Below you will find a recap of my 26th week of pregnancy!
Past updates:
- Weeks 8, 9 and 10
- Weeks 11, 12 and 13
- Weeks 14, 15 and 16
- Weeks 17 & 18
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks
- 21 Weeks
- 22 Weeks
- 23 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 25 Weeks
Baby Updates
Baby is the length of a cucumber (about 12 to 14 inches)!
Weight Gained
I didn’t weigh myself, but I’d assume I’m continuing to gain and am up a few pounds from my 15.5 pound-weight gain at my 24 week checkup. I definitely feel like I’m carrying around more weight!
A combination of the usual: Spinning, BodyPump/strength training and a Pure Barre class over the weekend! I also walked half of the Girls On The Run 5K with Ryan (we stopped halfway through because that’s all his knee could handle right now) and took Sadie on her fair share of long walks in the morning and evening.
I wish I could have run in the GOTR 5K like I did back in December when I was newly pregnant, but there’s just no way I can right now. The heaviness I feel down there the instant I start running makes it feel all wrong and I’m trying my best to be cautious and listen to my body. I’ve also eliminated or significantly modified certain plyometric exercises I used to love to do pre-pregnancy. (Stay turned for an upcoming post about pregnancy workout modifications!)
I am a peeing machine. It’s kind of ridiculous. I will go to the bathroom and then what feels like five minutes later, I’ll be in there again… Repeat this approximately 10 times a day.
I’ve also noticed I cannot comfortably roll from one side to the other in bed anymore. I have to plant my feet, lift my hips and use the momentum to get my belly to roll from right to left or left to right. My belly is slowly becoming a force of nature!
The acne I struggled with so much during early weeks of pregnancy finally seems to be under control. Thank goodness!! Having zits pop up all over my face and chest started to make me feel really self conscious, so I’m glad my skin seems to be waaay better now. It began clearing up a couple of weeks after I started using the Belli line of skincare. I’m not sure if the face wash, moisturizer and spot treatment should receive all the credit for totally clearing up my skin or if my hormones are just constantly changing, but you better believe I’m going to continue using Belli products! If the Belli skincare products really were the miracle that helped my pregnancy acne dissipate, I feel like I should send the whole company flowers!
I also experienced some nausea a few times this week. No puking (thank goodness), but it caught me a little off guard and I hope it doesn’t stick around!
Food Aversions
Nothing too strong this week! There are still foods I definitely have no desire to eat that I loved pre-pregnancy (like tomato-based soups), but the simple thought of them no longer makes me gag.
Food Cravings
- Tuna salad (loving this but limiting the amount I eat, per most most pregnancy safety guidelines)
- Fresh fruit (especially watermelon, grapes, apples, pineapple)
- Yogurt
Lots of tossing and turning, but the Snoogle definitely makes sleep about 10,000 times better. I wake up a lot in the night, but it’s usually just because I have to pee… again.
Looking Forward To…
Vacation!!! Ryan and I have a pretty amazing vacation to ALASKA planned for the end of the month. I cannot wait! My fingers are crossed that my lifelong dream of seeing whales in the wild will come true.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
I didn’t buy anything new this week but I made myself really sit down and spend some time working on our baby registry. It is so, so overwhelming and makes me feel 100 percent clueless. Thankfully you guys have helped me SO much. SO, SO much! THANK YOU for weighing in on the PBF Facebook page and sharing a bit more about what we need and may not need once our little one arrives. I’ve gone over your comments about a million times.
My friend Leah also typed up an extensive list for me that has proven very helpful. I reference it every single time I update our registry and it’s been a lifesaver! I’ve had a bunch of fellow moms-to-be request a blog post about creating a baby registry and I’ll try to have this up soon. I toooootally understand how overwhelming it can all feel!
Belly Button In Or Out?
Happy or Moody Most Of The Time?
Any Movement?
Yes!!! Ryan both felt the baby move and saw the baby move for the first time this week! It was the coolest thing! I noticed he was making some pretty strong movements when we were sitting on the couch together, so I lifted up my t-shirt and told Ryan. He looked over at my belly and within five seconds, our baby gave a big kick and we saw my belly move. Ryan’s eyes got so big and he hurried over to put his hand on my belly and almost immediately felt another movement. I think he said, “I can’t believe it!” or “That was so cool!” about five times before bed that night.
You are the most adorable pregnant woman I have ever seen!! Congrats again to you and Ryan. I have loved watching this journey unfold for you guys!
Your husband’s reaction to feeling the baby move is adorable.
We’re vacationing to Alaska in June! I can’t wait to hear about your trip and get ideas on things to do!
I’m 25 weeks pregnant with our first, and my husband and I had the exact same scenario happen this weekend in terms of baby movement! We were sitting on the couch together catching up on DVR when I felt some big movements. I lifted up my shirt, and we both saw my belly move. My husband thought it was the coolest thing ever. I think I’ve lifted up my shirt about a hundred times now whenever I feel movement, just so that I can see him wiggling again! 🙂
You’re going to have such an amazing time in Alaska! I went with my family when I was 16 and we saw 2 whales breech, one after the other. apparently that never happens, even the tour guides were getting really excited about it. Its an experience I will never forget
I love hearing about your growing belly and all things baby related! I am not pregnant, nor have I birthed a baby but I do treat pregnant patients regularly and my tip for them with rolling/moving in bed is to think of yourself as a LOG. Your shoulders and hips should rotate together as a unit to roll onto your side/back and when sitting up from a lying position. It’ll help keep your hips, SI joints & low back all in alignment and eliminate any (or most) discomfort!
Ok that’s my little Physical Therapsit tangent for the day!! I love reading your baby updates it’s such an exciting time!!!
Are your taking a cruise? I lived/worked in Skagway if you need recommendations.
Ahhh, I’m going to Alaska for the first time as well this Friday!! Not sure if you’re visiting the Anchorage or Juneau side of the state (I’ll be visiting Anchorage!), but nonetheless- I can’t wait to read all about your trip once you’re back =D
SO exciting that you’re feeling movement!! Hope you two are enjoying this special time!!
Where are you going in Alaska?! I had the privilege of going to Seward for a conference a few years ago and it was the most amazing thing I’ve ever done. I saw baby orcas in the wild, bald eagles, moose, puffins, you name it! I can’t wait to hear about your trip!
Hi Julie! I’m a longtime lurker/reader of your blog, but this is my first comment. I’m currently 28 weeks pregnant with my second child and my baby bump is WAY huger than yours (I’m only 5’2″ so I looked how you look now at about 14 weeks). 🙂 Anyway, I am still running, using a support belt. It holds up the baby bump and supports my back. Without it I get that uncomfortable feeling in my lower abdomen, but with it I feel great. I have the Gabrialla one and I love it!! I’m a die-hard runner so I was getting depressed until I realized I could still run wearing it. Just thought you might like to know about it! I’m having fun watching you progress in your pregnancy since we’re both about equally far along. Have a great weekend! -Rebecca
Julie you are looking fantastic! I am glad to hear your acne is under control once again, but I hope the nausea goes away quickly!