To be completely honest, I didn’t think I’d still be pregnant at this point based solely on the fact that Chase was born two weeks early but here we are and I’m feeling R-E-A-D-Y to meet this little one. I wanted to share a pregnancy update this week since I never got to share a 38 week or 39 week pregnancy update with Chase and truthfully I really just want to have this documented for my personal memories.
Here are my past updates from this pregnancy if you’re just catching up:
- A Miracle On The Way
- The First and Second Trimester (So Far)
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 20-23
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 24-27
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 28-31
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 32-34
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 35-36
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 37-38
- What I’m Going To Pack In My Hospital Bag
All of my weekly pregnancy updates from my first pregnancy with Chase may also be found on the Pregnancy page of this blog.
And now for a recap of the 39th week of my pregnancy!
Baby Updates
(39 Weeks, 5 days)
At 39 weeks, baby is full term! Baby is the size of a pumpkin, roughly 20 inches long and weighs approximately 7.3 pounds.
During my 39 week prenatal appointment on Wednesday, I was checked and learned that I was 2 centimeters dilated and 60 percent effaced. Our midwife told me our baby had dropped and that his or her head is “very low.” She told me labor likely wasn’t too far off and offered to strip my membranes. At this point I said no thank you only because I was still feeling good and figured I’d likely go into labor within a couple of days since I had Chase at 38 weeks.
Fast forward to today and multiple days of false labor later (more on this below!) and I’m now considering having my membranes stripped at my 40-week appointment assuming I still haven’t delivered by Wednesday morning. Have any of you had this procedure done before? Was it painful? Do you think it helped naturally induce labor? I’d love to hear from anyone with first-hand experience!
Weight Gained
My weight gain is holding steady around 26ish pounds after my random fluctuations and weight loss over the past three weeks. When I see this number, I’m kind of shocked because I feel softer, heavier and definitely bigger than I felt when my weight was up 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I feel like I’m eating all the time without much thought other than eating whatever sounds good whenever it sounds good.
I made it to the gym three times last week and it was so ridiculously good for my mental health. I didn’t exert myself too much and hardly worked up a sweat but simply moving my body, surrounding myself with my favorite boot camp friends and getting out of the house and doing something for myself that also helped take my mind off labor was wonderful.
I also did my fair share of walking with Sadie on days I didn’t make it to the gym and generally covered between two and three miles.
The Braxton Hicks contractions I began experiencing a couple of weeks ago lingered this week but the biggest new-to-me symptom I experienced twice this week was prodromal labor (aka false labor). Talk about a frustrating experience!
While I never went to the hospital, on both Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon, I experienced regular contractions for several hours (different than Braxton Hicks) and truly thought labor was on the horizon. My contractions were fairly regular and close together enough for me to feel mentally convinced they would continue to progress into real labor, especially when they lasted for hours both times.
While the experience was obviously physically uncomfortable, it was more emotionally frustrating because I couldn’t help but feel excited, anxious and ready to head to the hospital only to have contractions dissipate. This left me feeling disappointed and almost embarrassed for not knowing what was happening to my body since this is my second baby and I’ve been through labor and contractions before.
Other than false labor, from a physical standpoint, I feel like my belly grew a lot this week, too! It’s crazy to me how bellies can continue to grow so much up until the very end.
Food Aversions
I’m still not experiencing any real aversions but definitely don’t care much for animal proteins beyond seafood (I was on a shrimp kick last week). Cooked vegetables also aren’t overly appealing right now.
Food Cravings
FRUIT. I ate an entire pound of grapes in one day last week (the cotton candy grapes are SO ridiculously good) and couldn’t get enough of everything from cherries and blueberries to watermelon and raspberries. We also took Chase blackberry picking on Thursday and it sparked a craving in me for pie and ice cream. But, then again, I want ice cream all day every day right now.
I don’t want to sugarcoat anything so I’ll just be blunt: Sleep sucks right now. I’m waking up all the time to pee and also had a few nights toward the end of the week where I woke up with contractions that initially made me wonder if labor was pending so my adrenaline spiked and then getting back to sleep was just a joke.
Any Baby/Pregnancy Related Purchases?
This week was such a crazy rollercoaster. I began the week feeling fantastic! Week 38 was one of my best weeks of pregnancy from an energy and lack-of-nausea standpoint and week 39 began on a similar note. I felt great and early in the week made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, “I could be pregnant for a while longer if I continue to feel like this!” Gah!
