I got such a kick out of reading about your funky pronunciations last night! So many of your comments made me laugh out loud because I feel like my dad pronounces a lot of words the way some of you guys do.
- Orange = Arnge
- Wash = Warsh
The poor man also cannot pronounce edamame for the life of him and says “chimney” like “chimley.”
He’s from Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, in case you were wondering… but my mom is too (they were in the same kindergarten class) and she somehow managed to leave Pennsylvania without these funny pronunciations.
When I moved to Florida from Illinois in 2003, I got made fun of all the time for the way I said “mom.” I pronounced it “maaam” (Chicago accent, baby!) and also said “pop” instead of soda. I think I now say mom with the proper “o” instead of the nasally “a” and I’ve converted saying “soda” as well. I guess eight years in Florida will change ya!
Today’s workout was day two on my new workout plan. I started my workout with a two-mile run before hitting the weights to complete this upper-body workout:
- Superset one: Front shoulder raises, Tricep dips
- Superset two: Chest press, Upright row
- Superset three: Bicep curls, Tricep extensions
- Superset four: Overhead press, Barbell row
- Tricep pulldowns
- Bicep curls (3 minutes)
- Mac raises (<—Learned this one from BodyPump!)
- Lat pulldowns
I did three sets of 15 repetitions of every exercise.
My arms felt nice and fatigued by the end of that workout! I’m already loving this new workout plan. I needed something new to rejuvenate my workouts and I have a feeling this is going to be a good change.
Now I just have to cram in a three mile run sometime today to get my total of five miles in to stay on track for my half marathon training plan. We’ll see if that happens!
To all of you expert runners out there, right now I have myself doing two week-day runs at five miles in addition to one long run on Saturday. Any chance I can get away with running less during the week? I’d love your input. I’m not running for a specific time. My goal is to simply run the whole thing and cross the finish line without wanting to die.
Today’s meal looks awfully similar to yesterday’s breakfast!
Apparently frying eggs after cooking turkey bacon makes the eggs get all funky looking and spotty. Still tasty, though!
Question of the Morning
How do you pronounce…
- Coupon: Cue-pon or coo-pon?
- Pecan: Pah-cahn or pee-can?
- Caramel: Car-mel or care-a-mel?
My answers: Cue-pon, pah-can and car-mel.
How about the word “crayon”? I’ve heard “crown” “crawn” “cray-on” “crayn”
When I moved to Chicago for college, I somehow lost all the Florida in me and picked up a strong Midwestern accent. When I would come home to visit my family and friends, everyone would make laugh at how my “o’s” had turned into “a’s”!
Haha! I’m from New Jersey and I definitely say coo-pon, pee-can, and car-a-mel.
…I also ask for my morning “caw-fee” instead of “coff-ee.”
hahah I have that same midwest accent being from STL and say “maahhm” and “mahhhggie”.
you should do the accent vlog! http://www.ruthiehart.com/2011/09/accent-vlogs.html
Growing up, my dad was such a stickler about pronunciations….not really sure why so when I would accidentally say “MaZaGine” instead of “MaGaZine” he would go nuts….same with “Q-Pon instead of Coo-Pon”
Words are so funny!
•Coupon: Cue-pon
•Pecan: pee-cahn
•Caramel: care-a-mel?
The best (mis)pronunciation I have ever heard is an old high school friend trying to say Massachusetts. She couldn’t say it correctly to save her life, instead saying Mass-a-two-sh*ts.
I’m sure she didn’t mean to offend a state or its people – that is just the way it came out!
As for myself, a friend recently pointed out that I say “headache” like “head-eck.” I am now quite self-conscious about it!
Coo-pon, Pee-can, and car-a-mel. Long Island accent all the way lol
Another one is Garage. Some people say it like Gar-age, others say it more like grage. Makes me laugh.
I say them all opposite from you. I’m Canadian though!
Oh, definitely pah-can! Drives me a little nutty when people say pee-can 🙂
I also tend to say ‘dad’ like ‘dee-id’ … I never noticed it on my own, but people have pointed it out to me more than once…. weird!
#1 I usually do 2 THREE mile runs during the week and then one long run on the weekend for my training. I’ve heard that all you need is 30 minutes of solid running to maintain your endurance. BUT, I’m not an “expert” as you say 🙂
#2 You grew up in Illinois? Me too!!! Where did you live in Illinois before you moved to Florida?
i grew up in palatine – a NW suburb of chicago!
Loving your savoury breakfasts right now! I gotta get on board with that 🙂
Hey Julie!
As far as the running goes, I’d suggest adding in a speed workout on one of your 5 mile run days. This would mean a shorter run of maybe even 3 or 4 miles but with loaded benefits! I know you don’t care about being the fastest runner there but for the sake of not boring yourself with 5 mile runs twice a week I say give it a try!
Interval, tempo, or hills! and you could switch up which one every week if you wanted! I’d say you’d be more than set for the race if you added one of these runs in once a week! 😉
do you have any examples of speed workouts you’d recommend? i’m intrigued!!
