In a bit of an overwhelmed panic, I turned to the PBF Facebook page and asked you to share your “must have” baby items. A bunch of you were kind enough to chime in and tell me all about what you used, what got ignored and what you couldn’t live without when it came to caring for your little ones. I am so incredibly appreciative of your advice and put together the vast majority of my registry by following your tips and guidance.
I also had a bunch of you ask me to share my master list of registry items with you once I was done putting everything together. It seems like more than a few of you are in a similar boat to me – aka pregnant and clueless – so I hope this list helps give you a starting point!
I followed the advice of blog readers and close girlfriends and also did some research myself to create our registry. I tried to keep item descriptions below very generic so you can do your own research and fill your registry with items that are best for you, but I also hyperlinked most items for those who might be curious for more specifics and want to know exactly what I chose to include in our baby registry. I also tried to organize our registry into categories to make it slightly less overwhelming. I hope this helps!
Also, if you happen to be a parent who has been through all of this before and notice something missing off the below registry list that you think I should have included, please let me know! I know it’s definitely not a comprehensive list and I’m absolutely open to recommendations!
Our Baby Registry
- Infant/Toddler Bathtub
- Washcloths
- Brush and Comb
- Baby Shampoo and Body Wash
- Hooded Towels
Bed and Sleep
- Swaddling Blankets
- Crib Sheet
- Mattress Pad (Waterproof)
- Baby Merlin’s Magic Sleepsuit
- SleepSack
- Changing Pad Cover
- Diaper Caddy
- ButtPaste Ointment
- Portable Changing Station
- Diaper Trash Can
- Diapers
- Burp Cloths
- Bibs (Cloth and Soft Rubber)
- Bottles
- Bottle Drying Rack
- Bottle Brush with Nipple Cleaner
- High Chair/Booster Seat
- Nursing Shawl
- Nipple Cream
- Breastmilk Storage Bags
- Disposable Nursing Pads
- Sterilizing Bags
- Boppy/Nursing Pillow
- Breast Pump (U.S. insurance companies offer this for free)
Baby Care
- Nail Clippers
- Thermometer
- Aspirator
- Vaseline
- Pacifiers
Safety and Transportation
- Baby Monitor
- Sunscreen
- Car Seat
- Stroller
- Stroller Blanket
- Baby Carrier(s)
- Back Seat Mirror
- Infant Life Jacket
Questions of the Day
- What were your “must have” items that you absolutely loved and used constantly after your baby was born?
The most recommended baby registry items from blog readers (outside of staples like a stroller or car seat) included the Rock ‘n Play, Boppy, swaddling blankets and burp cloths!
- What was one thing you thought you’d use a lot that didn’t work well for you/your baby?
- Is there anything missing from the above registry list that you think should be included?
My favorite items when my little girl was born was my Solly Baby Wrap (, changing pad liners (, and swaddle blankets. I can’t tell you how amazing baby wraps are! I live in the south so I wanted one with breathable fabric and lightweight. The Solly Wrap has excellent reviews and beautiful colors! It was nice to get out with her close to me and go for walks. Plus you are hands free to bring the dog along as well 🙂
The changing pad liners saved us changing the cover multiple times. We had multiple accidents a day when my girl was a few weeks old.
Things to add- gripe water (life saver with gassy tummies), infant tylenol (always good to have on hand), and the NoseFrida that others have said. I didn’t notice which diaper cream you had but Boudreaux’s Butt Paste is excellent! No smell and it has kept rashes away 🙂
As long as you have plenty of onesies, diapers, wipes, and food you are set! I was so nervous about not having everything but you figure things out as you go. I feel like the workers at Buy Buy Baby and Target recognize me as much as I have gone back to buy things I think of!!
i’m that friend that always buys the butt paste, b/c i’m basically still 12 and it’s funny 🙂 helps that it’s good stuff too.
Get a My Brest Friend for nursing. I only used my Boppy for sitting on after giving birth. The My Brest Friend was glued to me for the first four months of my baby’s life. Also, it works really well for air travel with a lap infant. You can balance the thing on the armrests of airplane seats and lie the baby on top to sleep.
For all the rest of it…those Aiden and Anais swaddle cloths are great for everything except swaddling. In the middle of the night on no sleep we just couldn’t get the hang of an origami project on an infant. Swaddle Me velcro ones were the best. We ran out and bought six of them when our baby was about four days old.
