Just in case you’re interested in catching up on baby #3 updates so far, here are all of my baby/pregnancy-related posts in one place:
- Pregnancy Announcement: Our Family is Growing!
- Baby #3: All the Details (So Far)
- 27 Weeks with Baby #3
- PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 28-30
- PBF Baby #3: Pregnancy Weeks 31-34
Weeks 35 & 36
If I had to sum up weeks 35 and 36 of this pregnancy in a few short words, I’d say, “I am a sweaty mess. And holy Braxton Hicks contractions!”
(35 weeks pregnant — Dress is a non-maternity find from Amazon and I’m wearing a medium)
I’ve had Braxton Hicks contractions in prior pregnancies but the contractions I’ve felt this time around have been waaay more intense, especially those that began coming regularly in my 36th week of pregnancy.
(Hiking with the boys + 36 week belly)
They’re always worse at night, especially before bed, and the contractions got so bad one night I found myself Googling if so many painful Braxton Hicks contractions in a row at 36 weeks was a sign of something more serious. (The short answer: No. And they’re quite often more intense and numerous in every pregnancy after the first. Yeesh!) I feel like had I experienced Braxton Hicks contractions to this level/intensity during my first pregnancy, I might’ve confused them for the beginning stages of labor but even though they can be quite uncomfortable, every time they happen, it’s still quite obvious to me that they’re not the “real deal” which is a nice little nugget of knowledge to have in my mind when the frequency seems to be increasing some evenings.
(36 weeks pregnant — Dress is Pink Blush and I’m wearing a medium)
While I don’t feel like I’ve been hit with the desire to “nest” nearly as strongly this time around, I have been hit with a desire to get rid of ALL THE THINGS. Is that the baby #3 version of nesting?
We took a bunch of baby clothes, newborn supplies, postpartum stuff and baby gear down from the attic during my 36th week and I instantly made an appointment at a local consignment shop to sell the stuff that either never worked for our boys or just wasn’t the style of clothing I typically gravitate toward for newborns. (I’m ALL about practicality, zipper pajamas and onesies in the beginning. Super cute outfits can come later when they’re actually doing something other than sleeping and eating.) I had to laugh at some of the stuff I saved from Chase and Ryder because even if this little one ends up being another boy, a few of the things I saved definitely should not have been saved and really should’ve been tossed rather than stored. Clearly I was just throwing everything into bins without paying much attention to stains, holes and overall wear when I stored their newborn stuff! (Those items obviously did not go to consignment.) Anyway, it felt good to purge some things and Ryan and I now feel like we’re entering parenthood with this little one with a rather “bare bones” approach.
(At my 36-week prenatal appointment)
Some things I personally feel like are absolute necessities and we’re hanging onto them for sure! Since I do still often receive questions from first-time mamas about baby product recommendations, here’s my abbreviated (yet somehow still lengthy) version of “must have” items related to life with a newborn (aka a teeny baby — not one who is ready for solid food yet):
- My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow (my absolute favorite because it seals the space between mom and baby and makes nursing less awkward)
- Boppy Nursing Pillow (I keep these stored in various rooms around the house for quick nursing sessions)
- Nursing Tank Tops
- Nursing Bra (The Bravado seamless bra is my favorite. Comfortable enough to sleep in and great quality that lasts. I’ve never had to replace them since I initially bought a couple while nursing Chase.)
- Comfy, Nursing-Friendly Pajamas
- Nipple Cream
- Burp Cloths
- Breast Pump
- Bottles + Bottle Cleaning Supplies
- Breastmilk Storage Bags
- Diapers
- Wipes (Water Wipes are wonderful for breastmilk poops. I like The Honest Company’s thicker wipes once they begin eating solids and #2 gets a lot messier.)
