Here is a peek into last week’s 37 week pregnancy recap. It’s crazy for me not to know just how many more of these I’ll be writing! From what I’ve read, the majority of first-time moms tend to go over 40 weeks, but you truly never know. We shall see!!
All previous weekly updates and pregnancy/baby-related blog posts may be found on the Pregnancy/Baby page located at the top of this blog.
Baby Updates
Baby weighs 6 1/2 pounds and is 19 inches long… About the size of a cantaloupe!
The jump from 36 weeks to 37 weeks seemed to be one of the biggest belly growth spurts for me! I’ve been consistently measuring several weeks behind (at one point I was measuring a full four weeks behind), but apparently something is happening in there, because now I’m only measuring one week behind. I definitely don’t feel like I’m behind, that’s for sure!
Weight Gained
At my 37-week appointment, I was up 25 pounds.
Workouts this week included mostly biking and strength training but at the end of the week, I also took a Core Barre class and it felt great! I had do make my fair share of modifications during the class, but it was wonderful to find myself in a group exercise environment again. I missed feeling the burn in my muscles that a quality barre class always seems to provide.
Shortness of breath! I know my lungs are a bit squished right now and I am definitely feeling it. Simple things like bending over to tie my shoes or walking up one flight of stairs will leave me gasping for air. Phew! It’s no joke and I’m definitely ready to feel like I can breathe normally again. There was one point last week where everything other than lying down felt really uncomfortable because I just couldn’t seem to breathe normally. It was pretty awful and I think I took more deep breaths and sighed more that day than I have in my entire life so far.
In general, I also feel like I’m moving a bit slower. By the end of the day, I want nothing more than to sit on the couch and chill out with Ryan and Sadie. The thought of going out at night sounds rather unappealing to me right now and crawling into bed by 10 p.m. is my idea of a rockin’ good time these days. Ha!
Food Aversions
Food Cravings
Fruit, as always. I couldn’t get enough of my watermelon pineapple popsicles this week and ended up making three batches!
Sleep got a little bit better this week! It’s still not going well – I’m waking up constantly to pee and scratch my itchy belly (which is improving a bit, thankfully) – but it definitely is not as horrible as it was a few weeks ago. I also keep finding myself missing sleeping on my stomach more and more. I honestly had a dream about sleeping on my stomach the other day. We’ve reached a dark place, my friends. Ha!
Looking Forward To…
The moment our baby is placed on my chest.
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
After I shared my baby registry post with you guys, I noticed a big trend in the comments section and your recommendations for some additional items inspired the following purchases:
- Cloud B Sound Machine
- 4Moms rockaRoo Infant Swing
- Waterproof Changing Pad Liners (Genius!)
- SwaddleMe Blanket
I was able to get two of the above items (the Bubbly Bunny sound machine and rockaRoo) on sale through Zulily (perfect timing!) and bought the other two on Amazon. Thank you, as always, for helping this new mom-to-be out with your recommendations.
Belly Button In Or Out?
Out! But still not overly noticeable through clothing.
I’ve noticed that as our due date approaches, I am feeling more and more preoccupied with our baby’s health. I am so grateful that everything appears to be right on track during my prenatal appointments, but there is still so much unknown out there and I hope and pray every day that our little boy will arrive healthy and safe. I daydream constantly about the moment he is placed on my chest for the first time (just thinking about it makes me incredibly emotional) and cannot even begin to imagine how that moment will feel when it actually happens.
I’ve also noticed that lately my emotions care a bit all over the place. In general, I feel like I’m a pretty happy and optimistic person and haven’t had a ton of emotional ups and downs during pregnancy, but during this past week or so, I’ll be hit with a wave of crankiness that can be hard to shake. I think I’m just getting a bit more impatient and ready to get this show on the road. Beyond feeling ready to meet our baby, I’m ready to get rid of some of the more uncomfortable feelings (shortness of breath, back pain, achiness when I walk) and feel like experiencing pregnancy is doing a great job of making me appreciate how great I felt pre-pregnancy!
