I feel like I am at the point in pregnancy where the weeks are beginning to blend together a bit, but that doesn’t mean I don’t notice new things or experience certain “firsts” as I enter each new week of pregnancy. Never have I felt more in tune or connected with my body than I have during my pregnancy, and it’s been pretty darn cool and also a bit unexpected. I could probably write a whole blog post about that particular topic, but for now, here’s a recap of week 32 of my pregnancy!
Note: All previous weekly updates and pregnancy/baby-related blog posts may be found on the Pregnancy/Baby page located at the top of this blog.
Baby Updates
Baby is 16.7 inches long and weighs about 3.75 pounds… about the size of a squash!
Weight Gained
At my 32-week prenatal appointment I was up 20 pounds. My belly is measuring about a week behind right now, but my doctor said that could easily change as the weeks progress.
Workouts this week were lighter with a few more rest days than usual. I had to make more modifications and rest a lot toward the end of the week due to some pain in my left butt cheek that extends slightly into my lower back. Pain that I last week thought was forming in my hip seemed to grow at the very end of this week and intensify in the middle of my left buttocks. I’m pretty convinced it’s sciatic nerve pain. It’s pretty brutal right now (I am feeling a sharp pain in my butt up through my lower back every single time I take a step or move in a strange way) and I have an appointment with my OB/GYN about it on Monday. (<— Edited to add: As you know I write these blog posts at the end of each week and wait to publish them the following week. So, after my Monday appointment this week, I found out that the pain I am experiencing is, in fact, sciatic nerve pain which is likely due to how our baby is positioned right now. It is quite painful!)
I know this isn’t a symptom, but I am officially in the “very obviously pregnant” stage of pregnancy, because I feel like wherever I go right now people comment on my belly, ask me when I am due or congratulate me. My favorite was a guy at the gym who came up to me and said, “With that belly and this summer heat, I bet you’re dying to have that baby now.” Obviously he could tell I am living life as a sweaty mess these days!
I’m also starting to feel very aware of the extra weight I am carrying around. It’s a bit exhausting at times and I really do feel like I see pretty dramatic belly growth changes each week. I’ve looked at pictures of other women at 32 weeks and then looked at their belly pics at 40 weeks and it looks like there’s still a lot of growing to do in the third trimester. Buckle up, belly!
I feel like my appetite was raging this week, but I am still not able to eat very large portions without feeling stuffed. I’m keeping most of my meals on the smaller side, but just eating more frequently. The size of my breakfast, lunch and dinners have basically been the same size as my snacks!
I also had some light pain in my left hip/butt through most of the week that seemed to intensify greatly on Friday. It’s now incredibly painful to the point where I cannot walk without pain. Over the weekend, I reached out to some instructors at my gym to swap classes for the coming week so I’ll only be teaching classes where I’m instructing and not actually doing the workouts next week.
Food Aversions
Food Cravings
- Sandwiches
- Watermelon and grapes
- Fruit-flavored candy
Sleep is okay. Waking up a lot to pee and having a hard time getting really comfortable.
Looking Forward To…
Our hospital tour! I am dying to see the place where I will be delivering our baby and cannot wait for our tour on Tuesday evening.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
- Lampshade for the nursery
- Diaper Genie diaper pail
- Hooded bath towels
- Waterproof crib mattress pad
Belly Button In Or Out?
Popping out a little bit!
This week was a little rough for me. Though I still felt happy for the most part earlier in the week, on Saturday morning, I experienced some frustrations that overwhelmed me and resulted in some tears. I haven’t cried much at all during pregnancy other than happy tears at certain prenatal appointments, so the overflow of emotions was rather unexpected.
On Saturday morning, I experienced a wide range of the not-so-pleasant pregnancy-related symptoms. I woke up and immediately experienced a shooting pain in my butt up through my lower back every time I took a step. Then nausea kicked in and I ended up puking in the bathroom for the first time in weeks. This was followed by a cramp in my foot that I couldn’t get to subside and then a cramp in my calf. Apparently it was just a lot for me to handle all at once and when Ryan got home from the gym, he found me sitting over the toilet after I had just thrown up, crying because I felt like I had no control over my body. Believe me, I know how lucky I am to be blessed with the ability to carry what we hope and pray every day is a healthy baby boy, but I want to be honest and open in these pregnancy recaps and sometimes there are some not-so-fun parts of pregnancy that surface, too. It can sometimes feel like my body is no longer mine because it isn’t. I’m sharing it with a little guy I already love so much and that really helps me keep everything in perspective. His little kicks bring me back to reality and help me realize the uncomfortable symptoms I may experience are so incredibly worth it.
