To be completely honest, I didn’t think I’d still be pregnant at this point based solely on the fact that Chase was born two weeks early but here we are and I’m feeling R-E-A-D-Y to meet this little one. I wanted to share a pregnancy update this week since I never got to share a 38 week or 39 week pregnancy update with Chase and truthfully I really just want to have this documented for my personal memories.
Here are my past updates from this pregnancy if you’re just catching up:
- A Miracle On The Way
- The First and Second Trimester (So Far)
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 20-23
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 24-27
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 28-31
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 32-34
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 35-36
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 37-38
- What I’m Going To Pack In My Hospital Bag
All of my weekly pregnancy updates from my first pregnancy with Chase may also be found on the Pregnancy page of this blog.
And now for a recap of the 39th week of my pregnancy!
Baby Updates
(39 Weeks, 5 days)
At 39 weeks, baby is full term! Baby is the size of a pumpkin, roughly 20 inches long and weighs approximately 7.3 pounds.
During my 39 week prenatal appointment on Wednesday, I was checked and learned that I was 2 centimeters dilated and 60 percent effaced. Our midwife told me our baby had dropped and that his or her head is “very low.” She told me labor likely wasn’t too far off and offered to strip my membranes. At this point I said no thank you only because I was still feeling good and figured I’d likely go into labor within a couple of days since I had Chase at 38 weeks.
Fast forward to today and multiple days of false labor later (more on this below!) and I’m now considering having my membranes stripped at my 40-week appointment assuming I still haven’t delivered by Wednesday morning. Have any of you had this procedure done before? Was it painful? Do you think it helped naturally induce labor? I’d love to hear from anyone with first-hand experience!
Weight Gained
My weight gain is holding steady around 26ish pounds after my random fluctuations and weight loss over the past three weeks. When I see this number, I’m kind of shocked because I feel softer, heavier and definitely bigger than I felt when my weight was up 30 pounds during this pregnancy. I feel like I’m eating all the time without much thought other than eating whatever sounds good whenever it sounds good.
I made it to the gym three times last week and it was so ridiculously good for my mental health. I didn’t exert myself too much and hardly worked up a sweat but simply moving my body, surrounding myself with my favorite boot camp friends and getting out of the house and doing something for myself that also helped take my mind off labor was wonderful.
I also did my fair share of walking with Sadie on days I didn’t make it to the gym and generally covered between two and three miles.
The Braxton Hicks contractions I began experiencing a couple of weeks ago lingered this week but the biggest new-to-me symptom I experienced twice this week was prodromal labor (aka false labor). Talk about a frustrating experience!
While I never went to the hospital, on both Thursday evening and Saturday afternoon, I experienced regular contractions for several hours (different than Braxton Hicks) and truly thought labor was on the horizon. My contractions were fairly regular and close together enough for me to feel mentally convinced they would continue to progress into real labor, especially when they lasted for hours both times.
While the experience was obviously physically uncomfortable, it was more emotionally frustrating because I couldn’t help but feel excited, anxious and ready to head to the hospital only to have contractions dissipate. This left me feeling disappointed and almost embarrassed for not knowing what was happening to my body since this is my second baby and I’ve been through labor and contractions before.
Other than false labor, from a physical standpoint, I feel like my belly grew a lot this week, too! It’s crazy to me how bellies can continue to grow so much up until the very end.
Food Aversions
I’m still not experiencing any real aversions but definitely don’t care much for animal proteins beyond seafood (I was on a shrimp kick last week). Cooked vegetables also aren’t overly appealing right now.
Food Cravings
FRUIT. I ate an entire pound of grapes in one day last week (the cotton candy grapes are SO ridiculously good) and couldn’t get enough of everything from cherries and blueberries to watermelon and raspberries. We also took Chase blackberry picking on Thursday and it sparked a craving in me for pie and ice cream. But, then again, I want ice cream all day every day right now.
