Good afternoon! How are you guys doing today? All is well over here!
My day began at 5 a.m. when Chase decided he was up for the morning. We’re up every two hours or so for nighttime feedings these days and thankfully Chase was pretty easily comforted last night and fell back asleep relatively quickly after he nursed. This was a far cry from the past two nights when he wanted to party it up for at least an hour after breastfeeding. I’ll take a 5 a.m. wake up call any day over random nursing parties in the middle of the night!
Once we were up, I fed Chase and Ryan changed his diaper before we returned to bed to play with Chase until Ryan had to get up and head to work. After we said goodbye to Ryan, I took Chase downstairs for another feeding that took place as I watched an episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I always thought I would have the ability to do other things while breastfeeding, but right now nursing seems to be a two-handed job as I try to keep Chase latched and milk flowing. Maybe one day I’ll have the ability to read or blog a bit while nursing, but right now breastfeeding is receiving my undivided attention… Well, breastfeeding and watching Dr. McDreamy.
Last week, I ventured out on my first short postpartum walk and have tried my best to get out every morning since then with Chase and Sadie before it gets too hot outside. Walking around the neighborhood helps fight the cabin fever that started to set in after days at home and even though we’re not walking far distances, I look forward to our walks every morning! My mom joins me on occasion when she doesn’t go to a morning Jazzercise class and I love the company!
It took Sadie a few walks to get used to the stroller (she walked just about as far away from the stroller as her leash allowed for our first three walks) but she’s doing much better now… At least until sprinklers take up sidewalk space and we have to navigate around them. Watching her freak out over the stroller and sprinklers is a new kind of comedy.
Once we got home from our walk, Chase was ready for another feeding which was followed by a rather fussy morning. I spent the next few hours trying to soothe his cries and entertain him when he just wanted to be awake, looking at me and at the lights from the ceiling fan. Ryan and I joke that Chase is like a little moth right now because he loves looking at lights. Apparently lamps, lighting fixtures and nightlights are the coolest thing ever to our little man.
After lunch, I had the chance to grab a shower while my mom watched Chase and then the three of us headed out to the doctor’s office for an appointment regarding Chase’s lingual frenulum (the band of tissue that connects the bottom of the tongue to the floor of the mouth). Apparently it was tight which could have been interfering with breastfeeding (he’s eating often but comes on and off the breast a lot during every feeding and seems flustered) and could also impact speech in the future.
We arrived at the appointment 10 minutes early and ended up waiting for about an hour to see the doctor since he was tied up in a surgery at the hospital. Chase was a bit restless, but he nursed and settled down a bit before it was time for the doctor to check out his tongue and confirm that he was tongue tied and needed his frenulum snipped. I was nervous about it but we did research ahead of time and the doctor assured us it was a very simple procedure so we had him go ahead and complete it while we were there. Chase was gone for about three minutes while he had the frenetomy performed and before I knew it, he was back in my arms, nursing again. I almost cried when he was returned to me sobbing, but he settled down quickly which was comforting.
My mom, Chase and I just arrived back home and now we’re hanging out waiting for a visit from Brittany!
Hope you guys are having a good Wednesday!
I spy the Chevron changing station! Hope you’re liking it 🙂
He’s just gorgeous. Congrats so much so hard, Julie.
crap! hit enter and it posted too soon! LOTS of babies have LF issues, I’m glad you had a proactive ped to get it taken care of.
Both our pediatrician and the lactation consultant recommended it — as did the doctor we saw today, so I am hoping it helps! Chase already seems to be eating better and can now stick his tongue out past his bottom lip!
Our little one is 3 weeks old and just had this procedure done on Monday! I’m hoping it makes breastfeeding a little quicker – hoping the same for you guys!! Keep up the good work, mama 🙂
My son had the same procedure, but he didn’t get until he was 4-5 weeks old and it has really impacted nursing. Your little family is too cute 🙂
Awwwww he’s so sweet! Those doc appointments with little ones always made me tear up too–it’s like YOU know that you’re doing him a favor, but he doesn’t, and so you feel so bad. So glad he calmed down quickly for you!
