will help me remember that my body is strong and my mind needs to be strong, too.
Question of the Morning
- If you were to use a one-word mantra to motivate yourself during a race or other fitness challenge, what word would you choose?
Swimming in college required ridiculous amounts of time and energy and lets face it, some days you just don’t have it. It gets hard to swim back and forth looking at the bottom of a pool when you have no music and no one to talk to. I would pick a pump up song and sing the chorus over and over in my head to the point where I would swim to the beat and wouldn’t even feel the fatigue, pain, or boredom. It sounds corny, but the phrase, “You can do it, just keep going,” always made me feel better. Our trainer always told us, “C’mon, you always have energy for one more,” and that stuck with me as well.
LOVE this choice, Joyce. For some reason it gave me chills when I read it.
Oh, wow, thanks! I just figure that if you believe you can do something (unless it’s flying like superman or something) that you can eventually do it. I think the reason that I have not succeeded at my many fitness goals over the years is because I didn’t believe I could be healthy. So, I have to believe that I can be. It’s gotten me through an entire week of Couch to 5 K so far.
I think, at this point, my word would have to be “Finish”. I’m not at a place yet where I can focus on the best time, or even running the entire time through a 5K, so just reminding myself how amazing it would be just to finish it, when 6months ago I couldn’t run 15sec without being out of breath, would be amazing.
that really IS amazing. when i ran my first race, i repeated “run as slow as you want to, just keep running” in my head. it took the pressure of performance away and made me dig deep and concentrate on finishing the race which felt like the most amazing accomplishment.
That was going to be mine too!
Sometimes when I’m running and I want to stop I repeat “sweat now or regret later, sweat now or regret later” because I know that I will regret not pushing myself later on. It really helps!
I’m actually training for a half right now too. My concern is the opposite. IL winter weather can be very cold – you know! So, I am worried about being able to get outside for my long runs. Can’t change the weather, so I guess I’ll just go with what I’m dealt and make the necessary adjustments.
My one word “Endurance”
I always think go-go-go! My cross country coach in college used to say it real quick to us when we turned a corner or were creeping up to pass another girl. It helps my feet move a bit faster and makes me pump my arms to put in a little jolt of speed. I love it!
i like that, too! it’s simple, but fun!
Our minds can be so brutal sometimes, huh? But just like you’re saying, only if we let them! I think “strength” is a great one for your one word mantra. There’s so much power behind our own strength! You’ll do awesome!
I really like “strength.” I also like “passion” or “FUN!” One of my biggest obstacles on runs is that occasionally, if I’m feeling overwhelmed, I psych myself out and forget how much I really love running. When I can truly enjoy a run, I feel 10,000 times better before, during, and after.
You’re going to kill it at your race next weekend! (I know you said you’re not running this race for speed, but I’d even put money on you PRing :))
i’m really not running for time, but i think that the thought of a PR somehow crept its way into the back of my mind. i’m guessing that’s part of the reason why all of the self doubt started creeping into my mind this morning when i saw the weather. i started to really think about a PR and when i thought back to my experience at the women’s half when the weather was hot, i instantly began doubting my abilities. hopefully focusing on STRENGTH will help me feel powerful on race day!
YOU CAN DO IT! I’ll be cheering for you all the way up in DC!
My word – FIERCE! 🙂
I love short Mantras! one word is a little too short for me though.. I find myself choosing 3 words to focus on like “lighter, quicker, stronger” or short phrases such as “you are worth it”
Strength is a GREAT choice — good luck!!!
I LOVE lighter, quicker, stronger. This will be my new mantra 🙂
I always think “I can do this””Ive done it before” type of mentality
i too go for the “i’ve done this before” kind of thing. it really helps me keep things in perspective
I think there are so many things out there that make us (especially as young women!) feel inferior or weak, but when I started running marathons I loved how powerful it made me feel. I feel strong, in control, and accomplished when I’m running.
– it’s something I’m always trying to work on and it’s also perfect for reminding myself that I can do it
great post Julie!
Confidence is my word too. Julie touched on it in her post, but this word means everything to me. I’m confident I can do anything if I try.