The (what I later found out is sciatic nerve pain) pain in my butt and lower back is really, really tough and, hands down the most frustrating and limiting pregnancy symptom I’ve experienced to date. It’s discouraging to feel like I cannot even walk right now without limping around and I am hoping it will subside soon.
Any Movement?
Yes! I just love it! Whenever our little guy gives me a solid kick, I rub my belly and will also sometimes push back, which makes him push out on my belly again. It feels like a little game of back-and-forth and makes me smile! At our 32-week appointment, we learned that our baby is already head down which was great news and also made a lot of sense since I feel the strongest movements right along my belly button where his feet are kicking away.
Hey Julie! I’m due on Friday and I think getting frustrated with losing control of your body is so normal! You love your unborn baby and know it’s not their fault, but you just want to feel good again! I find myself telling my little guy, “I love you, but I’m serving you an eviction notice and you can vacate the premises now!”
Good luck and you are in the home stretch!
Haha! Yes!! It’s just crazy to feel so many changes at once sometimes that can make you feel completely unlike yourself. How exciting that you are SO close!! Sending you lots of warm wishes for a healthy baby and delivery. <3
I couldn’t agree more! I am so thankful to be having a healthy pregnancy (nearly 34 weeks now…), but at the same time I am ready to just be “me” again, if that makes sense. To be able to feel like myself and do the things that make me feel like myself, too. I’m not expecting that to happen right away, but I’m looking forward to it. Best of luck to you!!
You are handling your pregnancy so well! I guess it is a myth that the nausea etc. is only early on the pregnancy. It’s a lot for the body to manage. The hosital tour sounds like it will be so exciting. It makes it all very real for sure!
You have the cutest little bump 🙂 Sciatica is the worst!! I’ve never been pregnant but I’ve had it for a few years and it sometimes get so bad that I can’t move an inch or walk, it’s awful!! I hope you start feeling better this week <3
I’ve never experienced anything like it and it is so, so brutal. I actually asked Ryan to get out his crutches from his ACL surgery for me because walking is so painful. 🙁 I’m sorry you’ve experienced it, too!!
It’s crazy painful! I’ve always had it mildly but last week it was so bad that I ended up going to hospital 🙁 Comes on so suddenly as well so you have no warning! It must be so much worse when pregnant though, so I feel for you, hopefully it settles back down 🙂
With my baby boy, who was just born May 9th, I was measuring a couple weeks behind from about 32 weeks all the way to the end. I even had to get an ultrasound so they could make sure he was growing properly. I was completely freaked out, worrying about everything from my due date being wrong to something being wrong with little man. He was born a couple days after my due date at a more than healthy 8 lbs 3 oz! Some people just carry smaller. Little guy is now well over 10lbs and trending to be 12 lbs at his 2 month checkup! With my daughter I carried larger if anything and she was also 8lbs at birth and then has been underweight her entire two years. It’s definitely not an indicator 🙂
I’m so excited for you!! I love my little guy. Having a baby boy is such an amazing experience!
don’t worry about how your belly is measuring – my belly was “perfectly on track” and then when they did an ultrasound at like 34 weeks or something like that they found that baby william was measuring small and planned to induce me early… well then the little man came early at 37 weeks anyway! everything will work out! 🙂
Oh Julie! You’ve had a rough week! Sending lots of positive vibes your way. I hope that pain subsides for you.
You look amazing and I wish (in hindsight) I had of been in a healthier place (as I am now) when I was pregnant. Your cravings for sandwiches makes me think of my pregnancy with my son (now age 13) – I CRAVED sandwiches – SubWay or wherever – during that time! Hope the sciatic pain nerve lessens soon!
Sounds like you are holding up strong even with all of the pain that comes along with pregnancy!
All I wanna do is cheer you on!!
Sciatic nerve pain is one of the most restricting injuries I have ever experienced! Stretching is key! I also iced my butt a lot and sat on a heat warmer just to have my muscles relax or even just massaged my lower back to relieve some pain.
