Just in case you’re interested in catching up on baby #3 updates so far, here are all of my baby/pregnancy-related posts in one place:
- Pregnancy Announcement: Our Family is Growing!
- Baby #3: All the Details (So Far)
- 27 Weeks with Baby #3
- PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 28-30
And now here is a recap of how the past month of pregnancy has been going around here along with some random thoughts and birth plan considerations I’ve been tossing around lately…
Note: These recaps were written in real time, so you’ll notice I’m writing in the present tense in both sections. I just felt the need to specify so as not to be confusing!
PBF BABY #3: WEEKS 31-34
31 & 32 Weeks Pregnant
(31 weeks pregnant — These were the only belly shots I had from that week!)
Weeks 31 and 32 of my pregnancy blurred together largely because I’ve spent most of them in Florida with my family but also because the way I’ve been feeling from week-to-week is rather similar. I keep telling Ryan how fortunate I feel that this pregnancy has truly felt like the easiest of all of my pregnancies and I worry that by saying this I will somehow jinx myself but I’m choosing to focus on feeling incredibly grateful to be experiencing what I can only call a relatively “easy” pregnancy from a physical standpoint.
This experience also makes me think about just how varied women’s pregnancies are from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy. Having experienced some really rough nausea that lasted well into my second trimester and surfaced again in my third trimester in past pregnancies and sacroiliac pain that made it incredibly painful to even walk for weeks when I was pregnant with Chase (that was truly BRUTAL), I feel like it’s so incredibly important for expectant mothers to give ourselves grace when our bodies are changing so much and growing a baby. I remember feeling discouraged when I’d read about women loving pregnancy when I was so nauseated and frustrated because I couldn’t walk around our house without experiencing stabbing pain and was admittedly a bit disheartening so I just feel the need to include this here because while I want to be honest and share that this pregnancy has, comparatively, been much easier for me, I know how it feels to be pretty discouraged and frustrated during pregnancy as well, despite having a heart filled with gratitude and excitement.
(32 weeks pregnant)
But back to the past two weeks! Things are going well and, for the most part, I feel like I’m trucking right along. The shortness of breath I mentioned in my last pregnancy recap surfaced again a couple of times over the course of the past two weeks but felt a little more extreme. While I felt like I could always breathe and take deep breaths, at the same time I felt really stifled and uncomfortable when sitting on a handful of occasions. When this happened, I needed to stand up or lie down for a few minutes and focus on breathing deeply. This helped every time but I can only describe the breathless feeling as an almost claustrophobic feeling, despite the ability to still breathe fairly normally. It was very strange!
I also had a couple of back-to-back nights of what I can only assume was pregnancy-related insomnia. I was up for several hours around 3 a.m. but the little baby in my belly was up with me kicking and flipping around so at least I had some company. Ha!
33 & 34 Weeks Pregnant
(33 weeks pregnant)
I went back to the doctor for an in-person visit at 33 weeks and also returned to maternal and fetal medicine for a growth scan since Chase was such a little guy when he was born (5 lbs. 10 oz.) and my doctors want to keep an eye on things. I learned that our baby is face down (a change from my 30-week exam) which was good news and his or her size is trending closer to Ryder’s size (he was 7 lbs. 7 oz.). Our baby is already approximately 4 lbs. 10 oz.! During the ultrasound, they were able to show me little spikes of hair on our baby’s head which was just amazing! I cannot wait to see what hair color this one has since Chase was such a blondie when he was born and Ryder’s hair was so dark! Maybe this little one will have red hair and really keep us guessing!? (I was actually born with red hair!)
In terms of how I’m feeling physically, just when I thought pregnancy insomnia was going to be a little blip in my pregnancy experience this time around, it surfaced again with a bang. Numerous times I’d find myself wide awake in the middle of the night for hours and couple that with already waking up to go to the bathroom a million times a night and the 33rd week of my pregnancy was one of my most restless. Yeesh! Needless to say, I’ve had a few days where I’ve felt very low-energy all day long which can be a challenge with two extremely active boys to care for all day!
With increasing frequency, I’ve also noticed Braxton Hicks contractions. The lower half of my belly gets extremely hard for short periods of time multiple times a day right now. It’s not painful at all but the rock-hard sensation isn’t exactly comfortable, though it tends to soften again rather quickly. Odd things like getting out of bed in the middle of the night seem to trigger my Braxton Hicks contractions which is kind of crazy to me!
My appetite is strange but mostly consistent with the rest of this pregnancy. I’m ravenous in the morning and then my appetite tapers through the day and often I find myself completely disinterested in dinner. Despite not really caring about dinner too much, I still have to eat a decent amount in the evening otherwise I become quite nauseated but know that after 4 p.m. most days food will sound less and less appealing with the exception of fruit and ice cream which I’m eating a LOT of these days.
As far as fitness is concerned, my workout motivation ebbs and flows. I have a pretty low pressure approach to exercise during pregnancy and try to listen to my body and exercise when I feel good and energetic and take a day or two off when I don’t. This usually flushes out to four(ish) workouts a week and they’re almost all strength based since I feel like all the walking I do chasing after the boys has to count as some kind of cardio, right!? You may see what a full week of my workouts looked like at 33 weeks pregnant in this post: Week of Workouts (33 Weeks Pregnant).