Sporadically throughout the week, I also keep finding myself hit with a sense of disbelief that I’m actually about to become a mom. It’s so crazy because at the core, I truly don’t feel any different from the way I’ve always felt and yet my life is about to change so dramatically. I’m about to find myself in a totally new (permanent!) role very soon. I’m so freaking excited but also a bit scared as well. There are a lot of changes coming and it can be hard to wrap my head around everything sometimes. And then I think about the moment our baby is placed on my chest and I absolutely melt and feel more ready than I ever could have imagined. (I told you my emotions are all over the place right now!)
Any Movement?
Yes! Loving all the belly rolls! Sometimes I feel like our little boy is totally splayed out and pushing out as hard as he can on opposite sides of my stomach. It’s intense!
I have 2 babies under 2 & my husband & I always joke that we have enough sound machines in our house to rival the noise of the planes coming in & out of Laguardia! Ha! They definitely help soothe both my babies. We use an app on our phone too when we are out if we are trying to get one of them asleep. It’s called Sleepbug. SO awesome! Just turn the app on (both of mine love the “waterfall” noise), put the phone in their stroller or car seat & voila! They are usually out.
Can’t wait to see pictures of your little man! Such an exciting time! Sending happy & easy labor vibes your way! 🙂
Thank you, Ashley!! And I love the app recommendation!
I am so sorry to hear that you are not sleeping well. I can’t totally relate! I feel like I barely slept during the last two months of my pregnancy. People always say that it is Gods way of preparing you for the lack of sleep with a baby. It is such a mean way though!
So true!
Eek! It’s almost here! Have you thought about what you will say to your little guy when they hand him to you? I remember being so afraid that I wouldn’t know how to act. It’s funny how you just know what to say in the moment though. I found “well hello!” to be a good choice. ❤️
Ha! I haven’t thought about that!!! I am sure it will be an involuntary reaction… I can’t wait!!!
I’m right there with you! I’m due with my first on Aug. 5th and it’s so hard to believe how many changes are ahead…in such a short time. I feel like the last 9 months have flown by!!! I, too, am just looking forward to the moment baby is placed on my chest 🙂
It feels like just yesterday it was Christmas and we were telling our families. So crazy! I am so thrilled for you, Laura! Congratulations! <3
I’m getting more and more excited for you as the weeks pass! You look beautiful by the way! Absolutely stunning! 🙂 Pregnancy works for you, girl! Can’t wait for you and Ryan to meet your sweet baby boy! My girlfriend had her baby a little over a week ago, and boy it is surreal. It’s absolutely amazing and holding her sweet little munchkin still doesn’t feel real! I can only imagine how they feel – loving your posts and all of your bump pics! 🙂 🙂
I’m not a very emotional person, but I definitely teared up and was in total awe when our son was placed on my chest, goo and all. It’s the most magical feeling in the world. My son was 6 lbs 4 oz so hearing that yours is probably 6.5 right now makes me so excited for you to meet you guy!
Meep! I cannot believe your due date is almost here! It seems like just yesterday you revealed your pregnancy on the blog and now you’re in the home stretch! You look gorgeous in that “almost-a-mother” glow. Wishing the best of luck and a safe delivery for you and your little boy! This long time PBF follower cannot wait to meet him! <3
It’s the greatest feeling in the world having them in your chest and hearing their cries (I just had my second July 8th)! Have your doctor swipe your membranes at your 39 week appt, that worked for me with both my kids since I was already dilating. I can’t imagine going over 40 weeks with the heat… so uncomfortable!! Best of luck and wishes to your growing family!!
Belly itchiness is a legit symptom? Never knew that!
Would love a review on the 4mom. Thinking I need to upgrade a few items for baby #2, but 4moms items also seem too pricey.
Check Craigslist! I found a lot of gently used, since they aren’t used for very long! Also, Buy Buy Baby had some returned ones for pretty cheap.
I will definitely do a follow up on our favorite baby items and what did/didn’t work for us!
Love love love this. So crazy to think there could only be two more updates : )
I can’t believe how close you are! I can only imagine the crazy feelings right now and I imagine it’s pretty normal to feel the way you are!