I was having some sciatic pain a few weeks ago with my pregnancy and I went to a chiropractor that specializes in treating pregnant women. It definitely helped and I plan on seeing him through out my pregnancy as I need to. He says a lot of pregnant women come see him on the way to the hospital to get their water broke so that their alignment is just so for baby to come out! Crazy!
I found that sitting and bouncing on an exercise ball for about 30 minutes really helped with pain if it is due to baby’s position. I never really had sciatic pain (my pain seemed to be more around my tailbone), but it may be worth a try!
I’m dying over your bump, it’s so fantastic!
Get yourself to a physiotherapist STAT! My sis had the sciatic pain so intensely with her second child. It was seriously the saddest sight in the world, she could not walk without limping and dragging her left leg behind her. Within a visit or two to the physio the pain was gone and she was back to enjoying physical activity. They did some hip squeezey things that fixed it right up; something I think her hubby was able to replicate at home as well. No need to keep yourself in pain!
Good luck!
Hi Julie! I’m so sorry about the pain your experiencing…and this may be completely different than the pain you’re dealing with right now…but your frustration reminded me of this post from the BowerPower blog:
She experienced pretty tough bouts of pain through each of her pregnancies, and it sounds like the belly band was a HUGE help. Again, the cause may be different, so I’m not sure if it could help you, but just thought I’d pass the post along.
So close- you must be so excited for your little dude to get here! 😀
Not sure if you saw this: http://www.bowerpowerblog.com/2015/05/dear-sciatica-im-sorry/ … Thought of her story when I read your post today!
You have the most perfect little bump! 😀 You look radiant, even during a rough week 🙂
I had my baby on April 28th and my belly was consistently measuring 2-3 weeks behind. I ended up delivering 5 days early to a very healthy 7lb 12oz girl! You’re probably just hiding that baby! You’re doing great – the last 2 months were the hardest, you’re in the home stretch now!
Oh the hormones… I cried like a 13 year old girl the last few weeks. Then postpartum, I cried more than I ever have in my life. For every reason under the sun. I cried because I could finally eat lunch meat without heating it, because when I looked at my dude the love was so intense it had no where to go and spilled over, because my mom was holding him and it was too sweet, because I couldn’t mop as often as I felt I needed to, because the couch cushion fell over…
Enjoy the last few weeks of this magic! I’m so excited for you!
Its so interesting to hear how you are doing as I’m a week behind. I had my 32 week appointment yesterday and baby is measuring a week ahead and is 5lbs according to the ultrasound (what a little chunky monkey!) and when I was weighed I had lost 1lb. So my total gain is now 19lbs and baby is happily stealing body weight from me (what ever you need buddy you just take it!) I think it’s from, like you, struggling to eat as I have no stomach space anymore! I also have no lungs! It feels like baby is kicking right under my boobs… WHERE ARE MY LUNGS NOW!!!!?
Also, I find the peeing what tips me over the emotional edge. I constantly feel like I need a really good pee but when I go nothing happens, I stand up and the pressure is still there 🙁 so annoying. So don’t think you’re the only 32 week pregnant lady quietly sobbing in the kitchen/bathroom/bedroom/garden… local store because her body is rebelling!
it’s all worth it though right 🙂 we’re nearly there and it’s going to be WONDERFUL.xx
Poor thing with the sciatica! I am a ways behind you in pregnancy – 20 weeks today – but I too have had moments of frustration the changes my body is going through that are so outside any control. It’s so strange! But I hear you, it’s not like you aren’t so thankful to be pregnant (obv. you are and are so happy) it’s just a lot and the pregnancy hormones don’t help anything! I hope it gets better for you! Hang in there, mama!
Hi Julie. I’m a physical therapist that specializes in women’s health. I work with women throughout their pregnancy (and after if needed) to help with pain. Get yourself to a women’s health physical therapist stat, you do not have to live with the pain! Many doctors are just not yet aware of the benefits that therapy can have to aid women in having a pain-free pregnancy so don’t think about recommending it.
You’re so close! How exciting! I can only imagine how emotional you must be feeling but it’ll be worth it soon!
http://trendkeeper.me .. A classic blogger problem and COMFORT!