Keep receipts! So much of this stuff is really idiosyncratic to each woman/baby. It’s kind of a crapshoot before the kid is actually there.
I second the My Brest Friend and SwaddleMe swaddles – they are SO much easier than the regular blankets, and you’ll appreciate it when you have flailing baby arms to contain! 🙂
I also loved Como Tomo bottles – they are made of a soft material and are super easy to clean.
Also, get a stroller caddy with cup holders – there are a ton out there that fit most strollers, and they’re so handy!
For baby wash, get something unscented – my baby had really sensitive skin, and I couldn’t use any of the stuff with any fragrance, even though it was “all-natural”. But the nice thing is you can pretty much get anything you realize you need asap courtesy of Amazon. No need to have everything up front! 🙂
I know some people say their baby doesn’t like the swing but for both of my kids it was a lifesaver!! Both napped in it for a few months. With my son, he took to it right away. With my daughter, it took a couple of weeks but it came in so handy! We had one that was very plush and could swing two different ways (back/forth and side/side). Side to side was the winner!
I agree, consider a swing. My daughter slept great in hers for the first few months. Get A full size one that swings side to side, not the small ones that just go back and forth. Also,I love the inglesina clip on chair and you need an exersaucer for later on! My thought was always that you only get big gifts once and there might be more babies in the future!
Your list is great! Obviously, your baby will like what he likes, but I’d definitely jump on board with the swing. It’s a lifesaver when you need to get stuff done around the house. If you can borrow from someone, they don’t use them for to long and then you don’t have to worry about storage of it. We have also used a sound machine from day 1 home from the hospital.
I know it might sound like a hassle, but when we decide on baby #2, I will be taking my Rock-n-play to the hospital with us. My son HATED the bassinet at the hospital (and at home). #2 will go straight to RNP.
I used little baby nightgowns with all three of my kids for the first month of sleep. They were breastfed so every feeding started or ended with a diaper change and having no zippers or buttons to deal with at night was great! Also if your little guy doesn’t like the swing or rock n play don’t feel like it was a waste b/c you never know if your next will like it. Also little disposable bags to put in your diaper bag for dirty diapers. Also although right now you think oh I will get up and change the baby on the changing table at night…your bed often becomes the changing table (or maybe I was just lazy) so keep a changing pad (like the one from your diaper bag) handy. I’ll admit to throwing a towel down and sleeping on an explosion (seriously) b/c I didn’t have a mat on my bed ?
You may be able to get breast milk storage bags free from your insurance company along with the pump.
Thanks for the great list!! I am currently pregnant and it is great to see everyone’s preferences!! Nordstrom has the Aden and Anais swaddling clothes on their anniversary sale right now! They are a bit bigger than the ones target sells and are supposed to be easier to use.
I was wondering what diaper bag you have chosen! I can’t decide between a Timi and Leslie bag or a Skip Hop.
Congratulations on the home stretch!
I still haven’t picked a diaper bag!! It’s on my list!
Nice list! The convertible swaddle is a great idea. We started using swaddle me when he would break out of blankets we saddled him in, but the velcro on those don’t keep him in either – a zippered one would be nice! Plus the velcro ripping apart wakes us up as I envision the hulk. The aspirator is a very good choice; it seems gross but it works best (and I have my husband do it, hehe). I have the Dr. Brown bottles and the two medela that came with the pump and wish I had more. I pump three times a day at work, and that’s just not enough. Also, a pumping bra is super handy, so you can double pump hands free. I don’t know what you have for burp cloths, but having really big ones is nice. I actually use his hooded towels because when he spits up, it is often in large quantities and it runs off the small cloths and onto me.
Does the monitor you are going have a sensor pad that goes under the crib mattress? If not, I would highly recommend an Angelcare Monitor, the pad senses if there has not been movement from the baby in over 20 seconds and then sounds an alarm. While the alarm sometimes does go off and everything is fine, when my oldest daughter was 6 weeks old it went off and when we ran in there she was blue and not breathing. I shudder to think what the outcome would have been without the monitor alerting us, it gave us such peace of mind! Best of luck in these last few weeks, praying for a safe delivery!