You’ve got this! Try to enjoy these last few weeks!
You look beautiful!!! I love reading your thoughts and am so excited for you guys! You will be an incredible mom. There is only so much you can prepare for to ‘be’ that IMO; most of it is so instinctive and you will flow beautifully into that wonderful calling/role because you already love him so much <3
I’m not expecting to have a child anytime soon but I really love reading your weekly updates. It makes me feel like I’ll be just a little more prepared when the time comes for me. Thanks for sharing the good and bad! Can’t wait to see your little guy 🙂
Thank you very much, Chelsea!
So exciting! It is such a surreal feeling that there will forever be someone else we are more concerned about than ourselves, and who will occupy all our time and hearts, and I guess nothing can prepare us for what is to come. Everyone keeps telling me to enjoy this time before the baby comes, because our lives will be so different soon, but I can’t even fathom what it will be like!
Yay you got the sleep sheep! I’m sure baby boy will love it!
You are in the home stretch! So glad you got a little bit better sleep this week, hopefully that continues! But, I imagine your mind is racing!
You might want the summer infant swaddle pod for when he is first born. We tried the swaddle me and thought it was too big in the beginning. Plus the swaddle pods zip, are lightweight and super stretchy. I wish they made them in a bigger size for my 1 month old summer baby! Congrats!!! It goes by so fast. Enjoy those first few moments in the hospital!
BTW did something change with your posts? They aren’t showing up on bloglovin for me anymore.
They aren’t showing up for me either!! I have no idea what is going on but will look into it when I get home today!
Thanks! I kept thinking it was baby time yesterday when I didn’t see the post!!!
Ahh you are so close!! I have loved following along in your pregnancy journey!!
So cute, I think I post this on every pregnancy update but you are going to be such a great mom!
I can definitely relate to the extra emotions at the end…I’m 39 weeks today and sometimes feel overwhelmed with just a mixed bag of emotions…the majority is easily excitement, but there’s certainly uneasiness about when labor will start and just how it’ll all go, too…I love daydreaming about the moment we get to see the baby, even though it almost always makes me tear up!
I hope you continue to feel well overall for the rest of your pregnancy!
Exactly!!! Best of luck to you!!! <3
Exactly!!! Best of luck to you!!! <3
Hang in there, Julie! Those last few weeks of pregnancy were always the WORST for me (3x). So. Uncomfortable. I know exactly what you mean about the shortness of breath. Do your best to remember those feelings, though — I always missed it a little when baby was out. He’ll be with you all the time, but it’s not the same…
Oh yes! The days of shortness of breath and not sleeping on your stomach and moving reeealllyyy slow are so all to familiar but all of it will be well worth it when you see your sweet baby boy!
Thank you so much for sharing all of your thoughts and emotions throughout your pregnancy! My husband and I are going to start trying for our first baby soon and sometimes I doubt whether we are “ready” – honestly I’m sure no one ever feels 100% ready for a big change like that, but reading your posts makes me realize that everyone feels doubt, fear and anxiety, along with all of the great, exciting emotions! So excited for you both and can’t wait to follow through the birth and beyond 🙂
Yes, absolutely!!!! There are a ton of emotions tied up in pregnancy, that’s for sure. <3
I’ve been following your blog for about 5 years now. you’re going to love being a mom–it’s honestly the best feeling in the world 🙂 my little girl just turned 3 months last week. the first few weeks is difficult yet so rewarding. Good luck 🙂
like you said, you never know! I’m a first time mom that delivered 5 weeks early because my water broke! My little one was 4lbs 13oz and 19 inches long! Good luck!
I 2nd the white noise phone app- it worked wonders for my now 15 month old. Best of luck these last few days/weeks, it’s that last month where every day feels like it’s a month long!
I keep bringing myself back to this time (8 months ago), and I was all too calm, I guess! I think I was bingeing on Netflix at the time… Everything has changed, and it has been both tough and great to have him with us.
The moment they place your precious little baby on your chest for the first time, is without a doubt the most amazing moment you will ever have. Cherish every second!
