At this time tomorrow, I’ll be on my way to Park City, Utah!
I am thrilled to be heading to such a beautiful part of the country (I’ve never been to Utah!) and if the pictures I’ve seen of Park City do the area any justice, I’m in for a treat.
I will be in Park City for a very short time – I’m leaving early Saturday morning – but I plan to make the most of my trip! I am traveling on a winter adventure with a bunch of other Columbia Omniten bloggers and feel very lucky to be going on this trip. I had to miss the summer excursion where everyone first got to hang out and play in Oregon, but I’m thrilled to be joining them this time.
We’ll be testing out Columbia gear and though we won’t be given an itinerary until we arrive, I know skiing is on the agenda! I am pumped! I grew up in Illinois (flat) and moved to Florida (flat), so my skiing experience is minimal. I’ve been skiing a small handful of times, but it has easily been more than a decade since I’ve hit the slopes. Though I’m quite intimidated, I can’t wait to give it a go again!
And if I get too overwhelmed, I can always do the “pizza” to slow down, right!?
I hope I catch on quickly, but if not, you will find me with the 8-year-olds, pizza-ing my way down the bunny hill.
Breakfast + Packing
This morning I made a hot breakfast to eat while I packed for my upcoming trip.
On the menu for today: Coffee + Egg white and oatmeal protein pancake + Clementines
Now I’m trying to assemble everything I will need for my trip to ensure I’ll be WARM and comfortable before it’s time to head into work for a bit.
And I need to find ski goggles at some point today which I think may be a little challenging in Florida. That may have to be a purchase I make in Park City!
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever been skiing or snowboarding? Please share any tips you may have with me!
Looking forward to seeing you again!
I’m so excited!!! Paaaarty tiiiiime! 🙂
I actually found some adorable mint green Oakley ski goggles at the Oakley outlet when I was vacationing in Orlando for a steal! If you have any outlets around you, you should check them out.
Great suggestion! Thank you, Kyra!
There’s an Oakley outlet in Park City if you aren’t able to get to one before you get here!
I hope to travel out to Park City some day. I would love to hit the slopes for some snowboarding, my favorite! Being from Florida I’ve only skiied/boared a few times, but my best advice is to find your center and not panic. If you fall, get back up, and keep having fun!
Have a blast, Julie! I am super jealous.
I blew my knee out skiing in high school and never regained my skiing courage. Most people get better with time… I get worse 😉 Stick to the bunny hills and take full advantage of the warm lodge and hot coffee!!
Haha! Yes, hot chocolate is a MUST!
You’re going to have so much fun! Take lots of warm clothes and layers. Is there a Peter Glen nearby? You shouldn’t have a problem finding some really cool ones once you get there. If you can rollerblade, skiing will be easy. I thought snowboarding was super hard but its a great total body workout!
Have fun and be safe!
Oooooh you are going to have SO much fun!!! I love to ski and I feel like it’ll be right up your alley. I went for the first time on my 22nd birthday and my boyfriend (an avid skier) took me and I had such a blast. Definitely not ashamed to admit I did the pizza a few times. You are going to have so much fun!!
Have fun! I grew up skiing and snowboarding and I really love boarding now so it’s all I do now. Give it a try if you have a chance! The first day you try it, you will definitely fall on your bum a lot but it is worth it once you learn how!!
If you like beer at all stop at Wasach Pub. They have several they brew on tap and there’s a jalapeño that is supposed to be amazing. Unfortunately they didn’t have it while I was there in the fall. Downtown is a great place to spend the afternoon if skiing doesn’t go as well as you’d like.
Middle it once and was terrible. You definitely need a lot of coordination and confidence in your body not to fall!!!
REI, Academy, or DICKS should have ski goggles for you!
I checked Dick’s last weekend with no luck! I’ll check REI when I head to Jacksonville later today!
If you can check out SkiTruck. Its in SLC not too far from the airport. You can even get there from the public transport train. You can get inexpensive googles there.
I’m so jealous of your trip! I love to ski – I live in Michigan and spent two December weekends in Colorado skiing (and seeing family …. and my best friend’s wedding) Snowplowing (Pizza) is something I STILL do after 4 years of skiing … DON’T feel ashamed! But if you’re wearing Columbia’s omni heat you will be VERY warm all week long! I LOVE my Columbia coat and pants, and have never felt cold. I will suggest getting a facemask too, tho. When you buy your goggles ask for one. They seem awkward to wear, but your nose and chin will thank you! Esp if you do any night skiing! Have LOTS of fun!!!!