I am 28 weeks and I was SO overwhelmed when putting together my registry, and even since the invitations have gone out I admit I’ve reviewed it often and tweaked. So much stuff and I think I’m also putting a lot of pressure on myself. 🙂
A few things…
1 – Some of the links weren’t working from my phone? I tried two (Changing Pad Cover & Rock n’ Play) that took me to Target’s website but said “Product Could Not Be Found”. It could be my phone, but just wanted to let you know!
2 – I didn’t see a swing on your list. I know these are iffy because some babies hate them and some love them, so I suggest either borrowing one or getting one second hand. My first child LOVED IT and we could not have lived without it. However, my second child is kind of “meh” about it. She likes it, but we’re not as dependent on it as we were with Baby #1.
3 – I would suggest getting a rectal thermometer. I know, I know…gross. Trust me, it grossed me out too. But I have one that’s super short so you don’t worry about hurting baby, and honestly it’s not too bad taking their temp that way. It’s most accurate and often the doc will ask you to do it rectally anyway!
4 – There are a million different pacifiers out there. I suggest getting a few kinds. Both my children have totally different pacifier preferences. My first only will take Mam style pacifiers while my baby girl is obsessed with her Wubbanub and Soothies.
5 – I used Lansinoh milk storage bags the first time around and they were fine, but I did have a number of instances where they leaked. Talk about crying over spilt milk! I am now using the Up & Up brand from Target because my girlfriend had a ton leftover and they are GREAT. No leaks yet!
5 – ZIP UP PJs!!! Oh my gosh! I never had these with baby #1 and boy did I miss out. Someone gifted me with a few for baby #2 and they are so much easier than dealing with buttons! I will now gift these to pregnant friends for the rest of my life!
Your list looks great!
Having a couple mattress pad covers on hand is nice so you don’t have to change all the bedding if there is an accident.
I used the swaddle blankets as a nursing cover and it worked great – just tie two ends together to make a loop for your arm to go through. It saved the expense and room in the diaper bag of having a separate nursing cover.
So overwhelming, hey?! Lots of things will work for you, and some things just won’t. Everything is trial and error. And some things seem like great ideas and then once baby is here, you’ll realize how unnecessary they are. I’m of the motto that less is more and babies don’t need a ton of stuff. And second hand stores are your best friend! Or Facebook swap pages!
That being said, I think burp pads are the most useless things ever lol. The spitup always goes farther than the pad reaches. I much preferred to just use a recording blanket thrown over my shoulder. A baby can spit up a lot at one time and blankets will absorb it all. Definitely get a swing – your baby will most likely go through stages where some weeks it loves one contraption, and then other weeks it loves another. Ovol drops for gas and fussiness were a lifesaver and also helped our baby learn to suck on a soother. We also used a few drops on the end of the bottle nipple so that he would start sucking rather than refusing the bottle right away! And yes, don’t spend much on bottle at first. We did fine with the medela ones that came with the breast pump and the only nipples my son would take were the ones from the hospital (the disposable ones!). We’re sterilizer bags for the microwave on your list? A total must! And a fun drying rack for bottles and soothers and little parts – we have the Boon Grass and love it. Looks cute sitting on the counter. We don’t do bottles anymore but now I use it for straw cups and wine glasses! Haha!
I noticed sunscreen on your list – I’m sure you’re aware, but you can’t put sunscreen (any kind) on babies under six months of age, and after that, I would highly recommend choosing a very safe sunscreen, like Badgers brand 🙂
As a former nanny for infants, BURP CLOTHS. You can never, ever have enough! And I’d strongly recommend that if you’re going to use pacifiers, I’d recommend buying a huge variety, because you never know what the baby will like (and once you find one he loves, buy a TON, those things always go missing!!)
Great list! We’ve used all those things with my 5 month old. I’d say add a hands-free pumping bra and coconut oil! Seriously, coconut oil has been the best for diaper rash (I swipe some on his butt before bed and he rarely gets diaper rash), cradle cap, and baby acne/scratches.
Also, read the 90 minute sleep program! It saved our lives once my son was @ 6 weeks and suddenly not sleeping. Wish I would have done some research on baby sleep before having the baby. Sadly, it wasn’t as intuitive as I thought and we paid for it!
I can’t recommend these enough ( There are so many times the baby got poo and/or pee on it and I just pulled it off and threw it into the hamper and put a new one out. So much easier than having to take the whole changing pad cover off and washing it.
just ordered them!!! thank you! why have I not heard of this before!?