The Transition from Two to Three
Aside from how I’m feeling physically, I’ve noticed some increasing concerns about the transition from two children to three children begin to bubble up in the back of my mind. Though we obviously wanted our first two kids closer together in age than three years apart, the three year age difference ended up being really nice for a myriad of reasons. While life with two kids versus one newborn was admittedly a lot more chaotic and intense (zero breaks + downtime ever!), the fact that our oldest child was three years old meant he had the ability to understand what was happening and why things around him were changing. With Ryder having only recently turned two years old, I’m admittedly more concerned about how he’ll handle life with a new baby that will require so much attention.
(34 weeks pregnant)
Thankfully I have a handful of girlfriends who went through life with a newborn and a two-year-old before me and all have been very honest with me when they’ve shared that the closer age difference made things quite challenging at times so I feel like I have reasonable expectations. I’m not expecting a cake walk! Haha!
I cannot help but be a little anxious about everything and I think a lot of these feelings surfaced after Chase’s birthday which, while a special day for our family, was also a bit of a challenging day for Ryder. On Ryder’s birthday it was easy for Chase to understand that the presents were for his brother and that he could play with them, too, but only after the birthday boy had a chance first. Ryder didn’t get this concept at all and the whole day was a little overwhelming and frustrating for him. I am just concerned with how to properly prepare Ryder and communicate with a child who seems to grasp so much but is still just a little guy who is growing and learning and dealing with very BIG emotions every day. I also don’t want to downplay how the transition will be for Chase but, at five years old, I’m less worried about him acting out and not being able to express how he’s feeling if things are upsetting him, especially since he handled it well last time and seems to be beyond excited about this little one’s arrival.
Considering a 39 Week Induction
One of the biggest developments from a labor and delivery perspective over here is the fact that I’m considering a 39 week induction. It’s something I’ve discussed with three different doctors (one doctor from maternal and fetal medicine and two doctors from my ob/gyn practice, one whom I trust immensely as she was incredibly helpful to me following my miscarriages and the doctor I began to exclusively see during my pregnancy with Ryder) and all three doctors are fully supportive of this decision if it’s my desire. There are a number of factors that will play into this decision from a medical perspective but, ultimately, my doctors are allowing me to make the decision for myself. I find myself waffling back and forth about this every day and would welcome induction experience stories from any of you out there who were induced. It’s uncharted territory for me as I went into labor naturally with Chase (at 38 weeks) and Ryder (on his due date).
I initially thought a 39 week induction would increase my risk for a c-section but, according to all three doctors I spoke with, this was not the case at all. (My maternal and fetal medicine doctor referred me to this study and actually called 39 weeks a “sweet spot” for mom and baby when it came to delivery.) This definitely further piqued my interest in a 39 week induction but I’m on the fence since I had good labor and delivery experiences with both boys. Still, my doctors seem confident that given my history, an induction should progress smoothly, though labor might be longer than it would if I went into labor naturally. This doesn’t bother me too much since an epidural is definitely in my birth plan. Anyway, this feels like a big decision and one I’m going back and forth about on a daily basis! Mamas who were induced, please tell me how everything went for you! I’d love to hear experiences, especially from any of you out there who might be moms to more than one kid who went into labor naturally for one child and then also had an induction for another child.
I was induced with both of my kiddos at 39 weeks, and it was the best decision for me – I was so thankful to be able to plan to have my out of town family here, and since I am very much a planner in general, it eased some anxiety for me. Both times, I had fairly short labors, as once I was induced, my body took over and things progressed rapidly. In fact, with my second child, things went so quickly that I was unable to get an epidural in time, and I delivered my daughter naturally. I highly recommend induction! Congratulations to you and your sweet family – I’ve been following your blog since before you had children, and I am so happy for you. Good luck and best wishes!
As long as you understand what an induction entails, it can be an option. I had one and it did not make birth feel like a beautiful natural experience— it felt chemical and medical. I would very much caution against a planned induction if you have the option for going into labor. Once the cervical ripening agent is placed you have to stay in the hospital bed for 12 hours, it was very boring and you are hooked up to so many cords that move and cause false alarms. Then the pitocin can take another 12-18 hours. It just was not the laboring at home and being able to move around experience I had dreamed about.
I’m so glad you’re pregnancy is going well.. congrats! I loved being induced with my 2nd! Being able to have childcare lined up for my first was a huge relief and everything went so smooth.. I had epidural before any contractions started (amazing!) and labor was super fast actually. Just my personal experience but I would definitely do it again if we have another (which we’re not):)
Congrats, Julie! I know the home stretch is exciting and nerve wracking at the same time. I have 7 kids, most of whom are less than 2 years apart (only 2 are just over 2 years). All of them did beautifully with the additions of a new one. I currently have 6 week old twins and their older sister is 22 months older. She has done wonderfully. The hardest thing is that she wants to hold them while I’m nursing, so I sit her on my knees and let her “hold” them from the other side. Are there times she gets frustrated, yes! But I just take things slow and have a lot of patience. Ryder will do great and be so in love with this little one!