Mind over matter is SO true when it comes to running. Strength is a great word choice! Feeling strong during a run is the greatest feeling. When I’m really in the mood to stop (even though my body is physically fine to keep running) I always think of Dori in Finding Nemo…just keep running, just keep running…running running running running! It usually helps 🙂
Meghan I LOVE mind over matter as well. Actually I found that as a tattoo idea and it’s something I’m still considering!! Check it out! 🙂
Fighter. If I get 3 words “try, endure, succeed.” I said it over an over for the last 8 miles of a race and it kept me going.
I think: Breathe! It helps to keep me focused and relaxed, instead of tensing up. I like Strength, too! 🙂
Hmmm, it’s hard to whittle it down to one word, but I think “power” might do it for me.
It is so true that my mind dictates how my longer runs went when I was training. I could be having a really tired day physically, but whip out an awesome run because of the way I feel mentally. I often rememebr telling myself when I felt like my legs weren’t able to go anymore “You are strong.” so I resonate with your choice of using the word strength! It’s crazy how much our minds and bodies are connected.
You can absolutely finish!! It’s really all about what is in your head… Think strong, be strong!!
When I ran cross country in high school we always used the mantra, “I feel good, I feel strong, I feel fast!” Now I always pump myself up in my head telling myself I can do it and it’s not that bad!
I think I would pick “determination.” I’m running my first half in April, and I’m focused on getting myself across that finish line, even if I want to give up. Strength might be my back-up mantra, haha!
I love mantras and they are the only thing that could get me through a long swimming race in high school and college, most of the time I kept telling myself “you can do this”
I have 3…WHY NOT ME? I see so many different types if people working out at different levels. I know if someone else can push through a tough workout, so can I! Best to you on your run, Julie!
This one work for me this morning! Thanks I love it.
So happy to hear it!! I posted this as a textgram on Instagram @beautyrunzdeep if you want to check it out! Whoop! I always do zwow workouts and I use this, and yesterday I used the ‘mind over matter’ technique and it really helped. Best wishes on your fitness journey Jennifer B!
Heat can be a total mind F!!! I quit running for 2 months this year because I couldn’t hack it outside. Dress for the weather and take advantage of the water they give you. This isn’t your first rodeo, you are going to do great!
oh and for the one word. food or naked. after a race you get free food, and every work out makes you look better naked.
I’m running the Zooma half too and I’m starting to stress about the heat. I run much better in the cold and I have had some awesome training runs, but I give a lot of credit to the amazing weather. However, I’ve ran over 15 half marathons (some of them in crazy hot humid weather), so I know I can do it! It is so mental for me though – once I get into a funk I’m done. My words would be “opportunity” and “overcome” because I’m thankful and blessed to even have the opportunity to run and I know with the right attitude I can truly overcome any obstacle!
Good luck in your last week of training! Maybe I’ll see you at the Zooma finish line! 🙂
Power – or “Power Through It” is my word(s) of choice! You are going to do great with your upcoming run, you have been so awesome at sticking to your plan!!! BTW, those pancakes look AMAzing!
perfect one-word mantra…and yes, you can and will do a fantastic job in this race! Running is harder mentally than physically most days!
What a great idea. .. totally going to steal it for my half marathon in a few weeks!
“Relax” is my word when I’m getting to a point in a half or full marathon where you unconsciously start tensing up, when you’re getting fatigued or uncomfortable. I take that time to shake out my arms and drop my shoulders and try to breathe deeper and more evenly again. It’s such a mind game, it truly is! I might have to repeatedly do that throughout depending on the event and how I’m feeling, but getting to a point where a race is enjoyed for its beauty and your STRENGTH is amazing and inspiring 🙂 You’re doing to do great!
Strength is a great one word mantra!!! You can do ALL THINGS through CHRIST who gives you STRENGTH!! I repeated that verse often through my Tough Mudder last year!
I also like STAMINA!
Good luck, Julie! We’ll all be cheering for you! 🙂
Tenacity. I’ve used it in races before and has reminded me during the toughest times to stay present and positive. Best of luck in the race this weekend!
