In a bit of an overwhelmed panic, I turned to the PBF Facebook page and asked you to share your “must have” baby items. A bunch of you were kind enough to chime in and tell me all about what you used, what got ignored and what you couldn’t live without when it came to caring for your little ones. I am so incredibly appreciative of your advice and put together the vast majority of my registry by following your tips and guidance.
I also had a bunch of you ask me to share my master list of registry items with you once I was done putting everything together. It seems like more than a few of you are in a similar boat to me – aka pregnant and clueless – so I hope this list helps give you a starting point!
I followed the advice of blog readers and close girlfriends and also did some research myself to create our registry. I tried to keep item descriptions below very generic so you can do your own research and fill your registry with items that are best for you, but I also hyperlinked most items for those who might be curious for more specifics and want to know exactly what I chose to include in our baby registry. I also tried to organize our registry into categories to make it slightly less overwhelming. I hope this helps!
Also, if you happen to be a parent who has been through all of this before and notice something missing off the below registry list that you think I should have included, please let me know! I know it’s definitely not a comprehensive list and I’m absolutely open to recommendations!
Our Baby Registry
- Infant/Toddler Bathtub
- Washcloths
- Brush and Comb
- Baby Shampoo and Body Wash
- Hooded Towels
Bed and Sleep
- Swaddling Blankets
- Crib Sheet
- Mattress Pad (Waterproof)
- Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit
- SleepSack
- Changing Pad Cover
- Diaper Caddy
- ButtPaste Ointment
- Portable Changing Station
- Diaper Trash Can
- Diapers
- Burp Cloths
- Bibs (Cloth and Soft Rubber)
- Bottles
- Bottle Drying Rack
- Bottle Brush with Nipple Cleaner
- High Chair/Booster Seat
- Nursing Shawl
- Nipple Cream
- Breastmilk Storage Bags
- Disposable Nursing Pads
- Sterilizing Bags
- Boppy/Nursing Pillow
- Breast Pump (U.S. insurance companies offer this for free)
Baby Care
- Nail Clippers
- Thermometer
- Aspirator
- Vaseline
- Pacifiers
Safety and Transportation
- Baby Monitor
- Sunscreen
- Car Seat
- Stroller
- Stroller Blanket
- Baby Carrier(s)
- Back Seat Mirror
- Infant Life Jacket
Questions of the Day
- What were your “must have” items that you absolutely loved and used constantly after your baby was born?
The most recommended baby registry items from blog readers (outside of staples like a stroller or car seat) included the Rock ‘n Play, Boppy, swaddling blankets and burp cloths!
- What was one thing you thought you’d use a lot that didn’t work well for you/your baby?
- Is there anything missing from the above registry list that you think should be included?
My son is in love with all things muslin. He’s almost 4 months old and is starting to teeth and actually likes chewing on his muslin burp cloths and bibs. Also, these changing pad covers: ( … I will never use any other. The middle is wipeable so if you have a leak or something, you can just wipe it off instead of having to take the whole thing off and put on a new one. DEFINITELY worth buying.
I figured babies must love muslin blankets/bibs/burp cloths or something because they’re everywhere!! And that changing pad cover sounds fantastic — thanks for the recommendation!
We also have the Chicco Keyfit 30. Highly recommend looking into the Liteway Plus stroller. I LOVE it! The carseat clicks in and it coverts when they’re older. It’s much lighter than the typical “travel system” Chicco offers. I can pick it up with one hand!
The thing I thought I’d use a ton but didn’t was a Moby wrap and regular baby carrier. I liked the Moby at first, but it was SUCH a pain to get on that I stopped using it. The regular baby carrier faced toward me and she liked seeing out.
The thing everyone says not to get that I still use (we have to start potty training soon!) is a wipe warmer.
Also, I only put her in snap jammies vs zip ones in the early days because that way, you can only expose her bottom half for middle-of-the-night diaper changes, instead of basically getting her naked with the zip kind.
I did a whole series a while ago on this kind of stuff if you want to look on my blog. (I gave up on blogging for now, so I’m not looking for page views or anything… I think it is under Baby Tips/Needs – I can’t access it from my work computer…)
Try this?
Interesting I am the exact opposite! I only put my kids in the zip up jammies because trying to align buttons in the middle of the night was too much effort!