Hi! I am a long time reader and this is my first comment. I had to chime in since I was induced; my little boy will be one in just a week! I had gestational diabetes, so I had to be induced at 40 weeks. I was pretty anxious about it and really wanted labor to come on naturally. However, getting induced was a very pleasant experience for me! Since I was already 2 cm dialated and 90% effaced, I was started on pitocin. I was given very small doses throughout the day, which made the discomfort very manageable. I was encouraged to eat lunch and walk around, and I even sat outside while laboring with my IV pole. All this to say, I thought pitocin would be aggressive but my midwife and nurses did a great job with only increasing the pitocin gradually. Then my water was broken and things got intense, I got the epidural and he was there only 2 hours later. It was a very uneventful and as “relaxing” as a birth experience could be. Good luck to you!!!
I went into labor naturally with my first at 41+1 but was induced with my second at 41 weeks. Overall I preferred my induction over my natural first. Although I was disappointed at first with the thought of induction it went so well. They used only Cytotex, the little pill they stick near your cervix to ripen it. After that it was only four hours and my baby was out. I liked that I knew when I was going in and I was able to have time to prepare beforehand. Getting to the hospital was calm and having my daughter already situated with my mother was nice too. No rushing around and feeling like everything was unknown. Good luck to you!
Hi Julie!
I was actually induced with both of my boys. My experience for both was wonderful. I had no issues whatsoever and was actually relieved that my births went this way.
My first little guy was a week overdue, hence the induction. The first round of meds they gave to induce didn’t quite do the trick so I needed a second round. I was in the hospital first thing Friday am, and my little guy arrived Saturday night. I didn’t start having major contractions until late Friday night. So, kind of a long process but nothing terrible.
For my second baby, I was induced midday on a Friday, and he had arrived by 10:00 that same evening. Only 1 round of Pitocin was needed, and again no issues.
I hope that this helps you with your decision. Wishing you and your family all the best of luck! 💙
I think the fact that you have two little ones at home will make the induction that much better for you! You can plan childcare and prep the boys to know when you will be away. I don’t have a scheduled induction, but a scheduled c-section coming up (August 20!) and while it’s not my first choice in my delivery method, I am thankful to be able to plan care for my little guy at home 🙂 Whatever decision you make will be what’s best for you and your family and the new little bundle of joy 🙂 Thank you for sharing your journey with us!!
I Was kind of induced. I went for my doctors appointment and he decided that day would be a good day to have the baby so in the hospital I went That afternoon and it went really smooth. Pitocin was a nightmare but once I got the epidural it was glorious👍 I think with having two smaller children it would give me peace of mind to have an idea of when I was going in and plan accordingly. Best of luck!
Hi Julie! I went into labor naturally with my older son and with my second son I was induced at 39 weeks and 1 day. I had actually been saying my entire pregnancy that I would be induced at 39 weeks based on a conversation I had with my doctor about my older son’s birth size which was rather large. He was 9 pounds even! However because it was around Christmas time there were so many inductions and C-sections scheduled for December 21st that by the time I was given the okay to schedule an induction I was given December 22nd. I actually went home the 23rd so that was a rather crazy Christmas. I went into labor naturally with my older son but found the induction to be even easier. Now granted I know that everyone is different and there is no guarantee but I had a really wonderful induction experience. My second son ended up being 7 lb 14 oz! He seemed so tiny to us and he looked exactly like my older son for the first two weeks of his life! I believe I went in at 6:30 a.m. and my son was definitely born before 3 p.m. I can’t believe how close you are and I am so so excited for you. I have a new boy name… Tanner!
i went naturally with my first.. 24 hours of labor! then induction on my second was the best thing that ever happened.. 3 hours from when labor started.. she was here 🙂 no meds (although not by choice.. i was further along than i expected when i wanted the epidural) and it was truly an amazing experience.
I went into labor naturally with my first at 37 weeks and was induced at 40 wks +2 days with my 2nd, apparently she was a little more comfortable, lol!
With being induced it took 3-4 hours for labor to really start and then the first part of labor and getting up to 6/7 centimeters took probably an additional 2 hours than my first, but once I was closer to 8 centimeters the experience was very similar, it was a fast transition from 7/8 centimeters to 10 and pushing was relatively quick with both!
With my first I had been dilated to a 3 or 4 since 36 weeks, so I’m guessing that is actually more responsible for shaving an extra couple hours off my first labor than natural vs induced!
I hope it’s a good experience for you as well! The planner in me definitely enjoyed having a “go date” on the calendar!
Oh Mama – every labor story is so unique but I am grateful every.single.day for my experience. We were planned to be induced at 39w2days (my little dude was measuring very tiny – 7-9 percentile so they wanted him here and I had to push to even make it to 39 weeks). Anyway – we went in and got the cyclobin (spelling error I’m sure) and within an hour my water broke and things progressed quickly from there. It was scary at times (his heart rate wasn’t stable during contractions) but after an epidural and a bit of rest we were able to move into active labor fairly quickly and naturally. So many details that I’d be happy to share but that’s my cliffsnotes version they ended in my beautiful 5lb14oz boy!