As a few other commenters have mentioned, definitely get some help with the pain. I saw a chiropractor throughout my pregnancy (find someone who specializes) and I believe it made a huge difference. Even if you’re not normally a chiropractor person, think about all the changes your body is going through, it totally makes sense that you may need some adjusting to get things feeling better. Also, prenatal massage could help. A PT or someone else might have good stretches, etc.
Another thought, find a studio that does prenatal yoga. They’ll have movement and stretches that can help as well.
Could you be any cuter?! I definitely feel like you’ve ‘popped’ in the last few weeks and your belly is just adorable!!! I can’t believe you’ll get to meet your son so soon! Love!!
Hey Julie! I had sciatic nerve pain towardsthe end of my pregnancy, ouch! I am so sorry you are experiencing that! I found some relief by rocking my hips on an exercise ball, it didn’t work all the time but sometimes it encouraged the baby to move or rotate just a little bit that it didn’t hurt quite so bad. It’s always worth a try. I hope you feel better soon!
I went to a chiropractor who specialized in prenatal when I was pregnant. I had bad sciatic pain as well and it was such a relief for me! I did most of my growing in the last trimester and had major skin pain from my skin stretching so fast. Lots of lotion! Pregnancy is such an emotional rollercoaster, but once your baby is here, it will be all worth it! Just wait until he smiles, your heart will melt!
I’m so sorry about the pain you’re feeling! Are there any stretches or something you can do to alleviate it, or is it a must-just-suck-it-up kind of thing?
I hope the pain subsides soon! Even with the not so fun parts your recaps make me feel super excited to be pregnant someday!
Hi Julie!
First of all, you look great! Pregnancy is not all glamorous, so thanks for being honest! I don’t think pointing out some of those struggles makes you seem any less grateful to be pregnant! I loved being pregnant most of the time, but it was hard not being in control of your body! I remember crying when I underestimated the size of my belly and got stuck between my car door and a pillar in my work’s parking garage! 🙂
Sciatic pain was something that affected me too, but what helped me was a chiropractor! I actually found one that specialized in treating pregnant women, and it was the only thing that gave me some relief! If you’re really uncomfortable, might be worth looking into!
I feel like you JUST announced your pregnancy so time surely flies by! Just wait until you have your little guy, you’ll be even more amazed how quickly the time goes. I feel like I just gave birth but my baby girl will be 10 months in 1.5 weeks!?!?!
I HIGHLY recommend going to a chiropractor to take care of your nerve pain! Your doctor should be able to refer you to one that specializes in prenatal care – it was a total game-changer for me during this pregnancy.
I totally agree!! I had a pretty easy pregnancy with my son, but I still had times where I just wanted to be done that day. Keep pushing, soon baby will be here. 🙂
So sorry to hear about your sciatic nerve pain! I am 39 weeks tomorrow and the sciatic nerve pain kicked in for me about a week and a half ago and it has been relentless – I totally understand what you are going through. I was fortunate to remain active my entire pregnancy, but this last week having the pain basically taking away the ability to walk has been so frustrating. I sincerely hope you can find some relief!
I have also experienced sciatic nerve pain unrelated to pregnancy. It is the worst. I cried sometimes just taking very few steps. I am a runner and it stopped me dead in my tracks.
I hope you get relief from this pain soon!
Thank you so much for this post. It is nice to know that you are human and you aren’t always as happy as you appear on the blog. Life changes are always emotional but you are strong and can handle it. After my son was born, I must have cried at least 10 times in the first 2 weeks for no apparent reason. And, truth, the other day I cried watching Shipping Wars. Guess the hormones are still raging after 6 months! Keep it up.
While all the people I’ve known who have had sciatica or sciatic nerve pain have been men (and therefore obviously not pregnant 😛 ), I know all of them had enormous success with physical therapy. It may be something worth at least asking your doctor about, especially if you’re in that much pain!
My girlfriend had the same pain and her doctor’s recommendation was to go to the local pool, where there’s a small warm water pool for kids, and soak in in. The warm water apparently helped.
I look forward to your posts as I’m going through my early stages of pregnancy. I also look back on your old posts for tips!
Hang in there, Julie! I feel for you with everything you have been going through this week! It’s a lot-anyone would cry with all that! As someone with a history of back issues (first time ever was, yes, during pregnancy with my first) I know how scary and disconcerting it can be. There are some really good tips and ideas from other commenters here that I’m sure could help you! I wish you all the best and hope you feel much better soon. I think you’re doing great and you look adorable in your pics.