And take advantage of every moment you can in the hospital for skin to skin time. It’s seriously amazing! Oh, and definitely encourage your husband to do the same!
I know it seems silly for him to be shirtless in the hospital room, but when you have some time alone just the three of you he should definitely partake! My husband still talks about the time he had to do skin to skin time with our girls and how wonderful it was.
You are so close! I couldn’t sleep towards the end either, but I promise you will make it 🙂
I feel like you should own this Julie! haha
Congrats! It’s such an amazing time. I have a 1.5 year old son and am almost 23 weeks with boy #2. This pregnancy has been so scary (placenta previa) but it’s amazing how much these little ones blow your heart wide open. Enjoy! Journaling helped me document these days and I’m so glad I did.
Much love
Such an exciting time!! You might think about downloading the Baby’s Firsts app. I downloaded it for my daughter and it’s been a great way to keep track of photos and stats for her baby book. The app sends a variety of reminders, and the pictures can be uploaded within the app to ultimately create your baby book – it’s been really handy!
“Sometimes I feel like our little boy is totally splayed out and pushing out as hard as he can on opposite sides of my stomach. It’s intense!”
I felt that way too and it turned out I was having contractions – I thought it was the baby stretching (because what did I know??) Make sure you keep an eye on that 😉
Hi! How are you managing the biking? Every time I try the stationary bike my knees hit my 24 week pregnant belly and it’s not very comfortable. I try and ride with my knees further a part so my belly has a place to go but that’s not working out great either. And I love your blog, it’s my favorite!
I loved the Rockaroo, but I went through two because they starting swinging erratically. 4moms was awesome and they agreed to send a Mamaroo after the second one started acting crazy! Just FYI!
Best of luck to you! Having a baby was the best thing that has ever happened to me! It’s crazy how your life changes, so awesome!
You’re in the home stretch! I remember feeling a bit annoyed by the due date question in the last weeks, because baby’s arrival doesn’t always follow the schedule:). Also, These weren’t around for my little guy (5 years ago) but I’ve met Moms who love “Sock-ons” for when the babes need to keep their toes warm. Might be worth trying-
Wow, only a few updates left! I’m surprised at how swept away I’ve become in these pregnancy updates, I have “settled into” them, and so it will be strange when your sweet boy is on the outside! So excited for you, and can’t wait to hear what his name will be! On of my bffs is expecting her first baby (a boy) at the same time as you, so I’m all anxious watching you and her. Ahhhh + yayyyyyyyy!
The MamaRoo saved.our.lives! Jack slept in that at night (and during the day!) for 5 or 6 weeks. We were super fortunate to buy it from a friend for 60 bucks. A steal! I hope your baby loves it, too!
I found your blog and have been reading your pregnancy posts for the last month. I love seeing whats ahead for me. I can’t wait be where you are at. I’m 13 weeks and just entered my 2nd tri. I’m still dealing with the food aversions and nausea. I can’t wait to get my baby bump and start getting my energy back. And, surprisingly I can’t wait to start eating healthy again. The food aversions and gagging have made it very difficult to eat any kind of veggie, so I’ve had to make due with lots of grilled cheese/soup or grilled chicken with rice. Reading your blog and seeing you go through this journey gives me hope!
Buy at least 3 to 4 packs of waterproof changes pad liners. Baby boys will wet through at least 3 liners in a day. Plus at least 10 fluffy absorbent wash clothes help against getting sprayed.
Your baby is ready to be born, and you’ll be meeting him or her some time in the next couple of weeks. When you are around 37 weeks pregnant, if it’s your first pregnancy you may feel more comfortable as your baby moves down ready to be born, although you will probably feel increased pressure in your lower abdomen.
Hi Julie
I went back to read through your pregnancy blog regarding working out. I am 34 weeks now and at my 32 week apt I measured over 4 weeks small as well, so they told me to stop working out. I have been very active as well because it made me feel better, but now I am nervous because I am measuring small and worried I will go pre term. Curious if your doctors said anything about working out and it being related to you measuring small?