I woke up this morning feeling like quite the grouch. I didn’t sleep well last night and just felt off when the alarm started blaring at 5 a.m.
Ryan and I drove to the gym and I couldn’t shake my bad mood until I was about halfway through my leg workout. Thankfully I am feeling much happier now and as trivial as it may seem, I think I can attribute my mood shift to Whitney Houston.
Any time her music comes on my iPod, I just want to dance and sing which makes it awfully hard to remain in a funk. When “I’m Every Woman” started blaring this morning, I had to smile. I used to listen to my grandmother’s copy of The Bodyguard soundtrack and sing my heart out to Whitney when I was a little girl, so the sound of her incredible voice always lifts my mood and makes me want to sing at the top of my lungs. (Fortunately for those at the gym this morning, I refrained.)
As I sat down to type up this blog post, I started to think about other ways I try to improve my mood when I’m not feeling like myself and can’t seem to shake a grumpy attitude.
Some of my go-to mood boosters:
- MUSIC. This is a big one for me. Music is so powerful and a catchy or nostalgic song can do wonders when it comes to improving my mood. When I worked at a job that made me absolutely miserable, Pandora was instrumental in making each day a little more bearable.
- Think about one thing I’m looking forward to in the coming week. By looking ahead toward something fun that is on the horizon, I almost always begin to feel excited for something in the future which makes the grumpy present not so bad.
- Get outside. If the weather is nice enough to venture outside, breathing in some fresh air helps me feel rejuvenated. Long walks with Ryan and Sadie are my favorite!
- Play with Sadie. Sadie is always joyful and always in the mood to play. It’s impossible for me not to feel happier when she is running around like a total nut job, trying to coerce me into yet another round of fetch.
- Call or text friends. My college girlfriends and I have an ongoing group text and they make me laugh and smile every single day. If I’m feeling like garbage, I know they will lift my spirits and make me laugh.
- Begin a new craft project. I really enjoy working on random craft projects, so starting something new, especially something that will end up being a gift for someone else, allows me to zone out and concentrate on a project that will hopefully make someone I care about smile, which makes me smile, too!
- Go for a run. “Exercise gives you endorphins. Endorphins make you happy!”
- Bake something sweet. Making a sweet treat from scratch always makes me feel better! Who can be grouchy when they’re snacking on cookie dough?
Breakfast this morning began with coffee!
Add that to my list of instant mood-boosters!
While I sipped on my hot cup of coffee, I prepared a plate of scrambled eggs and a toasted whole wheat English muffin with strawberry jam for a sweet and savory breakfast.
Not too shabby!
Question of the Morning
- What is one thing you do to try to improve your mood on days when you’re feeling unusually grumpy?
When I’m in a grumpy mood, I definitely text my sister – she always puts me in a better mood and makes me laugh! And I push through a really hard workout. The more I sweat, the more I feel better! I wish I lived with my family dog 24/7 because seeing my puppy would definitely help too! 🙂
I used to be a BIG baker when I was feeling blue but I’m learning I need to channel something else because when I’m going through weeks of bad moods and stress – that’s a LOT of baking!! 🙂 I do like to make coffee, watch a funny TV episode on Netflix, or just sit back and take some deep breaths. Also helps to have a plan or a project, just something to do to get your mind out of wherever it is.
My dogs always cheer me up, they are excited by the simplest things in life that we sometimes forget to appreciate. Music is always a good way to lift my mood too.
I agree about the Whitney Houston music – I also can’t help but want to sing along and dance to any of her tunes, especially “I want to dance with somebody!”
Music also does it for me when I’m feeling less than my usual cheerful self.
I will also pay more attention to what I wear to get a boost 😉 you feel better, the compliments come in, and then you feel even BETTER!
Funny enough, just like you I also woke up a bit grouchy today, so I wore my favourite colour (red) with beige skirt, top and shoes, and got complimented the minute I walked in at work. The cleaner told me I looked beautiful and where was I going today? ha! Instant lift to the spirits.
Hope you get great highlights in your day to turn your mood around.
Lastly, think on the blessings in your life, that ALWAYS helps 🙂 Gratitude journal. Lots of ideas coming…
Pumpkin spice coffee, a sweaty workout, and buying a little something for myself. Even if it’s just a new lipstick : )
Those pictures of Sadie melt my heart! I really want to adopt a Vizla to keep my pup company 🙂
I do exactly what you did to improve my mood: head to the gym and rock out to some good tunes. Taking my dog for a walk and getting some fresh air also helps. Seeing him smile makes me smile!