- Perfect Pull Wipes Dispenser (the BEST for easily grabbing wipes with one hand)
- Diaper Rash Cream (an assortment of varieties — I love Buttpaste for redness, Triple Paste for really bad rashes and The Honest Company Healing Balm for mild soreness and any other irritations)
- Diaper Caddy (to hold ALL THE THINGS)
- Snuggle Nest (we use this as a downstairs diaper changing station)
- Shampoo/Body Wash
- Baby Bath Tub (we have this one but it’s not my favorite — I’ve heard good things about this one)
- Soft Wash Cloths
- Diaper Bag
- Diaper Bag Wristlet (My go-to! Great for making any bag a diaper bag and for grabbing for on-the-go diaper changes.)
- Diaper Bag Wristlet: Car Version (Mom hack alert! I keep this wristlet fully stocked with a couple of diapers, wipes, diaper rash cream and a burp cloth just in case I run out or forget to restock my usual diaper bag before we head out.)
- Infant Car Seat
- Easy-to-Collapse Stroller with Car Seat Adaptability
- Baby Carrier (I have and love both the Ergobaby 360 + Baby K’tan)
- Bassinet
- Hatch Rest Sound Machine + Night Light + Time to Rise Clock (love this thing SO MUCH because it can be used for years)
- Zipper Pajamas (ZIPPERS > Snaps. ALL THE WAY.)
- Swaddles (The Ollie Swaddle is, without a doubt, my all-time favorite)
- Muslin Blankets
- Pacifier/Wubbanub
- Baby Monitor (We have this one by Infant Optics that can accommodate up to 4 cameras)
Lounging/Tummy Time/Play:
- Dock-a-Tot
- Boppy Lounger
- Swing (we were all about the Rock ‘n’ Play with Chase and Ryder but since that’s been recalled, I’m taking your recommendations from this post into consideration for a replacement option)
Postpartum Recovery:
(Note: This relates to my experience with vaginal birth recovery.)
- Cooling Witch Hazel Pads
- Perineal Spray
- Thick, Super-Absorbent Pads
- Comfortable High-Waist Leggings (the lululemon align leggings are tough to beat!)
And there you have it! If any mamas out there see something I am missing, let me know in the comments section because I’d love for this to be a fairly comprehensive list/good resource for first-time expectant moms to reference!
My 36th week of pregnancy also brought along another highlight for me in the form of a drive-through baby sprinkle, hosted by four of my close friends.
You may read more about the sprinkle in this post if you’d like but I wanted to include it in my pregnancy recap as well since I figured it might get lost in the abyss of PBF posts and wanted it to be mentioned in my pregnancy-related posts, too, for my own memory’s sake. It was such a special day and I am so grateful to my friends for finding a way to celebrate our baby, pandemic style!
37 Weeks Pregnant
(37 weeks pregnant)
I am one day away from my 38th week of pregnancy and can officially say that once I hit 37 weeks pregnant, I felt some of the uncomfortable aspects of pregnancy really kick in. I have to roll onto my side to stand up off the floor without groaning, I feel increasing pressure down there and in general I’m slowing waaay down. Bending over at all is NOT my friend and I’m increasingly thankful I have two tiny helpers around me all the time to pick things up off the ground. Also worth noting: Varicose veins! These popped up on my inner thigh a few weeks ago and seem to want to stay and hang out/become increasingly obvious as pregnancy progresses.
My desire to get in a formal workout has dropped dramatically and walking is pretty much my go-to form of exercise right now with the exception of some short strength training sessions here and there. Braxton Hicks contractions continue and feel increasingly painful and the duration of the contractions seems to be getting longer and longer. Like the previous two weeks, they happen mostly at night before bed or when I get up to go to the bathroom… which happens approximately 5-6 times a night right now. Seriously.
(37 weeks pregnant)
I went in for another prenatal appointment on Friday this week and my doctor checked my cervix and said, “I think you’ll be pregnant at least another week!” I’m around 1.5 centimetres dilated and the baby is still “up there” so I don’t have any expectations of going into labor within the next week or two. I do think some of the odd things I had going on with my placenta that we didn’t know about until after Chase was born contributed to his 38-week arrival and have a feeling this one will be closer to his or her due date.
