I think I may have a potential best friend wandering the beaches in Sanibel Island.
Look what Ryan and I stumbled upon on our morning walk along the beach…
“Pie is awesome.”
Naturally I responded in kind.
“Cake is better.”
Just had to make sure that was clear.
Early this morning we wandered along the beach, soaking up the sun and looking for shells. We saw seagulls enjoying breakfast as they flew high into the air with shells before dropping them so they would crack open, revealing the critter inside that they would then eat.
They’re scrappy lil’ guys!
We also came upon a jellyfish which we made sure to avoid.
We were a little late to the beach for the prime-time shelling, but Ryan did have one awesome find…
Detective Scooby Doo!
We then spent a good five minutes trying to remember all of the names of the characters from Scooby-Doo. We remembered Scooby, Scrappy, Shaggy and Fred and were convinced that there was a character named Wilma. Not so. Velma! And Daphne too, of course.
Even though we all grazed through the morning, we still wanted to go out for a late breakfast/early lunch and once again followed your recommendations!
The Over Easy Café came highly recommended, so we were all excited to order!
I opted for two poached eggs with Canadian bacon an English muffin and tomato slices.
I turned it into a breakfast sandwich!
Everyone loved their meal and agreed that the Over Easy Café was a wonderful find. We had a great time dining outside among adorable dogs and friendly people, including several giggling waitresses who, according to a man sitting nearby, had a crush on Ryan. Hubba, hubba.
After breakfast, we meandered over to some nearby shops and had a blast looking at some of the fun goodies… especially those in a doggie boutique.
Check out this awesome pair of vizsla socks! I totally would’ve bought these babies if I wore a size 10 – 13.
Lucky for Sadie I didn’t buy any pink Doggles.
We were all tempted by the delicious looking dog treats… but I’m pretty sure they looked better than they tasted (to humans at least).
After browsing for a bit longer, we headed back to the condo to change into our swim suits, grab a snack and head out to the beach.
It was such a beautiful day!
I spent almost all of my time at the beach reading Water for Elephants. I booted Ryan from reading this book with me because he fell asleep twice when we tried reading it together. I’m not sure it was a good fit for him, but I am loving it! I’m a little more than halfway done and I just want to keep reading!
Eventually it was time to head in to get started on dinner.
While the guys snapped green beans, my mom prepped the fish and I prepared cauliflower for roasting and squash for grillin’.
I filled my plate and couldn’t get enough! Everything was delicious.
The grouper actually came from one of my dad’s scuba diving trips! Extra special!
After dinner we were all in the mood for dessert and piled into the car to head to Pinocchio’s for ice cream.
I ate all of my bowl, some of Ryan’s and about half of my mom’s mud pie sundae (the best of them all!).
Don’t you love my two bowls?
Truth be told, I ate too much ice cream. I honestly felt sick afterwards and had to lay down for a while. Ooph. Apparently I don’t know my own limits sometimes.
Fortunately I’m feeling much better now. I guess chillin’ on the couch with the fam and watchin’ a little Titanic on TV cures overeating stomach aches.
Off to relax!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated today!
I have a tendency to over indulge on ice cream too! (It’s my fav.!) That’s why I do not keep it in my house, I just save it for special outings 🙂 I think I might have to go search for some now 🙂
Aww, it looks like you are having a fabulous time with your family. Sorry you didn’t feel good after the ice cream overload, but it sure did look yummy! I am secretly jealous of the fabulous dessert places you have gone to in Florida! We don’t seem to have these places in CT!
I totally overindulge in ice cream. My husband always orders one scoop and I order two. Hah!
I love EVERYTHING about this post…. So glad you hit up Over Easy Cafe, the doggie store, annnnd Pinnochio’s!!! Were you able to stop into Suncatcher’s Dream?! I’ve been lovin’ on that store since I was about 9 or 10 years old (and I’m 25 now)… Dan has seen me grow up through the years. Gosh, I am so “home-sick” for Sanibel right now!!!! Water looks so nice and peaceful… enjoy the rest of your time there!
I don’t even know what doggles are for and who would ever buy them for their pooch! 🙂
Looks like a blast!
I have no self control when it comes to ice cream! Dinner looks delish, Im totally craving fish and veggies now 🙂
I ALWAYS have wayy to much ice cream. I lack so much self control. I ate wayy to many apples today. maybe 5? 10? 😉
I love these long posts full of pictures!! You and your sis are absolutely gorgeous!!
That blue dress is too cute! And it looks absolutely gorgeous there. Ugh, I totally know the overindulged stomach ache — had that going on last night from cookies; I’ll never learn!
And cake is definitely better. 🙂
ice cream is the best 😉
Look at all that wonderful food! I really like grouper – how exciting that it was caught by your dad! Enjoy your evening!
Ice cream all the way…though I’m right there with you in that it tastes good going down, but about 5 minutes after I finish, I can tell if I ate too much. You’d think I’d learn, but I can pretty much guarantee this will probably happen again – and sooner rather than later 🙂
I always overindulge on Ice Cream – I just can’t help it!!
Glad you’re feeling better! I’m watching Titanic too!!
Ice cream really is the best! 🙂 Reminds me of the summer! 😀
I’m absolutely loving reading about your trip. Everything about it–the sun, the beach, grilling and the laid backness is getting me so excited for spring and summer to come shoo away this winter madness.
The blue dress you wore today…I have it in coral! I think I got it at Marshalls or TJ Max? Its such a great dress! Its comfy and cute! Your vacation looks so nice and relaxing! Weather up here in NY has been brutally cold today! Soak up some extra sun for me! 🙂
Overeating ice cream is WAYyY too easy for us both, it seems 😉 I am a huge fan of your day- it sounds like the perfect family vacay!! And your dress is awesome!