I have never skied or snowboarded before. I’ve always thought it looked like so much fun, but I don’t think I’d be that good at it; although, I guess I wouldn’t know until I tried, right!?! Maybe one of these days!
Have a great time!
I went snowboarding once in high school and it took me HOURS to make it half way down the mountain because I was terrified to go fast. I ended up sitting on the board and riding down. NEVER AGAIN. Oh and I left my snow pants sitting on the kitchen counter. My bum was frozen.
I LOVE Park City! My husband and I went there last month for our honeymoon and had a blast. We skied at Park City and Deer Valley so ski at more than one resort if you get the chance. High West Distillery (get the short ribs!) and Chimayo were our fav restaurants! Enjoy!!!
Congrats on your wedding!! <3
The first time I went skiing is still one of the best memories I have! I still laugh out loud at myself for trying to master the 2nd level slopes ( and failing) but it was so fun! The pizza does work, and I’m so glad you brought that up, such good memories. Have a great time!!!!
i’ve never been skiing — only water skiing! have fun — can’t wait to read about it!
Love Park City, and I love skiing! I would still really love to be a ski instructor at some point in my life. Remember to keep your knees bent (skiing)! Have a great time! Park City is a gem.
Have so much fun on your trip! I grew up in the Poconos so you’d think I’d be great at skiing or snowboarding, but nope. I did go on a date with a snowboard instructor in high school. It was fun having him teach me but also difficult trying to look cute and not like a moron as I’m falling flat on my face.
Just dropped off my parents at the airport this morning and they are heading to Park City for a ski trip! You are going to absolutely love it there. Such a cute town, and the skiing is great 🙂 Bundle up and enjoy your trip/
Yay! I hope they have a blast!
You’ll also be able to buy goggles out there for a good price.I got mine out there at a ski rental shop! 🙂 I’m so jealous about your trip!
Check out Park City’s Historic Main Street, great shops and restaurants. High West Distillery is amazing great food and desserts like grilled Krispy Kreme doughnut with whiskey ice cream enough said! You’ll love Utah, I grew up here in Salt Lake and love love love Park City.
Whiskey ice cream!?!?
There is actually a ski shop in downtown Orlando! I went with my sister when her and her husband stocked up for their trip to Colorado a couple years ago. Have fun!!!
We went to Colorado last year and I tried skiing for the first time. I was the only one who had never been, my in-laws took me straight up the mountain on the lift and let me loose. My word of advice, don’t do that, get lessons! (Which I know you will) I was a runaway skier TWICE and it was so terrifying! Flying down a mountain, feeling like you’re going 100 mph and not knowing how to stop, worst experience ever haha. I can’t say for sure that I will ever try again after that. It was sure beautiful out there though 😉
So jealous! My husband and I went there last March and LOVED it! Park City was amazing and Utah is one of our favorite hiking states! The southern parks are gorgeous!!
2 things, Julie.
1. Gravity is your friend. The more you fight it and stiffen up, you’ll fall. Go with it and don’t fight it.
2. You WILL fall. It’s ok to fall, everyone does when they are learning.
ok, 3 things.
Have Fun!
I spent a weekend in Breckenridge last January with friends. I had never skiied before and took a full day lesson, but never really got past the pizza thing. I am okay with that, safe skiing is still fun skiing! And there were plenty of adults going nice and slow with me 🙂 I also hated the ski lifts…. terrifying in the wind.
Have fun, enjoy the snow!
I still have to “pizza” my way down the slopes too! Haha
Having been a snowboard instructor for 3 years during high school/college my best advice is just relax, have fun and don’t think about it too much! The more you over analyze the harder it becomes luckily you are athletic and it always come more naturally to those who are! Also dress in layers and never wear cotton! It will absorb moisture and freeze more quickly! Good luck finding goggles and I’m guessing you will be day skiing so stick to something with a reflective lens for sun glare. Have a great trip and I can’t wait to read about your adventure! Utah is on my winter bucket list!
Totally! I love to ski. I have skied quite a bit in the SLC area, including Park City. I know you have an itinerary set out. But I am happy to recommend some great places to eat or visit in PC or in SLC if your interested. I’m sure you will have. I learned to ski as an adult, so i would recommend packing some pain relievers with you… you know just in case ;). Have fun!
