At this time tomorrow, I’ll be on my way to Park City, Utah!
I am thrilled to be heading to such a beautiful part of the country (I’ve never been to Utah!) and if the pictures I’ve seen of Park City do the area any justice, I’m in for a treat.
I will be in Park City for a very short time – I’m leaving early Saturday morning – but I plan to make the most of my trip! I am traveling on a winter adventure with a bunch of other Columbia Omniten bloggers and feel very lucky to be going on this trip. I had to miss the summer excursion where everyone first got to hang out and play in Oregon, but I’m thrilled to be joining them this time.
We’ll be testing out Columbia gear and though we won’t be given an itinerary until we arrive, I know skiing is on the agenda! I am pumped! I grew up in Illinois (flat) and moved to Florida (flat), so my skiing experience is minimal. I’ve been skiing a small handful of times, but it has easily been more than a decade since I’ve hit the slopes. Though I’m quite intimidated, I can’t wait to give it a go again!
And if I get too overwhelmed, I can always do the “pizza” to slow down, right!?
I hope I catch on quickly, but if not, you will find me with the 8-year-olds, pizza-ing my way down the bunny hill.
Breakfast + Packing
This morning I made a hot breakfast to eat while I packed for my upcoming trip.
On the menu for today: Coffee + Egg white and oatmeal protein pancake + Clementines
Now I’m trying to assemble everything I will need for my trip to ensure I’ll be WARM and comfortable before it’s time to head into work for a bit.
And I need to find ski goggles at some point today which I think may be a little challenging in Florida. That may have to be a purchase I make in Park City!
Question of the Morning
- Have you ever been skiing or snowboarding? Please share any tips you may have with me!
My brother lives out in Salt Lake City, so we go skiing around the Park City area a lot. It’s amazing; you will have a blast! I’m very jealous 🙂
Make sure your weight isn’t back on your heels! Have your weight in all ten toes and lean your shoulders into every turn. It always seems like you’re going faster than you really are!
They’ll be tons of places to purchase googles at different price points all around Park City, you shouldn’t have a problem once you get there. I used to work for a ski school, so I would definitely recommend taking a lesson to refamilarize yourself with the sport! Also, make sure you dress in a couple thin layers that you can easily remove once you start getting warm! Enjoy!
Sounds like a fun trip! I have always wanted to go to Utah for some reason – it just seems so beautiful! I even looked at a marathon there, but I was worried about the altitude.
No skiing tips. Only been a couple times and wasn’t very good, but I still had a lot of fun. So I guess my tip is to just enjoy it!
Sunscreen and Chapstick…definitely essentials!!
I have never been skiing, so I have no advice for you, but I wish you good luck! ha 🙂 I’m excited to see how your trip goes. Skiing is definitely on my list of things I want to try.
Also, I didn’t know clementines were in season right now. I need to grab some during my next trip to the store!
I am 28 born and raised in Salt Lake (about 20-30 from Park City) and have been skiing once and snow boarding (horribly) 4 times. As a Utahn we welcome you!! I hope you have a FABULOUS time. It is beautiful here and Park City is a blast. Enjoy!!
I am deathly afraid of doing either. Call me crazy but I’d much rather be drag racing, behind the wheel of a 100+ mph car than going at high speeds down a snowy slope.
I was just talking about skiing last night with my husband (I jokingly put my ski goggles on to walk the dog in the single degree weather). He has very limited experience, whereas I got to ski a few times out west. Learning out west is AH-MAZING! The powder is so soft, and the hills aren’t crowded. For me skiing is all about balance. I’m not one to go straight down the hill; I zig-zag down, going from side to side. The way to stop is to turn your skis perpendicular to the slope, almost uphill.
HAVE FUN! I’m so jealous.
Also, remember to WEAR A HELMET! I haven’t worn one before, but after all of those people have died with head injuries from skiing, I’m 100% wearing one the next time I go.
Park City (and the SLC area in general) really is just gorgeous. I think we’re expected to get some snow in the next couple days which will be perfect skiing conditions for you this weekend! If you end up having some extra free time, tweet me and we can try to meet up. Have fun!
Hi Julie:
Do you usually only take carry-on? If so, what are you recommendations for minimizing the amount of liquid products you take?
Thanks and have a great trip!
It’s been a long time since I’ve been skiing too. I tried snowboarding once, but wasn’t too successful — it was a wet day, and since you inevitably fall a million times when you’re learning, I was soaked through in no time. So we just traded our boards in for skis and were on our merry (dry) way! 🙂
I’m a big skier! My only tip is have fun and stay in your comfort level!!