I don’t want to sugarcoat anything so I’ll just be blunt: Sleep sucks right now. I’m waking up all the time to pee and also had a few nights toward the end of the week where I woke up with contractions that initially made me wonder if labor was pending so my adrenaline spiked and then getting back to sleep was just a joke.
Any Baby/Pregnancy Related Purchases?
This week was such a crazy rollercoaster. I began the week feeling fantastic! Week 38 was one of my best weeks of pregnancy from an energy and lack-of-nausea standpoint and week 39 began on a similar note. I felt great and early in the week made the mistake of saying something along the lines of, “I could be pregnant for a while longer if I continue to feel like this!” Gah!
The end of the week looked quite a bit different when things seemed to change after my first experience with false labor on Thursday night. I’m not sure if things shifted in my body physically after a few hours of contractions but I’ve felt increasingly uncomfortable. I just feel large and simple things like bending over (oh please noooo!), squatting down, carrying Chase around and getting up off the floor or couch feel cumbersome and will often bring about Braxton Hicks contractions.
I’m also feeling unmotivated to do too much right now (the exact opposite of me one week ago when I wanted to do ALL THE THINGS) and I’m admittedly feeling rather preoccupied with when our baby will arrive. It’s much easier for me to distract myself and not think about labor when I’m not experiencing contractions but right now between the Braxton Hicks contractions and my two experiences with false labor, I feel like my body keeps physically making me focus on labor. It’s a mind game for sure!
I almost hate to share some of the above feelings and physical symptoms I’m experiencing right now because they read rather negative but I’m trying hard to be honest about these final days of pregnancy. I wouldn’t want to paint a picture that isn’t accurate since I think many women can agree that the end of pregnancy can be uncomfortable and bring about a range of emotions you might not expect so I hope you can read these words and know that while I may be on a bit of an emotional rollercoaster, the overwhelming feeling I have every day is gratitude. Truly.
I found myself in tears yet again on Saturday evening when I let myself think about our baby, our journey to this moment in our lives and how fortunate I feel to be in the place I am right now. It’s not something I take for granted for one second and I’m continuing to pray hard for a healthy baby and delivery in the coming days. During my two experiences with false labor, I really left myself think ahead to labor and delivery and it made me realize all over again just how ridiculously excited I am for the moment I actually get to meet our little one – whenever and however he or she decides to arrive. We are ready for you, Baby!!!
So close! FWIW, I had my membranes stripped and 39 and 3 and my water broke 36 hours later! Baby came another 12 hours after that.
Ohh! Interesting!!! Was it painful or just kind of uncomfortable? I’m oddly nervous about it!!
Soooo close!! Hang in there! Of course you’re grateful, but the end of pregnancy is not really fun for anyone, I think, so we get it!
I had my membranes stripped and it didn’t hurt at all, from what I remember. It felt a little like a Pap smear? Whatever it was, it paled in comparison to actual labor. You do you!
Similar story here! Stripping at 39.2 with my first and 12h later contractions started and 12h later baby boy was born.
No stripping for second baby, born st 39 weeks.
Yes its Painful. I don’t feel almost anything with a Pap test but for a sweep they go deeper. As a L&D nurse, 90% of our patients infos it painful but it can work! The percentage is quite low something like 1 out of 5 will work but why don’t give it a try.
You are SO close!! I had a similar experience. My son was born at 37 weeks, and then I had my daughter on my due date, also after a few days of false labor! It was really frustrating and we sent our son to our friend’s house a couple times before I was actually REALLY in labor, haha! She was born with one hand sticking up in the air above her head, and the nurses thought that positioning likely led to the extended false labor. I don’t really understand why, but that’s what they thought! I was also considering getting my membranes stripped but never made it to my 40 week appointment since I went into *real* labor around 3pm the day before and then gave birth around midnight. My best friend did get hers stripped and labor started a few hours later, but I have another friend who did it twice and it didn’t seem to make a difference. I did get increasingly uncomfortable in the last couple days so I have to think you are very close! Hang in there mama, you know the most beautiful baby is going to be in your arms SOON and it’s all worth it! <3
Thank you Kacie!! It’s definitely a mind game when you think they’ll be early and then they’re not! The false labor thing totally threw me for a loop. So interesting to hear about the positioning of your daughter’s hand!