I was TERRIFIED at the thought of going from 2 to 3 children. The reality of it for me was that it was MUCH easier transitioning from 2 to 3. I found that I didn’t overthink each step of the game, I just did it. I did what felt and came naturally. As far as my middle child’s response to baby #3 (that middle child is going to be 30 tomorrow so this was quite some time ago), there really wasn’t an issue. That being said, she was a girl….between 2 boys. She has always been “maternal” when it comes to her brothers. She was (is) a care taker. I did however have “mommy and me” time with her every week. They boys (even when the youngest was an infant), would do their thing and she and I would have our time. Don’t be shocked if Ryder acts out a bit when the little one comes home. Take that time to work with him and explain to him his part in the family and what is acceptable and not acceptable behavior. Be consistent with that. Give him “big boy” responsibilities, like bringing you the diapers, wipes, etc.
As for the induction, do what feels right. Our bodies are smarter than we are. Unless there is a health issue, I would let my body do it’s own thing.
Hi there, I’m a first-time mom and was induced at 41 weeks, 3 days. By the time I arrived at the hospital for my induction, I was already starting to have some contractions and was dilated about 3 cm. Once they administered the pitocin, the contractions came on really fast and strong. I felt like I went from laying in the hospital bed excited for things to get going to being in a lot of pain very quickly. I have nothing to compare it to, so I don’t know if pitocin made the contractions any worse. Once I got the epidural, everything was fine! 🙂
I think everyone’s experience with inductions is so different, based on all of the stories I read online. Did they give you the option for a membrane sweep to try to get things going naturally before inducing?
Love following you and hearing about your growing family. 🙂 I have an almost 3 year old son (late Oct bday) and a 9 month old daughter. My husband and I wanted to wait until our son was a bit older to try for a second but God had other plans for us. My kids are just FOUR days short of being exactly 2 years apart and it truly is the best. My son is the person behind her first laugh and after weeks of me trying to get her to roll over and failing my son plays a jumping game around her and she can now roll over. She’s so interested in everything he does and vice versa. The hardest part was the first couple of months when my son wanted me everytime I was breastfeeding her. He eventually learned to sit quietly next to me or go and play until mommy was done. Smooth sailing since then. My advice would be to let Ryder explore your baby up close and personal. If he wants to hold the baby, help change the diaper, lay next to the baby, get all up in the baby’s face let him while reminding him to be gentle. I think this is what built my children’s bond. You got this momma!
So excited for you guys!!
I went into labor with my first naturally… I was 6 days overdue and labor took 36 hours!!! Sweet boy just did not want to come out. ;). Everything went fine, it was just a very slow process, but resulted in a healthy baby.
My second I was induced at 39 weeks and it was a world of difference! I really liked not having that anxiety of “When is it going to happen?” We checked into the hospital, got comfy, I was given a dose of Cervadil the night before induction, and that actually sent me into labor… They never had to start Pitocin. I labored for 6 hours, pushed once, and had another sweet healthy boy.
I know everyone is different, but the induction was much quicker and just felt more peaceful to me. Whatever you decide to do I wish you guys the very very best!!! 🙂
Hi Julie! Just to give you an induction experience, I was induced with my daughter who’s now 3 at 41 weeks (she was quite stubborn ha!). They gave me cervadil to soften my cervix and that actually put me into active labor without needing pitocin-I dilated to 10 cm within 4 hours and had her about 8 hours after the process started. I do know that since I was overdo, my body was probably very ready which made it go quickly and I know that’s not every woman’s experience. I am currently 28 weeks with my second (a boy), and since I am 35 and “advanced maternal age”, I too may be getting induced at 39 weeks, which I am good with. So I don’t have another labor to compare to but my induction was fairly smooth.
I have honestly felt a bit discouraged and frustrated throughout this pregnancy (while still feeling incredibly blessed/grateful) because of terrible nausea in the first trimester and now heartburn, fatigue and back pain. Throwing the covid pandemic in the mix hasn’t really helped my spirits either. I truly appreciate your pregnancy updates as it makes me feel less alone in all the feelings we go through! I wish you all the best whatever you decide about your labor, and can’t wait to see your newest addition!
What’s the reasoning for wanting to be induced at 39 weeks? I was induced when I was 5 days overdue with my son. All they had to do was break my water and then contractions started within the hour and he was born about 8 hours later.
Echoing this question. Without a medical reason, it seems best to let the body do its thing. Just because we have the technology to control and maniuplate every aspect of our lives doesn’t mean we should.