I’m not a very good skier (mostly because I’m a bit of a chicken when it comes to high speed sports), but my favorite piece of advice is “when in doubt, bail out.” In other words, if you feel that you’re out of control, don’t be afraid to just sit down on the hill. It’s a whole lot better than the alternative 🙂 Have fun in Park City!
Definitely wear a helmet for sure! It’s funny, my husband and I were just talking about going to Park City next month to go skiing, I can’t wait to see your pics! 🙂
Park City is one of my favorite places I have ever been to! I studied at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City as an “exchange” from the University of Massachusetts. During my semester I earned 2 credits through a snowboarding class at Park City Mountain. It is the most beautiful mountain and a great place for learning how to ski too! Make sure to check out the Fatali Gallery in downtown Park City. He is an incredible photographer and his gallery will take your breath away. Also get your chocolate fix at the Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory which is just up main street. Have so much fun and enjoy learning to ski! Utah powder is unreal!
That trip sounds so fun! I went skiing once when I was very young and then once in seventh grade, so I don’t have any tips for you besides enjoy every minute of it!
I wish you good luck with skis 😉
I had physical education classes on skis and if it is honest, I am not the big fan. Several times I rode from the mountain with friends and everything that I wanted – to return to the room… It is interesting to ski, but not for me. I hope, you have fun. It is really cheerful if you learn to ride well 😉
As a transplant of “the greatest snow on earth” state – WELCOME
Hope you enjoy PC not sure about the skiing we haven’t had the best snow to Utah standards but visitors don’t complain. I’m just 30 minutes away if you need anything.
haha I’ve done that skiing move, although I think it’s called the “snow plow” here. And PLEASE tell me where you got your suitcase or what brand it is! It looks amaaazing with all it’s pockets and storage areas! I get stressed sometimes, trying to figure out how to pack everything I want into a little suitcase.
Thanks! and have fuN 🙂
Have fun!
I grew up x-country skiing and my first time downhill skiing was in the Austrian Alps! I had to remind myself to take it slow and steady. There’s no rush to get down the hill.
Be careful of other skiers and snow-boarders. Kind of like driving – you see them but they don’t see you.
Ive always wanted to go to Park City, a bunch of friends were there last week but I couldn’t make it. I also grew up in Illinois so my version of skiing is wisconsin.
I love skiing! I don’t go often but when I do it’s a real change of scene! Enjoy!
You’re gonna love it. I went to college in Utah and skied about 3 times a week all winter in Park City. It’s basically how my now husband and I dated :). We’re actually going to be there for a wedding this weekend too, but won’t be skiing until Monday! Have fun.
Snowboarding is seemingly easier..I’ve never been but my friend has just come back from Switzerland!
I’ve never been skiing, although I want to very badly. Be careful during your travels!
The pizza haha I remember that from first learning to ski when I was a kid. Park City is gorgeous, you will have the best time!
I live in Utah, be prepared, it’s freezing this week! Beautiful though :).
Make sure you go check out Park City’s main street, it’s adorable. If you happen to be in Salt Lake at all, make sure you check out Settebello Pizzeria. It’s downtown and has the BEST pizza. Have fun!
Take a lesson if you have a chance! Helps for beginners regardless of whether you’ve gone skiing before or not. For me, skiing isn’t like riding it a bike — I need reminders more frequently on stances and how-tos! Enjoy your trip.
Bring sunglasses! When you aren’t wearing those ski goggles, the sun reflecting off of the snow is really harsh on your eyes! Have a wonderful trip 🙂
This sounds like so much fun! I really want to visit Utah some day….it looks amazing! You got this, when in doubt do Pizza! Or just fall to stop yourself, I did that plenty of times when I was learning to ski. 🙂
I am a Floridian who moved to Jackson Hole, WY for two years to try out the “mountain lifestyle” and LOVED IT!!!
all I can say is HAND WARMERS AND TOE WARMERS for the slopes!!!!!
Wear a helmet if you can. Most places rent them. It will keep you warmer and make you feel more comfortable since you won’t have to worry about falling on your head as much. Oh- and if your fingers get cold you can pull them into your palms while still in your gloves while on the chair lift to warm them back up. Have fun.
My parents have a place on Deer Valley mountain which is right next to Park City. It’s my favorite place to be in the whole world. Have fun!!!
I grew up in Oregon and unlike everyone else there have only been snowboarding twice in my life. Both times were a bit painful and I am still working up the courage to go out and try it again. It is so fun though when you get the hang of it and go down a hill without too many crashes:) Best of luck to you!
I live just down the hill from PC-one of the best bunny hills in all of the resorts, but most of the local 8 year olds have already been skiing for 5 years! Googles (anywhere in PC, tons of places in the valley, ski’n’see has good prices), a helmet is a must, and good, tall, thin socks are important. It’s super fun.