Speaking of labor and delivery, I want to say a big thank you to you guys for sharing your induction stories with me! They were incredibly helpful and interesting to read. A 39-week induction is still on the table for me but I’m leaning more and more toward seeing what my body does on its own since my doctors fully support either decision. (An induction date has not been set right now.) Some of you were asking why I’m considering an induction this time around and I hope you can respect that I would rather keep that information private, as everyone has an opinion on the internet and some of those opinions aren’t always shared with kindness. It’s a decision I’d like to make for me and my baby with my doctors without judgment from others since blogging for 10+ years has taught me that people have STRONG opinions about the way I should handle pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood. Please trust that I’m doing my best to make the best doctor-supported decision for me and my baby.
As for our childcare plans for the boys for when we need to head to the hospital, my mom is actually coming in town later this week so assuming nothing happens before then, we should be all set. PHEW! This is taking a BIG stress off of my chest because while one of my closest friends here has been “on call” for us to help with childcare up until now, there’s no denying that having my mom in our house, ready to care for Chase and Ryder the second we need to go to the hospital, feels like a giant relief. We love and appreciate you SO much, Mae!!
In terms of how I’m feeling, other than what you might expect from carrying 30 extra pounds and a big ol’ basketball belly around with me all day long, I am grateful every single day that I feel really good for the most part. I had some days of intense exhaustion pop up that mostly looked like a sheer lack of desire to do basically anything… but, overall, I’ve been pleasantly surprised with my energy level this late in pregnancy, especially since I spend so much time outside sweating my face off with the boys in the heat of the summer.
As far as cravings and aversions are concerned, I could live on fruit right now. Dinnertime has almost completely lost its luster so I do my best to eat more in the beginning of the day when my appetite is still normal. By the time dinner rolls around, I feel such apathy toward food other than fruit. I genuinely love food and eating so to feel so indifferent toward food blows my mind, even though I feel like I should be used to this by now because I remember it happening to me at the end of prior pregnancies as well. As far as other random cravings, I am eating a ton of chia seed pudding and also love Alino’s pizza (but feel oddly picky about pizza and only want Alino’s), burrito bowls made with carnitas, oatmeal, cereal, ice cream, yogurt and granola. I do my best to sneak veggies into smoothies or my lunches when they sound good to me since I know that by the time dinner rolls around, I won’t want much in the way of “real” food.
Packing My Hospital Bag
As for some other things that happened during my 37th week of pregnancy, I assembled my hospital bag this weekend! I did this after one night of particularly bad Braxton Hicks contractions where I had visions of throwing everything into my hospital bag in the middle of real labor contractions. I figured I should check this “must do” item off the list and feel better knowing I have everything I need ready to go.
I must admit I referenced my old blog post about what I packed in my hospital bag for baby #2 to get me started because I feel like my pregnancy brain is making everything foggy these days! I remember thinking we didn’t nearly as much as I thought I would after I gave birth to Chase because the hospital had basically everything I truly needed, especially related to postpartum care. I am doing my best not to over-pack my hospital bag but still recognize that there are some things that definitely made life after delivery more comfortable and easier for me. I’m making sure my hospital bag will include my favorite nursing pillow, comfy nursing-friendly pajamas, nursing bras, snacks, toiletries, slipper socks, a going home outfit, Velcro swaddles, a muslin blanket, a 30-ounce Yeti (with a straw) and a few newborn baby outfit options for either a boy or a girl.
Big Brother Gift Ideas (from Baby)
Another thing on my mind? I am on the lookout for big brother gift ideas for Chase and Ryder! When Ryder was born, we gave Chase a play doctor’s kit and it was a huge hit, especially since it gave him something to play with in the hospital after he met his little brother. (Chase also picked out a present for Ryder and gave him a new bunny Wubbanub!) Since the boys are not allowed to come to the hospital to meet our baby this time around, I am trying to think about a fun little gift to have ready for them “from the baby” when we arrive home. Any ideas?