I was induced with my first at 40 weeks and 2 days and my baby boy came out healthy and for that I am very thankful!! I had to induce due to some problems with my placenta at that point so I didn’t really have a choice, but it wasn’t the birth experience I was hoping for. The induction didn’t progress well and after laboring for 18 hours the baby went into fetal distress from the higher levels of pitocin they kept giving me. We did a c section and he was totally fine and we were all healthy. But if I had a choice I wish I could’ve waited to go into labor on my own. As a result of the situation from that c section my second had to be another c section instead of my hoped for VBAC. Every situation is different! You have to make the choice that’s right for you. Good luck!!!
Hi Julie!
Let me preface this by saying I think it is very important for you to do what you feel is right for you and your baby and family.
I am 38 right now and my oldest is turning 11. It was my first pregnancy and my doctor recommended an induction because my blood pressure was higher than she liked to see. Otherwise I had a very healthy pregnancy, didn’t gain much weight because of the terrible nausea I had for 4 straight months, and didn’t have any high risk factors. I wish I had known more at the time. I wish I had done a little more research. It was my first time at this and I just went with what my doctor recommended. So I was induced 4 days after my due date. I was already 3 cm dilated and effaced (not sure how much) at the time so after they broke my water and started the IV things progressed pretty quickly. All in all it was a fast (5 hours from start to finish) birth and it was soooo intense. It was like zero to 100 for me. I opted to not get an epidural so if you plan on having one, perhaps most of this won’t relate to you! Haha. I had some tearing, so ended up needed an episiotomy, which was not super pleasant and made recovery a little interesting after the birth.
My second child was born two years later and I went into labour naturally with her and things were soooo much easier. It was a quick labour (I JUST made it to the hospital…she was born within a half hour of getting there) and it was a piece of cake. I felt like I could have done it again right after I gave birth to her. I just felt that my body was ready. I was doing exactly what it needed me to do, when it needed me to do it. My physical recovery was so much smoother with her. I was running up and down the stairs the next day. VERY unlike the experience after my first delivery.
So that is my experience. Two healthy babies and I know I am beyond blessed. If I were to do my first delivery again, I wouldn’t have opted for an induction so readily unless there was a medical reason for it. And maybe you have one, so again, I think you should do what is right for YOU. This is only my experience.
I wish you the very best with your delivery. I’m so excited for you and your family. You will do wonderfully.
I feel like that study is misleading, it came out just before my son was born and I remember doing research into the results of that study. It’s too much to dive into in a comment though. My thoughts are that whenever you start to “mess with” the body’s natural progression, the likelihood of things not going as they should increases. I truly believe that unnecessary pitocin is what lead to my c-section – and it’s been the toughest 2 years of PTSD from that experience. If you’ve had uncomplicated labor experiences in the past, I would stick to what works, since you know that it does! That’s just my thoughts and I hope you have an uncomplicated, healthy labor whatever your decision is. I can’t believe you’re already 35 weeks! Time is seriously flying!
Hi Julie! I know this is an incredibly difficult decision! I went into labor naturally with my first boy at 38 weeks and had a very quick delivery. With my second, I was considered a slightly higher-risk due to the complications my first son had at birth (diaphragmatic hernia) and my doctor recommended an induction for that reason and so that we knew she would be present (my little one is a Christmas baby!). After a terrible experience with my OB, I trust her and didn’t want to deliver with another Dr, as she knew my experience and history. I was induced at 39 weeks and I was incredibly nervous that I would have to have a C-section. I was induced at 5 am and baby boy 2 arrived at 12 pm! It was an easy, quick delivery, which I was grateful for! It went really well and my Doctor correctly predicted it would be a quick labor.
Trust your instincts and do what feels right for you. You’ve got this Mama!
I was induced with both my girls – both were about a week and a half over their due date, so I don’t know if that changes things and I can’t compare to a natural labor or early induction. For each I was induced around 8pm and started contractions in the early morning around 2-3am. For my first, labor took a long time, about 19 hours, and pushing for about 2-3 hours! My water ended up breaking on it’s own with my first, and shortly after that I got an epidural – which was great because I was able to labor and “relax” for like 5-6 hours until I had to push. With my second the doctor ending up breaking my water, and labor was much faster and felt more intense, but was only like 8ish hours in total.
I don’t know if this is just me or if it was due to the induction (and I don’t want to scare you) but both girls got “stuck” and we used a vacuum to get them out, and we were very close to needing an emergency c-section for each as their oxygen levels dropped pretty drastically. Now both girls came out healthy and are doing completely great, but that was quite scary for me. My second actually had the cord around her neck so there was a little more eagerness in getting her out safely.
And because of the use of the vacuum I tore pretty severely – 3rd degree with my first and 2nd degree with my second. I was able to heal just fine, but rather would have liked that to be avoided!
Our second is only 4 months old, so right now we are not thinking about another baby. But if we do decide to add to our family, I am really hopeful I can go into labor naturally, however 41 weeks is pretty much my limit and I don’t care to wait much longer than that! 🙂
I was induced at 38 weeks with my 2nd (they had been watching some kidney issues and felt it was better for her to come out then stay in) and it went great! I actually preferred it to my first labor. I went in the night before for cervadil or whatever it’s called. Next morning at 7 they started pitocin, epidural at 11am and baby born at 2! So easy! Good luck with whatever you decide!
