All previous weekly updates and pregnancy/baby-related blog posts may be found on the Pregnancy/Baby page located at the top of this blog!
Baby Updates
Baby is almost 18 inches long and weighs nearly 5 pounds… about the size of a cantaloupe!
I know this is weird, but when I see these pictures, I feel like my belly doesn’t look nearly as large as it looks/feels in person. It’s becoming a force!
Weight Gained
22 pounds.
I miss my workouts! Even with all the modifications I had to do before the pain in my glutes/lower back started, I LOVED working out while pregnant and exercise truly made me feel like myself and gave me such a great boost of energy and endorphins.
This week my workouts were still quite limited, but with my physical therapist’s blessing, I was able to sit on a bike (with a backrest) and get in about 30 minutes of biking at the gym five days this week. It wasn’t challenging at all and I barely worked up a sweat, but simply moving my legs felt like a blessing. I also incorporated some light strength and barre work (I just turned the volume off on my phone and followed this *free* short HIIT barre arms workout on YouTube at the gym!) and I also did certain parts of Ballet Beautiful workouts.
The Ballet Beautiful workouts can be a bit redundant (lots of counting!), so I’ll play them on silent on my laptop at home and follow along while I catch up on super-classy TV shows like The Bachelorette.
Bending over has started to really stink! I joke to Ryan that the “belly fights back” whenever I try to bend over to pick something up. I guess I always expected my belly to be a bit softer and roll a bit when I lean over, but man it is HARD and doesn’t move at all! Ryan told me I have a “really awesome ab” right now. My one-pack is on fire! Ha!
Some unexpected nausea rolled over from last week, but I could usually keep it at bay as long as I immediately ate something. I feel like I’m back in my first trimester when I couldn’t go more than 60 minutes without eating.
Sacroiliac pain continued full-force this week. It’s quite miserable and I feel like all those weeks of saying I felt blessed to have a relatively “easy pregnancy” are coming back to (quite literally) bite me in the butt (and lower back). My mobility is still pretty horrific and I continue to be unable to walk without a stabbing pain.
Food Aversions
None. I even ate chili this week which has been a big no go for me since my first trimester!
Food Cravings
Fruit!! (You’re totally shocked, I know.) Loving watermelon, plums and grapes.
Sushi was also a big-time favorite this week. (I stuck to pregnancy-safe California rolls.) So delicious!
Sleep is not so great. I just cannot seem to get comfortable but reading right before bed helps a ton since I will just keep reading until I cannot keep my eyes open any longer!
Looking Forward To…
Our Childbirth Prep class on Saturday! I NEED this class. Every time I start to read about childbirth in one of my pregnancy books, I start to freak out and get knots in my stomach. I am hoping this class will help me feel more comfortable and understand more about what to expect in a way that doesn’t send me into a total panic. Let’s hope, right!?
I am also looking forward to meeting with another physical therapist on Thursday. While I absolutely love my current physical therapist (I’ve been seeing the same PT who is helping Ryan with his ACL recovery), she’s used to working with athletes and after a few sessions together without any progress, she gave me the information for another physical therapist in town who mainly works with pregnant women that I’m hoping that may be a better fit!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
You guys provided some awesome recommendations on nursing bras and tops on my post last week! Thank you! A bunch of you recommended Gilligan & O’Malley nursing tanks and bras from Target. Late last week I browsed around Target and tried a few different styles. I ended up leaving with this bra that seems like it will be both comfortable and functional. (I also have this bra, which was a baby shower gift from my mom that she bought due to the 2,000+ positive Amazon reviews.)
I’ve also started assembling my hospital bag and picking up odds and ends like travel-size face wipes (I use them daily and love them for a quick refresher), snacks, etc. Your comments on this post and on my Facebook page have been really helpful as I make my packing list!
Belly Button In Or Out?
Gradually popping out more and more with each passing week. My belly button still isn’t visible though clothing, but it’s definitely protruding a bit!
(Pic snapped on the lake at 34 weeks 6 days!)
My 34 week prenatal appointment obviously brought some added stress and anxiety into my life this week, but I am so grateful everything ended up okay and that I was able to see our little guy during a 3D ultrasound.
