Okay, so these people are not even kind of related to us, but you would think that they were based on how long we’ve been looking at their faces smiling back at us from our bedroom dresser.
Ryan and I would say good morning and good night to them occasionally and eventually they just blended into the room and we forgot that we were looking at strangers every day.
When I was putting away the new clothes I got for Christmas last week, I saw them again and made a mental note to get 5×7 photos printed this week to replace their faces with ones that we actually recognized.
So long, fake family!
Hello, Sadie and yet another wedding picture!
Married friends, is it just me or do you constantly default to wedding photos when you need “filler pictures” for around the house? I’m too lazy to sort through pictures from other events in our life and constantly just print off another wedding photo when I need a frame filler. At least we’re getting our money’s worth from our photographer’s pictures!
Last night I picked up the pictures right before dinner and came home to eat a hot meal with Ryan that included trout (looks like salmon, huh?) with roasted green beans and a clementine.
Then we read more of The Scorch Trials before turning in for the night.
My morning workout combined two of my favorite kinds of workouts. Intervals and circuits!
I started with a 20 minute incline interval walking workout that looked like this:
The incline never went over 12.0, but I was using my arms like crazy to keep up with the 4.0 pace. This workout definitely made me work up a sweat!
After the walking workout, it was time for circuits.
I did my 30-minute jump rope circuit which is seriously legit. It’s very cardio focused and goes by crazy fast thanks to only 30 seconds of rest after each move. (For those of you looking for at-home workouts, this circuit can easily be done in your living room!)
With a quality workout behind me, it was breakfast time!
Two slightly burnt fried eggs packed a protein punch atop a toasted English muffin, served with raspberry jelly and a slice of Colby jack cheese.
Time to hopefully wrap up an article!
I just printed off pictures to fill our frames yesterday! It was so quick and easy- I don’t know what took me so long! Love the Sadie picture 🙂 we have one of Koda enlarged, framed and hung in the hall. Everyone thinks it’s crazy but we love it 🙂
Hahah I think it’s so funny that you and Ryan would actually greet your fake family lol. We always resort to our wedding pictures too but now that we have a kid I think pictures of him are going to be our new filler pictures. Your breakfast looks great!
haha! I feel like that “don’t hold onto the side of the treadmill” comment was directed at me. Guilty! 🙂 I feel like I’m going to fly off the treadmill on those inclines.
haha! i just get asked that question a lot, so i figured i would just throw it RIGHT out there! 😀
Our default photos our from our trips together! In fact, we just printed more from our trip to Europe for Christmas!
yet another reason i want to go on a fun vacation this year! 😀
I was just telling Cory the other day that I felt so self-centered because of all the wedding pictures we have around the house! By the photos in our apartment, a stranger might think we have no friends, family, or dog 🙂
hahaha for real! well… we do have a lot of sadie pics and i have a few pics w/ my family, but we need more w/ other people! maybe that will be a weekend project.
Haha, yeah we DO have some of our family and friends..but from the wedding. Turn the page, Colleen. It wasn’t the ONLY day of your life 😉
That’ so funny that you brought up empty frames. I got married in October and literally have ten frames around my house with nothing in them. I thought I could just wait until I get my pictures back before filling them, because I too simply forget to fill them in the mean time with pictures from any other event!
I was really surprised the first time I had trout how much it resembled salmon as well! Regarding the photos, I’m not married nor do I have children, but I bet when you do, it’ll be your kiddies in those frames! 🙂 Your wedding photos are GORGEOUS so I think it’s great that you’ve got them all over the house!
if the amount of framed photos of sadie is any indication of how many pics of kids we’ll have in our house one day, i am truly scared. 🙂
I currently have one empty frame, it was a Christmas gift. There is no fake family taking up residence though. I will be printing a picture from New years weekend.
I use wedding pictures for everything too! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the walking work-out! I’ll definitely be trying it out, but I might have to lower the 4.0 speed because I have tiny legs! haha
i’m 5’7” and i was haulin’ ass! 😀
I definitely defaulted to wedding photos for a long time but now I have been able to add more event type photos around the house.
I like that treadmill work out…I am bookmarking that!