Looks great! The only thing I would recommend is a bottle warmer (sorry if that was already mentioned). We still used ours! I nursed my baby but still gave her the occasional bottle just to get her used to the transition when she started at daycare. Once we made the transition, we used the bottle warmer ALLTHETIME. Trust me, it’s a time saver. We used Dr Browns. I would also recommend infant tylenol for when he starts teething and gas drops. We used the gas drops pretty early on! Good luck! So excited for you! 🙂
I keep hearing great things about the Baby Bjorn bouncer. Apparently kids LOVE them, and use them for a long long time. I got a used one in great condition just through a mom’s listserv in my neighborhood. I’m due in 2 weeks, so we’ll find out soon if it’s as good as everyone says! (I am opposed to a swing unless we are truly desperate because we live in a small apartment in the city, and I think this will be a great alternative that folds up small.)
I wouldn’t have survived the first 6 months without a swing! We tactfully bought 2 swings for different rooms in the house it was so great! Once I sold the swings on my moms group page, one father called me and said it was an ’emergency’ and could he come over immediately and buy it? Their baby wouldn’t settle until put in the mesmerizing rock of the swing. Every baby is different in what they like, but I would get a swing in case that is the one thing your little one ends up LOVING (like mine!)
My baby is 5 weeks old today, and I’d say lots of burp cloths and My Brest Friend pillow are must-haves!
I have a Boppy, too, and while I think the Boppy has better long-term utility, the MBF has been a lot better in the beginning, My husband prefers it, too.
We’ve also found a small squirt bottle useful for bathing- can control where the water is going better.
I thought of more 🙂 For the first few weeks of my daughter’s life, I tried to swaddle her like they do in the hospital. I was terrible at it and in the early days we were unsaddling her so often to change her diaper. Then someone tipped me off to the SwaddleMe swaddlers. SO MUCH EASIER! I wish I had known about them way earlier. There are lots of different brands to chose from. Worth the money for our babe. Our other lifesaver has been a white noise machine. We have a small house and home girl is a super light sleeper so it helps us so we don’t have to tip toe around. The Rock n Play is great, too. We ended up with two. One that she slept in and the other I used around the house to put her in so I could do things. Mainly it was great to put in the bathroom. She was pretty content chilling in that while I took a shower and got ready. I think the noise from the shower then the blow dryer kept her calm. Or maybe me singing Wheels on the Bus over and over again could have helped, too. It will be interesting to see what your little boy love and hates. Every baby is so different so we parents have to figure out the perfect formula of “stuff” they like to get through our days. And then once you have the perfect formula figured out, they up and change on you!
Hi Julie – we used this constantly!
My nieces and friends used these – pretty clever!:
I know you probably have many “onesies”, but you can not have too many of those!
So exciting!
Just suggestions only. It’s been 9 years since I’ve had a baby so it’s up to you if you want to add these things or not. Plus they may not even make or suggest these things anymore. And some of these are for toddlers so take it or leave it. 😉
Bath – baby lotion, q-tips and cotton balls
Bed & sleep – sleep cushion (for side sleeping)
Diapering – wipes (load up you can never have too many. Mine are 9 & 12 yet I still carry wipes)
Baby care – gas drops (mylicon or whatever natural or organic drops you can find for tummy & teething)
Safety & transport – hat, sunglasses, pacifiers, soft toys or an activity bar that goes across the car seat they can look at, touch or play with.
Gear – swing that latches to the top of the doorway they jump in and spring themselves up and down by their feet or exercise saucer that they sit in and play ( it’s stationary and you can put toys all around it plus there are toys attached to it.
It’s all I could think of off the top of my head.
You should not put toys or mirrors on or around the car seat. Heaven forbid you get info a wreck and they become projectiles. Backseat mirrors included.
One more thing I forgot for Gear a baby swing. Both my kids used and loved it.
I see lots of weigh-ins on your list. Overall, I think those cover the items that I actually did use.
– Butt Paste is just so-so for my son… we use A+D cream (they make a prevention one and a one for active rash, but he hardly ever has rashes since we switched).
– Bottle nipples come in different levels. We stuck with newborn/Level 1 for Dr. Browns and only now are moving up to Level 2/3 (he’s 8 months). Sometimes a fast bottle flow will cause baby to develop a preference for the bottle.