I really enjoy Fartlek runs because they’re more fun and the time flies!
All you do is start out with a slow jog warmup outside and then simply pick a mailbox, tree, house, whatever that is a good distance away from you and sprint to it. Once you get there go back to a slow job or fast walk until you’ve regained your breath, then look ahead and pick another point to sprint to!
You can do these based off of time( just wanting to get in 30 minutes) or off of distance ( 3 miles maybe? since you have a garmin obv. this is easy to do)
the point is not to focus so much on an exact distance that you sprint or recover on, but by just going by your breath and how you’re feeling. it’s easy to push yourself and sometimes I’ll pick a place to sprint to but before I get there I tell myself, “no just a little further! to the next light pole!” or something like that!
Anyways, sorry this is so long! The other I’d really recommend is tempo runs, which are based off of time generally. e.g. would be 40 min. tempo run:
10 min slow jog
20 min med-high intensity run ( pushing yourself at a faster pace but not to the point of losing your breath)
10 min slow jog and cooldown
Tempos are really great for preparing your for your long runs as your body adapts to a faster pace for a period of time.
If you want to get in a quick run- hills all the way! high calorie and fat burn and building strength in the butt and legs all in one! Plus they really get your heart rate up!
Anyways, again apologizing for this being so long!
let me know if you have any more questions! 🙂
Love your blog!
When I trained for a half-marathon, I did 3 miles on each of 3 weekdays, plus my long run on the wknd, and I was fine.
i say all 3 opposite haha. i think you should stick to 3 days a week to help build your endurance
Coupon: coo-pon
Pecan: Pah-cahn
Caramel: care-a-mel
Fun post 🙂 I’m from Milwaukee so I have that nasaly “aaa / eeey” vowel tendency!
Haha!! This is funny. So here goes – coo-pon, pah-cahn and care-mel. I have been told I pronounce the work “year” like “ear”. I tell these people that they need to get theirs checked out 🙂
I pronounce all 3 words the exact opposite than you! Ha. I am Canadian, if that makes a difference. Oh and we say pop here instead of soda!
Do at least 3 runs a week otherwise you’ll end up with shin splints, or something worse. love ya!
I say:
and I don’t say Car-mel or Care-a-mel. I say a combo: Care-mel
My husband calls his mom, Mumma. He’s from down in the tidewater region of VA. They have their own kind of accent down there.
That is so cute that your parents went to kindergarten together!
Warsh! Ha! My grandma always said that, too 🙂
I say:
•Coupon: coo-pon
•Pecan: Pah-cahn
•Caramel: Car-mel
Oh…and I say pop, too – I’m from (and still live in) Ohio 🙂
I also say care-mel like the above commenter.
Up in the northeast we also use wicked all the time – like “that’s wicked awesome.” Other parts of the country seem to look at us like huh?
Hi, Julie! I have heard many times that the mileage of your weekly long run should not exceed the mileage of all your other runs during the week added up. So if you’re running an 8-mile long run, you want to make sure you run some combo of runs during the week that totals 8 miles. I guess that means that no matter what, you’re running at least 3x/week (otherwise you’d have two long runs, duh). This is the rule I follow and I always feel prepared for my fulls or halves. However, my sports med dr., who is a female 3:10 marathoner(!), thinks that there’s no harm in doing just the long run if you truly only care about finishing and not necessary finishing “strong.”
These pronunciation posts are too funny!
I say:
Coupon: coo-pon
Pecan: pee-can
Caramel: care-a-mel
Coupon: Coo-pon
Pecan: I think I combine the two versions and say it my own weird way.
Caramel: Car-mel
Speaking of caramel, I live in Carmel, Indiana (which is pronounced like it’s spelled…car-mel) and lately everyone I have talked to (who doesn’t live here) has said it wrong. Everyone keeps calling it car-a-mel or care-mel. I think it’s funny because it sounds exactly like it’s spelled, but it completely throws people off.
I shouldn’t talk though because I have a MAJOR Chicago accent and am always told I say everything wrong and drag my words on forever. Even people from Chicago make fun of me! The worst part is that I haven’t lived there in 7 years and I’m pretty sure the accent just gets stronger as I get older rather than going away.
I live in Boston but have definitely gotten into arguments with several people from Carmel, Indiana over the years about the correct pronunciation… my name is pronounced car-MEL (rhymes with Michelle) and it drives me nuts when people pronounce it like ‘car-mul!’
I am currently training for the Chicago Marathon (I’m a Chicago native, woop!) and I have recently cut my training down to just 2-3 runs a week, usually a short run, mid-lenth, and the ever important long run. I found myself getting extremely burned out and I’m more likely to be able to complete the long run if I haven’t over-exerted myself during the week. With that said, I think you will be a-ok if you skimp on a couple of the short runs and are still incorporating cross training, especially because you are already in phenomenal shape!
Well I say coo-pon, pah-CANNES and car-mel.