Aah you’re so close! I had a feeling you would go to your due date as my second arrived 2.5 weeks after our first who was a month early. I also had labor signs a few times before real deal this time after not even experiencing bh with my first. But with both pregnancies I went in to labor at night after having Mexican for lunch ha! I also walked ALOT the day I went into labor with my second.
It seems like this is soooo common! The more women I’ve talked to who went early with their first went to their due date or later with their second AND experienced false labor which they never did with baby #1. So crazy! And maybe I’ll have to try Mexican food tomorrow… 🙂
Oh…my….goodness you just explained exactly how I’ve been feeling the last 3 days. Also in week 39 (due 6/20) with first baby and have woken up the last 2 nights thinking labor was starting! I cannot explain how much better this post made me feel; it’s just a good feeling to know you’re not alone even in the discomfort. My doctor also offered to strip my membranes at last appt so I’m hoping some mamas give some personal experience perspective on the procedure.
Crossing my fingers that Baby comes soon for you! 🙂
Sending you supportive vibes!!! It’s an exciting time but admittedly an uncomfortable time, too! <3 Prayers for you for a healthy baby and delivery!
I have a 4 month old sweet baby boy and I got my membranes stripped with him a few days before his due date…I was really uncomfortable towards the end so I was doing everything I could to get that maybe out! I think everyone has a different experience but for me it hurt, and caused mild cramping that day but nothing else… baby ended up being induced to come so he was quite comfy in there! I don’t know if I would do it again though! Good luck!!
Hey Julie! I had my membranes stripped with my second baby (first baby was born at 35 weeks so like you I never got to the point where they offered!). Membranes were stripped February 1 and baby was born February 5 (at 38+6). It wasn’t painful but it definitely wasn’t comfortable. Felt like a cervical check that lasted a bit longer. I told my OB that I was super nervous about the pain and she talked me through it as she went! I would 100% do it again because I felt like it moved things along a bit faster and I was OVER being pregnant at that point!
Also definitely get to the hospital quickly as my second labor went very fast… I went in to triage at 9 with broken waters and got sent home at noon with some morphine because I was only a few cm dilated. I labored at home (5 min drive from the hospital) and went back at 5:35 because I couldn’t take it anymore. Baby was born at 6:03 and I almost had him in the hallway. Didn’t get an epidural (had one with the first) and I was crying on the car ride because I knew I had waited too long and wouldn’t get one and was terrified of the pain. It actually wasn’t that bad and now that I’ve experienced both I would consider doing it with no epidural again… recovery after was much faster! But I would not recommend waiting so long you start to push in the hallway haha.
Sorry for the novel but congrats again and I’m so excited to hear when the baby is born!
You’re so close! I was SO uncomfortable my final weeks of pregnancy! I had my membranes stripped at my 40 week appt ( I was about the same as you 2cm diallated and 60% effaced) and my water broke and I went into labor the next afternoon. It’s definitely uncomfortable but not unbearable!
I almost warned you in earlier post about having a first baby early and the next coming “late” (on time). My first was two weeks early and I just assumed my second would be early as well. It made the next two weeks seem much longer because it was like I had made 38 weeks my due date and every day after that I was certain would be there day. You are almost there though!! Sending prayers for healthy mom and baby!
Oh also I had membranes stripped with her and it didn’t induce labor. It’s not super painful but not comfortable either. I think getting checked for dilation is uncomfortable and it’s more intense than that but not much. And my first I had prodromal labor and his positioning was a little wonky when he was born. My doula thinks that’s why I had the false labor.