Your list looks great! As a BTDT mom, I would add infant Tylenol and some gripe water/gas drops. There’s nothing like have a screaming, gassy baby at 2:00 in the morning. I also had a baby swing, but some babies love them, and some don’t. And don’t be too set on a particular bottle brand. I think for both of my kids, I had to try several brands before they found the brand they liked. And I also brought those hand mittens to the hospital. They are usually born with long fingernails and can scratch themselves.
I loved our wrap (we used a Moby but I hear a Solly is awesome) and carrier (we got the Ergo). They help me sneak in chores! And early on if he was fussy I could get in some skin to skin and rock him while saving my aching arms 🙂
Great list! Our Ergo was and still is the best baby investmen that we made. I wish we had had the rock a bye sleeper though; I have heard so many great things about it!
Just FYI – Obamacare requires that ALL health insurance plans provide a free breast pump. I assume your comment about “many” was directed at your U.S. readers, so I wanted to clarify. Thanks!
Just updated the post to say US instead of “many” — thanks for the clarifiation, Susan!
And, insurance companies aren’t required to provide the top of the line, automatic pumps. My insurance will only reimburse up to 80% IF our deductible has been met, other than it they just provide 100% of a MANUAL pump. So be sure and check!
There are some exceptions to US insurance companies covering breast pumps. Mine, for example, was “grandfathered in” and is not required to cover my breast pump at all. I keep seeing comments everywhere stating that all US insurance companies must cover them, so I wanted to clarify.
the nose frida is awesome instead of the blue bulb aspirator (which you’ll get at the hospital!) i loved having william in the bassinet for the first few months too – he was right next to my bed and it had a vibrating thing, soft music , and a little light
Gas drops are a must!!!
Great list! I feel like I’ve bought a lot of these for baby gifts for family and friends!
Great list! I’m sure this list will be a huge help for other mommies-to-be out there! I would also highly recommend soothing gel pads for breastfeeding moms. I preferred them over the nipple cream because they were cooling and since they were gel pads vs. cream, they weren’t greasy. Even if you use the cream too, it’s a nice alternative to have on hand to help with soreness. I would also recommend carrying disposable changing pads in your diaper bag. You will encounter a wide spectrum of baby changing facilities…some are not so clean! If you use a diaper changing station in a public place (restaurant, mall, etc) and it looks icky, you may not want to put that reusable changing pad back into your diaper bag (especially since I could never find a washable one, most are wipe clean only). In those situations, I would use a disposable one. Not much longer until your little guy arrives! Enjoy your last few weeks as just a couple…go to the movies, go out to dinner, take naps…life will be very different when you become a family of 3 🙂
I couldn’t live without a wipe warmer. Sounds silly, but it was so nice. Even during the summer, the wipes were cool and shocking to our babies.
Well this one is getting saved …
I loved my Bamboobies. They are reusable breast pads and they are SO soft! Highly recommend!
Your registry is spot on! The one thing my son did not like was the bassinet (thankfully we had borrowed one). He cried every time we put him in it, he wanted the rock n’ play and that is what he ended up sleeping in while in our room! I was afraid he would then hate his crib but we had him sleeping in there at 3 months. (I was done tip toeing around our bedroom when he was sleeping, so the first week he slept in the rock n play in his room and then went to his crib)
And oh how I love the video monitor!!! Best invention EVER! Took away so much worry when he started sleeping in his room!
One thing you may also want to add is a swing. Even better would be if you could borrow one first to try it out, as I’ve heard some babies do not like it. As your little guy gets older he may enjoy swinging while he’s awake and you’re doing things around the house. Our little guy loved the swing!
Take home the aspirator from the hospital!! It may be better than one you will get from a store. Also- the aiden burpy bibs are a great investment although they are a little pricy. Sometimes spit can end up on shoulders and miss the regular bib. It’s easier to change a bib than clothes sometimes. Great looking list!!
How exciting! You did great with your registry. 🙂 The one product I would highly recommend is the “my breast friend” pillow for nursing. I started out using the boppy and the baby was sliding all over the place. The boppy is great for sitting the baby in once he is older, but the breast friend is a god send! My lactation consultant had recommended it. Also, a nursing cover (can’t recall if you had one or not).
Also, couldn’t live without our swing, cradle and play, boob bottle rack, gumdrop pacifier and a good mobile (rather than a cutsie one). When babies are so little, they can barely do anything and the mobile has been both of my babies favorite things to do other than rock. We have this brand and love it. Seriously a life changer!
*boon not “boob” lol!
Nose Frida and Windi!!
