We are so thrilled to share that we are expecting a baby in the beginning of September! I am 19 weeks pregnant and my belly is getting harder and harder to hide!
This baby is one we hoped and prayed for and love so much already. To be completely transparent, after our third miscarriage, I began to worry about whether or not I could emotionally handle another pregnancy or loss despite such a strong desire in my heart to have more children. This pregnancy has come along with no shortage of anxiety but thankfully we had a wonderful appointment at maternal and fetal medicine last week and now, nearly halfway through my pregnancy, I’m beginning to let myself believe we will be having another child. It feels good to let myself dream of the moment Chase and Ryder meet their little brother or sister in a few months. Adding another child into our chaos feels exciting, intimidating and right.
As for how the boys are handling the special news, they are thrilled! Well, technically Ryder just says, “baby” over and over again and doesn’t really get it but around 15 or 16 weeks, Chase asked if there was a baby in my belly because it was already so noticeable. He’s now all in on brainstorming names for his little brother or sister. (His latest suggestion for a boy was Flipper… and Ryder which might get just a little confusing. For a girl, he’s suggested Gigi, Sparkle Pants and Runner “so she will be really fast.”)
I’ll share more about my first and second trimester (so far) in an upcoming post and am happy to answer any questions you may have about this little one, how things are going so far, our plans in the coming months, etc. Just let me know what you’d like to read about in a followup post and I’ll be happy to address everything soon.
Thank you guys so, so much for following my life and my family and giving us such an amazing outpouring of love and support over the years. I know so many of you have been reading since the early days when Sadie was our only baby and I am so grateful for your continued love and kindness. I cannot wait to introduce you to the littlest member of our family in a few short months!
I cannot ever share a pregnancy or baby-related post on this blog without thinking about those of you reading from a place of longing, loss or pain related to miscarriage, loss of an intensely loved little one or infertility right now. My mind and heart changed deeply after we lost three babies during pregnancy and I know that pregnancy announcements in particular can be just plain hard to read when you’re hurting. I hope and pray my news doesn’t cause you pain right now but if it does, I get it. The longing for a baby and the pain of loss is horrible and unfair and heartbreaking. I’m thinking of you and holding a space for you in my heart.
Congratulations Julie and family! As a loooong time reader of your blog, I am thrilled for you! My husband and I have two boys (4.5 and 2) and we are considering a third baby. I’d love to get your perspective on how you and Ryan knew you wanted to expand your family. 🙂
Congrats! What wonderful news to wake up to! ??
Reading this post makes my heart swell with joy for you! Looking forward to reading about how things are going. Praying for a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby. Love her announcement pic of the boys! So sweet ❤️❤️
OH happy day, Julie!!
I’ve been praying for you and your family for quite some time to be blessed with another sweet baby!
Ive been a follower / admirer of you, created multiple recipes of yours, completed awesome workouts of yours for years!
What a true answer to all of the prayers! I’m beyond thrilled for your family and look forward to following along your journey of this pregnancy for this sweet baby…..side note: I think Flipper and Runner are great names for the baby! ????
Stay healthy and well!
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you and your family! Prayers for you and a continued healthy pregnancy! The ending of your post was so sweet and a testament to your character. ☺ Future posts – your plans on transitioning to 3, bedrooms, preschool, car situation, self care, etc! I’ve always wondered what my life would be like with three! I have two boys similar ages and live far from our families. Yah so happy for you!
Hi Julie! Such great news, this makes my heart very happy for you and your adorable family. I’ll be sending prayers your way and can’t wait to read all about the journey. Love you friend! xo
So happy for you Julie!!! Long time reader here, infrequent commenter 🙂 I feel like everyone will say this, but I wondered if you might be expecting! Nothing in particular, just knew that was something you had wanted and hoped it would work out for you. I’m currently 16 weeks with my first that we tried for 3 1/2 years to get pregnant with, and have loved reading along as your family grows. I was hoping that one of my imaginary internet blog friends would be pregnant around the same time, and can’t be happier with your news! Congratulations!!
Congratulations Julie!!! I remember when you announced your first pregnancy! ? This is such a jewel!!! Prayers for you and baby!!! A fall baby too, how fun!