I live in Colorado and go skiing pretty often. I have skied as long as I can remember. Here are my tips:
-Definitely wear a helmet. It’s not worth it not to.
-Don’t think too much. I always have to remind myself that the worst thing that can happen is that I fall down, and on powdery snow, that’s not that bad. I have been skiing for thirteen+ years now so this is something I still remind myself on the more advanced areas as well. If you’re wearing a helmet, nothing bad should happen to you, so let loose and enjoy it
-Don’t let anyone talk you into skiing something you aren’t ready for/don’t want to ski. A tip one of my dad’s friends gave me recently was “ski what you like to ski. Because if you don’t have fun, you won’t like skiing.” I think it’s so true. It’s best to stick to what you’re comfortable with, because if you spend all day worrying about what you can’t do, you’ll be headed for the car pretty darn quick.
Hi there- I live and work in Park City at a local ski shop. Let me know if you need ski rentals, I can help you out! It’s snowy and cold here so pack layers. Deer Valley Resort is hosting the aerials and mogul Olympic qualifying event starting Friday- be sure to check it out if you have time!
Utah is the prettiest. I’m sure you’ll have a blast. I can’t wait to read all about it!
I love that anthropologie mug! so so cute!
Lean forward and press your shins into your boots, it will help you balance! I am so jealous, I got to ski a little over Christmas but can’t wait to get back out there.
Oh and only wear one pair of tall socks, don’t tuck anything else into your ski boots or they will start to wear on your shins.
I live in Utah, and you are going to love the mountains! Park City in and of itself is also a beautiful place 🙂 I hope you have a lot of fun!
What a fun and exciting adventure! Have a blast:)
You should go to the Utah Olympic Park in Park City! I’m on the US National Skeleton team (I read your blog every day!) and we compete in Park City on Saturday and Sunday at 10am. We train all week at 10am too!
Check out my blog at to learn more about what skeleton is and you should swing by the park to catch training!
Park City should be gorgeous right now! I’m a skier and used to teach ski school, and while it’s kind of hard to give tips on technique via blog comment, I definitely recommend:
1. Take a lesson on the first day if you have an opportunity – even a short session could help you brush up.
2. Wear at least one more layer than you think you’ll need. You can always strip down but it’s so miserable to be cold.
3. Take it easy on your first day on the hill to ensure a successful day and rest of your week.
I don’t know if these will fully apply to your media trip vs. a typical ski trip, but I did write a series on my blog about 10 ways to get the most out of your ski vacation (, 6 things NOT to do on your ski trip ( and how to experience your ski trip like a local: (
Maybe something in there will help you out! Have fun!
Park city is gorgeous! Definitely chillier than Florida, especially once the sun goes down. But the seeing the stars up there is amazing. Great food too. El chubasco is a great Mexican restaurant with a whole salsa bar. The best! Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory is also amazing, especially their apple pie caramel apple. I also highly recommend The Eating Establishment for breakfast especially. Also, Jan’s is the best place to get rentals. They’re super nice and not too pricey. And as everyone said, definitely wear a helmet! I hope you have an amazing time and for anymore recommendations feel free to ask!
Ha! I would be with you on the bunny slope and then found building snow men. Have fun!
ahhh so envious! have an amazing time. i used to be a snowboard bum out in CO but never made it to Park City — heard it’s sweet. yes, avid snowboarder and could easily do it every day of my life. enjoy, can’t wait to see pix!
I tried the oatmeal egg white protein pancake for the first time this morning – it wasn’t bad! It was definitely “eggy,” but the oatmeal and little bit of sugar made it taste pretty good. I basically cooked it like an omelet, allowing the center to run over to the edges to be sure it was fully cooked (and so it wouldn’t fall apart!). It didn’t quite turn out like yours in the picture above, but it is a pretty good alternative to a protein-powder pancake. And it kept me satisfied for hours. I’m just not sure how it would be topped with peanut butter and banana…?
I live in SLC and you are going to have such a great time in Park City! I highly recommend if you can to go to High West, its right off main street great place to get a drink. You will be happy to hear that the snow is coming down nicely right now and there will be another storm rolling in soon. Yeah for fresh powder. What resort are you going to be at, I love The Canyons one of my favorite resorts up there.
After going through some of the comments, it seems you have a lot of Utah fans! I am from Utah also, and love it here! So excited your coming, I’m sure you’ll have a great time. Skiing is so fun. Be careful to not cross the tips of your skis, take wide S turns to go slow, and don’t be embarrassed by the snow plow. It’s better to go slow then hurt yourself.
Can’t wait for your report!