I have three wraps and hate them — used each maybe a few times. They are long and drag on the floor when tying them. I much prefer my Boba carrier.
Also, look into a chair you can clip to your kitchen counter when he reaches the sitting stage. It’s convenient because you can also take it to restaurants. We have the Inglesina brand one and though my husband protested, he has admitted that it was a worth purchase.
We used our Rock n Play twice before I became paranoid after reading about trachea issues since our son kept looking uncomfortable in it.
I’d say lastly that there as cute as clothes are, be practical at first and get snap on shirts and dual zippered onesies. You will change the baby so many times that you won’t want to mess with bottoms. My son is 8 months old and I am only now consistently putting him in shorts or pants. He’s worn shoes or socks about 10 times. Then again, we live in the desert, so it’s not a necessity.
Good luck!!
Thank you for this list! Getting a little overwhelmed even thinking about starting our registry….who knew little ones need SO much stuff! 🙂
The Fisher Price Kick and Play piano mat got us through the first year 🙂
Definitely bamboobies nursing pads. Triple paste to get rid of diaper rash quick. Mamaroo. Oball toy. Wipe warmer (our son who is 6 months hates cold wipes lol).
There are baby clippers with a light….they are so much better. It illuminates those little fingers and toes so well….makes a huge difference.
My only piece of advice here is- if there is anything left on your registry that is “big”– ie, a swing, RNP, PNP, activity mat, etc OR if you need duplicate items (ie- I have a portable swing, activity mat, PNP and bouncy seat/chair at my parent’s house)- look into a children’s consignment shop.
Seriously- I will will always check these stores prior to making a new purchase from now on. I have two good shops that are close to home. They have TONS of inventory- think like 30 activity mats, 10 rock n plays, 10-15 swings, 10-15 bouncy seats, etc etc on any given day. And ROWS and ROWs of like-new clothes and books (and shoes and carriers and EVERYTHING).
To give you an idea- I just bought a portable swing for my parent’s house- new price is 50$, I got it for 25$- it is like new and even came with batteries in it that still worked. A rocking bouncer was 22$ (38$ for the same one at WalMart). Activity Mats can retail from 40-60$ and they are usually about 15$ at the consignment shop.
Both of my places have stamp cards- for every 10$ you spend, you get a stamp and then 20% off your purchase when the card is full.
There is so much waste in the world and the baby market is so saturated. Just some food for thought! I wish I would have checked out these places before I made my registry– I would have had a smaller registry and maybe even set up some sort of savings account for my baby that people could donate into instead of gifts.
I have told all of my friends/family that I want gently used things at Christmas time!
You will LOVE the muslin swaddle blankets you registered for. They are so soft and breathable, and if you end up with an eczema baby like I did(I pray you don’t!!) and they can’t wear anything due to their bad rash, those blankets will be a the only thing soft enough for their sensitive skin. They were a lifesaver for me. So excited for you and praying for a safe delivery!!
As a fellow long-torsoed girl, I would recommend you also check out the Brestfriend pillow for nursing instead of the Boppy. The Boppy is great for the baby once he can sit up to help support him, but for nursing I (and my other tall friends) felt it was too low to be supportive. With the Brestfriend, you can adjust it since it has a strap. Just a thought to check out if the Boppy doesn’t work out for you.
Also! I would recommend looking at strollers that can be converted for two babies (just in case!). We spent a lot on a BOB with my first and now have a newborn. I heard the City Mini ones can convert from solo to double, so I’m wishing I had gone that route. We also have a click-n-go (where it’s just the stroller frame) for our Keyfit 30 and LOVE it. It’s perfect when you are just running into a store/appointment/etc. quickly.
Congratulations to you both! 🙂
I second the Brestfriend over the Boppy. I couldn’t live without it.
What a fun list and you’ve got some great things that we used a ton! Only things I would consider adding would be the Fischer Price Kick n Play Piano (my little guy loved it and it really does grow with them–he still at a year old uses the piano that is detachable) and then I would suggest looking at the Nuna or 4Moms versions of the pack n play–they are super easy to set up and tear down (if you’re not planning on moving it a ton then it probably isn’t worth the extra money but for traveling they make it easier!). Oh and the BOB running stroller with infant attachment is fabulous! They make an attachment to use with our Chicco car seat. We use ours all the time! Though I have seen a new burley version that is tempting to try but the BOB has such a good track record.