It sounds like you’re doing awesome, mama!! <3 Love posts like these!
EXACTLY. I kept telling my mom I wished I could’ve just had it done FOR him!
And now.he can.stick.his.tongue out like.Sadie
He is such a cutie! Glad the doctor appointment went ok, poor baby! 🙁 You loom gorgeous, by the way!
He is beautiful!!
Aww so glad he calmed down for you! Love that you’re getting out for walks in the morning. I am sure that is keeping you from going crazy being in the house! He is a cutie. Glad to hear things are going well on your end! You look fantastic!
My son was also born tongue tied back in March. We had it sniped at his 2 week check up and nursing has been going great since! Good luck and congratulations to you. I’ve been a blog reader for years!
Awww, he is just precious. As much as I don’t love those sleep deprived weeks and months, those middle of the night snuggles you get while nursing are truly something special. I’m glad his appointment went well! I know it’s so hard to see them sad… 🙁 It sounds like you did the right thing though! I hope it helps his feeding!
Happy Wednesday! I hope that procedure helps Chase with his nursing!
Super random but my tongue is tied. I didn’t have any issues with speech and I wasn’t breast fed so I guess it never came up. I always am happy to hear that parents get it done for their babies – I wish my mom did 🙂
Congrats on that precious new little guy. I just found your blog and I’m loving reading all the old posts, cant wait to read more.
I hope I’m not being too personal by already talking about mommy things, but you’ll get the hang of doing other things while nursing. Give it a couple more weeks and it will be like you’ve done it for ever.
he is just so sweet! so glad the procedure went well.
Glad your appointment went well! So funny to hear that he loves lights and light fixtures. My nephew is the same way (whether the lights are on or off) – we joke that he “loves lamp” and that we can never take him to Home Depot because he’ll be overstimulated, haha!
A friend introduced me to your blog a couple months ago, and I look forward to your daily updates! I gave birth to my daughter (first child) on July 25th, so I feel for you on the late night post-nursing parties! My daughter was also tongue tied…clipping her frenulum (and a nipple shield) made my breast feeding life some much better!
I also highly recommend these lactation cookies:
Keep up the great work momma!
Such sweet pictures Julie! I am so glad your mom is there to help and keep you company. She saved me with both kids, seriously!! Love these posts. Its exciting to see you as a mama. I am genuinely so happy for you and your new addition! Congratulations!
Hi Julie. Care to elaborate more on the LF and frenectomy? My guy is 10 weeks and while an LC told me he was tongue tied, my pediatrician, dentist, and speech pathologist all vehemently said not to snip him. The speech path said there is little research on whether it actually impacts speech, especially given that the frenulum can regrow. How has Chase responded with breastfeeding? Do you notice a difference with soreness of your nipples? I’d love to read more, as I am still struggling with nursing and have had to resort to 50% nursing and 50% bottle feeding pumped milk. Supply is not an issue for me so the pumping works, it just isn’t the most convenient. Chase looks so cute! Hope the fussiness has subsided this afternoon:)
I was born tongue tied and didn’t get my frenulum cut until 6th grade – better to take care of it early! Didn’t effect my speech, but did effect my ability to enjoy ice cream cones!
What a cute little outfit he has on!
À LA MODEST – Replacing insecurities with inspiration!
I’m so glad that everything is doing well with your beautiful family. I also just have to say how blown away I am that you have a beautifully manicured nails and a two week old. It’s been four months since my kiddo was born and my nails have not seen the light of day. Amazing!!
That is so sweet your mom is still there !! How long will she stay for?
We’re not sure right now, but it has been SO nice and helpful having her here!