I know how limiting and frustrating sciatic nerve pain can be. I’ve had symptoms daily for the last 5 years and two hip surgeries later if still remains. HOWEVER to relieve the symptoms somewhat you can purchase the rumble roller ball (they also make a foam roller that’s amazing). It goes deeper than a tennis or lacrosse ball and really gets into the tiny muscles. I also get deep tissues massages on just my legs, lower back/butt about every other week and that helps to be able to walk. The rumble roller ball is on Amazon prime too! Good luck I hope you feel better soon!! And congrats!:)
Hi Julie,
I rarely post but just had to share that I am having very similar back/sciatic pain due to pregnancy (37 weeks) and visiting a chiropractor has helped a bit, if not totally curing the pain at least making me feel better mentally to be doing something proactive. I can totally sympathize with the frustration (not to mention terrible pain) you’re going through.
I also live in Charlotte and have been seeing Dr. Matt Lucas – he’s actually the son of one of my OBs at Eastover OBGYN (at CMC – Main) so I feel confident that he sees lots of pregnant woman and knows what he’s doing. Just a tip if you’re looking for options!
Thank you for sharing your unhappy times too! I know it can be rough. At around 14 weeks my husband came home to find my crying on the bed because I felt so crappy and was “sick of feeling sick”. It is awful to not have your body be yours anymore and not know how to make the pain go away!
Sciatica is the WORSE! I am not pregnant but suffer from random spurts of it. It is really the most annoying pain ever!
The last time I had it bad, I could not walk and has to have fiancé help me into bed because I couldn’t move my leg. It even hurts to sit down on the toilet or any hard surface.
I went to a chiropractor and solved a lot of my problems. I would suggest checking into chiropractors that offer adjustments for pregnant women. It was the only thing that help me!
I’m sorry avid the back pain that part sucks! I experienced something very similar and had a few rounds of acupuncture that seemed to do wonders. Hope it subsides soon!
I feel for ya, Girl! Sciatic pain is the worst, and I swear only a pain another mom can sympathize with. Hang in there!
Hey Julie — Your pain actually doesn’t sound like nerve pain… it sounds like pain radiated from your sacroiliac joint, between the back of your pelvis and your sacrum on one side which will present as hip/buttock pain. It’s super painful and annoying! Try doing bridge exercises to help stabilize the pelvis, ice and heat alternation. It should slowly improve over the next week or two.
Agree w/the above about a chiropractor that focuses on pregnant women. Do not go unless this is their primary focus.
Hang in there — I’ve had this!
Sandwiches!!!! Are you heating up your lunch meat or going straight in?? I’m only 10 weeks along and already missing sandwiches SO MUCH since it’s the only thing I’m craving. It’s going to be a longggggg 30 weeks!
Heating up the meat! And sandwiches were my #1 craving for at the end of my first/beginning of my second tri!
You are glowing!! You have the cutest little bump… it does not look anywhere close to 8 months. You look so healthy and happy 🙂 Glad to hear everything is going so well.
Lots of good advice here. I had sciatica with my first pregnancy and not with my second. I went to a prenatal chiropractor and he worked wonders for me. Feel better.
Hi Julie!
I am pregnant too and just two weeks behind you! I have had some recent butt/hip pain that I think may be sciatic pain – very similar to what you’re experiencing where it hurts to walk on one leg and shoots down my backside. But I got a massage last week and have had my husband massage the area as well and that has really helped! Maybe it would help you, too? Hope so!
Oh Julie, you poor thing. I bet that was hard for Ryan to see you in that state and not be able to help too. I guess it will all be a distant memory soon enough once you have your little one. Keep your head up, Momma! 🙂
During pregnancy, going to the chiropractor significantly helped with my sciatic nerve pain. I also started to measure behind staring in the 8th month. Belly size means nothing. Everyone’s anatomy is different and baby position plays a lot into it. You seem to have a longer torso so he has more room to distribute his body. I ended up with a late term ultrasound (based on belly measurement), and he measured right on and was born a very healthy 7lb 2oz, 20.5 inch at 39 weeks.
So sorry to hear about the pain- you’ve had a rough week 🙁 I hope things will get much better and seeing your family this weekend bring you some extra comfort even if it isn’t the best of circumstances, hang in there, xo!