I have 3 babes and all 3 were induced. My first was at 41 weeks and NOTHING was happening to my body…like at ALL. My other 2 were basically bc it worked out to makensure I had my own dr, who i am very emotionally attached to lol. They were done at 39 weeks, and 40 weeks.
Since I never labored at home, I dont think it makes you.labor any more. I was in and hooked up by 9, babies out by 4ish. 35 mins of pushing for my first, and 2 pushes for second, 3 pushes for 3rd. I know all labors are different, but I just thought I’d add that bc walking in completely.not in labor, for 2 of them not even being dialated…for me it didn’t make labor more intense, or more difficult than walking in already in labor.
I also liked being able to prepare my house and kids for birth. Family came the night before to stay w my other children. For my type a self that was awesome.
Sending all the positivity and prayers your way!!
Hi Julie! Another Charlotte mama here. My first baby girl came fast and furious on her own – so fast my doctors recommended being induced with my second to avoid an almost-car-birth like the first time. 🙂 I ended up having a C-section, but not because of being induced – she was breach and none of us could tell. While I wish that part had gone differently, I really loved being induced. My first experience was SO fast and out of control, that it was really nice to pack my daughter off to “grand camp” with a big last “only child” hug and get breakfast with just my husband to relax and talk about the journey ahead. (We went to Amelie’s!) I think it’s a, “whatever decision you make will be the right one for you” moment, but I wanted to share a positive induction story (even if it STILL didn’t end up going as planned).
I was induced at 39 weeks with my second and it was great! I think I delivered her about 7 hours after they started pitocin (so no c-section needed).
I think everyone’s body reacts differently to pitocin/other induction medications, but I found it to be pretty low-stress.
Hi Julie!
I was induced at 38 weeks and I loved it! It went smoothly and I could get the epidural whenever I wanted before the contractions got too intense. I still labored for 13 hours but that was my first baby and my water did break all the way the first time. I have to do it for all my pregnancies (due to having blood clots and having to get off blood thinners) and I am thankful I’ll know the exact date I will deliver 🙂
I had an external cephalic version with both of my babies who were transverse in the womb (turns out I have a septate uterus that was discovered during our infertility visits following the birth of both babies). With my second baby the external cephalic version wasn’t performed until my 39 week appointment and it was unsuccessful…I was scheduled for a c-section a few days later. When we showed up for my scheduled c-section we found out that my daughter had flipped on her own within those few days 🙂 They wanted to send me home, but we live about 70 minutes from the hospital I chose to deliver at and I just wasn’t comfortable going home. They told me if they were to induce me it could take up to 3 days and at that point I really didn’t care 🙂 They started at 9am on Tuesday and we had her Wednesday evening at 10:58pm. I wouldn’t change my birthing experience at all. I would definitely choose induction again if I ever had to. I did choose to have an epidural, but I did with my son as well. Good luck and go with whatever feels right to you and your doctors. 🙂
I was induced at 39 weeks with both my babies due to slightly elevated blood pressure. Baby #1, they broke my water and my contractions started naturally. 6 hours later she was out!
Baby #2 was not quite ready. They broke my water and 2 hours later had to start pitocin. After baby #1 decided to be up all night the night before my induction, I broke down and got an epidural about 2 hours later. Luckily the whole process still only took about 7 hours, but I’ve heard that the pitocin can be a slow process. Although I’ve also been told that with every baby, the labour gets shorter and shorter!
My first was only 25 months old when my second was born. It was an adjustment. We had a really rough first month. But her and her dad became the best of friends which was fun to see since the baby needed so much from me as I was pumping/breastfeeding. I do love how close they are in age now that they are 3.5 and 1.5 though!
I was induced with my second back at the beginning of April and it was actually a lot easier than my first delivery which lasted FOREVER! From the time we checked in until baby was born was just about 12 hours with the induction. I was over 40 weeks and with the current Covid situation my doctor had suggested to get things moving along and at the point I was totally ok with it!
Hi, I’ve been following you since college years and love reading about your sweet family. I’ve had a scheduled C-section(breech baby), preterm labor and delivery at 35weeks and my last was a scheduled induction at 39&3days. I was already dilated and pretty effaced so only needed a little pitocin and the doctor broke my water right away – baby was here 1hr15min later…. I think contractions felt stronger with pitocin but it all happened to quick to get the epidural in time so that I’m sure also played a role😂— I probably would have waited if it didn’t seem like my body was ready but at that point I just needed a little push to get things going😆
Also, if your hospital allows I would strongly consider a 24hr discharge as long as both of you are doing well! With the visitor restrictions due to coronavirus we left at the 24hr mark and it was great to get home to our other 2 boys and bond as a family😊 since they couldn’t come to the hospital.
Hi Julie! I was induced with both of my kiddos. The first I was several days past my due date and the second I was induced the day before my due date for medical reasons (I had to be on a blood thinner b/c of clotting issues and they wanted to time the delivery with the medicine). Both of my deliveries were GREAT! They were about 12 hours from beginning to delivery for both and, once I got an epidural, fairly easy experiences. The only caveat I would say is I recommend being open to an epidural if you go that route–pitocin is no joke! I had a lot of anxiety about being induced with my first but it ended up being a great experience for me. You will make the best decision for you!