I just giggled at the mental picture of you and ryan saying goodnight to the family-in-a-frame. you guys are cutiepies.
im a picture nazi so i feel like im always printing one immediately for frames… we arent married, or engaged but still our house is filled with pics of us – mostly vacations! When we first moved in my boyfriend told me he was tired of seeing himself all around the apartment.
I’m definitely a wedding picture user! It took me forever to change my facebook picture, until I saw a blog somewhere making fun of girls who use their wedding pictures for years with a “there have been other days in your life, people” comment.
Let’s just say that if I wore expensive dresses, did my hair, and had a professional editing out blemishes from every picture everyday, I might use other pictures other than my wedding day!!
love that pic of sadie! As I sit in the living room, I can look around and count 4wedding pics in frames in just the living room (one being a huge wall canvas!) So no you aren’t alone!
Dear Hubby and I are still renting a place far far from home, and without access to a nice printer, we only have one photo up from our wedding, but trust me – there wil be plenty soon enough!
The man in that picture actually looks a little bit like Ryan! Funny!
You should use that picture of you all in your Turkey running gear from Thanksgiving– such a good one!
Printing out photos for my frames have been on my to-do list forever…and I’m pretty sure that’s still not going to give me the motivation I need to get on it!!
Ugh, I need to put up wedding pictures (and pictures in general) on my walls! I’m just SO lazy about actually getting frames! I don’t know why it seems so daunting- and with the cold weather up here, I should use a snow day as an excuse to decorate!
I’ll be down in your neck of the woods next weekend visiting my in-laws (they live in Lecanto)- any recommendations for good hikes or local gyms? I’m hoping for WARM weather!!
Yes – I am totally with you on defaulting to wedding pictuers for frame. About 80% of the pictures in our house are wedding pictures. And we got married 2+ years ago. I’m just too lazy to find other pictures – and the wedding pictures are so pretty.
Yep, I totally use our wedding photos as fillers! Haha 🙂 But they’re so awesome, so why not?!
Love a good incline workout–yessss!!
Is it just me or could you eat a clementine with every meal? I just bought a box, and I find myself eating them all day long. They are so good and easy to snack on!
i ate four yesterday!
My grandmother buys pictures frames and keeps the original picture usually because she thinks the models are pretty. Growing up I always wondered who these relatives were I never met.
We’ve been married 5 years and our house is still full of wedding pictures! With no children in sight, it might stay that way forever too. That might get odd when we’re 40 and looking at our 25 year old selves on the wall.
I haven’t had colby cheese in forever! I always forget about it but it’s so good!
That’s hilarious that you’ve been staring at random frame photo people for so long lol. I guess it’s better than me. I have frames that need to go up, but I’m too lazy to print pictures, so my walls and random spaces are totally empty instead…boring!
Haha! Staring at a frame of strangers so sounds like something that I would do! In fact, I have a frame that has been sitting empty for potentially at least 2 years – no strangers though, it’s just been empty since I bought it. Oops! 😉
Definitely sounds like a great workout! I am guilty of holding on a lot. I need to work on that!
I just got married in May, and when my parents came over after I had hung up a bunch of pictures, they asked “What did you have on the walls BEFORE the wedding?”
Also, my husband got trout at Legal Seafoods the other day, and we were all convinced it was salmon just by looking at it. We did some iPhone research and learned that trout and salmon are very closely related. I never knew that!
Have you ever tried the raspberry jam from Williams-Sonoma?? It is AMAZING!!! It’s a lil pricey for jam but oh so worth it!
That sandy sounds delish!
I’m SO bad at filling picture frames.. I never print off photos, and they all just sit on my computer. 🙁 Sometimes I miss the days before digital cameras!
You will continue to use wedding pictures until you start having kids, then they will be everywhere!!
I’ve had a fake friend on the shelf in my bedroom since July. I always look at her and think, “I should really change that.” I’ve even had a few of my real friends ask me who she is. haha!
That looks like a yummy dinner, but how come your dinners are almost always carb-less?
My family has been grilling trout more and more lately. I like it sometimes better then salmon because it is not as fishy!