The end of the week looked quite a bit different when things seemed to change after my first experience with false labor on Thursday night. I’m not sure if things shifted in my body physically after a few hours of contractions but I’ve felt increasingly uncomfortable. I just feel large and simple things like bending over (oh please noooo!), squatting down, carrying Chase around and getting up off the floor or couch feel cumbersome and will often bring about Braxton Hicks contractions.
I’m also feeling unmotivated to do too much right now (the exact opposite of me one week ago when I wanted to do ALL THE THINGS) and I’m admittedly feeling rather preoccupied with when our baby will arrive. It’s much easier for me to distract myself and not think about labor when I’m not experiencing contractions but right now between the Braxton Hicks contractions and my two experiences with false labor, I feel like my body keeps physically making me focus on labor. It’s a mind game for sure!
I almost hate to share some of the above feelings and physical symptoms I’m experiencing right now because they read rather negative but I’m trying hard to be honest about these final days of pregnancy. I wouldn’t want to paint a picture that isn’t accurate since I think many women can agree that the end of pregnancy can be uncomfortable and bring about a range of emotions you might not expect so I hope you can read these words and know that while I may be on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, the overwhelming feeling I have every day is gratitude. Truly.
I found myself in tears yet again on Saturday evening when I let myself think about our baby, our journey to this moment in our lives and how fortunate I feel to be in the place I am right now. It’s not something I take for granted for one second and I’m continuing to pray hard for a healthy baby and delivery in the coming days. During my two experiences with false labor, I really left myself think ahead to labor and delivery and it made me realize all over again just how ridiculously excited I am for the moment I actually get to meet our little one – whenever and however he or she decides to arrive. We are ready for you, Baby!!!
Your teeth! How do you get them so white?
Hi Julie! Just want you to know that I think you are such an inspiration to the mamas out there. Thanks for being so real about pregnancy, and know that you have a band of followers on baby watch with you! As for stripping the membranes, I was also considering it for my 40-week appointment, and then I went into labor the night before and had my little guy right on his due date!
Sounds like it’s a personal preference, but my OB described it to me as “like getting your cervix checked, except longer and a little more invasive.” Not sure if that helps!
I had my membranes swiped and didn’t even know it! I think in the scheme of things, the discomfort is incredibly minimal. I don’t think any woman should be limited to complaints at the end of her pregnancy – you deserve to vent!! Good luck!!
You are already at your due date so if it works, GREAT! If it doesn’t, GREAT! You know you will be holding your babe within the week at this point.
I am excited for you!
You are so close and look amazing! I always admire how much energy you have and how cute you are dressed!!!! I went in for a routine appt at 39 weeks and my blood pressure was abnormally high so my OB wanted to induce me but I wasn’t supposed to go to the hospital until later that day at 4pm. She stripped my membranes to see if I could get going on my own–it was uncomfortable, just more like a longer pap with more pressure and “scraping” which sounds gross. They still had to induce me with Pitocin and break my water so I guess it didn’t really work. I so badly wanted to have the experience of my water breaking and taking the bags to the car but it didn’t happen that way for me! Good luck, Mama! Can’t wait to know what you’re having!
You’re so close; I’m so excited! I had my membranes stripped and it was slightly uncomfortable for about 15 seconds, but not painful. It gave me some cramps but no labor. I have stubborn babies though that both had to be induced at 8 and 10 days past due 🙂
I can’t wait to hear news! Officially on baby watch!!
I was 11 days late with my daughter. I think I had my membranes stripped three times – twice by the midwife and once by my ob. The midwife was uncomfortable but the ob downright HURT. I went into labor over the weekend after the last stripping by the doctor. Who knows if it helped. I remember crying coming home from the 41 week appointment feeling so disappointed and dejected that she still hadn’t come. She eventually did (four days later!!) it was a hard waiting period but now looking back it was just a blink of the eye. My baby will be one next week!
So exciting for you!! My thoughts on membrane stripping are – if you’re planning to get an epidural, do it. If you don’t want an epidural, I’d hold off. In my opinion, membrane stripping makes it more likely that your water will break. I think contractions are SO much more painful after your water breaks but it certainly gets things moving! So to me, if you want an epidural, there’s no downside so why not go for it. If you don’t, I’d hold off 🙂 Oh and I had one with my first, not my second. It was a little uncomfortable but not terrible.
Let me be the annoying person 😉 You could be at 2 cms for weeks… and on the flip side you could go from 2-10 in an hour! The less interventions you opt for, the less likely you are to have more interventions. Baby will come when they are ready. Hang in there!!!!