I felt mostly like myself this week but had some emotional moments, too. I don’t want to harp on the pain I’m feeling in my lower back/left glute too much because I know I sound like a broken record but there was one day this week that I began crying in the kitchen because I just felt so immobile. I was looking at roll of wrapping paper that I wanted to put away in the closet and simply walking 20 feet seemed so daunting and tears just started flowing. I felt ridiculous and frustrated and also upset with myself for feeling so emotional about something so menial, but I just couldn’t help it. A good cry actually made me feel a bit better and I’m trying really, really hard not to focus on the limitations I’m experiencing right now and instead direct my thoughts and attention to the excitement to come and the little baby I have growing inside me.
I’m also feeling more and more ready for our baby to come. Of course anxiety still comes in waves (related to both giving birth and actually being a mom), but another part of me is hoping these next few weeks pass by in a flash because I am dying to hold our little one in my arms.
My mom has graciously offered to come help us out after I deliver and this sounds fantastic to me, but I have no idea when I should have her come and for how long. Any advice on this? (Ryan gets one week of paternity leave.) My mom is the easiest person in the world and blends very well when she comes to visit, so I know having her in our house won’t add additional stress and will only help. Plus, her experience both as a nurse and a two-time mama will obviously come in handy!
I’d love to hear a little bit more about your experiences if you guys had a family member/close friend come help you out after your baby was born. How long did they stay? When did they arrive? Any insight would be appreciated! Luckily my mom is flexible and very go-with-the-flow, so I don’t really feel pressure to have it all pre-planned, but the planner in me does like to know a little bit about what I can expect!
Any Movement?
Yes! Still loving all the big rolls that seem to go across my body. Our little one always seems the most active when I lay down on the couch in the evening or hop into bed at night and first thing in the morning after I wake up.
Kelli says
When we had our kids ( they are 8 & 10 ) now we waited a week or two? until we had my mom stay with us we wanted to bond as a family before we had help by then you will welcome the help. But Iknow everyone is different with when they want family members staying with them!
PS loved the workout yesterday you posted!!
Julie says
My dad said something similar — he thought we’d want some time just the three of us before visitors, but I have NO idea what I’ll want!
Katie sB says
I agree Julie! I’m 26 weeks pregnant and both of our families live out of state. I don’t know what I’ll want either!
Kari says
We just had our first baby two weeks ago and we asked our families to let us stay at home alone (just the three of us) for the first week then they could come to stay and help. It was really nice to be able to establish our little family before having a ton of visitors, especially overnight.
Jeanne says
We had told my mom we wanted her for 1-2 mos. my husband had off 1 week only so we wanted it to be just us that first week. But when we delivered my son was born with some heart issues so we were overwhelmed and she came that night. She lives in Florida was here staying with my sister til I have her the green light to come.
I felt so strongly about nursing and I don’t think I would’ve made it through tejje at 2-3 mos without my mom there. I was nursing every 2-2 1/2 hours thru the night and all day and my mom was a godsend. She cooked all meals for us and helped with diapers since I could barely walk after delivery bc of sciatica. In the morning when I could broke u get up from pain and sleepless nights and I was nursing my son and he would have explosions and pop thru his clothes I would call my moms cell and she would bathe him clean hi change him diapers. Again btw nursing no sleep and the sciatic pain that left me unable to walk it was a nightmare. My mom ended up staying with me 3 mos and around that time nursing does get easier and I had to do physical therapy and my pain went away. I nursed my son 18 mos and I credit my mom those early mos. se how u feel free delivery and go from there but the first 2/3
Mos with a newborn is crazy to say the least. I vote have your mom 2/3 mos! says
That totally stinks about your pain. You are such a trooper! I am totally terrified of childbirth and am pretending that part isn’t actually happening, and a stork will just bring the baby. 🙂
Maggie says
I had my first baby 6 months ago. My fiancé travels for work so my mom came to stay with me when his paternity leave was over. She stayed with me for four days which was extremely helpful!
Jamie says
I had my mom come the day after I came home. So my husband and I spent one day together with the baby. But it wasn’t this great “bonding” experience. LOL. We took turns sleeping and taking care of the baby. It is a matter of survival. 🙂
I was a bundle of nerves! Once you have a baby, you will have an deeper bond with your mother. It is awesome. My mom and I are really close. I love my husband but he does better with bigger babies and toddlers. So it was best for my mom to help me with a newborn. She gave me more confidence and calmed my fears.
Don’t think you have to wait a few days or bond or do it all at your own. Do what is best for you. I am sure the hubby will understand.