I’m drawing a blank and would love to have something that kind of fits with a baby/big brother theme. I’m probably overthinking this since I know they would be 100 percent happy with something as small as a new Hot Wheels car but if you have any suggestions, I’d love to hear them! Something that will keep them entertained for more than 2.5 seconds would be grrrreat. Haha! The only idea I have so far came from my friend Laura for this V-Tech kid-friendly digital camera which I thought might be a hit since it would allow the boys to take lots of pics of the new baby and each other. Chase loves his Instax Polaroid camera so much so I have a feeling it would be a big hit and give him a way to take pictures without flying through film.
Annd, a million words later, I think we’re all caught up! Thank you so much for following this exciting time for our family and for your kindness and love. I always feel so much support from you guys and appreciate it so much more than you know.
When we recently had our third baby, my 5 and 2.5 year old boys loved these Super Big Brother kits (cape, mask, and book). They were a big hit!
That is so adorable!! I’ve never seen anything like this — thank you for sharing!
These are ADORABLE!
I’m not pregnant nor am I even close to being at that stage in my life (single as a pringle over here ha!) but I love these posts! Somehow the way you write makes it seem like you’re just talking to a friend in real life instead of reading words on a screen. Also I love that you always share products that worked for your children (so far) since so many people seem to think that X item is the only item that will work since it worked for their child. Hopefully that makes sense haha. This comment got wordy quick. Can’t wait to see if you have a boy or girl joining the Fagan family!
Haha! Thank YOU, Maureen! I’m so glad you enjoy these posts 💗💗 and your comment made me smile because sometimes I feel like my writing here really is just like emailing a friend or something so I feel like you GET me! Haha!
You may have mentioned it elsewhere in another pregnancy post, but I can’t seem to recall…what do you think you are having this time around? I remember you saying Chase has a prediction, but what is your guess?
Hi!! I have zero intuition this time! Toward the end of my pregnancy with Ryder, I had a really strong feeling he was a boy and when I was in labor with him I remember telling Ryan I would be absolutely shocked if he came out and was a girl. I am hoping I get some sort of feeling like that this time around but so far I feel so clueless! I hate to not even have a guess at this point but I feel like my thoughts change back & forth from boy to girl every day right now — haha!
Julie, I can think of three people I know who didn’t know the sex of the baby they were carrying, but they were certain they knew. In fact, they all were certain they were having girls (for one of them, this happened for both her 3rd and 4th pregnancies!) And all four babies were boys! I can’t wait to hear how name decisions are going! I love Grayson and Easton but I also know that having a last name ending with an “n” (like mine!) can be tricky! I can also see you having an Emma Grace or a Caroline! I can’t wait to hear!
The VTech camera is awesome!! My boys drop ours atleast 20 times a day and it’s still kicking!
Sending you safe and healthy labor vibes! Good for you for keeping your intentions private. That’s between you and your doctor and not the internet.
Thank you, Lauren!!
Hey Julie! If you don’t mind me asking- what placenta issues did you have with Chase? I don’t remember reading about that and can’t find it by searching on the blog. I ask because I was told my placenta was abnormal with the baby I just had (my first) and it makes me feel so confused and alone. Thanks in advance for any of your personal experiences you share. Love this blog so much.
Hi! I actually had two unusual things that we didn’t know about until after he was born — I had two placental lobes which was odd and then the umbilical cord was growing out of the placenta membrane rather than out of the placenta itself. Both are rather unusual (especially happening together) so there’s not much out there about it but in talking with several doctors after the fact, they think that could’ve been a factor in my early(ish) delivery as well as Chase’s small size at birth.
Also, I hope you are doing well!! it’s all so amazing but also very overwhelming & a HUGE transition — sending you extra new mama love!!
