Here are my past updates from this pregnancy if you’re just catching up:
- A Miracle On The Way
- The First and Second Trimester (So Far)
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 20-23
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 24-27
- PBF Baby #2: Pregnancy Weeks 28-31
- What I’m Going To Pack In My Hospital Bag
And you may also check out all of my weekly pregnancy updates from my first pregnancy on the Pregnancy page of this blog.
Also, I know I’ve said this time and time again on this blog, but if you are not in a place where reading about pregnancy is good for your heart, I get it and I am sending you so much love. I don’t want to be the source of heartache for any of you and encourage you to please skip the blog posts you need to skip, take a break from this blog if you need a break and take care of yourself.
Baby Updates
(34 Week Baby Bump)
At 34 weeks, baby is the size of a butternut squash and typically weighs in at around 4 pounds 7 ounces.
At my 32-week prenatal appointment with a maternal and fetal medicine specialist, the doctor estimated our little one is already up to 4 pounds 12 ounces and I’m measuring a bit ahead. I am so curious about the size of our baby right now because my belly growth, belly shape and weight gain all vary quite a bit from my pregnancy with Chase. I’m definitely bigger all around and my belly shape is more of a high basketball as opposed to a long, low belly.
Weight Gained
Currently hovering around 27-30 pounds which is 5-8 pounds more than I weighed at this point with Chase.
(33 Week Bump!)
Workouts are a bit all over the place right now as I am just really trying to listen to my body. On days when I feel tired or more nauseated than usual in the mornings, I’ll take a rest day or just go for a walk. This seems to happen three or four days a week right now so I’m making it to the gym or doing a workout at home the other three or four days. You may see what a full week of workouts looked like for me at 33 weeks pregnant in this post: Weekly Workouts: 33 Weeks Pregnant. Favorite workouts continue to include modified Burn Boot Camp workouts (I am skipping most cardio and plyometric days) and circuit-style strength training. I’ve also found a handful of YouTube workout videos that range anywhere from 10-20 minutes that I am loving lately for my random at home workouts! The Tone It Up Bikini Arms Workout is one of my favs for a quick arm burner.
Nausea. Ooph! It’s back with a vengeance right now and I find myself feeling nauseated more often than not in the mornings. Most times I’m able to get ahead of it by eating something immediately upon waking, but 3-4 days a week it will linger through the early afternoon no matter what or how often I eat.
I’ve also noticed that as my belly gets bigger, the shortness of breath I began experiencing a few weeks ago is increasing like crazy! The smallest things will leave me feeling ridiculously winded right now like walking up a very small hill or a flight of stairs… or even simply bending over to pick something up! The belly is a force – I still remember thinking it should be way squishier and more malleable during my first pregnancy – and it definitely fights back when I bend over or squat down these days.
I feel like every day I don’t experience severe sacroiliac or sciatic joint pain, I count my blessings because that was, without a doubt, the most frustrating and painful symptom I experienced in my first pregnancy. I am so grateful it happened before I had a toddler to chase around because I’m not sure what I would do if I couldn’t walk without feeling a stabbing pain in my butt and lower back. I am experiencing minor lower back pain on my right side – more like a quick stab of pain if I stand up after I’ve been sitting or laying down for an extended period of time – but it usually happens at the end of the day and stretching and massaging the spot helps a lot.
I’m also still experiencing occasional calf and foot cramps but introducing Natural Calm into my nightly routine seems to have made a difference and helped decrease their frequency.
Food Aversions
Nothing is really too off-putting to me at the moment, but sometimes when I eat a lot of vegetables or a salad, I’ll feel almost repulsed after the meal is over. I can eat it and it tastes good while I eat, but thinking back about what I ate will occasionally make me feel pukey. So strange! I also tend to be much hungrier in the mornings and afternoons and feel almost indifferent toward food around dinnertime. Smaller evening meals are my friend.
Food Cravings
(34-Week Belly Bump Snack Shelf!)
Fruit, especially watermelon, bananas and citrus, chocolate (<—this often feels like a NEED more than a want) and cereal. I’m also eating a lot of oatmeal, random slices of bread, avocado, yogurt and cottage cheese.
Oh sleep, you are a tricky beast. Sleep is on and off and extremely unpredictable around here. I’ve struggled with pregnancy-related insomnia a lot this time around and sometimes it totally kicks my butt (I cannot fall asleep until 3 a.m.) and other nights I’ll fall asleep quickly but wake up for hours and hours in the middle of the night. And then, inevitably, I’ll be blessed with a night or two of decent sleep and it will be AMAZINGGG and I want to wake up high-fiving everyone around me. I also wake up constantly in the night to pee (we’re talking five times at least) but I’ve been that way for months.