I tried your egg white and oatmeal pancake and it only kept me full for an hour or so! I even put peanut butter on it. Maybe I should add more oats next time.
Since I live in the mountains I tend to go snowboarding quite a bit. One tip is don’t be intimidated when 5 year olds go whipping past you and going over jumps. Most kids in the area started snowboarding at the same time they started walking so they’ve got it down. Also, be sure to stretch during the day. After the first day on the mountains of the season it can be almost impossible for people to even walk the next day. Since your feet are locked into a very strange position stretching is key. Have fun!
I went snowboarding once in high school but was NOT good at it! I think I’m more cut out for sitting in the lodge drinking hot chocolate 🙂
Park City is one of the best places in Utah. We try to go every year (but we usually go in the off season). You’ll love main street, so fun to browse. I love the Wasatch brew pub – the fish and chips are excellent. I also love The Riverhorse on Main, but haven’t been for several years. Good luck on the slopes. There’s no shame in doing the “pizza”. I learned to ski in my 20’s. It was miserable learning, but I love it now.
If you’ve happened been skiing for a while – or never, it’s worth the money to take a lesson.
I learned to ski in my late 20’s. Have a great time.
Your suitcase is much neater than mine when I pack! I agree with some of the others, take a quick one hour lesson, and you’ll be a master by the afternoon and racing past the pizza-ing 8 years olds=) Have a fabulous trip!
I grew up going to Deer Valley to ski every spring break, it’s right next to Park City. I love Utah, so beautiful!
So fun! I’ve been snowboarding, and LOVED IT!!!! But holy moly, it was PAINFUL learning at first!! I can’t believe I came home without a concussion 🙂 Skiing is a bit different I feel, maybe less painful haha. Good luck! You will have so much fun and seeing those majestic mountains will be a beautiful change of scenery and change of pace 🙂
FUN!!! I haven’t been skiing in a few years, but it’s on my 2014 to-do list to start back up. My whole family snowboards, but I just never got the hang of it, plus I’m not a huge fan of the way they have to hop around when getting on/off the ski lift. I tried Skiing and it came way more natural to me. Its so fun!!
Have a great time!!!
Julie! You are going to love Park City. I moved to UT two years ago and that is one of my favorite places to go. Enjoy 🙂
I am so jealous of this trip! My husband would love to go there for running, and I have heard it is absolutely beautiful! Enjoy your trip 🙂
I love skiing, but the cold and I don’t get along so well, so I hardly go (that and it’s expensive!). I would say my top tip is to start small, and try to learn the way to stop first. Feel comfortable with stopping on a small hill so you can do it when you are flying down bigger hills. Also, pay attention to the labels on the hills 😉 Once I went down one way more advanced than I thought it was and I wasn’t ready for. However, I didn’t realize until I was flying down the hill full speed ahead ready to fall over. Oops!
So jealous! I’ve never been skiing and have always wanted to give it a try. I’ve always wanted to go to Utah too. I’ll just blog stalk you for a hit of both, I guess.
Take a slow chair lift (if possible) the first few rounds, that can be the hardest part!!
I don’t ski, but I snowboard! Christian taught me last winter and although I haven’t gone up at all this year yet (oops) I’m looking forward to going! Especially since Bridger Bowl here in Bozeman has some of the best slopes in the country. Have fun!!
Skiing is a blast! My advice would be don’t give up. I think for some people it can be really frustrating at first, but as a certain point it will just click and you’ll have a blast.
Good luck! I’ve only been skiing a handful of times (California beach girl through and through), but when I went last winter I found it really helpful to follow someone else down the slope. Once you have a path to follow, you can focus more on form/not falling down the mountain 🙂 Have fun!
That’ll be so fun! My only advice for going skiing is not to push yourself too much too soon. I tried to do a double black diamond on my first run of the season (I’m not a good skier at all) and had a massive panic attack. I thought I was either going to have a heart attack or have to slide down on my butt…luckily none of those things happened but I still have nightmares..
Sounds like so much fun! I haven’t been skiing since I was 12. I was good at it then, but who knows now? Have a safe trip and stay warm!
I love skiing! Snow boarding on the other hand is way to hard for this girl. My tip is don’t use the little spiky things you hold on to! I found it so much easier to go without them! Another one is start of slow (Im talking bunny hill) and slowly make your way up to the bigger hills when you feel comfortable!
Also, something else to pick up out there – it’s called Cat Crap. I know, terrible name!! But it keeps your goggles from fogging up when you’re skiing! 🙂