I also grew up in the midwest (Cincinnati), but have said Soda for the last maybe 8 years. I guess it has to do with my Jersey roommate in college and then moving to Virginia and then Boston. Now pop sounds so weird to me.
The very first thing I thought about when I saw this post was Mean Girls.
“She asked me how to spell ARNGE”
So cute that your parents were in the same kindergarten class! I say cue-pon, pah-con, and care-a-mel! So funny to read how everyone says things differently!
I just got nerdly excited. I don’t live that far from Gettysburg (not originally from the area…but still from PA). My mother in law says “warsh” all the time! It sometimes drives me insane. But my husband has a few: “keller” instead of “color”, “melk” instead of “milk”, and “amb-lee-ance” instead of “ambulance.” The poor man has to deal with a lot of teasing! 🙂
You need to check out Ruthie’s accent vlog…it’s great! I think you should do one with your fa-ja.
I say “coo-pon”, “pee-can” and “car-mul”
I’m coo-pon, pee-can, and car-mel.
My employer says cereal in a way I have never heard before, and I twitch a little when I hear it. Rather than sear-ee-uhl, it is more like sir-ee-uhl. She says material in the same way. Never heard that before!!
Here in Tennessee, no one says “pop” or “soda”. We just call everything “Coke” lol.
I say “Lordy Mercy” about 100 times a day.
“lordy” or “laaawdy?” 🙂
Well, laaaawdy mercy! How’d you know?
I can’t believe your parents are from Gettysburg! I grew up there and went to school through middle school there as well. Such a small world. Have you ever been back?
yes! many times! you can see a couple of my gettysburg posts on my “travel” page! i love it there. such a pretty town.
running…..if you’re managing to get in your long runs..you’ll be okay. a couple of runs during the week are good, but you can just do 3 miles, not 5. my best marathon (out of 3) i did NO long runs….only ran 5 miles 4x a week…so go figure….but all your other cross-training helps with endurance so you can get by with fewer short runs…i know that too…i know someone who’s a zumba instructor and a great runner. she runs faster than me without actually running to train! just by zumba and weights.
When I was training for the NYC 1/2 last winter (yes it was freezing!) I did 1 shorter run during the week and every Saturday would up my long run by 1 mile until I hit 11 miles. Then start to tapper. Also, running a few miles on Sunday is helpful…it will be tougher as your muscles are repairing but just the 1 or 2 miles will definitely help you in the long run (no pun intended!)
I say coo-pon, pee-can, and car-mel 🙂
For all 3 of those words, I go with the latter pronunciation.
As for running, I just posted my 1/2 training plan which is only 3 days a week and similar to yours but with speedwork during the shorter runs and got a bunch of comments about how it was “low milage” for a 1/2 plan. I think it’ll be fine, it’s my 2nd half so I know it works mileage wise since I finished and got my time goal last year during my first. I think it might be hard to cut out much more running/mileage than what you’re already doing but you may be able to cut one of the weekly 5 milers down a mile or so. I posted my training plan a couple of days ago if you’re interested. Good luck!
I’m training for my third half right now and definitely think you can get away with less running! I run MAX 2-3 times per week, averaging probably 5 runs every two weeks. I usually do my long run and a 5ish mile run. If I do more it will be a quick 3 mile run.
I say coo-pon, pah-cahn, and car-mel 🙂
* Coupon: coo-pon
* Pecan: pee-can
* Caramel: care-a-mel
I love seeing how different people pronounce different words from different parts of the country! Although I was born not too far from Gettysburg and still live in PA and don’t say any of the words like your dad does. I think those are just his special pronunciations!
Just saw your guest blog on Sparkpeople today! Thinking back, I may have discovered your blog a while ago from another freelance article you had there. Great exposure for you!
Your parents were in the same Kindergarten class?! that is too amazing! Wow! So cute.
i know, i love that! they are high school sweethearts. 🙂
that breakfast sandwich looks so amazing!!! i love a good bfast sandwich to start the morning!! =)
Nice workout Julie! I am due for an upper body workout tomorrow… this is what I shall be doing 🙂
I read the comments from yesterday’s post this morning, they just completed my morning! haha loved them
-Pee-can (or peh cahn if I am trying to sound fancy) lol
As soon as I read those pronunciations I said to myself “he must be from this area” (this area being Northern Baltimore County in MD — pretty close to PA, and although he’s not exactly from MD, he is close enough and the accents totally makes sense! I grew up closer to DC to the “accent” I hear around here is totally different than what I’m used to! I love accents! Thanks for sharing 😀
I swear the mispronunciation of edemame is a PA thing. I live about 20 minutes from Gettysburg and no one can say it right.
Know what else cracks me up? When people say
Choir-practor. (Instead of chiropractor). Working in healthcare it’s so hard to keep a straight face when a patient looks at you with a solemn look and talks about their choir-practor.
You’re breakfast looks so good!! Will you come make some for me? 😉 I’m on the west coast, so I’m just having my coffee 😉 there is still time!!