I am still 100 percent in love with my Snoogle and don’t know what I’d do without it from a comfort standpoint. I am hugged up on that monstrosity ALL night long!
Any Baby/Pregnancy Related Purchases?
I still haven’t bought much of anything this pregnancy! I am grateful for the sprinkles my aunt and my friends hosted for our little one so I feel pretty good to go on the diaper and wipes front but I need to take some time to stock up on post-delivery self care essentials (Tucks Witch Hazel Pads, Perineal Irrigation Bottle, Dermoplast Pain Relieving Spray, Extra Heavy Pads, etc.).
I’d love to get a jump start on setting up our baby’s nursery but know that our baby will be sleeping in our room with us for months so I’m having a hard time feeling particularly motivated. Ryan moved all of our home gym stuff out of the room that will be our baby’s nursery and into the garage so now that the room is an empty space/diaper staging area, I am feeling the itch to begin decorating but want to know our baby’s sex before going all out!
And these aren’t necessarily brand new purchases, but I’ve been getting a lot of wear out of the following bump-friendly clothing over the course of the past few weeks:
- Flounce Sleeve Wrap Dress (I have this in pink and a dusty blue color and wore it to my baby sprinkle and on a date night with Ryan! It’s not maternity but accommodates the bump well. I ordered a size up from my pre-pregnancy size.)
- Lululemon Align Pant (I will sing the praises of these pants for eternity! I now have two pairs and wash them immediately after wearing because I don’t want to ever be without a clean pair right now. I have them in my pre-pregnancy size and they are stretchy enough to work well over my belly!)
- ASOS Maternity Romper (I wasn’t sure this purchase would be a hit but I love it! Great for dressing up with a funky bralette – you can see it here on a recent date night – or throwing on over a bathing suit for a comfy cover-up.)
- Victoria’s Secret V-Neck Tee (A pregnancy fav from my first pregnancy! I have this tee in FIVE colors. I just sized up two sizes from my pre-pregnancy size and it works great with the belly and postpartum for a relaxed fit v-neck tee!)
- ASOS Maternity Cold Shoulder Top (Love the feminine look of this top that doesn’t scream “maaaternity!!!”)
Belly Button In or Out?
My belly button is definitely out right now but not overly noticeable through clothing.
Boy or Girl Thoughts and Name Ideas
We’re all beginning to get hone in on whether we think we’re having a boy or a girl right now and it’s SO much fun! I am seriously loving every second of not knowing and this truly shocks me because I never thought I’d want to be surprised in a million years. Right now, Chase and I are pretty much the only two people who think I’m having a boy. Ryan, the vast majority of our friends and our families are all convinced we’re having a girl. I will just have to laugh if we end up having a girl and Chase and I are the only two people who thought boy. And no, Chase hasn’t wavered on his thoughts on the baby’s sex even one time. He tells everyone I’m having a boy with such certainty and I’m pretty sure that if we end up having a girl we’ll just tell him “the baby is here!” and break the news that it’s a girl slooowly… Haha!
As far as names go, we’re still pretty clueless. Ah! There is one boy name Ryan and I both love and agree on but there are a few things holding us back from committing to it, namely because it makes us think of a certain television show character. (I’ll definitely fill you in on the name later whether we use it or not!) When it comes to a girl name, we have a couple we like but nothing finite just yet. And, truthfully, I could see us veering from our current list of frontrunners completely… Clearly we are ALL over the place with names right now.
I’m beginning to find myself spending more and more time thinking about birth. I was almost always measuring behind with Chase and he was such a little peanut when he was born, so I’m curious what it will be like to birth a bigger baby since my labor with Chase was so fast and relatively easy. I’m hoping the fact that this will be my second delivery will work in my favor and really hope my body remembers what to do because the whole childbirth part of having a baby still admittedly freaks me out a bit! I’m 10,000 times better with needles and medical things than I was before I became pregnant with Chase but I still get queasy relatively easy and feel like a bit of a baby myself about the whole thing. Thankfully there’s no better motivation going into labor than knowing I’ll finally be able to meet the baby I already love so much! I am SO ridiculously excited for that moment!!
Another thing I’m feeling is a lot of mixed emotions surrounding my final few weeks of one-on-one time with Chase.