Thank you for sharing! And thank you for the new mom love – omg it is HARD! I am surrounded by a lot of new moms so I thought I knew what I was getting into but wow nothing can really prepare you except experiencing it. Amazing and overwhelming are the perfect words for it.
& Interesting about your placenta – I also delivered just after 38 weeks and my son also had low birth weight and no known placenta issues until after he was born. Mine had “massive fibrin deposits” all over it and I’ve just been googling it (never a good idea lol) and it is rare too and not a ton of info. I have a follow up phone call with my doc about it but man, of all the insanity I was already anticipating I was not expecting this!
Omg I know what you mean! We just had our first (8.8.20) and wow I had NO idea. Sending you love and we will thrive through this season 😊.
I’m so excited for you, and I can’t wait to “meet” the newest addition! Thank you for providing such an *amazing* resource. My twin sister is expecting, and I love that I can look here for recommendations and ideas. I already got her the diaper bag wristlet, and she’s registered for some of the products you have loved.
It seems silly to say this, but I appreciate you sharing the good and the real. Saying that you have varicose veins forming or the like helps just because I’ve already had them for years. I expect they will worsen when the time comes that I’m lucky to carry our first, and I’m trying to be okay with that. I appreciate all of your effort that you put into PBF. <3
Hi Julie,
You’re almost there, yay!!!! Just wanted to follow up on the induction thing. I was actually induced 2 weeks ago (long story but I went in to get baby checked out and turns out I had sudden onset preeclampsia- SCARY! – so they induced me that night). I don’t have any experience with other types of births, since this is our first child, but I can’t speak highly enough about the process. I felt pain for maybe an hour before I hit the epidural (mostly they didn’t want my bp going nuts from the pain). It was 9 hours total and 10 mins of pushing. I don’t know what is typical of induction, but if you do have to or decide to go that way, I just wanted to let you know that it was a surprisingly wonderful experience for me. Good luck and you got this, amazing mama!!
Thank you so much for sharing your experience, Alexis! I appreciate it and am so glad things went so well for you!
Thanks! 💕💕💕
I am SO excited for you Julie! I found your blog back around 2011 via pinterest and have enjoyed following along as your family has grown. My daughter was born on September 4 last year (due date was Sept. 6), so I can relate to being very pregnant this time of year – I think I pretty much stayed in water or indoors as much as I could! I also looked to your blog when I was making my baby registry. Just wanted to say thank you for being here and sharing your life with us. I can’t wait to find out boy or girl!
This is so exciting! I can’t believe how soon your due date is coming up 🙂
This is a link to a big brother gift my friend used to great effect (if the link is weird, search Tickle & Main Big Brother gift set on Amazon): https://www.amazon.com/Tickle-Main-Brother-Brothers-Superheroes/dp/B071K6TJ6G/ref=sr_1_2?crid=2DXUXKFAGDI0N&dchild=1&keywords=tickle+%26+main+big+brother&qid=1598299048&sprefix=tickle+%26+main+big%2Caps%2C152&sr=8-2
Good for you for saying that you and your doctor will make the best decision! I have been a mom for 9 years (10 if I count pregnancies!) and I have been frustrated at times when there are situations where you just “can’t win” or can’t please everyone. But deep down I know that everyone is different and there truly can be more than one “right” answer…and that not every mom and child can make the same decisions all the time, and that’s okay! I absolutely loved what you posted the other week about kids going back to school, choosing virtual, or homeschool – and all choices being good, right ones. YES!
Eek! Getting so close! My only baby (out of 3) that I made it past the 37-week mark was with my first, but I remember from about 34 weeks and on was hard with ALL of my pregnancies, so you’re really looking (and doing) amazing! Being able to do at least some sort of physical activity makes a huge difference with that—I was unable to be active at all with my 3rd (due to being on bed rest from early on) and didn’t stay active during my first, and so my second pregnancy (which I did exercise throughout) definitely stands out as the one I felt the best during.