Once about two years ago I was working at A Sears store and when I was learning to operate A lawn mower once my boss, Judy told me to push down on the gas pedal, I was hesitant not familiar with how hard the pedal was to operate and I stepped lightly, smiling
she said to me,”I know you have strong legs, you need to push harder” Later that year when running A local 5K race I had pushed hard through the entire race and was wanting A strong finish but my legs where very tired, but then in my mind I could hear Judy telling me she knew I was strong and I needed to push harder. I did finish very well and I always think of those words when I need to push through:)
This is very similiar to something my aunt, who has run several marathons, told me! I had just started training for my half and she told me “Your legs are strong, you can do it. It’s all in your mind”. I repeat this in my head as well, it really does make a difference!
WILL! Mine came from Matt’s Long Run – have you read that book? I met Matt Long in PA during the Runner’s World Half & Festival – AMAZING and so inspirational!!
I absolutely love motivational quotes! They can really make a world of difference when you are having a bad day or feeling lazy!
Running in the heat is brutal! An interesting thing that keeps popping into my mind lately when I’m running is some research I’ve read that suggests that humans survived long ago in by being better able to run in heat than other animals. If you youtube “bbc persistence hunting” it explains how our bodies are built to survive running long distances in intense heat (even though it feels awful at times!). So, nerdy as it may be, I push through heat by reminding myself that I was built for it and my body is good at it.
I’m cheating, but my four-word mantra is “This is a gift.” (Also works nicely with footfalls…one word per footfall, and since it’s even it doesn’t throw off my rhythm). Keeping that in mind–that I’m fortunate that I’m physically capable of running, that I’m financially capable of registering for races and working a job that doesn’t keep me more than 8 hours a day–really helps me during awful, awful runs. I’m a huge believer in the mind’s ability to affect your body, and though I hardly excel at positive thinking, it really does make a difference!
Running in the heat is killer. I experience the same kind of situation here in South Texas. Sometimes if you want to get a run in outside, you have to suck it up and keep going since temperatures are warm 24/7 here. I’m deaf so it’s hard to listen to music as a motivational tool but I loved your post when you used “Legs don’t give up on me now!” as a way to get through a run. I say that now all the time!
My word would be COMMITMENT, followed by PROUD.
I am having to remind myself of that already as I just signed up for a 10k. I like to run but I have to be honest, I am slow and have never run anything longer(in a race) than a 5K. While 6.2 miles is no big deal for some, it is MAJOR for me so I just have to remember that I committed to doing this race and I will finish, no matter what. And then my next word would be PROUD!! Because that is how I will feel when I am finished:-)
Energetic. Running in the heat is awful!
I personally like “commit.” Simple and to the point! I want to commit to be fit, commit to finish a workout, commit to plan meals, etc.
I’m running the Disney half in Orlando and I’m excited about the heat! It’s been in the 30s or below here lately, and I’m SO TIRED of running in the cold! I’m hoping the warm weather will actually give me strength to push through! And I love the idea of a one word mantra. I might try it this weekend for mine. I think I might go with “Determination”, since I’m DETERMINED to finish this race without crawling across the finish line!
Maybe your mantra should be Sadie, since she ran all your long runs with you for this training cycle!
Funny this should be your topic. Yesterday, I was at the gym, and was feeling weak at the end of my workout (last exercise was Standing Bicep Cable Curls), and my biceps were SPENT. I was ready to quit, but the word “Finish” just popped into my head, and I realized that I could take it slow and just Finish. While I was going slower, my mood started changing and I got to thinking, “You’re gonna be so excited to FINISH this! Even if you aren’t lifting the weights you want, even if it’s taking less time. Slow and steady wins the race!”
It was a good day at the gym. 🙂
I always use the word “Strength” for every aspect of life 🙂 I even got it tattooed since it has such an incredible meaning to me!
Love the thought of mantras. Mine would be FORTITUDE.
My word is always YES. No matter if I’m running or lifting weights, I am saying YES to myself. Gets me going!
If choosing one word? GO. 🙂 Just keep at it!
I also have a running motivational phrase/slogan that I repeat during really tough runs: “Puke, die, or keep going.” <–sounds intense when I type it out haha but it definitely pushes me up the next hill.
I think my word would have to be “Endure.” Sometimes when I’m feeling tired I give up to quickly, but if I power through I’m usually fine..