Good morning and Happy November! The start of November officially jumps starts that warm and fuzzy feeling inside me that goes along with the holiday season.
Bring on the turkey, Christmas music and family time!
When the alarm went off this morning, Ryan and I opted to skip the gym in favor of more sleep. I woke up with a sore throat and a headache yesterday that eventually subsided by the afternoon, but I figured a little extra sleep couldn’t hurt.
I may try to take Sadie on a run when I take a brief break around lunchtime, but we’ll see.
Sadie doesn’t lie. If we neglect her daily exercise even the tiniest bit, she goes into super-psycho mode and brings us every single toy out of her toy basket to try to entice us into playing and then sighs and makes other depressing noises until we acknowledge her. Such a little bundle of joy!
Breakfast today was a cheese and jelly bagelwich made with two slices of Swiss cheese and raspberry preserves and served with a side of strawberry banana Greek yogurt.
Ryan is convinced there is no better Greek yogurt flavor out there than strawberry banana and I may have to agree. My runner up flavors include pineapple, mango and plain strawberry, but there’s something so perfect about the 2 percent strawberry banana. It’s almost custard-like. I wonder if it would be good frozen?
Oxygen Magazine
Yesterday when I went to pick up Halloween candy for the trick-or-treaters, I also nabbed the latest issue of Oxygen magazine.
Check it out!
I was interviewed by a freelance writer for the magazine a couple months ago after she saw my blog post about exercise mantras and I was really excited to see the article in print.
This article prompted me to stop being a slacker and update my Press page yesterday.
I may have to call upon some of the exercise mantras mentioned in the article to get my booty out there for a run with Sadie later today, huh?
But first I need to get some real work done. Work before play, so they say.
Wow Julie,
Congrats on being featured in Oxygen Magazine! Have you considered writing for the magazine?
i would love to but have to think of good story ideas to pitch first!
Congrats on the feature! From one ice cream lover to another, feeze your next Chobani…just do it!
I used to think the strawberry banana chobani’s were the best. Until I tried the black cherry….the bomb!!! You don’t know what your missing! Congrats on the Oxygen mag gig 😉 super awesome!
i have frozen strawberry banana yogurt almost everyday for my lunch dessert! it is so good and if you can believe it, tastes even more creamy! you have to try it!
How cool is that! Great job 🙂
oo how fun!
Woot! Congrats girl 🙂
Hold. The. Phone.
That is TOO COOL!! I’m grabbing an Oxygen magazine at the next newstand I see… congraaaats 😀
Congrats on the article!!! And YES the strawberry banana is amazing frozen with some PB2 mixed in! Like Fro Yo!!!!
CONGRATS!!! how exciting!!!
Congrats!!! Btw–on my walk home from work yesterday I saw a dog that looked exactly like Sadie. I actually did a double take!
Congrats on the magazine! I will have to pick up a copy!
CONGRATS Julie! That is awesome 😀
I will definitely have to pick up this issue, since one of the contributors is a favorite blogger 🙂
I hope you feel better- I know that there is some kind of funk going around- have you tried e mer gen c? I swear by it.
Congrats on the Article! I wanted to share a little bit of Pinterest gold that I discovered last night.
I made the egg portion last night and actually changed it a little by copping up spinach and placing that in the muffin tins and then adding egg whites and some spices. I cooked them at 350 for about 25-30 mins and then they were ready to go this morning for my egg sandwich. I just warmed it up a bit and but it all under the broiler for a bit!
I kept some in the fridge for this week and put some in the freezer for later! I thought of you because reading your blog has got me hooked on the egg/jelly/cheese combination I never would have tried!
Thought I would share!
Wow that’s so cool! I love Oxygen and I just can’t get it here in the UK, so I have to get the online version. Will definitely be reading this later – well done girl!
Congrats on the Oxygen feature!
I love the strawberry-banana Chobani too! Pineapple is my runner-up!
Congrats on the feature! That’s so exciting! 😀
Congrats! How exciting!!
Julie good for you. Magazines are a guilty pleasure of mine. Reading them is soooo relaxing. It’s like the internet unplugged.
Julie, P.S……I tried your pumpkin protein pancake recipe yesterday for lunch and they were fantastic! I used the honey from my dad’s recent harvest. I’ve never been able to make protein pancakes turn out, but yours were perfect. Even Weston said so!
so glad to hear this!
I just looked at your Press Page, you’re like a magazine celebrity! Congrats 🙂
Congratulations Julie! This is soo great!
That’s so cool about the magazine article! Congratulations!
I swear Sadie is going to get you so ready for kids. My stepson does the same thing when he wants attention and makes the same ‘I’m bored’ sounds until we give in and play catch with him for hours.
Awesome! Strawberry-banana Chobani is AMAZING!!! frozen or straight up:)
congrats on being in OXYGEN!!! it must be totally surreal to be published in one of the most popular magazines around. i love that magazine to death and i can’t wait til i get to that article!
Congrats!! That’s awesome 🙂
Pomegranate Chobani is my fave…I’ve never tried strawberry banana though. Congrats on Oxygen!
Congratulations, Julie! This is wonderful! 🙂
Congrats on being interviewed in Oxygen!! That is amazing!! And I love that cup with the leaf on the inside! Where’s it from?
Congrats Julie: As an Oxygen subscriber and former fellow bloger, its so nice to see all your hard work paying off. Im so proud of you!!!!
I hope you feel better soon!! And congrats on the Oxygen interview!! That is so incredibly exciting! You should have it framed and put it in your home office!!
Congrats on getting featured. Are those the mantras from that blog post (readers’ contributions etc.) or did you come up with new ones?
Congratulations on the article!
I actually woke up today and was SO excited about the Holiday season too (even blogged about it)! 🙂
so awesome! congrats!
Will you PLEASE tell me how you get your chicken to look so perfect? Every time I pan fry, they cook so fast on the outside and burn and it takes FOREVER for the inside to cook!
Congrats on the Oxygen article! My favorite mag!!
yes! cook on medium heat and have patience! i also try to only flip it ONE time.
Congrats on the article!!! That is soo awesome and exciting. I hope you feel better, I’m not feeling too well myself. I think I always get sick around this time of year!
Congratulations on your Oxygen feature, Julie! That is so wonderful. 🙂
AWESOME!!! i love oxygen i think that’s great!! congrats!
I have literally had a cough for a week…but no other symptoms. It’ so annoying at night and keeps me awake! My dogs are the same if they don’t get in at least a 3 mile walk or run or the dog park every single day. And even with that, my lab is still so needy!!! Dogs are so funny! Do you still walk Sadie everyday now that you have a yard? I long for a yard!!
Congrats on your article!
Congrats Julie! That is so exciting!!
yayy congrats on the interview!
That’s awesome Julie! So excited for you!
Congrats on Oxygen!
And that is too funny about Sadie….my dog goes into drama queen mode too when she doesnt get enough exercise. The sighs crack me up everytime.
Congrats on getting into Oxygen! I was actually reading my copy yesterday and noticed your name in there!! That is one of my goals in life, is to get in that magazine. I am beyond jealous that you’r in there. Good job!
Congratulations girl!!! That is so exciting! 🙂
I still need to try one of your bagelwiches…I don’t know why I keep putting it off, maybe because I can’t imagine not eating oats for even one morning? They always look so delish, though!
Yay congratulations that’s sooo cool!!
Congrats on the magazine feature! That is on my grocery list today–can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Congratulations on the article!! I’ll have to go pick up the latest issue. 🙂
Congrats on the article, how cool 🙂
Congrats on the article! Well done 🙂