Ah so fun to talk baby gear! Getting excited for you all!!
You got all the stuff covered! My fave purchase would have to be the BOB. It is the best stroller out there IMO, easy to maneuver and very versatile. Wyatt was in it from the get go… we did lots and lots of walking. I didn’t use a carrier too much because Wyatt was SO fussy in it (we got an ergo). But most babies love it! I hope baby #2 likes it so it wasn’t a waste of $ 😉
My 2 cents on strollers is if you are planning on having at least another child in the next few years look into strollers that can convert to be either a single or a double stroller. I personally use a Phil and Ted, but City Select has a model that is popular and I am sure there are other great options out there too.
My son is 3 1/2 weeks. It goes by way too fast!!! Enjoy every moment! My little guy loves sleeping in his rock n play at night and also loves the swaddle pod. This works out great for sleeping when he was little (about ready to grow out of now). The other swaddles seemed too big when he was first born.
Your list looks great. My only advice is (assuming you’ll be breastfeeding mostly) is be open on the bottle situation. My kids were breastfed for a year each and even though I started the bottles right away, they HATED Dr. Brown (which were recommended to breastfeeding moms) but they both took right to Avent. So be open, if he doesn’t take to Dr. Brown, it isn’t necessarily that he doesn’t like the bottle, so try other brands. 🙂
totally agree – don’t go out and spend a ton of money on Dr Brown (or any other brand) kits because babies are pretty picky when it comes to bottles! You might end up buying one or two bottles of a bunch of different brands before figuring out what works best!
The boppy nursing pillow did not work well for me when I was breastfeeding (it can be used for tummy time too though). And the 4MOM bath tub is the best tub by far! My baby LOVES it – and I like it becuase it keeps the water flowing! I also found the Halo Sleepsacks to be great for swaddling and sleeping. Our NICU used them and I bought some before we left let hospital.
The only thing I think you’re missing is an actual baby swing. I’ve used this one ( ) for my last two kids and it’s been more of a lifesaver than I can ever say. When the babies were young and waking up ever two hours to eat, putting them in the swing got me an extra hour or two of sleep at a time. The swing is also great when the baby is fussing and just can’t fall asleep. The one we have has a bouncer that pulls right off, so you eliminate the need for a second bouncer. It’s funny that we never even put this on the registry, my parents bought it for us because they knew we’d need it and it’s become one of the most important baby items we’ve ever had.
technically Julie is correct. There are still grandfathered plans that are not required to provide free breastpumps
Yeah, my husband works for the state so his plan was grandfathered in. They didn’t provide a dime towards my pump 🙁
I’m not having kids for years and I’m already overwhelmed thinking about all the different products! There’s so many! I think when the time comes I’ll turn to my friends who know about all that stuff already because they have kids! haha
I know!! I felt (and still feel…) totally clueless about everything! Recommendations from moms who have been there are SO helpful!
The best things for me were those dangling toys that hang from the handle of the car seat so baby has something to play with and look at. They have been amazing at keeping my baby girl entertained and helps with her hand grasp when she reaches out.
Also, I know everyone has different experiences with different products, but I found the Target brand breast milk storage bags to be the best. We had serious problems with leakage and breaking from the thin Lansinoh bags.
Congrats and good luck!!!
Thanks for the recommendation about the Target bags!! I’ll keep them in mind if we have issues with our Lansinoh bags, too.
We loved diapers, swaddling blankets, and his little bouncer/lounger seat. It’s great to have a place to set them down once in a while! Instead of a portable diaper changing station, we just used blankets. Blankets on the floor are great for home, and I just got some disposable changing cloths to lay down when we’re in public.
I had a lot of people recommend the Sleep Sheep 🙂 My nephew uses his all the time to help him sleep when traveling! Also, a sound machine is apparently a must!
I’ve heard great things about that as well!! It’s on my radar…
It looks like you’ve got all the major stuff covered! I thought we would use our infant tub a ton, but after my C-section I wasn’t really up for kneeling and leaning over our garden tub for bath time, so we did baths in the bathroom sink until she started getting too big for it! The one thing I wasn’t sure I would even like but use all the time now is the Baby K’Tan…similar to the Moby except minus all the complicated wrapping and tying.
A couple things – Since you and Ryan are so active, I’d definitely recommend getting a jogging stroller. They have attachment pieces for the carseat. Jogging strollers are big, though, so we would just put our son in the carrier for stores (we have the K’tan and the Lillebaby). He’s now big enough for an umbrella stroller, which has been great for traveling and stores where we don’t need a shopping cart.