I had mine stripped with my first when I was already dilated and was having braxton hicks every few nights. I had 1 night of false labor and then went into labor (3 days past due date) on my own the next night. I did get an epidural and my water didn’t break until after I got the epidural and they broke it for me to get things going. But it was an EASY labor!
2nd, they couldn’t strip my membranes because things were too closed up to get to them. I had alot of amniotic fluid and my water broke at home before contractions started, but I was still 2 days past due date. I ended up having to get pitosin and naively tried to wait to get the epidural like I did with my first. Note to self: labor on pitosin is MUCH different than without. Get epidural earlier!!!! Don’t wait till you are at your tipping point, pitosin will get you there in no time and then the epidural person will inevitably not be available.
Long story short, I would choose membranes stripped to induce labor rather than pitosin. No comparison.
Good luck!! I can’t wait to hear news!
I had my membranes stripped at my 40 week appointment. It wasn’t painful, but definitely not comfortable. I went into labor that night!
Had membranes stripped with baby #1 and she was born about 24 hours later (on her due date!) I didn’t find the membrane strip/sweep procedure painful, just uncomfortable. Someone else commented it’s a bit like a pap smear; that’s an accurate comparison to how it felt for me too. Baby #2 was a couple weeks early, all on his own. (Heads up — he came FAST once labor started. I didn’t have time for pain meds!) Had membranes stripped twice (a week apart) with baby #3 and it didn’t seem to matter. She was born two weeks past her due date, and again, FAST delivery. I was ready for the speed that time, and kind of looking forward to it. Good luck – and congratulations!!
SO excited for you to welcome your little one! Having your membranes swept is uncomfortable but just tell them not to tell you when they are about to do it so your not anticipating the discomfort. Wishing you a happy birth experience:)
Wishing you a happy and healthy baby experience!
My friend had her membranes stripped and went into labor hours later, so I think it probably does work!
Stripping the membranes only works if the midwife can reach the cervix, and if she can it means your body has already started the labour process so I think it’s a bit of a con when people say it put them into labour, more than likely they were already going in labour otherwise the membranes wouldnt be able to be stripped.. if that makes sense haha! I’d personally just wait until it started naturally unless I was the full 2 weeks late! Can’t wait to see when he/she appears and what he/she is!
I had my membranes stripped when I was 11 days late with my firstborn and the midwife asked me “would you like me to strip your membranes?” And before I could finish saying “sure- why not?” She was already done, didn’t feel like anything at all! Labor was in full swing within 5 hours!
It’s getting so close!! I had my membranes swept with both my babies. Both times started labor for me! With my first, I started feeling mild contractions within about 2 hours. For my second, contractions started about 12 hours later. It was definitely painful for me, both times, but was very short (maybe 30 seconds)? I also wasn’t very dilated (1-2 cm), so I think that led to more intense pain. It’s my understanding that if you’re already dilated a few cm, it’s not as painful.
Sending positive thoughts your way for a smooth labor and delivery! <3
I had my membranes swept at 40 weeks (on my due date!). I was 90-100% effaced, 3-4cm dilated, and had been told baby was “very low” since about 36 weeks. Since my body was showing other signs of preparing for labor, I felt comfortable doing the membrane sweep–plus it seemed like a much more minor intervention than induction which I was hoping to avoid. As other said, uncomfortable but not super painful. I had mine done at about 2:30pm and my water broke at 6:30pm! Contractions started at 8:30pm and I was 10cm by midnight! Unfortunately, my baby was face up and on the large side (8lb 1oz) for my small frame–I was unable to get her pushed past my pubic bone (after 3 hrs of pushing + trying suction assist), so we ended up with a non-emergent C-section. All in all, I would do it again in a heartbeat and I don’t think it played any role in us ending with a C-section! Good luck!! 🙂
I also had more nevstripped with 2 of my pregnancies. I went into labor both times within a few hours! So excited for you!!
I just saw on Instagram that it’s babytime!!! Wishing you a smooth and healthy labor and delivery!
I’m 37 weeks and am already feeling the same way, so don’t feel bad letting it all out! It’s a relief to know that the last month is hard for nearly every woman, and I always appreciate a nice dose of refreshing honesty 🙂 Here’s hoping you have a positive delivery experience (and that it happens sooner than later!)
I had a membrane sweep on a Thursday afternoon at 39 weeks (I have lupus so I’m automatically considered high risk and my doctors didn’t want me going past my due date). It was uncomfortable but not terrible. Overnight that night I started having contractions and went to the hospital in labor Friday morning! I never needed pitocin and had my son Saturday morning 🙂
Send you lots good labor vibes from California l.