I wrote a lot more about these feelings on this Instagram post and it was so, so helpful to hear from so many of you who have been there and experienced the same rollercoaster of emotions before welcoming your second baby into the world. I’m hoping to plan a few special Mom and Chase dates where we do something unique and fun together before our baby arrives and hope to continue to really focus on soaking up every moment of special time with my firstborn before it becomes more challenging to give him undivided attention.
Also, I cannot help but wonder how my relationship with Ryan will change once a second child enters the picture.
With Chase, it was relatively easy for both of us to hang out with our tiny baby and spend time together when Chase was sleeping on the weekends but I know that won’t be possible when when we have a baby and an energetic toddler in the mix who needs attention and activity. I LOVE our family time and know things will evolve naturally but it’s hard not to picture chaotic bed times and one of us handling one child while the other handles the other child and limited time to really be together in an intentional way. I’d absolutely LOVE to hear thoughts from those of you who have been through this before… How did your relationship change with two kids in the mix? Was there anything you did to make the transition easier? I remember communication becoming even more pivotal after Chase was born and telling Ryan what I need from him rather than just hoping he’ll know or figure it out was crucial.
Right there with you on the slight anxiety of having two kiddos to love. I’m trying to cherish every second with my toddler and it’s so hard to picture having to split bedtime duties etc. Like you said, I know it will all work out, just so hard to imagine!!!
I hope you get many more good nights’ sleeps before the baby comes! I’m lucky that sleep generally is pretty good for me…the hardest part is the baby likes to be super active as I’m trying to fall asleep most nights 🙂
You’re getting so close! I’m on the girl train myself, sorry Chase! Our second baby was 2 pounds bigger than our first and she came super, super fast so there was no time for an epidural. Just my luck that I didn’t get drugs with the bigger baby! But, she came so fast that I really wasn’t in that much pain for very long. My tip there, go to the hospital sooner than you think you need to! Based on my slow labor with my first, when I knew it was nearing time to go I took a shower and did my hair. While we drove the 25 minutes to the hospital and started to worry that our daughter was going to be born on the side of the road, I really regretted that shower!
So, our 2nd was born when our oldest was 25 months. For the first 4 months or so, family time was actually pretty easy. The newborn wasn’t on a sleep schedule (nor were we trying to get her on one yet) and she would sleep anywhere, so one of us just held her, or she went in one of her seats, during bedtime with our oldest. It’s just now that the baby is 5 months old and I want to start trying to get her on a schedule that it’s getting tough. Our oldest goes to bed between 7:30 and 8 and I had been trying to stick with the same bedtime routine for our oldest and just put the baby to bed after but the baby was SOOOO tired that by the time I started nursing her, she would barely eat because she just wanted to sleep. Of course that means she would wake up 1-2 times a night to eat (she had been in a fairly good rhythm of sleeping for an 8 or 9 hour stretch before). So, we’ve had to divide and conquer. I get home from work around 5:30 so I’m on double kid duty for the hour until my husband gets home. We typically just eat dinner (which means me feeding the 5 month old some baby oatmeal while I frantically shovel in my dinner) and then try to clean up the kitchen a bit. My husband arrives home at 6:30 and takes over with the toddler, quickly kisses the baby, and I start bedtime for the baby. I genuinely miss the family walks we had been taking before bed, but know that more sleep for everyone is more important right now. It’s a little tough on my husband because he sees our 5 month old for about 10 minutes a day before I put her to bed, but he knows that will change. It was the same with our oldest and around 18 months old she started to stay up later and got more daddy time then, it hasn’t hurt their bond at all. So the long and short of it means, almost no family time during the week. My husband sees the baby for 10 minutes but gets an hour or so of one on one time with our toddler. I get tons of baby snuggles while nursing and getting the baby to bed, but only get to spend an hour with our toddler, and its pretty much taken up eating and cleaning up the kitchen. It’s crazy and not ideal but it truly makes us cherish the weekends. I just keep reminding myself that, as they get older, things get easier and finding family time also will! (sorry this was so long, but I wanted to give an honest picture!)
I’m so excited for you, Ryan, and Chase! I’ve always thought that about particular names – that you can love the name but not want to ever use it because it reminds you of someone or something. I always joke that I named my cat Jackson and LOVE LOVE LOVE the name – so there is a high potential that someday I may have a cat and a child named Jackson 😉
It’s so close! I think about my labor and delivery a lot lately because my daughter turns 1 in less than a month. And every time I think about it, I waver on whether or not I want another one lol. Maybe I should try an epidural next time?? 😉
I have a random question though.. do you dislike maternity clothes? I only ask because I remember when I hit 14 weeks and was trying to still squeeze into regular pants, and my husband was like this is crazy, go get some maternity pants. And it was literally the most amazing moment when I put on my first pair.. they were so comfortable!! I used to think that I would just size up in regular clothes as well, but I ended up loving maternity. FOR ME, they were 100% more comfortable and flattering. I just noticed that you tend to size up in regular clothes and wonder if the opposite is true for you?