– Changing area — we used the one that came with our pack n play and when he outgrew that, just put the pad on the bed. There will likely be pee incidents, so I keep a lot of rags around when I’m changing diapers (he kind of stopped doing this as much after the first few months, but once in a while…).
Just know that there is Amazon Prime for anything you may need later!
Also, Diaper backpack. Much easier than lugging a diaper bag around.
Last comment I promise always always always carry some extra plastic trash bags (like what they pack your groceries in at the store) if you have, use or save any. Keep them by the changing table in case in your sleep deprived state you forgot to put a liner in the diaper pail and in your diaper bag for soiled clothes to wash for later. That way those clothes stay in the bag and don’t touch anything else in the bag and get it dirty. And I didn’t see a clothes hamper on your list. Would highly recommend that. They have some really cute ones for the baby’s room. Have fun. 🙂
Maybe this is on your list and I missed it, but I would add something that allows you to “wear” your baby. We had a baby bjorn, but there are a million options out there. You just have to find one that you and Ryan can both use, that doesn’t hurt your back, the bjorn did not hurt our backs at all. My babies LOVED being in it bc it kept them tucked closely to me, and I loved having my hands free to do other things. Couldn’t have lived without it!!
Yes! I have the ergo and the moby and couldn’t have survived the first few months without the moby! you’ll be able to walk Sadie while baby sleeps snuggled next to you! It looks intimidating at first but you get used to it quickly and there are tutorial videos! I used to have to stand in the kitchen, wearing baby in the moby and blasting the stove vent fan…my recommendation for the witching hour you may soon know all about!
Love your list! I totally agree with your must haves. For burp cloths we just use cloth diapers (gerber makes an organic cotton 5 pack) – so great!
We received a bunch of hooded towels and stroller blankets as gifts after baby was born – I wish I hadn’t registered for them! Also, a friend told me to get a few different bottles (just one if each) instead of a larger kit just in case baby doesn’t like them.
Congrats on your baby! My baby will be 2 months tomorrow, so funny I already forget about being pregnant. Such a blur!!
I know many babies like the swing, but all three of mine HATED it and would scream their little heads off whenever we tried it. Lol. They loved their bouncy seat though! You will find things that really work for you and your baby, and other things that are completely useless for you (even some of the picier things unfortunately).
I have that baby ktan carrier on my registry too. Glad to know your readers like it.
Definitely get a stroller that converts to a double if you plan on having a second child. Will save money down the road 🙂
The top things we couldn’t live without (I have an 11 month old):
The My Brest Friend pillow was so so so much better for breastfeeding than the boppy for me
I loved our bouncer. it was easy to move from room to room (I would put her in it while i showered) and it was also fun to watch her learn how to make it bounce.
We had a lot of trouble with diaper rash at the beginning and I didn’t really like all of the chemicals that were in the wipes so we started using cloth wipes and have been ever since. i like that it gets her clean AND dry and we just use a water bottle to wet the wipes a little then clean her and we have never had a problem with diaper rash since.
the last thing that I loved was the book Moms On Call. It really helped me figure out the small things like how often and how much my baby should be sleeping and they have some great tips on how to handle cradle cap, diaper rash, baby acne etc.
Ah, I just can’t help but weigh in on registry items. 🙂 My daughters are 2.5 years old and 12 months. I had the majority of the items on your list and used/loved all of them. We also had a swing and my first took all her naps for the first three months in that thing. My second was just “meh” about it – which was fine. Definitely not a “must-have.” – Especially if you have the Rock and Play. For a hands-free nursing bra – you can just cut a little x on each side of an old sports bra and poke the flanges through – unless you are pumping a lot and then you probably want the one by Simple Wishes.
I also have to recommend a sound machine (Marpac makes a great one – we own three!). There is one in the master bedroom in case one of the adults who is “off duty” is trying to sleep through the chaos that is having small children. 🙂 I also recommend the breast friend nursing pillow for your first kid. I used the boppy for the second, just because it was faster and I was more comfortable BFing then – but I used the breastfriend for EVERY feed for the first six months. Loved it. And I saw infant life jacket – but when he’s older – probably the summer after next, puddle jumpers are so awesome for the water. 🙂
Also – for hiking, which I’m sure you guys will continue to do this fall, the Ergo is AWESOME! I still use it with my two-year old (“mommy carries Vivie”) on my back. You can nurse it in (which I’ve done walking down the beach) and baby boy will most likely conk out. Check out the sport style.