Elle says
+1 to don’t feel like you have to wait. I’m the oldest child and fiercely independent and I was sure I wanted some time to “bond” as a family of 3. Cut to exhaustion and difficulty breastfeeding (we got the hang of it, but that on top of the post-delivery hormone crash was rough), I was glad to have someone else around. My husband is great. But it was nice to tell my mom to sleep so that during the day there was one adult in the house who had some consecutive hours of rest.
Laura says
These pregnancy posts make me miss being pregnant! As far as having help after giving birth, my mom was in and out helping me with meals, laundry and store runs for 4-5 days which was a huge help. She lived nearby so she didn’t stay over. After my second daughter was born, she stayed to help out with my first born. Moms really are the best and you’ll grow to appreciate her even more after you have your own child.
Linz @ Itz Linz says
You HAVE to get Leading Lady nursing bras! I literally LIVE in them… Still 15 months later as I continue to nurse! I have a white and black one in the style I love and literally wear them everyday!
Katie P says
Anxious to hear how your class goes! Just like you I am terrified of anything medical (needles especially) and I get super faint. We’re expecting our first due in January and I feel ridiculous when I am in my OB’s office telling them I’m terrified of needles (I’m sure they are thinking I’m in for a real treat!) 🙂
Julie says
I feel for you!!! I had the SAME thought when I told my doctors about my needle fears but everyone has been SO understanding. I’ve also met a few women in some of my classes/the hospital tour who have the same anxiety, so I think it’s probably more common than we realize. Also, I am SO excited for you!!! Congratulations to you!!! 🙂
Erin says
My mom came when my husband went back to work after our son was born. It was nice to have time just the three of us when we first came home from the hospital-you really need that time to figure out this crazy and wonderful new human being 🙂 Once my mom came, it was great! She cooked, cleaned and would put our little guy back to sleep after I nursed him so I could sneak in some extra naps!! Now that we’re expecting our second son, we’re planning on doing the same thing!! Best of luck to you-you will be a great mama!!!
Laura says
My husband is taking two weeks off when I have our baby. Our plan is for my parents to come up from Florida to stay for a week once he goes back. That was we have time together to bond and be a little family and then I’ll have an extra week of help with them since he’ll be back at work. And my mom is an OCD neat freak so I figure that by then our house will be dirty and she’ll be in full on cleaning mode!
Mallory says
Hi Julie! I had our little boy a week ago yesterday and let me tell you…it is very overwhelming! There is no way to prepare for the hormone changes you’ll experience and the emotions that will hit you. With the way I’m feeling right now, I would say to have someone with you. It feels less lonely and more manageable when someone is around to help!
Julie says
Thank you for weighing in — especially right now as you’re in the thick of everything! I am so happy for you and hope you’re able to get some help/comfort/sleep soon. <3 <3
kristin | W [H] A T C H says
looking good mama!
Bec says
I had my little boy just 6 weeks ago and had a very normal, natural delivery and still felt very tired and sore afterwards.My mum stayed with us for a week and it was a blessing. Like you, I am a planner and wanted to plan the time and dates my mum would be here (pre-birth anxiety wanting everything sorted I bet!) but when baby arrives, you will know exactly what you want and need. For me, who is normally accepts little help from anyone, I wanted all the help I could get! I wanted someone who felt confident with babies as I felt a little overwhelmed with this very new role. My mum was great and gave me lots of useful tips and confidence that I wouldn’t have taken from anyone else. I’m all about mummies being there after the birth….but go with how you feel. Good luck x
Julie says
Thank you for sharing, Bec! And congrats on your little boy. I’ve heard the first 6 weeks can be really challenging and hope you’re doing well!
Jamie says
You’re looking great Julie! The next few weeks will go by in a flash!
Katie Shottes says
Have you tried cubing up watermelon and then freezing it for 30-40 minutes? It is so cold and refreshing when it hits the stage right before freezing – I live off it in the summer! And you can freeze grapes for that long too, both are so good “half frozen”!
Julie says
I love frozen grapes but haven’t tried freezing watermelon! Doing this ASAP!!!
klesm937 says
I forgot to mention the other day about the Gilligan & O’Malley nursing tanks ! They’re AMAZING! Currently wearing one right now 🙂 Also, I promise labor isn’t as “scary” as the books seem. I was 23 when I had my first but had my husband by my side & I just remember saying after having our little boy was, that’s not what the books said! Take advantage of the nurses and ask them lots of questions!
