Past updates:
- Weeks 8, 9 and 10
- Weeks 11, 12 and 13
- Weeks 14, 15 and 16
- Weeks 17 & 18
- 19 Weeks
- 20 Weeks
- 21 Weeks
- 22 Weeks
- 23 Weeks
- 24 Weeks
- 25 Weeks
- 26 Weeks
Baby Updates
Baby weighs about two pounds, or as much as a head of cauliflower, and is 14 1/2 inches long!
Weight Gained
I didn’t weigh myself at 27 weeks, but at my 28 week appointment, I was up about 19 pounds!
Another great week on the workout front! Spinning, BodyPump and Pure Barre classes rounded out my workouts this week, along with some great walks outside with Sadie.
I’m really starting to notice the extra weight I’m carrying when I am doing simple activities like walking up a hill. I can definitely tell I have more weight in my belly and find myself getting much more easily winded when I walk uphill or take stairs too quickly. It’s kind of weird because I feel fine during spinning classes but inclines and stairs get me every time! Sometimes I feel like I have to place a hand underneath my belly as I walk uphill for a little extra support which surprisingly really does seem to help relieve pressure and make me feel a little more comfortable.
I am also beginning to feel like I am becoming way more sensitive to heat. Temperatures in the high 70s or low 80s used to feel “perfect” to me (especially when we lived in Florida and that would actually feel cool), but now 80+ degree temperatures make me break out in a sweat if I do anything other than sit! (Ryan said I finally understand what it feels like to be him all the time!) The weather here is gorgeous right now and I’m trying to spend as much time outside as possible before the summer heat kicks in and I will likely evaporate into a pool of sweat.
Any other Father of the Bride Part II fans out there remember the scene when Annie and Nina are sweating to death and George is all bundled up and freezing?
I feel your pain, ladies!
Sore gums also surfaced this week. I’ve read a lot about the importance of keeping up with oral hygiene during pregnancy and I’ve tried to stick with a good routine, but this week I noticed a definite increase in sensitivity in my gums which wasn’t so fun.
Food Aversions
Nothing too strong this week! There are still foods I definitely have no desire to eat that I loved pre-pregnancy (like tomato-based soups), but the simple thought of them no longer makes me gag.
Food Cravings
Um, watermelon?
This was one of my worst weeks for sleep in a while. I am still waking up multiple times each night (usually because I have to pee… again), but I’m having more difficulty returning to sleep afterward. One night I was up for a solid 90 minutes at 2 a.m. because my mind just wouldn’t shut off! I am still able to get comfortable at night thanks to the Snoogle, but I do miss being able to sleep on my stomach.
Looking Forward To…
My 28-week prenatal appointment! Feeling a combination of nervous and excited about this one!
Also, if you read last week’s pregnancy recap, you may remember Alaska popping up under this category. Well, the following day, all of our Alaska travel plans fell through. We planned to go on a an Alaskan cruise babymoon through a press trip and unfortunately the PR agency I was working with didn’t realize how far along I am in my pregnancy. Apparently there’s an industry-wide restriction against women cruising after 24 weeks. This completely shocked me (I truly never thought it would be an issue as long as I had my doctor’s approval) and was so, so disappointed when the trip got canceled 1.5 weeks out from when we were supposed to leave. I’m trying not to dwell on it (I swear I will see whales in the wild one day! It’s still the top item on my travel bucket list!) and Ryan and I are hoping to pull together some sort of a fun vacation before our baby arrives.
Rather than the big week-long Alaska vacation, we’re now hoping to plan two mini weekend getaways. We already had one on the agenda for June that we’re trying to move up to next weekend and then the other idea we have is to make a quick trip to Charleston, South Carolina since we’ve never been and have heard great things! Charleston is drivable from here for us which makes it extra appealing. If you have any recommendations for fun things to do or places to stay in Charleston, please let me know!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
I owe you guys a BIG thank you for recommending ASOS maternity clothes to me. Their dresses are adorable and I spent a little too much money ordering some baby shower dress possibilities from their website.
My possibilities:
- Bardot Dress – Love the length of this one. I wanted it in blue, but they didn’t have my size in stock, so I opted for red.
- Double Layer Color Block Dress – My favorite!!! I think this one is ridiculously cute and pretty unique… But I have no idea how it will actually look on me.
- Shift Dress with Cut Out – I have a feeling this will be the one I feel most comfortable in and I love cut out in the back and the cobalt color.
- Shift Dress with Cutaway Neck – I ordered this one solely for the neckline. Love it! I just hope it doesn’t look too orange when it arrives…
- Off-The-Shoulder Bardot Dress – I love the off-the-shoulder look of this dress but I’m not sure I want to wear black to my baby shower. I would try to make it more fun by pairing funky/colorful shoes with this one.
I am planning on keeping two (assuming I actually like the look/fit of two – fingers crossed!) and returning the rest, so my credit card will feel a little happier soon enough. The last dress I had my eye on from Nordstrom Rack for my baby shower ended up selling out, so I didn’t want to take any chances this time around!
Belly Button In Or Out?
I am finding myself feeling more and more caught up in the fact that our baby is almost here. Some days it feels like we have forever to go and other days it feels like he’ll be here any second.
My mom always said pregnancy typically lasts for nine months for a reason and I am feeling like this could not be more true right now. I felt like things were progressing slowly there for a few months and then right around 24 or 25 weeks, I looked down and saw a big ol’ bump and truly felt pregnant.
I started to feel a little stressed out when I began looking at the classes my OB/GYN highlighted for us to take. When I checked the hospital’s website almost all of the classes in the coming weeks were already full but fortunately we were able to claim spots in a breastfeeding class and childbirth prep class in the middle of June. Though I already have my CPR certification thanks to my personal training and group exercise certifications, I figured a refresher wouldn’t hurt and signed Ryan and myself up for an infant CPR class in the beginning of July as well. Oh! And we nabbed a spot in the oh-so-popular Preparing to Parent a Baby class at the end of July… two weeks before my due date. Eek! That was the only class we could get into and if baby comes early, I guess we’re out of luck on that one!
Quick question for the moms out there: Did you take any classes before you had your little one? Did you find them helpful?
Any Movement?
Yes! I feel him move a lot but not ALL the time like it seems like many pregnant women do. I still seem to feel him move most right before bed! Loving it!
I am so sorry that your Alaska trip was canceled; that is a bummer! But Charleston is a wonderful, beautiful city and I am sure you will love it! I thought I would share some recommendations from my blog post about Charleston. There are several restaurant and shopping recommendations for you! I hope they are helpful to you and Ryan!
Charleston is our all-time favorite vacation spot. We are headed there this summer with our 17-month-old daughter. You’ve gotten some good recs so far but I’d add Dixie Supply for breakfast. It’s a hole-in-the-wall of the best kind. Hominy Grill is great for breakfast too. Flour bakery has sticky buns on Sundays that are out of this world. Peninsula is our favorite restaurant. A real splurge but so worth it. Stay downtown to really get the whole experience. You can easily drive to a beach depending on how much time you have. We like Charleston Place and HarbourView. Have fun!
Actually it’s Wildflour Bakery. Whoops!
Make sure and go to Callie’s Hot Little Biscuit on King Street and get a bakers dozen of their cute little yummy biscuits!!!! I ran the Cooper River Bridge 10K and we ate at Callie’s for a post-run treat!
Husk is also great but we were unable to get a reservation it seems they are booked way in advance. But you can go to the bar and they have a yummy menu and lots of non-alcoholic beverages like Nehi-Peach sodas!