I had my membranes stripped at 40 weeks and I actually didn’t find it to be that painful. It felt more like pressure than pain. It didn’t necessary induce labor for me…I was medically induced a few days later, but I was glad I had it done because I felt like it made me farther along when I got induced. Getting induced at 4 cm is a lot easier than getting induced at 2! In any case, hopefully baby will come on his/her own in the next few days! But I would do it again if I reach 40 weeks in another pregnancy. Just wanted to share!
Oh, I’m so excited for you all! Definitely had some false labor with my second and I remember that roller coaster of emotions just anticipating the arrival of my little one. We were also waiting to find out gender so my excitement level was out of control by that point! Sending prayers for both physical and emotional comfort for you as you await your little one’s arrival!
I had my membranes stripped at 39 weeks and wish I hadn’t. It wasn’t much worse pain wise than a cervical exam. However, my water broke the next day WITHOUT any contractions of my own, so I was induced that night and by the time she was born my water had been broken almost 26 hours. She had to go to the NICU for 3 days for what was thankfully a benign breathing issue, but it was so traumatic. I never got to hold her in my room when she was brand new. I am so grateful of course that we both were healthy in the end, but it was and is difficult still 2.5 years later. I don’t know for sure if it have happened without the membrane stripping but I also don’t know if it could’ve been prevented if I had chosen differently. I will always wonder, and I wouldn’t do it again. Best of luck in the coming weeks! ❤️
That is so scary! I have heard horror stories about membrane stripping with, sadly, not the same outcome as you. I’m sure those instances are rare but for me it was never worth the risks that come along with it. I figured with my babies I made it this far and they have to come out at some point! Of course, there is zero judgment here and it’s a personal choice. I simply learned of a tragic story that hit close to home that was a result of membrane stripping so it made my decision very easy. Best of luck to you, Julie! You look so beautiful and healthy and full of energy. I can’t wait to hear what you’re having!!
My best friend had her membranes stripped with her second and went into labor within 8-12 hrs.
Julie, if you’re ready for the baby to come, I would definitely recommend getting your membranes stripped. With my second, I had a very similar false labor experience as you did, and was not prepared to be pregnant at 40 weeks after delivering my first a couple of weeks early. When I had my membranes stripped, I was 4 cm dilated and it was momentarily very painful but very brief and worth it. I went into labor almost immediately and had our second layer that afternoon without any of the worry of going into labor in the middle of the night and having to worry about getting or first squared away. It lent a little predictably, and I would recommend going for it. Good luck and congratulations!
Both of my babies came early… my daughter induced at 36 weeks ( because my body was doing her more harm than good) and my son naturally at 34 weeks ( I woke up in the middle of the night in labor). Both kids were in the NICU, but doing great now. Because I had difficult pregnancies, my husband, OB/GYN, and I decided that a healthy boy and girl were enough, and I didn’t need to try a third pregnancy. I say all this to explain why I am ridiculously obsessed with your waiting game. Even before I had kids, I always thought waiting for a baby to come would be exciting. I know it’s frustrsting, but he or she will be here soon. Enjoy and embrace the uncertainty!!! I really enjoy your blog.
Good luck when the time comes!
I also had my first early (39 weeks) and expected my second to be early as well. I had false labor a couple of times starting at 39 weeks, very similar to what you described. I was having mild contractions all morning the day our daughter was born, and I was convinced it was just another round of false labor. Finally I decided we should just go to the hospital and get checked to be safe mid afternoon. The doctor considered sending me home but ultimately decided to admit me, and my daughter was born 2 hours after I was admitted. I’m not sure if the false labor had anything to do with it, but my labor progressed very quickly. She was born 2 days early.
I had my membranes stripped at my 39 week appointment and baby was born just 16 days later after a 39 hour induction!