My son LOVED the bouncy seat. In fact, up until about now (he’s almost 8 months, I can’t believe it!), it was the only way we could get him to take naps at home.
Regarding the nursing pillows – Personally, I didn’t see the point in spending $40+ on a pillow for a pretty specific purpose. Throw pillows have worked pretty well for propping my son up to feed. I even tried My Brest Friend and thought it was awkward and required much more work to get situated than just grabbing the nearest throw pillow.
Also, I agree 100% with Michelle’s comment about buying used. Baby things are such a racket and marketers prey on new parents thinking they need the best and most expensive things for their child.
Good luck with everything!
I’m not sure if you’ve heard this before or not, but I would recommend 2 mattress pads and sheets… there is nothing worse than a sick baby or a blowout, and not having a spare set to throw into the crib at 2A. We also had 2 diaper changing pad covers for the same reason. Congrats! it’s been fun following you along on this journey!
We have two sheets but I didn’t even think about getting another mattress pad… Good call!!
Fisher Price Infant to Toddler Rocker – Lizard Chair. It vibrates, rocks, has toys hanging from it. My 4 month loves it!! He used it at a friends house & I went home & bought one for us that same day. It travels real easy to. ( Free shipping with Amazon Mom or Prime. I got mine from and got a good deal on it. Also, Bug spray! I found the Honest company bug spray to work well & it’s safe for all ages.
Obviously not an essential, but given your active lifestyle, I think you would like the Osprey Poco Plus Child Carrier – We have this for our 10-month old son and he loves it! He was able to start using it at around 5-6 months. Just last weekend we went hiking at Linville Gorge (not far from Charlotte – great views) and he was so happy. Keeps him cool because he is not right up against us and he can actually see the views as well. You can easily change the size between what you need and what your husband would need – and it has a kickstand to be able to put him down when you need to rest or switch out who is carrying him.
Other tidbits – add an extra base for the Chicco KeyFit to your registry for any other car you may have; research and register for a convertible car seat and just put it back until you need it (they are more expensive then the infant carrier and you will ultimately need one for each car).
Best of luck!
Looks like a great, comprehensive list! I’m not sure if you have it on there already or if you’re familiar with it, but the teether, Sophie the Giraffe is great!
Yes! We have it! And Sadie already tried to kidnap it from the baby toy bin… Ha!
I loved the Primo baby bath seat (not the tub, just the cheap seat one). Your baby will sit comfortably in it from day one. It’s probably best if you have one of those hand held shower heads or it fits perfectly in the kitchen sink. It was a lifesaver for me with baby #2!
Everyone’s comments are pretty spot on. Our son loved the Ollie swaddle. It was the only one that he couldn’t breakout of. We also love our Bob and knowing that you are active I would definitely suggest it down the road (it is recommended that you don’t actually run while using the car seat with it) With the swing, we had the Mamaroo and the Nuna Leaf and our son didn’t really like either but, each baby is different. Also, a lifesaver for me the first couple weeks of breastfeeding were nipple shields. My son had a terrible latch at first due to tongue tie and these help tremendously!
Get the baby Q-tips as well – not a necessity, but I used it a lot for both my kids. Also, I agree with the others to try out different bottles. I used Dr. Browns with my first daughter, who is now 11, only because she was my first and wanted the ‘best’. With my second, she just got whatever was around and found that Dr. Browns were much higher maintenance than other bottles and didn’t seem that different. Just try a few before you commit!
My baby girl just turned 8 months. The 2 items I received as hand me downs from my sister that I have gotten the most use out of is my Breast Friend breast feeding pillow, and now that she’s eating food, a portable high chair. I just leave it in my car so I always have it on hand in case I need it.
I didn’t read all the comments but I recommend gas drops, humidifier, baby Tylenol, baby Vicks, and white noise machine for sure. I followed some guidelines from Babywise, and it was a very useful tool for sleep training. With anything, you have to go what your comfortable with. Best wishes!
Good call on the NoseFrida. It’s the grossest and most awesome tool wrapped in one! There should be an IG account that only depicts faces of strangers when they see the NoseFrida being used. Priceless.
We called the Fisher Price Kick & Play Piano “the silencer.” Occupied our daughter for 30 minutes (which is like 3 hours in baby time).
I was given a Rock n’ Play and I LOVED it!