Holly says
Julie: I know it is hard, but try to stay calm about labor. It will be what it will be. There is only so much preparation you can do! I reminded myself that women have been giving birth forever. My mom had 4 babies, my sister had 2 babies and I knew I could have 1 baby 🙂 the human body is an incredible thing! Plus you’ll have your husband, nurses and your doc to help you.
I didn’t have anyone stay with us until my husband went back to work. And I’m glad – I wanted that time with just our family. Plus, we had cleaned the house, made tons if freezer meals and had all supplies on hand so we never had to go anywhere. Plus a newborn sleeps so much so I honestly thought the first 2 weeks were ‘easy’ compared to the weeks after. Also, if your mom has to fly you can’t really pick the best time. I was due Mar 8, my sister made plans to fly in on Mar 17, thinking the baby would be here, well they induced me and my baby was born the 20th! So she got to see us in hospital which was still nice, but she never got to ‘help’ like she wanted to. Everything works out 🙂 sorry for the novel.
Katie @ Live Half Full says
Can you write a post on what you need up packing your hospital bag? I would love to read! Thanks!
Julie says
Yes!! I’ll definitely share a post about my hospital bag when I have everything packed!
Casie says
Thanks! I was going to ask the same thing.
Bethany T says
I am so sorry you are in so much pain!! I don’t know if you have been to a chiropractor yet but that would be a good idea, you may need an adjustment or two. Hope you find some relief soon! I am due in December with my third, so I love reading your pregnancy posts! I would have my mom stay for about three weeks. lol Is that too much? It’s just nice that you could take a nap here and there and she could help watch the baby. It’s really nice (especially with your first) to have that extra support and someone there to talk to, and maybe she could cook sometimes for you too? 🙂 I would wait for her to come after Ryan went back to work though. Good luck!
Julie says
I have an appointment with a chiropractor who specializes in prenatal care on Monday! REALLY looking forward to it!
melisathorne says
I had the same pain. I remember it well and feel bad you are suffering. The Prenatal chiropractor will be your BFF. He made a huge difference.
Courtney says
When our first son was born, my mom came to stay with us the day after we got home. I personally really liked having her there right away since we were first time parents and I was so nervous and anxious, especially with my post-partum hormones being all over the place. Having her there right away really put me at ease. My husband also only had a week, so I had my mom stay a few days after he went back to work, just so I could get my sea legs so to speak. The last few days, as I got into a groove and used to life as a new mom, she was more of a safety net.
Good luck with the sacroiliac pain! I hope the new PT is able to give some relief.
Shana says
My newborn is the ripe old age of 2 weeks. I was SO undecided about when to have family out and waited until the last minute to finalize plans. We ended up bringing my mom out 2 days before and my step-dad followed soon after. I was sort of stressed about hosting my sister, her three kids, and my dad and step-mom the following week (after my mom left) but it’s been surprisingly stress free. Everyone pitches in to help out, they entertain themselves, and it gives me much needed breaks after the (non-stop!) feedings. I thought I would want an “adjustment” period with just my husband, but having help and support has been great. Plus me and the hubs have the rest of our lives to “adjust.” Do whatever feels right for you and don’t be afraid to let people know exactly what you need (even if it’s that you need them to all get the heck out for 3 hours while you decompress!). And fear not, Mama courage kicks in and you’ll have no problem doing what you know is best for your family. One last comment: I know the pain is bad right now, but it really will disappear when that babe is born and you won’t think about it again!! Wishing you a speedy last month (or less!).
Dietitian Jess says
You look fantastic! I don’t have a baby but one of my good friends just did and my advice from her experience is just to have your mom there when Ryan isn’t If he takes the first week off- have her come the following week, or have her come the first week to help you figure things out and then Ryan take off the next week. You have a great support system so you will be great!
Chelsea says
My husband had 3 weeks of leave after our baby came. We had my parents wait 10 days before they came to visit. I was also induced a weeks early, found out THAT day I was being induced. I live in Arizona and my family lives in Oregon, so they needed time to get off work, and find plane tickets too, so they couldn’t come right away. But we asked to have at least a week and I’m SO glad we did. We were so utterly exhausted, had 2 baby appts the first week and just needed time as a new family to get used to it all before people came into the house. Best. Decision. Ever. I felt more human like 10 days in and having visitors. I wouldn’t have enjoyed visitors right away at all.