Hahaha yeah it didn’t work for me at ALL! It *was* very painful while it was being done and I had a very uncomfortable evening afterward with a ton of cramping but no real contractions. You might ask your OB to calculate your Bishop score. A score greater than 8 means an induction would be successful, so I assume stripping the membranes would be more likely to lead to labor then as well? Not sure, but something to ask about! Good luck!
I had my membranes stripped 3-4 times with my little one. They did it 3 weeks in a row to try to help bring about labor and then again when I was admitted to the hospital when it was go time to help speed things up. The first 3 times I didn’t think it was painful just uncomfortable but over quickly. I was told by all my friends that I was crazy for not thinking it was more painful! The fourth time a different doctor did it. Most of my baby’s water was gone and I was having consistent, painful contractions. Not sure if it was because I was in labor or the doctor but the fourth time was more painful but it’s over quick! I’m not sure it really helped me in my case but I’ve heard from others it helped them go into labor within a few days!
Good luck praying you have a smooth, healthy delivery soon ?
I had by membranes stripped twice. The first time on a Friday – nothing. The second on the following Monday – my water broke within the hour! I wouldn’t say it was painful, but definitely a few minutes of intense discomfort. I just tried to focus on breathing and dreaming of holding a healthy baby soon! Best of luck to you in these final days 🙂
Hang in there girl!! I was four days late with our son (who’s one now) and by the end I was SO ready. I had my menbraines stripped and while it didn’t hurt a bit I don’t think it made labor come any sooner.
Good luck; wishing you a quick and easy labor!
I feel your pain. I had baby number 3 three months ago and experienced false labor for a week! I figured since baby number 2 was 5 days early and had some preterm labor at 32 weeks, that this baby would come early. Well she came 7 days late. I had my membranes swept twice and did acupuncture too but it did nothing. I don’t think it hurt at all and I had a little bit of spotting he first time but that was all.
Good luck to you. I’m praying baby comes soon and can’t wait to see if it’s a boy or girl. I’m so happy for you all. ?
It doesn’t hurt much at all 🙂 Just a little discomfort! I had mine done at 39 weeks!
Thinking of you, Julie, and sending prayers and strength for delivery and baby so soon. I’ve enjoyed following your blog for a few years (really the only one I follow) and have so appreciated your candor, gratitude, and details of this journey to this little one.
Membrane stripping does not start labour – in studies where woman have had their membranes stripped, it results in a reduced proportion of woman who remain undelivered at 42 weeks. In other words, membrane striping reduces the chance that you’ll be overdue to the point where you need to be induced. So if induction is something you’re averse to, or would rather avoid, membrane stripping is recommended. If you’re okay with the thought of induction, then don’t bother.
Sounds like you are definitely in the home stretch! The final weeks of pregnancy are no joke! I had my membranes stripped at my 40 week appointment and went into labor the next morning. I had been 3 cm dilated and 70% effaced for a couple of weeks but had no signs of labor. Not sure if it was just coincidence but I feel it really got things moving. I started having cramping that evening. As for the pain, I found it to be very uncomfortable but not painful. The procedure is very quick. Hope this helps. Good luck with your final days of pregnancy!
I had my membranes stripped with my first baby and my second baby. With my first, it did absolutely nothing and I ended up being induced at 40 weeks and 4 days. With my second, my doctor stripped my membranes at 38 weeks. It got me from 2cm and 4cm and my water broke at 39 weeks. It is definitely uncomfortable but shouldn’t be more than that. It will most likely make you crampy and I experienced spotting and lost a lot of the plug. Sounds like it could help move things along for you though!
I also had false labor with my second (who is now 4 months) and it was super frustrating! And I did the membrane sweep 2 days after my due date and went into labor the following evening (36 hours later). Not sure if that did it, but for me it did not hurt at alll and my midwife said it was because I was already dilated. So since you said you were too, I don’t think you will find it painful. Good luck, you got this mama!