Hi Julie! Love this update. I am going to look at those VS Tees. I need something basic and loose to wear this summer on repeat. Would love a post about some of your mommy and Chase dates. I am trying to soak up my quality time with my little girl before baby#2 arrives too but it’s hard because I work out of the home during the week and I am so so tired by the time I get home at night. Definitely want to treat her to some girl dates though before the baby arrives (and also after)!
My whole family thought our baby was going to be a boy except for my brother. And it’s going to be a boy! I never truly picked because I might have slightly wanted a girl more but I’m so excited to meet my baby boy in just a few months!
I’m 32 weeks along, so not far behind you, and my daughter will be 2.5 when baby is born. I’m curious to know if you’re keeping Chase in his crib or planning to move him into a regular bed.
We’re so torn on what to do! Our original plan was to give baby the nursery furniture and move daughter into a big girl bed, but she loves her crib and does so well in it. And part of me just isn’t ready to have my little girl in a big girl bed yet. :'(
I walk by the empty nursery and have a slight panic that we don’t have a crib or dresser or anything ready for baby!
We are also waiting until baby is born to find out the gender and holy moly, the name game is HARD this time around! Every name that we think of we can tie to someone that we know/knew and nothing seems perfect! I feel like we might end up having an unnamed baby for several days! LOL!
We are keeping Chase in his crib! I actually blogged about trying to make the transition into a big boy bed before baby and SO many people weighed in to say to leave him in his crib if he’s happy there (he really is!) and he doesn’t try to escape (he’s never tried to climb out). I figured limiting another huge change in his life and keeping him in his crib (which is also contained — very big plus! haha!) will work out well for us for while! his crib converts into a bed anyway, so i’ll prob just end up getting another crib that converts into a toddler bed as well for our new little one so we’re not stock piling cribs over here!
Could you link your post that you talked about transitioning to a big bed? I’d love to read through the comments!
I have a son that is one month younger than Chase and a daughter who is 16 months! It’s challenging at first–especially with breastfeeding–but Chase is at a great age where he can not only entertain himself, but also be quite helpful. I felt bad about having a second in some ways, but honestly–my children are BEST friends! My son tells my daughter every day that “he loves her so much” and it is so sweet! I would say that having a second forced my husband to become more involved, in terms of consistent childcare–he would care for our son while I cared for our daughter, especially in those early days of nursing and frequent nighttime wakings. Now that the kids are a little older, we tag team a lot–we each bathe a kid, get a kid dressed, put a kid to bed. We do a lot of outings as a family because it can be really hard to go to a public place alone with both of them–however, the ages of your kids might make this a bit easier for you! All in all, no regrets having the second child, it has been totally amazing and actually good for our marriage because it feels like we are equally parenting our kids, if that makes sense!
This comment makes me feel better! I am due in October and our two will be 18 months apart. For some reason, I am calm but then at times get nervous. I just try to keep telling myself the first 3 months will be challenging but so worth it as they will be BFFS.
I’m still saying girl! It’s crazy how different pregnancies are!!
You’re going to rock being a mom of 2!
My oldest daughter was 19 months when I had her baby sister. I had all sorts of anxieties about spending enough time with the oldest and also about how I was going split my time.
I will say that the first few months it feels like “all hands on deck” at certain times of the day, like “witching hour”. But for most of the day its relatively calm, the baby will sleep soooo much. I had completely forgotten just how much they sleep. If I could get the baby to take a cat-nap while I put the older one to bed, that was golden! I agree with the above statement, my 2 year-old loves “tasks” and to feel like she is helping, if Chase is like this at all TAKE ADVANTAGE! He will feel involved, and an extra set of hands always helps.
I would suggest that as soon as you can try getting the baby to do things at the same time as Chase. Like afternoon nap, dinner (even if its a bottle while Chase eats) and then when they can take a bath together helps so much.
When we were able to do this around 5 months or so, I felt less like I was dividing my time and more that I was doing tasks simultaneously.
My girls are now 2 and 12 months and I will say they love each other so much. They both want my attention, but they want each others attention too. I don’t feel like I am being pulled in 2 directions, more that I am an observer of their relationship together.