You look so happy Julie and I’m so happy for you and your family! Off topic question, but I was wondering if you could possibly send me the link for the Birkenstock-style sandals you’re wearing in the photo in the teal/black bikini? They look like they might be a pink/blue ombre style, super cute, thanks!
Hi Julie! I have had two successful inductions, and both were wonderful experiences. The first was because I was 42 weeks and that was the limit my midwife allowed, and the second was because I was 41 weeks (I’m a slow cooker! I wasn’t dilated either time) and I was just DONE, and I begged for an induction. Obviously there are as many experiences as there are laboring women, but mine was really positive. Birth one I had a foley cath and pitocin from the start, and the baby was born after 20 hours. Baby 2 was just a foley cath, then pit started when the foley came out. Baby 2 was verrrry slow (about 14 hours) until my midwife broke my water, at which point I dilated from 6 to 10 in about an hour and he basically fell out. A girlfriend was induced at 39 weeks electively, and had a similarly positive experience. I LOVE talking about childbirth, so I’m happy to answer any specifics! Whatever you do, I hope it goes easily! Also– I didn’t know the sex of our baby either time, and it was such a rush finding out when they were born!
I had The foley cath twice during my induction because the first one didn’t work. Those were the most painful experiences of the whole labor process for me and I cringe thinking about the pain of it.
I am a labor nurse and would 100% recommend not having an induction unless it was medically necessary. Here are a few reasons I feel this way, you already have gone into labor on your own so you know your body can do it. The hormones and adrenaline going through your body when you kick in to labor vs. induction can make for a much different experience (telling your body to go into labor). Any time you add anything into a labor medication wise you do increase your chance for a section. Another thing is you will now be hooked up and monitored so closely for however long it takes instead of laboring in the comfort of your own home. Of course ultimately this decision is yours and you do what’s best for you, but I sometimes don’t think Doctors completely educate about what inductions really entail. Good luck! Either way you will do great I am sure.
I was induced for my second. I had a natural delivery with my first so this of course TERRIFIED me and I had about 5 hours notice 😂 I ended up having a completely natural (pain med natural I mean!) delivery w my second! The Pitocin took hours to kick in but it was NOT as bad as I thought it would be from everyones horror stories!! I also recommend not letting them break your water, makes everything hurt so much more! Good luck!
Hi Julie, I’ve been a long time reader and this is my first comment. First off, congratulations and I’m so happy you are feeling so good as you round out the end of this pregnancy! I have two boys and am currently pregnant with baby #3. I was induced at 39 weeks with my first pregnancy because he was measuring small (born 5lbs 11oz, close to Chase!) and went into labor on my own with my second. I actually loved the induction experience and would totally be open to it again. I was induced with the Miso pill (misoprostal I think?) rather than pitocin, it allowed me freedom to walk around without being hooked up to any IV’s, machines, etc. After I eventually got the epidural they added in low doses of pitocin to keep things progressing. I would definitely recommend at least inquiring about this pill and doing some research to see if that would be an option for you. It was a lot longer of an experience (36 hours total), but the first 20 hours not a whole lot was happening as far as pain goes so it was actually really enjoyable to spend the time with my husband and watch tv and get food together, etc. Now, with other kids at home I would love the option to be induced again just to help with planning child care and maybe get a few hours to relax before everything changes!! No matter which route you go, as long as you and the baby come out healthy on the other side, that is all that will matter in the end! Best of luck while you make these big decisions!
I was induced with my first at 38-ish weeks because my water broke and it was not a good experience. I did not react well to the Pitocin, the epidural, or any of the myriad of other medications they were pumping into me to counter the side effects. I was in labor for 22 hours and almost had to have a c-section, but my doc was fortunately able to get him out with forceps. The day after I had my first baby was the worst I have ever felt in my entire life.
With my second, I had my doc sweep my membranes at 39 weeks, which kicked me into labor. I labored at home fairly comfortably until the next morning. I went to the hospital at 11 a.m. and was 7 cm dilated. I had a natural delivery at around 3 p.m. and felt amazing. Walked to the mom/ baby room from labor and delivery, took two Tylenol, and was fine.
That said, my mom was induced with my brother at her election and had a great experience – four hours and he was out. I think it more depends on the position of the baby than anything (my first was partially sunny-side up).
At the end of the day, you know what’s best for you. Maybe try the membrane sweeping and see if that does it and go from there. Good luck!
Both my wife and I were induced, and had positive experiences. It did take a long time (went in on Saturday, delivered on Monday am, but it was first pregnancies for both of us), and I would not recommend it if you were hoping for a natural birth. But if an epidural is in your plan, I wouldn’t have any hesitations about it!
I was induced with both of my girls! I had great experiences with both deliveries. My 2nd induction went a lot quicker! 1st baby was 14 hours and my 2nd was only 5 hours! The hardest part for me was the contractions are more intense on pitocin. Both inductions were done around 40 weeks.
