Okay, so these people are not even kind of related to us, but you would think that they were based on how long we’ve been looking at their faces smiling back at us from our bedroom dresser.
Ryan and I would say good morning and good night to them occasionally and eventually they just blended into the room and we forgot that we were looking at strangers every day.
When I was putting away the new clothes I got for Christmas last week, I saw them again and made a mental note to get 5×7 photos printed this week to replace their faces with ones that we actually recognized.
So long, fake family!
Hello, Sadie and yet another wedding picture!
Married friends, is it just me or do you constantly default to wedding photos when you need “filler pictures” for around the house? I’m too lazy to sort through pictures from other events in our life and constantly just print off another wedding photo when I need a frame filler. At least we’re getting our money’s worth from our photographer’s pictures!
Last night I picked up the pictures right before dinner and came home to eat a hot meal with Ryan that included trout (looks like salmon, huh?) with roasted green beans and a clementine.
Then we read more of The Scorch Trials before turning in for the night.
My morning workout combined two of my favorite kinds of workouts. Intervals and circuits!
I started with a 20 minute incline interval walking workout that looked like this:
The incline never went over 12.0, but I was using my arms like crazy to keep up with the 4.0 pace. This workout definitely made me work up a sweat!
After the walking workout, it was time for circuits.
I did my 30-minute jump rope circuit which is seriously legit. It’s very cardio focused and goes by crazy fast thanks to only 30 seconds of rest after each move. (For those of you looking for at-home workouts, this circuit can easily be done in your living room!)
With a quality workout behind me, it was breakfast time!
Two slightly burnt fried eggs packed a protein punch atop a toasted English muffin, served with raspberry jelly and a slice of Colby jack cheese.
Time to hopefully wrap up an article!
I am glad that I am not the only one who has had unfamilar smiling faces at me for way to long! I really like your treadmill workout. I do a lot of incline but hold on to the top. I am going to focus on NOT holding on anymore!
lol, gotta love fake family. I actually don’t have any wedding photos up. Probably because I was at my heaviest weight then and I look sooo different. I have much more recent pics around.
We had a fake family of our own for months! It eventually turned into a joke and we’d make up silly stories about them 😛 We don’t have any wedding pictures [will soon] but I def defaulted to older pictures since they were already organized and all I had to do was press “print”!
Whew! Those inclines make me exhausted just reading them!!!
Thank you SO MUCH for putting, in large letters, “SPOILER ALERT” on your Violets of March post. It looks like a book I’d like to read, so as soon as I saw the spoiler alert, I was like “close browser! Close browser!!!” lol. I don’t know what you wrote there, but will check it out AFTER I read the book. :0)
Agreed! I did the same thing! I’m just about to start it and didn’t want to spoil anything. I’ll definitely be back to check out that post. 🙂
I always resort to our wedding photos to fill frames. Why not use a picture where you know both people are absolutely the happiest and that you have such good memories of? I wish I could relive that day just as is and the pictures help take me there.
That is SUCH a great pic of Sadie – love the tongue!
My husband and I eloped, therefore I cannot resort back to wedding pictures. I love sorting through and finding great pics to hang around the house.
We’ve been married almost 4 years and look different than our wedding pictures (longer and blonder hair for me/ longer hair for him) so we keep a folder on our computer called “US” for easy pictures.
I am planning on trying your jump rope circuit workout tomorrow! I’ve had it saved in my workout folder on my computer for a week or so but have been feeling a little under the weather and didn’t get to it yet. Can’t wait to give it a try! I always appreciate workouts that can be done easily at home since I don’t belong to a gym!
I have hubby and I wedding pix all over. I am certain we look like very narcissistic people.
You are most certainly not alone.
You made me laugh wiih the pics of the fake family … wedding pics will become the kids pics and then they will take over the picture frames of the household. 🙂
Your wedding pics are just beautiful …
Oh goodness… that incline walking business was no joke! i kinda scoffed at it to begin with. but I did it and powered through my shins screaming at me… then I followed up with your jump rope circuit… 1. I am terrible at jumproping… 2. when it came time for burpees I could only punch out 9 of them, granted they were the pushup kind (and i’ve never enjoyed the pushup part so much). kudos to you! i love the up-beat attitude you carry through life! keep up the awesome work of inspiring people like me to get out there and give things a try! =)
I love my wedding pics…I think most if it is the sentimental value I get from looking at them, but also they are beautiful! When you pay someone a pretty penny to take pics of your special day it’s hard to top that :D.
Ahhhh we have the same thing! We have random people on our refrigerator in these magnetic photo frames. We even gave them names 🙂
Just did that workout tonight! It was intense! Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
so glad you liked it!
Whyyy do your breakfast sandwiches always look so incredible!! 😉