So weird I had the false Labor with my second too! 3 nights in a row of contractions that would go away just in time for me to shower and go to work. It was so horrible and I was desperate to stop going sleepless to work so I did the membrane stripping and it worked! Had it weds afternoon she was here thurs afternoon. I think it will def work if you’re already having so many contractions and you’re 40 weeks! As for pain it hurts but I knew how it felt going in (had it with my first and it didn’t work) and I was still willing to do it. Good luck!
I had my membranes stripped and had my son 2 days later 🙂
Also, Ive been reading up because I want to train/study to be a doula and Ive read that it is common for women to feel like they dont know what is happening with their body during these last few days of pregnancy. Give yourself some grace, dear.
I had my membranes stripped. I was very nervous at first because I had heard it was painful. I would not say it was painful, but it was pretty uncomfortable for me. I would definitely have it done again though to help get things going. My doctor did it very quickly too, so it was over in no time! Try to let yourself relax as that may help to start labor. I really believe we have to be in the right place mentally for things to get going physically. I had my 2nd babe almost a year ago & it was a MUCH easier & faster delivery than my first. I think most 2nd deliveries go a bit better, so try not to worry! Best of luck to you. Hoping your baby comes soon. Those last few weeks are HARD!
With my second I had my membranes stripped at my 40 week appointment and my little guy was born in almost exactly 24 hours. It is not painful. Just a little pressure. I totally think it helped jumpstart real labor for me.
Ive followed your blog for years since your wedding. I found it as I was planning my own wedding (12/10) and I’ve got two little boys (miscarriage in between) and have followed your pregnancies, too. So, it’s probably weird, but i’m excited for you! You’re in the very home stretch now. I hope you have a safe and smooth labor and delivery!
So exciting! I am 37 weeks 5 days right now, and I’ve been distracting myself from my own impending due date by following your updates closely! Haha. You’re doing great – I’m sure baby will be here VERY soon. Good luck!
Dont feel bad or crazy! I’ve written you on IG since we were due a few days apart but I just had my 4th babe on Friday. My first was born at 38.6 then 36.6 and 37 weeks for 2 and 3. I was certain this one would be early too. So were my doctors. At 35 weeks I was dilated and at 36 weeks I went to L&D for the first bout of early labor…that wasnt. In the end I spent 2 weeks in ‘early labor’ with 3 false trips to L&D where we walked the halls for hours just to be sent home frustrated and exhausted with 3 other kids to still take care of. Each time I was having regular contractuons, I’d dilated more but then I’d inevitably stall. So frustrating and a total mind game. Especially after calling my mom to watch the other kids 3 times, my husband working far from home with dc traffic, I was terrified I’d give birth in the car and over feeling like the pregnant woman who cried labor. Our last trip to L&D was at 37weeks 5 days and I was 3-4cm dilated. By my appt Tuesday (38w3days) I had no more signs of labor and was 4cm dilated with babe well engaged. My ob couldn’t believe how low he was and how dilated I was, that my water hadn’t broken. Of course this scared me even more. By Thursday (38w5d) still no more contractions other than a few here and there but I was incredibly crampy all day. My ob scheduled my induction for Monday the 18th so we’d avoid having an unintended home birth. I felt relieved and excited for a final weekend to sleep and restock the fridge and spend as a family of 5….so of course I woke up Thursday night to one contraction, then went back to bed and woke up feeling fine on Friday. 30 mins later, at 7am, I started having ‘contractions’ but was so convinced they weren’t real after the past few weeks. I was hesitant to call my mom or husband and instead started washing my sheets, doing laundry, cleaning the windows…basically nesting like crazy while stopping every sp often to breathe through increasingly strong waves. I texted with a gf and said I’d wait til 8 to call anyone…but af 730 I called my mom and said I might be in labor “but let’s be honest, probably not”. Then I called my husband who started heading home. By 8am when both arrived I was struggling to really do much during each wave but in between I still felt fine and convinced it was nothing yet again. I showered, dressed, struggled to tell the kids to watch a show cause their brother might be coming. By 820 we were out the door and sitting in the car I didnt have any contractions til we pulled into the parking lot. We only live a mile away though haha. But that drive I felt like the most ridiculous person going for false labor…again. at 830 we checked in and I was put on monitors. Sure enough they were real and coming 3-4min apart. I was checked and 6cm!!! We got to stay! I called my mom and told her and then things got nuts. Between that at 845 in triage…we had 4 hours where we went to L&D. They broke my water. I got an epidural (that fell out). I was given a peanut ball to put between my legs at noon and moved to my side to allow baby to descend more…which worked like a charm. At 1235 I was complete, I pushed 1.5 times And at 12:41 our little man was born! Most surreal experience.