I was induced at 39 weeks with our second 4 months ago. I had a 12 hour vaginal delivery with our first and thought all would be well… I ended up with a 36+ hour labor (32 hours epidural free) – all to end in a c-section, this time. I would HIGHLY encourage avoiding an induction, if possible!
Hi Julie!
I’ve had 3 kids ( c section after 3 hours pushing, then 2x VBACs). No inducements. It seems like most moms were induced when they were late or for medical reasons. We can all have our own opinions so I’ll share mine. I’m of the camp of letting the little turkey cook until it’s done. : )
Your body has done it twice before. Why rush it unless medically necessary? Wish you the best. Can’t wait to meet your new baby.
Hi Julie! I was induced at 41 weeks with my first and it was NOT a pleasant experience. Labor took a looooong time and I was very close to a C-section because of that. I went into labor naturally with my second and it was a completely different experience. It was at the point that my husband and I laughed when the nurse told me I was ready to push because I had only been at the hospital for 3ish hours because I was in labor for almost 30 hours with my first! Now, part of that could definitely be first baby vs. second, but I definitely preferred my natural birth!
Hi Julie! I’m pregnant with my third as well, so it’s been extra fun to follow along! But I chose to be induced at 39 weeks with my second and I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT. However, at my 39 week appointment I was already 75% effaced and 3cm dilated so I knew that the induction process wouldn’t be long. If I wasn’t dilated or effaced at all I probably would have chosen to wait. I think a lot of the “induction horror stories” come from moms who are overdue and aren’t dilated at all going into it, which is why their labor takes so long! I started pitocin at 8am and my daughter was born at 2p. It was such a quick experience, and I’m definitely planning on doing it again with my third. Best of luck to you!
I was induced just after my due date. I wasn’t dilated at all. I was also worried about a c-section, but 38 hours after I started the medication our sweet baby was born vaginally. One factor that would be hard is that you’d have to stay in your room due to covid, and your partner wouldn’t be able to leave the hospital. It’s surprisingly boring waiting for things to get started.
Hi Julie, first time commenter here. I’m sitting with my three-month-old daughter asleep on my chest while my 2y2mo girl naps upstairs. Quinn was 23 months when Maeve was born and honestly, overall, the transition has gone shockingly well. I got them on the same nap schedule (for now!) as soon as possible by waking Maeve up when needed in the morning, which has helped a lot. I have also held her/worn her for almost every nap since she was born. No worries here about nap or sleep training. We are almost never separated. I also co-sleep with her while my husband handles monitor duty for the rare occasions the 2yo wakes up and needs someone.
I was induced with Maeve two days before my due date, which I think was due to staffing and bed needs for covid. I had had a bloody show that morning coincidentally, but wasn’t dilated at all for a long time. It did take a while to get the party started. Lots of upping the pitocin and things stalling out. They also broke my membranes. It made me nervous that a c-section was in my future, but the doctors never seemed concerned and Maeve was born after about a 20-hour labor (only a few of which was actually “active”). Overall, it was less of a fun/happy labor than my natural one, but recovery was faster and overall I’m glad I did it.
As for how my older girl is faring, wearing the baby helped A LOT so I could be handsfree and help her. We also made sure to have special Mommy/Quinn times each day (even if only for bathtime). I also spoke to the baby to say things like, “I’ll be there soon, Maeve. Mommy is helping Quinn now.” I also spoke to Maeve about how special Quinn was in Quinn’s earshot.
Quinn still has temper tantrums on the reg, but they have never been directed toward/about the baby. Their bond is so special to watch and is growing stronger daily. You seem like an amazing mom. You’ll obviously do amazing 🙂
Personal experience so of course take it or leave it! I was due with my first this past March. Back then, we knew even less about COVID19 than we now know and every hospitals in my area were looking scarier and scarier. My doctor and I discussed an induction and I was all on board- I wanted to get the little guy out before hospitals got even more packed. I ended up being induced at 39w6d and he was born at midnight, so right on his due date!
It was WONDERFUL! I’m a first time Mom and start to finish it was 15 hours. I started with the balloon I think, then they did the gel, then they broke my water/pitocin. I got an epidural around then. It was easy peasy and didn’t even really hurt til transition. It was such a wonderful birth experience and absolutely the right choice for me! 15 hours start to finish, with an epidural, first time Mom, AND a ten pound baby! Not bad!
Hi Julie, do y’all have names picked out yet?
I was induced with my second and third and it was a GREAT decision for me both times. My water broke with my first. With the induction with my second, labor was actually faster than with my first and I basically had no pain as the epidural could be placed pretty much whenever I wanted. It was a very smooth and great experience. My third (a surprise girl after two boys!) was also an induction but ended up in a c section only bc she was breech. My dr is one of only a handful that would allow a vaginal breech delivery, so that’s what we were trying for, but baby girl wasn’t having it haha! All turned out well in the end and I would DEFINITELY be induced again. Good luck! Whatever you choose will be the right choice for you and your baby!!