Holly says
I am a momma to a 3 year old boy and a 4 month old girl! My mom stayed with us right from the beginning with both babies. Although your momma instincts kick in the second your baby is in your arms it’s nice to have advice from a loving familiar face. I had a lot of “this is safe/normal, right?” questions at first. Female companionship while learning to breastfeed was a must for me. Her cooking, cleaning and allowing me to take naps was a life saver. For our family, it was easier to bond by not being so frazzled.
Emily says
With the birth of my first child we had family come right away because we were all so excited. Well that was a mistake in retrospect. My husband and I were so tired and emotional which made having visitors hard. With the second baby I had very strict guidelines in place for family and friend visitors (basically didn’t want and for a few weeks because I liked being able to lounge around in pjs and nurse freely). With the 2nd child my mom stayed for a week (a week or 2 after baby was born) and was a huge help. I would pump a bottle and she would let me go to bed around 8 the she would do the 10 or 11 pm feed with the pumped bottle. She would then sneak the baby into my room so I would be able to feed her at the next feeding. This would give me a chunk of 4-5 hours of sleep which was heavenly.
Nilda says
You seem to be really close to your mom, so I would have her come when the baby does. My mom was at the hospital all day and was the only other person allowed in the room with us while I was in labor. In fact, she helped me manage my pain. Afterwards my husband had a week of leave, but we had our families come and visit the day after we got home. Some people say you want the time just the three of you, but like I said you guys seem so close to your family that I think you’d be okay!
My mom lives here in Jacksonville, so she would come over on each of her days off. She’d clean our house, run to the grocery store, bring me breakfast and lunch. It was so wonderful and there’s no way I would have made it through maternity leave without her! My brother and his girlfriend would also stop by and bring me lunch. People aren’t kidding when they say it takes a village. 10 months later and she is still coming over here while I’m on summer break,.
Livi @ Eat, Pray, Work It Out says
so exciting! I hope all is well for you! some frozen fruit is SO good in the summer, if you are looking for even more ways to eat fruit 🙂
Dominique says
hi Julie! I’m a few weeks behind you (I’m 33 weeks today!) with boy #2! I feel your pain- I have pubic symphysis and sciatica so I know your discomfort is for REAL! We had my mom come and stay for a few days after my husband went back to work and it really helped with the transition!
Congrats!!! You’re going to be an awesome mommy
Morgan says
I’m so sorry you’re in so much pain, but you’re right to focus on baby…the great thing is that pregnancy doesn’t last forever and neither does the newborn phase. 😉
My mom came to the hospital for both of my daughter’s births. I loved it! I’m an only child and we are really close and my husband gets along great with her. She just offered support and took care of everything else so we could just focus on the baby. She stayed for two weeks and I would have kept her longer if I could have.
On the flip side, when she had me she asked her mom to come a week after I was born and she said that was perfect for her because by then she really wanted the break/help. But this also gave her a chance to figure out things on her own.
You will do great with L&D too, your mommy instincts will take over, and your support team will guide you through things. Have you considered a doula or having your mom there to advocate your wishes? It’s such a small part of the journey!
Danica says
Having your mom around after baby comes is the BEST! My mom came in from out of town when our daughter was 8 days old. It was really nice to have the first week to ourselves to try to figure out the new parent thing (stressful as it was) and then have mom step in once my hubby went back to work.
I totally shared your panic about actually giving birth and all I can say is, you will still go into it still feeling totally unprepared (because really how do you REALLY prepare for something like that?!) but I just tried to remind myself, nobody has ever been in labor forever, so you can do this!! And then there is that sweet baby as a reward at the end of it all 🙂
Jenna says
I have three little ones (6,5 and 17 months). I would say when Ryan goes back to work have your mom come out. That way you can have a little family time with the 3 of you but most importantly you will have someone there to help you out for a longer time. If she’s there when Ryan is there its kind of overkill and less time you will have someone to let you sleep/rest and your mom can have lots of snuggle time with the baby too! I will say this about childbirth, I don’t think you can ever be truly prepared. I don’t mean it in a scary sense, but I had 3 very different births. My first ended in a c-section (he was facing up), my second was a planned repeat c-section but ended in a v-bac in 4 hours, my third was another v- bac that was pretty quick (6 hours) and no pain meds/epidural (I didn’t plan not to get epidural just kind of happened). So go in there with a loose “plan” and an open mind! Also when everything is happening your only focus will be seeing that beautiful baby and hearing his cry 🙂 you will do great!