Basically all this to say, it took 4 trips and 2 weeks of on and off contractions to bring our littlest into the world so everything you’re feeling is normal! And even as a 4th time mom labor confused the hell out of me this time.
Hi Julie! Hang in here, baby will arrive before you know it. I have a 3yo and 7mo little boys and completely know how you’re feeling! I was so anxious for my 2nd to arrive as he came a couple days before his due date and my first was 2.5wks early like your son. I was shocked to make it that far and the anticipation was huge. I, too was sleeping terrible and having false alarms prior to when he actually came. I was dilated 2cm then 4cm by 39 weeks and did end up getting my membranes stripped at 39wks 4 days (a Friday) and that night about 1am my water broke, he was born the next morning! My experience was not painful (membrane stripping that is), similar to a cervical check but a little more intense/uncomfortable, worth it I thought. Best of luck to you and your family, you’ll do great!!
OBGYN here— haven’t ever had my membranes stripped myself, but people who tolerate cervical exams well tend to do fine with it; people who have difficulty with cervical exams don’t tolerate it very well. If it is going to work, you will usually go into labor within a day or so— I have definitely seen people come back in labor after having this done in the office. At 40 weeks, it would also be totally reasonable to schedule an elective induction if your OB will let you— there are no increased risks to you or baby when compared to waiting for spontaneous labor. Congratulations in advance!
Thank you for your professional perspective! From your comment and others it seems like something that could help if I’m already close to labor but won’t jump start something that’s not ready to begin. I appreciate you weighing in!
I had my membranes stripped with my son 3x, I was 80% effaced and like 4cm from 37 weeks, it didn’t do anything… The last time they were stripped was at 40weks in the am, I then worked all day and went into labor on my due date after going on a run. With my daughter (our rainbow), I had my membranes stripped at 39 weeks 5 days, I was 4cm dilated and 60% (? I actually can’t remember… it was less than my son) effaced and it did… NOTHING. I had them stripped again at 40+3, went home, did a barre3 workout and my water broke (didn’t break with my son). 2.5 hours (yes, seriously) later Ruby was born.
So, does it work? I feel like maybe a little bit, but only if your baby is ready. Does it hurt? It never did for me, but I think it certainly depends on your provider and your acceptable level of discomfort. I would say it’s like an intense pap ??♀️
I had my membranes stripped twice. The first time was at 39 weeks and 6 days and nothing happened other than some discomfort and a little bleeding: the second time was at 41 weeks and 2 days and I went into labor that night and my son was born the next morning! I was using a birthing center that would have had to relinquish care to a hospital at 42 weeks, so we were down to the wire! It wasn’t a pleasant experience m, but there weren’t shooting pains or anything during the procedure, more of a dull pain/cramping sensation, wishing you a healthy labor and baby <3
my son was head down and LOW for the last three months of pregnancy; and my cervix was 2cm dilated for weeks before labor actually started; they were all so convinced they wouldn’t see me for the next weeks appointment hahaha…
had my membranes swept at 40+3 after about a week of daily false labor (went to L&D once and was sent back then didn’t bother the other days). because i had gestational diabetes they would have induced me at 41 weeks so the membrane sweep was a last ditch try at starting labor naturally.
as others before me said, it didn’t hurt much more than a pelvic exam, but it did lead to lots of bleeding for me (bloody show maybe?). after that appointment i went back home and the real contractions started during the night, less than 24h after.
when i got the L&D i was 8cm already and delivered in 5h with no epidural 😉
good luck Julie!