Definitely planning to try the Ergo! Thank you for the recommendation!
My brest friend nursing pillow went with me EVERYWHERE. The boppy nursing pillow didn’t work for me (too thick and rounded), I needed something flat that I could tighten around my waist. I also recommend a bouncer (baby bjorn has a good one). I didn’t get one for the first 3 months and when I finally did, I totally regretted not getting it sooner… it saved my back. Lastly, a sleeping bag type thing for the car seat. This way you don’t have to put a thick winter jacket on your newborn and then buckle him in. The sleeping bag is enough warmth (we’re in D.C., so it’s a little cooler here then N.C.). Saves you so much time when trying to get out of the house too! I’m due with my second in February!
We loved our Angelcare monitor! It really gave us peace of mind when my son began sleeping in his room at 12 weeks when I had to go back to work. If I had known then what I know now, I would have also purchased the Snuza monitor, which is the same concept as the Angelcare, but it clips on to their diaper. I can’t tell you how many hours of sleep I lost just staring at my son to make sure he was still breathing. I would have slept so much better if I had had the reassurance that he was perfectly fine during those first few weeks! Also, I much preferred the washable nursing pads to the disposables. The disposables were so itchy! Good luck!!
I’ve never heard of the Snuza — it sounds amazing!
FYI- The Baby Bargains book that I have gives the Angel Care monitor an “F” rating. It says that the American Academy of Pediatrics says they do not prevent SIDS and if you baby has a medical condition that requires one, you need a hospital grade one. I personally wouldn’t get a movement monitor.
Swing is a must. Hands free pump bra is amazing! I also found straps to attach to any blanket to turn into a nursing cover. So handy for an older baby pulling blanket off. 2 babies and I’ve never used the boppy for nursing.
My lactation consultant recommended using coconut oil for sore and cracked nipples. Life saver. Sometimes ointments were too thick to wipe on!
In my 6 weeks of parenthood, I’ve come most to appreciate burp cloths, nursing pads, Muslin swaddles, and baby socks that actually stay on his feet. I also LOVE my Boppy although many friends reported they did not. I also recommend buying gripe water & gas drops bc running to Walgreens w an upset baby at 8 am is no fun. And you really cannot have too many diapers. So far I’ve found I maybe didn’t need to buy so many baby clothes (I haven’t actually gotten into his 0-3 month yet & had to buy newborn after he got here), but it seemed after he v was born everyone gifted us with 0-3 months clothes. And i was super anxious to get v his crib ready, yet I realize now he won’t even sleep in it for months probably.
In the future, I’ll be practical when buying baby gifts. Or perhaps think outside the box, like a Shutter fly gift card or gift card to food places that deliver.
For nursing at the very beginning, I thought the ‘my brest friend’ pillow was essential. It is more like a shelf, and the boppy is rounded – so when they’re really little, my babies slipped down into the crack between the boppy and my stomach, whereas the baby would stay on the shelf of the brest friend.
I like the bathtub you linked to, too – but the one I got with my second baby (I got a pink hand me down because #2 is a girl) has a big hook on the top – it is awesome because I can hang it above the sink in my laundry room to dry after baths (the other one we just would leave in a bathtub or in the sink) – it’s a super small thing but it’s neater and less annoying to store the one with the hook. Here’s one like the one we got:–Sling-Seat-Tub/dp/B00JBYNKWG/ref=sr_1_2?s=baby-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1437703030&sr=1-2&keywords=infant+to+toddler+tub+with+hook
The k’tan is like my absolute favorite thing!!! It is so comfy and cozy. It’s a ton easier to use than the moby (I have that too, and only used it a couple of times). The moby is very hot, too; I’ve found the k’tan is not as warm (in a good way). I also recently just got a tula, and it’s pretty great now that my baby is a bit bigger – I also have an ergo and I would recommend the tula above the ergo for sure. But I absolutely loved snuggling with my sweet baby in the k’tan. She’s getting a bit big for it now, and it makes me so sad!!