Veronica says
I’m so sorry about the pain you are in. I can’t imagine what that must feel like. Don’t ever think you are a broken record-as readers we appreciate your honesty. I think it is what sets your blog apart from others! I really hope you will get some relief soon-I’ll add you to my prayers! 🙂
Courtney says
With Lucas, the first week or so was surprisingly really easy. Basically all he did was sleep, and Jay was still around to help out. Once Jay was back to work though, that’s when the extra help was really appreciated. So my suggestion would be to maybe have your mom come out a few days-a week after the babe arrives? That way, you and Ryan will also have some alone time to soak it all in. Those first few days home are so surreal, but I loved having it just be the 2 (ok, 3!) of us 🙂
You can always text me if you have ANY questions, lady! xoxoxo
Anne says
I think it is nice to have a few days alone with your new baby and husband before having a lot of visitors. My mom, MIL and sister all came at different times for about three weeks. It was great but I would have been happy to have help for about a month total.
Beth says
You’ll never believe how smart your mom is until after you become a mom! It’s amazing. A few things I remember feeling 22+years ago-
-I did not think anyone could take care of my baby as well as me…I wasn’t even sure my husband would be able to hold him the “right” way and hovered around and made him sit down and wouldn’t let him hold him very long!
-I felt like I could never love someone as much as my baby…when the second one came I cried for the first one…
-I had a C-section and my bathroom was upstairs and I didn’t know how I was going to pee…it was very traumatic at the time, but I did manage the stairs even though my stomach was in terrible shape…
-It all comes together after the baby comes home.
-You work out when you can-carrying the baby around will make you sore at first!
-Everything is a phase…you’ll look back on potty training with fondness when you start teaching them how to drive!
Best to you and your family!
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul says
Oh wow I’m learning so much from these comments!! I hope the new PT can help you with your pain! You are being so positive but I think it’s totally normal to want to say that pain is no fun at all!
Anne says
My mom and stepdad stayed for three weeks starting the day that she was born. It was awesome! I had someone to hand her off to. They would just come wake me up when she was hungry (every three hours). It was also helpful for the first week, when she was in the NICU (which was unexpected). I couldn’t drive, and they drove me to and from the hospital every day.
When my mom left, I really missed her. The baby is seven weeks old now, and my MIL usually stops by for a couple of hours each day. It gives me a chance to shower or she helps around the house. Plus it’s great having someone else to hold the baby. I get touched out.
Teri says
We waited a week before family stayed to help. It was great having just us time and seeing my husband really step up and thrive in a ‘care taker’ role.
As for needles, I throw up on each blood draw. However, when it came time to getting an epidural (I waited until I was 8 cm) you can’t tell since they time it with a contraction. My anesthesiologist was amazing! He came in and was rubbing my back and telling me what a beautiful mother I was and how he knew I’d be the best I could be! I’d do it all over again!!!
Jamie says
I wanted the most help after my husband went back to work but everyone and every baby is so different! There is an adjustment period at first and I was definitely a bit emotional and vulnerable so I liked just having my husband there. Also I felt a little lonely when he went back to work so it was nice to have family around then!
Also I feel for you so much on the leg/back pain! I had that pain start when my son was 7 months old and it was brutal! I would cry at the thought of just standing to make dinner. Physical therapy helped me immensely! From what I’ve heard
Most pple who get it while pregnant I think it goes away once you deliver – so that is good. But I totally feel for you. It is brutal.
Lauri says
When I had my first baby, my parents left only a couple of days after I got home from the hospital and that was too soon. I was a mess. When I had my second baby (7 years later!), they planned to stay a full week after I got home from the hospital, and that was amazing. My husband worked that first week we were home and they were there, and then he took off the following week, after they left. I liked that he was not off the same time that they were there and that I spaced out all of my support.
Tara says
We have an 18 month old little girl; I thought we would want more time to bond as a family, but we wound up having my mom and in-laws trade off time staying with us for the first week and a half or so and I am SO glad we did! It is so overwhelming and goes by in a blur, so any and all help is very welcome. I cried when my mom (3 time mother and lifelong mother-baby nurse) left! We plan to do the same thing for our second due in December.
Ann says
We’ve had friends who welcome the help right away and some that asked for privacy for the first couple of weeks. Most of the time it’s because it allows the dad to bond with the baby. I guess my friends have moms that are bit too much! haha We’re expecting our first and I like the idea of just being the 3 of us for the first week – where we can learn what to do/what not to do on our own.