One thing that really helped me with the lack of one-on-one time with my oldest, is that the baby won’t really ever get that much singular attention. On occasion when she wakes up before her sister, I make a conscious effort to focus on just her and play. But it really is that, done consciously! It’s crazy that I have to focus on that now. If anything, my oldest still gets WAAAAAAY more one-on-one time than my baby.
I hope this helps! You’re going to do a fantastic job.
Chase is also very into tasks and helping! I hope this will be a benefit to us! And I’m so glad to hear how wonderful your daughters’ relationship is now… I am so, so excited to see Chase with a sibling!
Agree, my oldest gets sooo much more attention than the baby! I was so worried about him losing my attention, but that definitely didn’t happen. The baby just has to go with the flow and adhere to his schedule and not the babies.
We just had our 2nd baby and went through the transition from 1 to 2 kids. Our kids are 18 months apart but we were incredibly lucky that our oldest didn’t feel jealous and loved the baby from the moment we brought him home. We took the approach that my husband would take on the older child and I would primarily care for the newborn since they are more reliant on mom. That approach worked well for us and made me feel like I wasn’t taking on too much- especially the first month. Now our 2nd is 4.5months old and is in his crib and on a great schedule. They are both asleep by 7:30 in the evenings and that gives my husband and I quality time every evening! Good luck and so happy for your growing family!
That’s kind of what I’m thinking will work well for us, too. Especially since Chase is ALL about playtime with Dad when he comes home from work anyway. And I hope we can get both kids on a similar bed time schedule! I think that would help so much!
Ive been reading your previous pregnancy updates as I am 38 weeks with my first. I find them super helpful so thank you!
Huge congrats to you, Mary!! And I’m so glad you’re enjoying the previous updates! <3
Sorry to hear you were so dizzy on Monday! Wowza, that’s not a fun feeling! This update was so fascinating to read – it’s definitely fun to guess whether you’ll have a boy or girl! I THINK I saw on instagram that you follow the small things blog, and they were just surprised by having a girl after having two boys! So my not-based-on-anything-at-all-but-random-patterns-that-are-not-really-connected is that you’ll have a girl! If only because your symptoms are different this go ’round. But that’s PURE speculation – I know nothing!
Great post as usual!
I feel you on the insomnia – my last trimester when everyone said “rest up now” was the worst. I think I lost even more sleep! I also craved tonssss of citrus and all the simple carbs. Do you have any recommendations for sports bras for postpartum moms?
YES! All the “rest now” advice is a little tough to stomach. Believe me, if I could I would!! 🙂 As for sports bras, I actually just bought some from Target and Marshalls in a larger size to accommodate my bigger chest and they worked well but weren’t anything too amazing. If I end up finding any bras I absolutely love, I’ll definitely report back!
I loved my Moving Comfort Fiona sports bras, and plan to use them again this time around.
They were supportive enough for me AND since I often ran/walked with my baby as exercise, I also love that they are perfect for nursing!! 🙂
For the record, I’d place my bet on team girl. 😉 I am struggling in the sleep department as well, and find myself waking up in a web of pillows every morning. It’s very tricky indeed! I also am finding myself just kind of nervous about how I’ll feel towards the new baby, and whether or not I’ll feel any guilt towards my first.
Me too! I’m just trying to concentrate on the fact that everyone says your heart just doubles in size and everything works out with both kids! <3
Thank you for your post! I’m 26 weeks along and am feeling the same about the fleeting time with my first. And names, forget it! Why is it so hard?!?
So I had my first two, 1 year apart. Things were admittedly sometimes very hectic but i tried my best to focus on the momeny. Now my oldest is 5 and my youngest is 1. Things totally evolve naturally and you sometimes do have to divide and conquer, especially during the early newborn days. Now, we have a pretty great bedtime routine and my daughter will help put my youngest to bed — read together, etc so it helps wind her down too. As a couple, things can get pretty intense and in my opinion, it is important to be intentional – when you five minutes, enjoy those five minutes and put the phones down, turn off the TV and talk. SO excited for your family! 🙂
Thank you, Jessica! I appreciate your insight — I think it’s so important to be intentional with time and keep other distractions away!
A friend of mine with two little girls told me at a play date last summer that she feels like she doesn’t really know her 4 year old like she used to because her husband took over most of her care when the baby was born (baby is two now) and she became the caregiver to their second. They still have plenty of family time, and things got easier as time went by, but I can understand why you’d have some anxiety about that at first. Good luck! Everything will be just fine! You just do what you have to do!