The only other thing that my baby loves is the swing – although my first baby hated the swing, so it’s hit or miss I think. We also have a mamaroo (hand me down), and she definitely much prefers the swing.
Also, I’ve used a sound machine with both kids – I feel like it helps to block out noise.
Also – I feel like you’ll find whatever works for your baby — it’s funny how some things that other babies love (like the mamaroo) my baby couldn’t care less about – and other things that other babies hate she loves. So, it’s definitely hit or miss!
Yes, I second the white noise machine! And agree about swings. Our one and only never really took to it, but I hear some babies will sleep a ton in one.
Just a few things:
I second the ergo, hands free pump bra, breast friend and sound machine recs!
I haven’t seen anyone mention the miracle blanket swaddler but honestly it was such a life saver and my kids preferred it to any other swaddle. Maybe try what you have already and if it doesn’t work keep the miracle blanket in mind!
I am not sure if someone listed this already but a cool mist humidifier will be needed at some point. Also, I am a mom of twins and I HIGHLY recommend the Moms on Call book for sleep training and feeding schedules. My twins slept through the night beginning at two weeks.
I would definitely recommend some sleep slacks. Babies move all over the place when they sleep. If you use a blanket, they can get out from under it and wake up chilled. As for brands, we had Halo and Aden + Anais.
My baby was one of those babies that never wanted to be more than an inch away from me so my most used item was most definitely my carrier (hug a bub wrap then tula). These saved my sanity and we both loved it. I had a baby bjorn bouncer, and tried all sorts of rockers but he never used any of them, just wanted to be held.
I would say to get some sawddlemez. they are swaddling blankets that have velcro so they stay put. They work alot better and keep the baby swaddled longer than the just a blanket.
Those and a wipe warmer were our saving graces when my son was a baby. I would say don’t go get a wipe warmer, we only used it for our son because he was so sensitive to temperature. We never used it with our daughter.
SwaddleMe blankets were awesome for my two boys. We couldn’t have made it without a swing. We also had a little vibrating chair for our boys. That was great because they’re portable and i could take the boys into the bathroom with me while I took a shower without having to lug around a huge piece of furniture.
A great “boogie sucky”. Take the one from the hospital! They throw them out so it will be disposed of anyhow and they work awesome. You’ll need it for years since they won’t be able to blow their nose well into their 2’s. (I clean my with boiling water)
A humidifier. Something that might be able to wait a bit but are great to have on hand when they get sick.
A good diaper bag. I love my JuJuBe diaper bag. The organization of it is awesome and its washable. High quality.
Great list! I’d look into a swing, but see if you can get one second hand. They’re annoyingly expensive and only used a few months. Just make sure it plugs in rather than running on batteries and you’re all set!
Another thing to note, the rock and play is great, my daughter loved it and napped great in it. We still use as a place to secure her briefly. It is not, however, a safe sleep environment for extended periods. I bought one based on 100billion recommendations before I read many articles about it not being a sale place to sleep. Here’s just one:
In fact, they don’t even sell this in Canada because it is considered unsafe.
My daughter slept swaddled, flat on her back, from day one, in the bassinet insert of the pack and play. When we transitioned her to her crib, it was easy breezy.
Just something to consider. I know as a new parent it’s about survival mode. But please use caution when considering extended sleeping (specifically, while you’re asleep!).
Stability Ball! My baby looooved to be held and bounce on that thing. It was the only way to put her to sleep for a very long time.
I loved the Balboa Baby sling for when my summer baby was brand new, and we quickly graduated to the Ergo, which we still use now that he’s almost two. I couldn’t function without it.
Also– a good vacuum is essential! I’ve never vacuumed so much in my life!
I thought I’d use the Katan alot but after the newborn infant stage I quickly switched to the Ergo and liked it much better. Not sure if I would have liked it for newborn stage though. I also thought I’d like my high chair but ended up not. I got a much cheaper one ( that I like so much better. I also thought I’d use the bouncy seat, but our baby had colic/acid reflux/crying for hours/whatever you want to call it, and we went through 2 swings instead (both off craigslist).
I highly recommend a Bob running stroller for someone who walks/runs/is as active as you are. You can get those on craigslist too as they are quite pricy. There were alot of other little things that I ended up liking, such as the kids me food feeder (NOT the mesh ones) which I would put frozen fruit into and that was our best quick remedy for teething!