Loving your updates! I’m super excited about the arrival of your baby boy!
Julie @ Running in a Skirt says
So sorry you are going through this. It sounds terrible.
So awesome your Mom can come, what a blessing!
Tracey says
Long time reader and fan. First congrats, I hope its not creepy that I am so happy for you, someone I have never met in person. I think all your readers feel like they are part of your extended family. With regards to your mom, my advice is to take up as much help has she is willing to give you. My daughter is now 2. When she was born, my mom came to help and I didn’t fully appreciate how great that was until she left. You don’t know how your body will be after you give birth and the baby is waking up 2-3 hours to eat. These are extremely stressful time. I thinking having my mom there takes the stress out of certain things like cooking, cleaning, and just holding the baby so you can nap. It is also wonderful for my marriage, because the sleep can take a toll on your mood =). Good luck, and you are going to be a great mom.
Catherine @ foodiecology says
Your mom did well with that bra (I’m actually wearing mine now – it’s great for pumping at work, too!).
I was in a bit of a different situation than you are because my parents are local, but I enjoyed the first 2 weeks with just me and my husband figuring out the “new parent thing” all on our own. Granted my mom was just 20 minutes away if I needed her, and she did stop by some, but if I were in your shoes, I’d ask your mom to come the following week when Ryan returns to work. And I’d ask her to stay a week maybe…perhaps longer if something unexpected (unplanned c-section or trouble with BFing) comes up or just because you like the extra help.
Just being honest here and NOT trying to scare you, but I had pretty bad “baby blues” for a few weeks. After my husband went back to work, I tried doing it all on my own. But after a few days, I (to my mom’s relief) broke down and called my parents to come watch my son so I could shower, eat lunch with 2 hands (seriously!), etc. They didn’t do it everyday, but having them there a few hours in the early weeks helped tremendously!
You’ll figure out what’s best for you. Wishing you a continued healthy pregnancy and hopefully some relief from your pain!
Sarah says
After a week of newborn craziness with no sleep, we accepted help from my aunt, who stayed with us for the next three weeks, doing laundry, errands, taking me to the store, and helping with late night bottle Feedings so I could sleep more than an hour at a time. It was so helpful! Like you, I wasn’t sure what I would want after delivery. If your family is helpful and easygoing, having your mom there for as long as possible will help immensely. It is such a scary feeling to feel like you don’t know what you are doing, so to have someone there who has been a mom to support and encourage you is wonderful.
Emily says
Definitely have your mom come the first week. I think the first 2 weeks are the hardest just because you are so sleep deprived and trying to recover from delivery and learn how to care for a new little person. Even though Ryan will be off, you will want to take advantage of your mom being there so you can both grab a nap or shower. My husband and I walked around like zombies the first week and it was so great to have my mom watch the baby some during the day so we could sleep! And delivery isn’t as bad as you think…you will do wonderful!!!
Amber says
I waited until my husband went back to work before having my mom stay with me. (She lives 7 hours away, came for the birth, but stayed in a hotel for 2 days instead of at my house.) I felt like my husband and I needed time to figure out how to be parents on our own before having someone else there. And it worked out perfectly! My mom was only a phone call away for any questions I had. When she did come, she stayed for 10 days, I think, which was plenty of time. I had her cook, clean, walk the dog, grocery shop, etc. All of the chores that honestly I was too exhausted to do bc of sleep deprivation. And of course she held the baby while I napped (grandma will always hold the baby if you need to do something else. And be careful, she might not want to give him back haha!)
Ashleigh Panelli says
Loving your cute bump! All of those aches and pains will be worth it when you have that little man in your arms! I just kept telling myself “I can do this a few more weeks” towards the end. The seemless nursing bras from Target really are the best 🙂 Destination Maternity always has good sales on their nursing tanks too.
jenny says
My in laws came about 5 days after my daughter was born. This was perfect as we had a few days to get to know her and adjust but not too long to be alone with her hey stayed a week and that worked out great. Its amazing how much more confident you will feel as a mom after a week or two!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles says
Ugh that back pain sounds miserable!! I keep walking and walking knowing that one day I may not be able to! What I’ve talked about with my mom is having her come the few couple nights at home, leave, and then come back around week 4 or 5 once Adam is back at work and the constant flow of visitors and help stops!