I had mine stripped as well at 38 weeks — other than some blood, I didn’t have any signs of labor. I ended up being induced right after 40 weeks. Each person is different!
Hi Julie! I’m so excited for you and your family! Any day now!!! I had my membranes stripped at 40 weeks and it was definitely uncomfortable but I wouldn’t describe it as painful. Sadly it did nothing to put me in labor, but I do think it was worth a shot. Hang in there, girl! You got this!!!
I had my membranes stripped with both babies around 39 weeks (I was done lol) and my water broke at home within 12 hours of each. My son was 12 hours of labour and my daughter was 3 hours!
I found it slightly painful but it’s so quick. Worth it!
I’m so excited for you!
I had my membranes stripped two or three times with my first. It was moderately uncomfortable but nothing horrible. It left me crampy the rest of the day but did nothing to speed up labor so I was induced at 42 weeks. BUT in my experience, my little guy never really dropped and I had zero contractions despite being three centimeters dilated for weeks! Everyone’s bodies are different but baby WILL be here so so soon no matter what! Love following your journey.
I had my membrane stripped at about 40 weeks and 5 days, I had my appointment at 9 am and lost my mucous plug two hours later and went into labor at 6 pm. It is for sure uncomfortable but not horrible! I was so ready to be done with pregnancy at that point I would of tried anything to meet the little one!
15 days early with my son Chase who just turned 4 yesterday and I was 2 days late with my daughter who is 19 months old. I went into labor on election night. Usually there is nothing on TV at 3 in the morning so at least I was entertained
You’re SO close! Can’t wait to find out who your new little one is!
Did you ever figure out who will watch Chase when you head off to the hospital? Such a difficult (but obviously so important!) situation to figure out.
These last days are so tough. It is all a mind game for sure! I had my son at 39+2 and went into labor about 8 hours after having my membranes stripped. I had it done again with my daughter at 39 weeks and nothing….Then, I had it done again at 40 weeks and within 8 hours I was in labor. It hurt quite a bit the time that nothing happened but the two times that labor followed it didn’t hurt at all. The Dr. told me that if my body was ready it would put me over the edge and if it wasn’t it wouldn’t do anything. That feels like it was very true each time. Good luck! Praying for everything to go smoothly and for a healthy baby!
I didn’t have my membranes stripped with my first because she came a little over 38 weeks.. I did with my second at 39 weeks and had heard horror stories of how painful it was, but it wasn’t bad at all! Just slightly uncomfortable. I was 2-3cm when my OB stripped my membranes and 5cm the next day. Good luck with everything!
To add, I commented how it wasn’t very painful like I heard and my OB said after the first pregnancy, it’s often not as painful!
I had my membranes stripped with my little one – went into labor 2 days later 🙂 It didn’t hurt but was a tad uncomfortable for a couple of minutes. You’ve got the mama!!
I had my membranes sweeped with my second at 39w2d and had her the next day (I started having labor signs the night before). I had my first baby at 37 weeks (he was tiny just like Chase) and never expected to be pregnant that long with my second! The membrane sweep was not painful for me, just a little uncomfortable (but isn’t everything at the end of pregnancy?!). Good luck!!
I had my membranes stripped twice, once at 39 weeks and another at 40 weeks, but they didn’t do much! I still ended up getting induced at 41 weeks. But the upside was, it didn’t hurt me at all! No more uncomfortable than a cervical check.
I just had my membranes stripped last month after going past my due date with our baby boy! Our appointment was on a Tuesday, I went into labor on a Thursday and we delivered that Friday, so it definitely may have hurried things along a bit, but who knows! I’d say it was somewhat unpleasant but not terrible! Good luck with everything!!