My son had a tongue tie as well. He got snipped right there with me. It was kind of hard to see, especially the little spot of blood but he calmed down immediately. The worst part for me was having to press down on it for a few days after so it didn’t reattach while healing. I couldn’t bear making him cry doing that and I didn’t continue with it like advised. Ugh. The things about parenting that you just don’t hear about very often!
Good luck! You’re looking well and the boy is a cutie!
I’ve heard being tongue tied is very common, so glad you got it taken care of early and it wasn’t too traumatic for you OR him 🙂 Looks like you’re getting the hang of this whole mom thing, you look so natural holding him 🙂 You’re making me so so excited!!!
Wow, I am so, SO impressed with how things are going for you! Congrats on getting out for walks–I’m sure it feels great to get fresh air. I love the idea of Sadie having to battle her fears on the walks! Haha. And poor mama having to deal with the tongue tie, but I’m glad it’s over and now hopefully he’ll do even better nursing! Happy Wednesday!
First of all congrats Chase is GORGEOUS! I hate to be one of those people pointing something out bc i know it’s so annoying and you may already know, but in case not retractable leashes can really injure you if dog spooks or gets excited, they can cause really bad injuries to your hand, the dog etc. There’s a bunch of articles on it, but i thought maybe i would mention it just in case you didn’t know, it’s of course your prerogative to use any leash you choose! But you can get super long soft nylon leads if Sadie needs to be further from the stroller. Hopefully that wasn’t annoying, but I didn’t actually know that until recently and I’m big into dog rescue/fostering and have 2 dogs of my own so figured just in case. so happy for you guys and your new gorgeous family!
Thank you so much for the information! And I appreciate you sharing the info in such a kind way! 🙂 Also, thank you for rescuing/fostering. <3 <3
My oldest was a September baby and she loved lights. She loved them so much that my husband got out a strand of Christmas lights for her to look at. She loved them and when she would get fussy, he would hold her or put her in her bouncy seat and turn the lights on and she would relax and just look at them. So cute!
Aw, I love this!
Haha my dog did the same thing Sadie is doing with the stroller. She used to walk right in front of the stroller but she’s finally learned to stay on the side 🙂
Poor little guy & poor mama! Hope you’re both doing better now.
Totally nice that your Momma is there with you right now to make it through all this. 🙂
I’m glad the doc appointment went well, even though it was hard to watch your little guy go through a procedure! Glad it’s behind you now and that little Chase can stick his tongue out past his lips, I hope it goes well for you! He’s such a cutie pie! 🙂
Glad that the procedure went well! Love your updates on all things Chase, very exciting time and I’m so happy you’re sharing it with us all!
Gosh chase is just so perfect!! All that blonde hair… I’m glad Sadie is adjusting to her scary new surroundings, my Dixie is scared of everything too so I know the feeling 🙂 hope you are getting at least a little bit of rest!!
My son had a lip tie and a tongue tie, so if this doesn’t completely resolve your issues, ask about a lip tie. There is a lot of info on the internet about it, but it impacts breastfeeding, teeth, and speech. We went to a pediatric dentist who specializes in correcting lip and tongue ties. He used a laser rather than scissors to correct it, which was nice since there was no blood or anything. Just something else to look out for in case problems persist. Breastfeeding is tough and there a lot of things people don’t know about up front that make it more challenging but can be resolved fairly easily. Good luck!
My son had his tongue tie revised at 8 months old and I am sorry I didn’t do it sooner! His latch was just kind of eh, so we let it go, but then he had difficulty with solid foods too! Once it was done, I couldn’t believe how much better he latched! I hope it helps him to nurse better for you! It’s not easy when they come back to you so upset!
My daughter was tongue tied as well. The lactation consultant diagnosed it, but we didn’t get it snipped until she was 6 weeks old. With my son we had them check it right in the hospital. I had to help hold her down – I am not sure what is worse, that or having her taken away for a few minutes! They heal so fast.
They told us that if we decide to have more children to ask about it at the hospital as well so they can do it immediately. Thank goodness they heal so quickly!