Glad you’re in a better mood now!
It seems like when I’m in a bad mood, I simply go work out! Always shakes a bad mood away 🙂
“Happy people just don’t shoot their husbands…They just don’t.” CHOCOLATE…chocolate always makes me happier. Never fails.
Whenever I’m in a bad mood, I take a step back, breathe, and remind myself how good my life is. Things aren’t always perfect, but they’re good. That kind of self-talk and perspective taking always help. If that doesn’t help, my husband is usually around to remind me not to take myself too seriously! Ha!
Music is one of my go-to’s when I’m feeling grumpy. That and calling up a friend just so she can tell me I’m being ridiculous.
I go cuddle or play with my animals, they have ridiculous personalities, and never fail to make me smile and laugh :). If my boyfriend is in town, I like to go on walks in the evening, those always make me happy.
Talking to my mom or boyfriend always helps me!
Oh, I know all too well the feeling from waking up on the wrong side of the bed! Just yesterday, I didn’t get any sleep at all as work, obligations, and other issues kept running through my head. When I get in a pissy mood, I like to go to yoga. So I did just that, went to sunrise yoga! My other go to is Starbucks. The moment I walk into the store, as the air is filled with the delicious scent of freshly brewed coffee, I’m happier!
I hope that the day gets 10,000 X’s better for you, but allow yourself to vent out the anger/grouchiness! Just voicing my frustrations, even if it’s just to my dogs, helps me!
Julie: I just wrote a blog post on a similar topic and I added quotes that really resonate with me. I am with you 100% that my dog can get me in a better mood instantly!
Music for sure is another way to lift the spirits (unless it is your breakup song. LOL) I also check out my favorite celeb (Adam Lambert) because he has the best smile and has the greatest attitude about life. He is so positive and kind to others that it makes me feel better about myself. He recently tweeted a picture of himself on stage and wrote ” My happy place.. the place I most feel like me.” That got me thinking of what is my happy place? I guess what I am saying is to find someone you find inspirational and tap into their energy.
Today is my birthday and that has had me in a good mood since the weekend and will probably last the rest of the week 🙂 Cake and presents will do that to a girl!
YAYYY! Happy birthday, Alexa!
oh and by the way, i just saw your Honey Pumpkin Pancakes on Women’s Health website! wow! 🙂 http://www.womenshealthmag.com/nutrition/pumpkin-recipes-for-fall
My favorite mood-boosters are definitely going for a run, hanging out with my pup, coffee and baking/cooking!
I read my Bible 🙂
And I get dressed up! Nothing lifts your mood like getting out of yoga pants and your stained T shirt….so people tell me, anyway.
A great pair of heels and a cute outfit always makes me happy!!!
Sometimes those mornings happen 🙂 a workout followed by a warm bowl of oatmeal with banana and PB usually lifts my spirits.
Music is key for me to lift my spirits. I will also give my cousin a call and beg her to meet me for a stiff drink, if it’s been THAT kind of day. Luckily for me, she tends to say yes 🙂
I like to spend time reading The Bible or writing in my prayer journal! And btw your breakfast looks very tasty! Good idea to balance the sweet and savory 🙂
I go for a walk. It works almost every time. I really just have to get out of my own head and clear my mind.
Run! I go for a run! I even have given the okay to my boyfriend to suggest I go for a run if he notices I’m cranky, haha! I made a promise to him that I would never get mad…that I would take the suggestion as a nice hint and hit the pavement!
I also like to take a nap. Usually if I’m in a funk I’m lacking on some ZZZzzzz’s…so a little nappy is the perfect solution!
I agree with everything you listed on what makes you happy! Baking and listening to music always improves my mood 😀
I’m right there with you on the music thing, it makes a HUGE difference in my mood! I also spend time with my cat and dog because they’re always happy and excited about life, so that always helps perk me up!
I loved a good Teddy hug from my Bear 🙂
Julie, thanks for linking to that old post about when the money is not worth it. I definitely needed to hear that this morning. When I am in a crummy mood, I turn to my best friends, shopping (or even online browsing), and reading blogs.