I am so happy for you, and also feel Pain as I just suffered my second miscarriage. Would love to know more details though, and am encouraged by your success and blessing!! Love and prayers to you!!
Congratulations! And I agree with Chase – Sparkle Pants is the perfect name for a girl!
Oh Julie!! I have been reading since Sadie was your only child and I have cried so many times reading your daily blog. I can’t start my workday without reading your blog first. It’s been so lovely to have your company during this pandemic especially. I was feeling grateful as I clicked on your site this morning and was completely surprised and shocked to read this. I am so thrilled and happy for your family. You are all such beautiful souls. Can’t wait to see what the future holds.
Julie, I am SO happy for you! I have been following your blog since 2012 & have so enjoyed all of the chapters of your life. You have such a blessed life & it is awesome how much you are aware of that & take full advantage of it! I am so grateful to have 3 fabulous children & an awesome husband & Love being with you on your journey. My husband/children have all come since I started reading your blog as a single person, when I was just loving you & Ryan’s relationship & praying to find someone who would cherish me the way Ryan cherishes you. My parents also seem as great as yours, I enjoy seeing their involvement in your life & how they are so filled w/ love & kindness & joy. I just wanted to say that this post makes me smile so much!!!! Congratulations!
Congratulations! So happy for you!
So incredibly happy for you!! I’ve been following you for years, and it’s been so fun to see your family grow, especially since I’ve had a very similar pregnancy timeline! My 2 boys (4.5 and 2 years old) are excited to welcome their baby brother in July! So many congrats to you and your family, and I’ll be sending continued prayers for a safe and healthy pregnancy journey for you and your sweet babe!!
Congratulations! This made me tear up! So happy for you!
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. I’ve had one miscarriage – can’t imagine going through 3 like you have! I’m so glad things are progressing well and you are able to share your news broadly now! I guess all this isolation has made it easier to keep your secret since we aren’t seen anyone!
Your bump is so cute! Looking forward to following along on this journey!
Congratulations!!! Love some sunshine after storms 🙂 I’m due in October with my first. I’d love to know if you’re going to find out the gender and if you’re going to share with all of us before birth… I’m so impatient haha.
Julie congratulations! I am a long time blog reader and I am so happy for you and your family. I am also expecting at the end of October so it’s fun to be pregnant “together”. I would love to hear your symptoms each week or month and any struggles you’ve had. I had some severe nausea that is finally getting better and not feeling well combined with the covid pandemic has been a lot. Anyway, congrats again!
Julie, what wonderful news — to love is to risk! Thinking of the Fagans in heaven and on earth with prayers, hope and faith.
I am just so happy for you!!!!!
So wonderful to wake up to this AMAZING news. I’m so happy for you and your family, thank you for sharing this with all of your “fans”.
How wonderful! Praying for a long, healthy pregnancy! Summer pregnancy has pros and cons…it’s so hot your shoes don’t fit, but it’s Summer, so you really don’t need shoes!
I completely understand the emotional part of it. Looking forward to pregnancy updates and how we as your readers can support you in the crazy world right now!
Congrats! What good news during such a somber time. I hope the next 21 weeks are blissful! And I’m having secondary anxiety thinking about three little ones!
Congratulations! So so so happy for you and your sweet family!
Love from a longtime (since wedding planning days!) reader :):)
What wonderful news! I wondered if you might be expecting – like another reader commented nothing in particular but I wondered. Praise the Lord for this wonderful blessing!
Congratulations! This is wonderful news. Also, I vote Sparkle Pants if it’s a girl. 🙂
I can’t even begin to express how happy I am for you and your family. Wonderful new during this time.
I am so happy for you guys! As I was sitting in my car taking a few deep breaths before braving the grocery store for the first time in 2+ weeks, I was scrolling through my phone before leaving it in the car (which to me is so weird as well) and I just saw the headline and I got so excited for you guys. It’s nice to see good news at times like this!
Aww YEY!!!! Congrats!!!! I have been reading your blog daily since 2011/2012 (woah!) and even though I have never met you I had a strong feeling you were pregnant based on what you have been posting that you are eating lol!! Call me crazy but after reading all about your last pregnancies as you were going through them, I couldn’t help but notice a trend 😉 And I am SO happy that I was right! Congrats again. What a lucky baby <3
Congratulations! I know how intensely loved this child is and I am so happy for your family!