My kids love the vet kit we got them for a gift, but there are like, 20 pieces, so I don’t know if you want to deal with that in the hospital, ha ha! I think the camera is a super fun idea. I just did stuffed animals and books from the last baby, just because those are what my kids love the most 🙂
My due date is Wednesday (the 26th), and so excited to meet my little Virgo! Thanks for the lists to help me cross-reference and double-check everything. “Pregnancy brain” definitely worse for me this time, oy. Wanted to recommend big brother scrubs for Chase and Ryder! You can find on Amazon or Etsy and have personalized with names or leave generic “big brother” embroidered. Fun for dress up play as doctor with the new babe, and/or they make comfy PJs! Another option is to get a stuffed animal dog/cat/pig that comes with nursing babies. Lets older kids roleplay parenting and breastfeeding, albeit with a different species, ha! Wishing you all the health and love in these final weeks of pregnancy!
My son was 4.5 and my daughter was 2.5 when our third baby was born in April of this year. We have them each a VTech digital kid camera and a “Big Brother” and Big Sister Tumbler. They especially loved taking their own pictures of baby.
SO excited for you and your family!! I will say the disposable underwear for postpartum bleeding (Depends) are really comfortable. I was super hesitant to try them- because they’re adult diapers, but I’m so glad I did. They never leaked and I didn’t have to worry while I was busy taking care of a newborn.
Not gonna lie, this sounds kind of amazing! I feel like they had something similar at the hospital for me after Ryder’s birth that I loved & I might need to get some to have at home this time around, too.
I did this too for both my kids, and they are awesome!!!
So much yes! My nurses loaded me up with those mesh underwear and I was so thankful! The heavy duty pads worked great with them and I could just toss them. I’d say less laundry, but you know how newborns are haha!
For the induction, I had one with my first and it was not the greatest experience and ended in a csection. I highly doubt that will happen with you because you’ve already had two vaginal births. My girlfriend had a great experience with an induction. It all depends on the mama & baby.
Praying for smooth labor! I’m team girl. I love, love my boy, but adding the girl to the mix has been great. She is sassy and feisty, but melts my heart all at the same time.
When my 3rd was born at 31 weeks we ended up ordering a box of fun things for my older two (4 and almost 2) from the baby to do at home with other caretakers. We did a big glow in the dark dinosaur puzzle, Pop the Pig game (so fun), some crafts, fridge magnets, some I-spy books, ect.
Your body, your pregnancy, your business.
You are glowing!! I always love reading your update posts (and all your posts for that matter!). When we had baby #2, we got my older son a new truck (he was obsessed) and the “how to grow a dinosaur” book. It’s super cute about a big brother dinosaur and a baby dinosaur. We didn’t know the gender either! My older son also got the new baby (he ended up being a boy) his lovey. The baby is now two years old and sleeps with his lovey every day – his big brother loves that he got it for him 🙂 enjoy these last couple weeks of your pregnancy!
I hope I’m not being one of those people sharing their unsolicited advice on the internet (much respect to you in regards to keeping your induction decision private), but our pediatrician had really strong feelings about the dockatot being unsafe for sleeping and they have had recalls as well. An FYI in case you hadn’t seen and again sorry if I’m overstepping.
Not at all! Thank you for sharing! I have it listed under the “lounging/play” category of my newborn favorites for this very reason — we don’t use it for sleep but did like it as a portable, soft place to put baby down while awake. I was not aware of recalls at all but will look into this!
Addition to your list: A baby wearing carrier! My favorite is a Tula. This was 100% necessary for us and we used it at home and out and about. Sometimes the only way you can get anything done too! 😉
yes!!! great addition!