I’ve mentioned here and there that we needed to get rid of our fake families (yes, we had a few!) around the house, so for Christmas my boyfriend made us a framed collage for the living room of our relationship.
On a side note, how did you prepare the trout?
Your breakfast looks delicious! I have a question though, how do you have energy to work out before you eat? I’m trying to get into a consistent gym/breakfast plan and never know if I should eat before my morning work out or after.
I love the tip to NOT hold on to the sides of the treadmill. It’s like my pet peeve when I see people doing that!!!
I would have to say NO, I don’t default to wedding pics. But maybe because we got married so long ago and before the digital photo age. So all of our pics are old-school. I default to race pics if I can find any good ones!
The Kidless Kronicles
My house is filled with black and white photos of family dating back to 1900! Great for our vintage home, but sometimes I think people wonder if we have CURRENT family and friends! HA! I need some color!
…Love the treadmill workout. Do you feel guilty walking, as opposed to running? I mentally know walking is a GREAT workout, but something inside me says otherwise. Thoughts?
I’m definitely going to try that workout! I’ve been looking for a good walking workout to do in between my running days (trying to come back from injury, boo!) Thanks for sharing!
i always have the hardest time trying to find just the right pictures for frames that need to be used. although i’m not married, i generally put in photos of my boyfriend & i, or pictures of family and whatnot. for christmas my parents found a big collage frame and filled it with pictures from when i was younger, my prom, brandon & i, and various family pictures. it was a wonderful, meaningful gift that i have never received before!
good luck with your article, julie! 🙂 have a good day.
I really don’t understand why that child in the picture has bright blond hair and bright blond eyebrows but both his (assuming) parentals are brunette…
It doesn’t matter because Sadie’s way cuter than that kid!
Ha ha that made me laugh because I have two frames on my mantelpiece that I have yet to fill. There is a picture of a castle and a tower and people keep asking if I took the pictures on my holidays. Erh no, they’re filler photos i’ve been too lazy to replace. Not quite as bad as having real people I don’t know in my frames though! 🙂
I had an egg bagelwich today and thought of you. In a non creepy way!
Sadly, I only have one wedding picture up in our whole house – and that’s in our bedroom!
I just started The Scorch Trials on my new Kindle Fire! Loving it, although it’s a bit creepy!
Maybe one of your monthly “date nights” with Ryan can be to have photos taken?
I see “Groupon” or “Living Social” deals with these all the time. I think it would be a fun excuse for you both to get dolled up (Sadie too?) and mugg it up in front of the camera!
Say CHEESE!! 🙂
Oh yes. We totally default to wedding pictures. But I guess we’ve been married less than 6 months. That’s a good excuse, right?
I actually just posted yesterday about filling photo frames! Worst part is I JUST bought them and I’ve lived with my boyfriend for over a year…finally got pictures printed and framed… woops! I’m not married but will probably have those all around the house when that day comes!
How do you get the pin it button underneath you workouts? I always mean to ask you! 🙂
Hey Julie! So until recently I never understood why you raved about SIAB because for one, I rather eat my calories & two, my shakes never came out thick enough to have to eat with a spoon. Well the other day I tried 2 scoops protein instead of one, added Greek yogurt & lots of frozen berries & got myself the THICKEST and most delicious smoothie I had ever tasted. No wonder you were obsessed! It tastes exactly like melted ice cream… needless to say I’ve been having one every day & glad I gave them another shot thanks to you! 🙂
This is unrelated to this SPECIFIC post, but I wanted to comment that I tried “Ryan’s Shoulder Move” for the first time at the gym today, and I loved it! I only used 5 lbs (my upper-body is so much weaker than my lower – trying to change that now!), and at first I thought “oh this is too light.” But honestly reps 10 through 20 burned quite a bit! Thanks for the good idea! 🙂
Um, and thank you for eating donuts every now and then. You’re one of my favorite healthy-living bloggers for that reason, seriously. Haha!
woww it’s nice to know that even the most organized people do that kind of stuff! In my family, my mom has always just put any nice picture in a frame even if the background fake photo is still there, and even if the sizes don’t match at all. 😛 I always thought, “why is our family so not good at this stuff?” haha