Julie CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! God has asked me to pray for you and I am so thrilled He has answered this prayer!!!! I’m so happy for you and your family. Blessings from Michigan!
SO EXCITED FOR YOU! This brightened my day during these difficult times. I’m a long time blog reader who loves following along with your family and also love all your recipes and book recs! My husband and I are on the journey of starting a family, and your news brings me hope and joy 🙂
Congrats! What an exciting time! Are you going to be surprised by the gender again? I’m 25 weeks with my first and would love to hear how you are doing with the idea/thoughts/feelings/emotions of bringing a child into the world during a global pandemic. I’m struggling with the uncertainty of it all. I”m sure part of that is the fact it’s my first so there’s a lot of unknowns with that in general haha
I had a hunch for some reason that you were expecting, and I couldn’t be more excited! I think that once you’ve experienced a pregnancy loss, that anxiety is just part of the package from then on, just because you know that not every pregnancy means getting to hold a baby in your arms in 9 months. On the flip side, I think that experiencing such a loss also makes it easier to feel an intense amount of gratitude for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby, and I know that gratitude carried me through many a month of difficult subsequent pregnancies.
Praying for all the best for your sweet family!
Oh wow we all needed good news and you have supplied it! Congratulations and all the best wishes for this precious baby.
Oh I’m so happy for y’all! I am 14 weeks with our 3rd baby and both of our 2nd babies were overlapping pregnancies as well! I had been praying you would be blessed with another baby!
So so happy for you and your family!! Congratulations! How lucky is this little one ❤️
Congratulations Julie, Ryan,Chase and Ryder. What wonderful news. You look amazing – always love seeing a glowing pregnancy photo. Hoping you are able to enjoy this last half of your pregnancy and that each day the anxiety and worry lessen some.
Love Chase’s name suggestions!!!
Julie!!! I am so, so happy for you and your family. I’ve been reading your blog (every single post!) since before Chase was born, and I feel like I just found out a dear friend is expecting. I will be keeping your and your family’s health in my prayers!
Congratulations! I am so happy for your sweet family! Prayers for a continued safe and healthy pregnancy and baby! You are wrapped in a community uplifting you in love and prayer!
This is the best news ever!!! So happy and excited for you and your family! I’ll be praying for God’s abundant strength and grace for you all each day, and pray that all the worries are drowned out by peace and joy while you wait for your new sweet bundle. 🙂
Congratulations! I found your blog when I was planning my own wedding back in 2011 and now, after some fertility issues of my own, have two small boys (3 and 10mo) myself so it’s been great to follow along with your journey! I am sending prayers for a healthy baby and mama!!!!
This is just the BEST news! So happy for you and your adorable family! I know the anxiety of pregnancy after multiple losses, so I am praying that your excitement, joy, and anticipation outweigh any fear. Sending you so much love & can’t wait to follow along as your family grows again!
Julie I could not be more thrilled for you and your entire family. This made my heart SO DARN HAPPY TODAY!!!!!!!!!! I am very long time follower and I know all you have been through. Such a beautiful blessing. Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! CONGRATULATIONS! We are due at almost the exact same time! I am 20 weeks Friday.
I’ve been going back to your other posts about pregnancy and baby but it will be fun to see your current while we are in the same stages! This has been such a blessing in this chaos to have something good to focus on 🙂
I’m so so excited for you and your family! I’m due a week before you and just found out we are having our third boy! My older boys are around the same ages as your boys. I hope you continue to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and I’m excited to follow along with you!
SOO proud for you and your family! Prayers for a healthy pregnancy and delivery! I’ve been a reader since before Chase and I’m so excited for ya’ll. I guess I’m not your typical reader since my children are college age but I love following along with your blog/family/fitness/healthy recipes.
Congratulations!! I am so happy for you!
My husband and I have been trying for almost a year and are hoping at some point we will be blessed with children ❤️
I KNEW IT!!! Any time you have an onslaught of round-up posts, I get suspicious 😉
A million congrats to you and your family <3 so happy for y'all