My instant mood lifters are music, exercise, and/or friends! Glad you were able to shake your bad mood!
Oh man did I need this post yesterday! I was super grouch haha.
I totally agree with the text or call friends – 20 minutes on the phone with my girlfriend and I was a whole new person!
I had the same type of morning 🙂 My go to things to make me happy are a good cup of coffee, anything pumpkin, a warm scarf (in the fall that is), singing at the top of my lungs in the car, and trying to smile to every person that walks by. 🙂
Stay healthy & happy
Love the idea of smiling at every person you pass! 🙂
yes, it always seems to help. Btw I love your blog. Yours is one of the ones that has inspired me. I was curious if you would be interested in being featured on my blog? I would love to ask you a handful of questions and I think my followers would really enjoy reading them. Just an idea. Let me know if you are interested:)
Stay healthy & happy,
Most of my moods hit while I’m at work, so I like to turn on my Scentsy, put Pandora on and make a cup of coffee to sip on. It always helps!
I definitely go for a run if I am in a mood. Always makes it better.
Music definitely puts me in a better mood- so does going for a walk or just spending a little time alone…both of those things work even better with music though.
I always like to give my mom a call 🙂 Or one of my best girlfriends! Either way, I’m sure to be in a better mood after a good rant, followed by some pretty solid laughs!
I like to go for a walk or journal. Having some time to myself usually helps.
I hate waking up in a bad mood. The best way for me to shake that slump is to workout, go for a walk, bake – basically, anything that gets my mind off of it.
A cup of coffee is defintely on that list! or an alcoholic beverage…..depending on what time of day it is:-D
I can always count on Elmo to boost my mood. I can be in the worst mood and the minute he comes over to me, I just get so happy. Dogs are the BEST companions in the world. I mean, they never tell you that you’re wrong, right, or anything in between!
Great ideas! Nothing worse than a bad mood that you just can’t shake!
Music always does it for me too! (Thanks for reminding me I must add some Whitney to my workout playlist).
Great suggestions! Question for you, where did you get that awesome iphone cover?! I have the “I need I need I need” mantra going through my head now
Beginning a new craft project really does make me a happier person! And completing it as well. I also love to light candles. Instant happiness 🙂
exercise works every time, it’s really the miracle cure for me! i mean, “happy people just don’t shoot their husbands”
I’ve had a lot of days recently when I struggled to be in a good mood because of the stress and changes in my life, BUT I try to take things one day at a time and focus on what I have coming ahead of me! There is so much joy to be found in life!
I love this list!
Music is a big one for me–as is crying it out (sometimes I just have to cry first), reading a book, working out, writing in my journal, or taking a nap. 😉
I LOVE Whitney! And I agree, it puts me in a much better mood if I’m down 🙂
How many eggs is that in the picture? I never know whether to make two or three scrambled eggs.
I think you hit on a lot of things that help me improve my mood – music, my dogs, friends, etc. But the biggest thing that helps me get out of a funk is to focus on all of the things I am thankful for. Even when I’m having a crappy day, it’s easy to find some part of it to be grateful about. For example – if I’m having a bad day at work, I’m still so very thankful to have a career and to earn a paycheck that pays for my home, car, food, and fun. Or if I’m sad about something, I’m still so grateful that I have three sweet dogs and a bunch of friends to lift me up.
Attitude is everything, right? But all that said, I’ve also been known to drown my grumpy in a salted caramel mocha from Starbucks 🙂
Certain songs on my playlist always make me smile and want to dance, no matter what. I’ve sometimes found myself unconscionably swaying to my music on the subway! Watching clips from my favorite movies or TV shows on YouTube (or heck, just watching my favorite movies if I have time) also helps – Eurotrip, Hangover, and The Office do it every time!
And if I’m stuck at work and can’t get home to snuggle with my dog, I have a million pictures of him on my iPhone, which always make me smile.
I always try to think of fun plans I have coming up. Music definitely helps sometimes too though.. especially the old school stuff 🙂
When I’m feeling grumpy, I put on some old music really loud and have a rock out in my room.
And cuddle my cat, Bella. She makes me giggle all the time, and then I forget why I was in a bad mood to begin with!
When I’m in a bad mood a workout or a walk outside are usually my go-to’s. I think just moving and getting those endorphins makes a big difference, plus being outside always makes me feel better! Probably why I dislike winter so much here in Chicago…