Sounds like a fun day! I’m so jealous of the weather down there, I’d love to go for a beach run.
oh gosh ive been there many times— i dont have limits when it comes to sweets :O
looks like such a fun and gorgeous day-YIKES i hate jellyfish.. i got stung once and it was SO ITCHY
Oh my goodness girl you are making me so jealous! When is summer again? 1. My boyfriend though it would be a great idea to run 4 miles on the beach barefoot at night and I got a huge red sting that luckily only covered my big toe, I have no idea what I actually stepped on though. It didn’t feel it until afterwards because at the time I thought my calves were ripping off.
2. I love pottery coffee cups, I have a similar one from a great breakfast place in Panama City Beach called Another Broken Egg!
Haha, I don’t know my limits with sweets either. At my cousin’s wedding I ate three chocolate tarts, because they were too rich for everyone else. Yeah, should have seen that as a sign…I did not feel well that night. This post makes me so excited for summer!
What a fabulous day!! Cooking dinner with the family on vacation is the best feeling. And of course, always following that with ice cream. 😉 Reminds me of family vacations we take every so often. I’m so glad you’re enjoying this wonderful vacation.
Oh icecream I feel like I just eat endlessly and then it hits me after, and Im like ahhhhhhhhhhhhh why did I eat so much, icecream coma : p lol
So glad you guys had a fun day yesterday! The grouper looks amazing and that is cool it was from your dads scuba diving trip, so I bet it was so good!
Have a great day today! xoxo
p.s. One time my mom bought dog treat cookies for her dogs, and left them on the table, she came home to find them gone, my sis and dad ate them, lol!! They thought they were cookies for them! It was so funny! They said they tasted a little different but not enough I guess to notice it was dog treats!
how quiant and adorable is that shop?!
Water Elephants was a great read but i’ll admit I had to rent the book out twice. the first time i just could not get into it..it was starting off too slow and i gave up but the rec’s were so good i gave it one more shot. Great read!
Your grilling dinner looks so good! I am aching for outdoor warmth and grilling!!!
Oh, I almost forgot…
NEVER had a poached egg. Is it any good?
Where do you get your purses from? They are always so cute and ive been in the market for an everyday bag.
Love that photo on the beach, the shadow of you and Ryan 🙂
I could eat tons and tons of ice cream…
I went to the beach yesterday too- it was PERFECT out!! I was like ‘whoa! we are at the beach in February!” Just another reason to love Florida 🙂
That is too funny that the guy next to you at the diner had a little crush on Ryan- LOL!- how cute 😉
Hope you are having a great weekend!
This post reminds me how much I am in need of a vacation! Looks like you guys are having a ton of fun. Enjoy it!
Ice cream is definitely something I overdo it on!! Ah, your beach pictures make me so excited for summer! 🙂
truer words have never been spoken: cake IS better, your right.
At least it was good ice cream! It looks delicious.
Your breakfast looks great!
PS Father of the Bride is on and I thought of you! 😀
Best movie everrrr!
Love pinocchio’s and their pistachio ice cream!
I would have said, cookies are better!
The sky is so blue there! Must be a little chill at night because you had on a long sleeve jacket while eating ice cream.
Did you go biking yet? Where to?
Looks like ya’ll are having a great time!!!!!!
Oh, I’m so jealous of that beautiful warm weather!
Those are some amazing doggie treats! Haha! I love your dress!
Dinner looks amazing! I love grilled squash…well, I love grilled anything! C’mon warm weather, it’s time to fire up the grill!
Your trip looks like so much fun!
I have such a love/hate relationship with Titanic. Remember when it was only on VHS? I’d just watch the first tape because the second one was too sad!
i still would have gotten the socks!
your mini vacay looks so fun! I’m so jealous!!!
I need some sun, I’m looking pretty pale.
I just started Water for Elephants this weekend! I heard it was good and then once y’all picked it, I had to dig in. I’m only on chapter 4 though!
Scooby Doo..Greatest Cartoon ever…enough said….
By the way it is these main 5!:
“freddie or fred”
“scooby” doo
So, Julie, I’ve been reading books while on the treadmill (I’ve been working out consistently since New Years and have been getting SO BORED on the treadmill lately) and just finished all 3 of the Hunger Games books in a week -okay, I may have read off the treadmill, too…maybe every second of the day 😉 but I was hooked!-
Anyways, I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to read next and I thought about you guys choosing to read Water for Elephants next but couldn’t remember you saying anything about it after deciding to read it. And I thought, “I’ll go read her blog now, maybe she’ll mentioned it today.” What a happy coincidence 🙂
Needless to say, I’ve since had it sent to my Kindle and will begin reading it today 🙂 Hopefully it won’t occupy my every waking moment like the Hunger Games did!
Jellyfishhh!! Ahh, have you ever been stung?? You and your sissy look identical! And I see you share a love for ice cream?!
is the over easy cafe in any relation to the broken egg cafe? we have one here (the original I think) in Mandeville, LA and I LOVE it! (the mugs look the same thats why i thought maybe they were?)
Just wanted to let you know that I made parsnip fries like yours tonight and they came out delicious!
We’re in Myrtle Beach, SC now and while it’s gorgeous I’m SO JEALOUS of your warm weather!!!!
You are so cute Julie!!!
Everywhere you go seems so beautiful.. I’m jealous! And that dinner looks so amazing.
Don’t you have a skirt similar to the one your sister is wearing? It looks familiar!
I love Sanibel! Whenever my boyfriend and I have a free afternoon we make use of the awesome bike trails throughout the island.
Love ice cream! Its one of my major weaknesses. Something tells me that Lance and I will be indulging in some the next time we visit the island.