Chase is just too sweet! My son (born in January) had a tongue tie too. I had no idea it was so common! I dealt with lots of pain and bleeding until it was clipped at 2 weeks and then he had to relearn how to use his tongue correctly. Those first few weeks were tough. You’re doing such a great job!
I hope the procedure helps your little guy. It read the link and seems like a straight forward easy one. Such a cutie!!
my son had the exact same problem and we had his frenulum clipped last week (when he was 4 1/2 weeks). I held him while the doctor snipped it and I cried more than he did! The great news is that the pain I was experiencing while breastfeeding has almost completely vanished and now it’s a much more pleasant experience for both of us.
Ugh, crying babies are the worst. Thankfully my son wasn’t tongue tied, but when he got his first shots at the pediatrician I cried once the nurse left the room. I nurse almost right away though and he calmed right down, so that was a blessing.
He is so perfect! It seems like you are adjusting well to being a new mom 🙂
He is precious! so happy for you! It sounds like motherhood is treating you well 🙂
Hi Julie,
First of all, many many congratulations on your baby boy! He is so beautiful! Thank you for sharing him with your readers!
Second of all, I have a friend who’s giving birth soon. I want to get her both a pregnancy-related gift and non-pregnancy related gift. Any ideas? As a new mom, is there anything non-pregnancy related that you would want from a friend? Or that would help make you feel “back to normal”?
Thank you!! Honestly, the friends who had food delivered or brought food over made SUCH a difference. It was so nice not to have to worry about dinners for the first few days. I also absolutely loved my prenatal massage that my friend Leah gave me. So many gifts are for the baby (which are wonderful), but a massage was so nice and encouraged me to indulge a bit in myself which was such a treat.
Your posts are making me very excited about my baby boy due in october. And honestly comforted as well.
Did your sciatic nerve pain already go away??
YES!! Totally gone! THANK goodness!
It sounds like you’re transitioning well!!! Keep up the positive attitude. 🙂
My 3 week old daughter has a 4th degree tongue tie as well and just had her frenotomy a week ago. I was having issues with breastfeeding (I’m talking PAINFUL latch, bleeding and scabbed over nipples, and baby spitting up my blood after feeding) which made things soo rough, but now things have improved pretty significantly! I feel a lot less pain now and baby girl seems to be feeding better. Amazing how common it is!
Chase is just so precious and adorable! You guys make the cutest family 🙂
Gosh he is so cute! I always get super excited now for a new post to see what you Ryan and Chase have been up to! So happy your Mom is there to help you guys out! I use to love when my Mom was over, I’d be able to shower, etc and she would cook food! FOOD! haha
Chase is such a blondie! So cute! I’m glad the procedure went well! That is so nice that your mom is with you. My mom gets 5 days off and my husband gets 5 days off when I have the baby, and I really wish my mom could be withe for longer!
Love love love all the chase posts! Im still waiting for my baby girl to make her appearance, but in the meantime Ive loved reading about Chase and the birth stories (especially because I am also delivering at Novant, so It was great to read that you had such a pleasant experience). Thanks for being so vulnerable with your feelings about motherhood- I know that I’ve had some of those feelings too (I’m terrified of how I will feel after birth connection-wise with the baby), but its so encouraging to read that other people might have similar thoughts and that everything is alright in the end! Keep posting and im so glad Chase’s procedure was a succesful one! Ps- his blonde hair?! Gosh! Too cute!
You look amazing! I expected you to look a little frazzled in some of your pics but you still look so pulled together and really don’t look sleep deprived at all! Did you practice walking with Sadie and the stroller prior to Chase’s arrival? We’re planning to do that with our dog so hopefully she’ll get over her fear before the baby comes.
Thanks, Laura! Believe me, most days I am looking like a hot mess in pajamas with no make up and stains on my clothes from Chase. 🙂 And no, we didn’t practice with the stroller ahead of time, but I would imagine that would probably have helps Sadie’s fear of the stroller a bit! I think it’s a great idea!