So excited for your family.
Hi Julie!
I see your updates on instagram and I’m so excited for you, Ryan and Chase!
You look beautiful and you will do so well. Thinking about your lovely fam!
Saw that it’s baby time! – sending you ALLLL the good juju and prayers for a happy, healthy baby and an easy, joyous delivery! You can do it you can do it you can do it you can do it! You got this!
I had my membranes stripped at 41+3 with my son. I don’t think it did anything for me. I wouldn’t do it again because of the risk of getting your water broken prematurely and more because of the risk of infection… I want to minimize/eliminate having anyone’s hands in there. It isn’t necessary and really doesn’t do or tell us anything.
Best wishes to you! I know how uncomfortable the end is, as I went to 42 weeks. Hang in there.
Had my membranes stripped 3 times with baby #1 (39 weeks 40 weeks and 41 weeks) and it didn’t move anything forward so I was induced at 41.5 weeks. Baby #2 I had my membranes stripped 5 times (yes five!) (38 weeks, 39 weeks 40 weeks, 41 weeks, 41.5 weeks) and ended up needing to be induced again. My experience has taught me that it will help move things along only if your body is ready.
I just wanted to comment on how much I enjoy your posts. I think you are cute as a button and I certainly hope that baby #2, membranes scraped or not, arrives soon and safely.
Praying for you during this time. It will be over soon and you will have that sweet baby home before you know it!
Eeeee! I was going to write a comment about how things went down after I had my membrane sweep (short version – it went well) but I see things are happening for you! So excited! So much luck and prayers your way for a great delivery.
I saw on Instagram that baby is here!! I’m dying to know the gender! Congratulations to you all!!! 🙂
Congrats on the new baby (saw it on instastories!) So so so so happy for you all, and I can’t wait to hear who this new person is. You look overjoyed, and we’re all overjoyed for you! Yayyyyyyyyyyyy!!! *confetti & streamers & silly string celebrations!*
Also that delivery looked FAST! lol I’m glad for you!
Your precious baby is PERFECT!!!! What a gorgeous baby and you look SO happy and I am SO happy for you and your family!!! I can’t wait to hear all the details!! 🙂
Congratulations! Your baby is perfect.
I had my membranes stripped. It was uncomfortable but not a big deal at all. I went into labor the same night I had them stripped and my baby was born the next day. it definetly put me in labor ?? (I was in labor about 12 hours start to finish with her). I’ve definetly felt completely over it with all three of my pregnancies – I don’t fault you one bit for that. It’s a tough job carrying a baby. Hang in there! Best wishes
Not that it matters now, but I had my membranes sweeped at 39 and 40 weeks, and it totally didn’t work, ha! I can’t believe HE’S HERE!!!!! I was so wrong! I absolutely can’t wait to hear more about him, and his delivery. Prayers for a SHORT NICU stay!
Literally everything you said about false labor is EXACTLY how I felt with my second too. I also had my first 2 weeks early and thought there was no way I would make it to my due date. But I did. And I had false labor 4 days in a row and I broke down in tears most days because of all the emotions that went with that. Hang in there! I feel your struggle and wish you the best!
Hi! I’m a longtime reader (actually started following you right when you were about to have Chase. I was looking for women bloggers who were pregnant while I was also pregnant. I had my first son 2 months after you had Chase, and I gave birth to our second son 2 months ago! How crazy! Both our boys are 2 months apart! You bring such a ray of sunshine to pregnancy (when I was a terrible pregnant person for so much of the journey! So much nausea and pain, but the JOY at the end is indescribable!)
I saw your Instagram story, and want you to know how we’re all rooting for you and this little bundle of love. He’s so strong and I’m sending you all the LOVE and good vibes your way!
I didn’t read through all the comments but I’m sure there is a range of opinions on having your membranes striped. I had mine striped twice – week 38 and then the day before I went into labor at 39 weeks. I could say the first time didn’t induce it but the second time did or it was just coincidence that I went into labor the next day. I felt that it was uncomfortable but not painful but I’ve talked to other that said it was super painful so I guess it depends on your pain tolerance. I would say if you think you can handle it than there’s really no reason to not do it at this point if there’s a chance it could help. Best of luck!
Congratulations on your new addition to your family! Your black swimsuit is so cute! Im looking for a cute maternity suit and saw your picture. Where is it from? Thanks!