Love this and so excited for you! Our local consignment shop is overloaded with NB – 24 month clothes, so I’m envious you got to take some things for that age to yours. Please share what swing you end up using. With all the recalls/recommendations, I get overwhelmed. I also feel like nesting with babies when you have other kids in the mix looks different! This weekend (27 weeks) my hubby & I cleaned out our garage and that may be the extent that I nest. We have a 2 bedroom & the new babe will sleep in our room for a while, so no nursery set up. I’m debating the sibling gift too!
When my nephew was born a few years ago I bought a disposable camera (Polaroid would have been better though!) for my older niece, and printed out a list of shots for her to take (like a shot of Mummy and new baby, New baby’s teddies, Mummy, Olivia and baby Jack…) It went down fairly well from memory.
Hi Ms Julie,
I am a momma of 3 also. All 3 of my kidlets are induction babies (Baby 1 was induced due to a water break and labor not starting, Baby 2 was a doctor suggestion based on pregnancy diabetes, and baby 3 was my decision with full doctor support.) (Added side note baby 1 was a c-section and the others were VBAC without an epidural.) I say you do you. You know your body and no matter what you get a baby at the end.
As for a gift, get the boys action figure style bugs. That way they can still go on bug hunts (just indoors) while you recover and nurse for those first few weeks.
No matter what congratulation on your beautiful family
I’m 33 weeks pregnant with my second son, and I’m so glad to hear that I’m not the only one getting rid of everything! It’s like I need to make all the space for this tiny human! For a big brother gift, I helped my son pick out a stuffed animal for baby and then I had him whisper to my belly what present he wanted from baby (he wants rockey from Paw Patrol, so it’s not “brother” themed at all). I’m also ordering him small presents that he can play with alone to give grandma a break while we’re in the hospital (puzzles, a sticker book, a memory match game, and a book of simple mazes.).
I love the whispering to your belly idea!!! So creative!
So excited for you- you’re so close!! Love the lists, too! And I am totally in “get rid of everything” mode right now so can definitely relate 🙂
I didn’t have varicose veins until my third pregnancy as well! And now I have one allllll the way down my right calf, so thrilling, haha!
I can’t wait to see if you have a boy or girl and hear what you name them! So exciting. I am done having kids (my body just couldn’t handle being pregnant and 2 of my 3 were preemies!) . It’s been fun going on this journey with you.
I wish you the best with labor and delivery!
Best of luck! I was induced for my first one – went in for my 39 week appointment and I had been told in previous weeks that if my amniotic fluid levels were lower than they had been the previous week, I’d be induced. All went well – I wasn’t dilated, they gave me cervidil which was ummmm, not so comfortable having someone stick their fingers up there (lol) but all was well otherwise –and my water never broke either! Gosh, looking back on it, I sure was a piece of work! Anyway, best of luck and CANNOT wait to hear the news!
Magnetic me modal pjs/onesies! You think zippers are amazing just wait until you get your hands on these super soft outfits with safe magnets! They are a little pricey but I highly recommend and they wash so so so well! My 4 month old still fits into her 0-3s!
Good luck over the next few weeks! You got this mama 💪🏻
My mom just got this camera for my daughter who is Chase’s age. She LOVES it! There is so much you can do with it, and she has enjoyed figuring out all the features (quicker than I can figure them out, that’s for sure haha!).
I am so excited for y’all!! I can’t wait for the day that I check your blog and its the BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENT! Haha. I can’t decide if my guess will be a boy or a girl but I have a feeling he/she will be here soon! You look great. I pray for a healthy delivery and that you and baby are as happy as can be! Please keep us updated 🙂 🙂 P.S. Buy some depends they are AWESOME for postpartum!!
I highly recommend a big brother gift from baby that will occupy the older 2. A new train set, games, toys, etc. Ideally ones that don’t need any or much adult help. It will buy you some time to focus on recovering/baby/nursing while the older 2 are excitedly occupied.
Thank you for sharing sooo much of your beautiful life here. Seeing how you make your way in the world has truly changed my life and actions for the better. Not that you need it, but I just wanted to pass along my support in your decision not to share every aspect of your life. 💕