We just had #2 in March, and our older girl is 3 weeks younger than Chase. It’s been fun and challenging. I just wanted to say — I wouldn’t bother buying that postpartum recovery stuff! In my experience, they gave me plenty at the hospital to take home with me. Best wishes to you!!
Congrats on baby number 2! We recently had our second little one (2 months old now) and one thing I would definitely recommend is saving a couple of mommy and me dates with Chase for after baby comes. We planned all our special dates with our 3 year old before the new baby arrived, and I don’t think he quite understood why he was getting so much attention. Our little guy was so excited to meet his baby brother, but we’re 2 months in now, and the jealousy has started to kick in now that the novelty of the “new baby” has worn off. My husband and I have started to realize we need to prioritize a little one on one time with our eldest and it would have been awesome to have saved some of those “special occasion” dates for post baby to really make him feel special!
You look wonderful Julie! I’m sure you know but just thought I’d mention it anyway, shortness of breath can be a sign of anaemia, so I’m sure your levels are fine but it could be worth mentioning it to your Doctor just in case you need some extra iron.
Chase is going to be the best big brother! I had three kids under three (they are now 5, 6 and 7). Life is one crazy, incredible adventure! Best wishes from Australia x
We have a 2.5 year old boy and a one month old girl. About a month before the baby was born, my husband started putting our son to bed every night (knowing that he would likely be doing it in the initial months after the baby was born). We were hoping that way our son would be used to dad putting him to bed and wouldn’t associate my absence with the baby. We divide and conquer most days, with my husband usually taking care of my son while I have the baby. The result has been that my son who was previously a total mama’s boy is now all about daddy. I’ve been making a conscious effort to try to time feedings around his schedule if I can so that I can let my husband take the baby while I spend time one on one time with our son. I’m definitely interested in reading others’ comments because I do feel like family time is lacking at the moment. My son loves to play outside and it’s been so hot where I live that it’s been hard to keep the baby outside for too long, and we don’t want to keep my son cooped up indoors.
I echo the comment above about the second labor going much faster than the first. My second labor actually started out much slower (I was having mild contractions on and off for days before she was born). But once i got to the hospital, it progressed super quickly and I missed out on the epidural! I was so paranoid that getting the epidural too early would slow my labor, so I waited until contractions were becoming unmanageable to ask for it. In hindsight, I wish I had just requested it when I arrived at the hospital at 4cm.
One thing that’s been very helpful is having a monitor set up in our room where the baby sleeps so that I can put her in her bassinet for naps and take my son outside to play in our yard or around the house solo. I find that I’m putting the baby down for naps in her bassinet far more than I did with my son at this age.
This my first time commenting here! I’m 14.5 weeks pregnant and love reading about your pregnancy and how it’s progressing. I also share similar feelings in terms of wondering how baby will effect the current relationship between husband and wife. Your going on baby #2 so you’ve already dealt a bit with these changes to the relationship, but I find myself really wondering how my relationship with my husband will change as we welcome our first child. We’ve been together for almost 12 years (were in our late 20’s) so there’s been a lot of time with just us and the fur babies, but not real babies! Any advice here?
With you and Ryan, I feel like the adjustments to the new addition will come naturally since you’ve been there once before, but since you seem to be awesome at scheduling your day maybe making a point to set aside specific times for you and him to spend quality time together. Another perk is that you seem to have a fantastic support system around you, so arranging evening play-dates for baby and Chase with friends could give you and Ryan some time to go out 🙂
I think you’re having a girl. With all the differences you keep noting, its just screams girl to me. And that comes from a highly educated person who has never had a pregnancy of her own 😉 I HOPE you have a girl too 🙂
hi julie! i have been reading for a while but don’t comment too often. i just wanted to write a quick note to thank you for your sensitivity & kindness in sharing the journey of your pregnancy. my wife and i (same-sex couple) have been trying to conceive via infertility treatments for almost a year now with no luck. it’s so hard not to feel bitter & resentful when other folks are pregnant – but your stories (and others like it) remind me that EVERYONE has a journey. just because someone IS pregnant doesn’t mean it came “easy” to them or that they at all take it for granted. i’m so happy for you & your family – you & ryan seem like such amazing parents. <3
Julie! I hope you don’t have pain again either, but if it comes back you must try The Serola Belt. I went to PT for the last month of my pregnancy, and it really made a difference. They recommended this belt and it helped a lot too between appointments.
Good luck!!