When I first found out I was pregnant back in December, I knew I wanted to document my pregnancy on the blog, so I began secretly blogging about the first few weeks of pregnancy. Since I didn’t want to publish 17 weeks of weekly updates at once after I announced my pregnancy on the blog, I consolidated my weekly recaps into groups of three, beginning with weeks 8, 9 and 10!
I’ll share them all with you soon and once we’re caught up, I’ll post weekly updates since so many of you requested them following yesterday’s Q&A post. I’m not going to lie – I’ve been loving writing about pregnancy waaay more than I ever thought and love chatting with all of you via the comments section. Thank you again for your words of support!
PBF Baby: Weeks 8, 9 & 10
Note: I wrote these weekly updates each week as they were happening, so you may notice me talking about certain symptoms in early weeks that I am no longer experiencing that I mentioned in my last two Q&A posts… Like clear skin. That was fun while it lasted!
Baby Updates
8 Weeks: Baby is the size of a kidney bean!
(Picture taken on New Year’s Eve!)
9 Weeks: Baby is the size of a grape!
10 Weeks: Baby is the size of a kumquat!
(In retrospect, wearing an A-line dress for a “bump” picture wasn’t the smartest. Oops.)
Weight Gained
8 Weeks: I had not weighed myself in months prior to my 8-week prenatal appointment. I stepped on the scale at the doctor’s office and weighed about 5 pounds more than my “normal” weight, but for the sake of accuracy, I’ll start calculating weight gain from this point since that is what my doctor is doing and also since I don’t know my exact starting pre-pregnancy weight. I hope this makes sense!
9 Weeks: 1 pound.
10 Weeks: 1 pound.
8 Weeks: Consistent almost-daily workouts. Favorites: Pure Barre and spinning! I fortunately feel fantastic when I work out and very, very normal, but nausea kicks back in within 10 minutes after I finish and I must eat immediately to keep it at bay. I’m also more energetic in the mornings than in the afternoons (when I’m not nauseous, that is) so keeping up with my usual morning workouts has helped with consistency.
9 Weeks: Consistent almost-daily workouts. I still feel great when I work out, but I absolutely need something in my stomach before a morning workout and must eat something immediately afterward to prevent nausea.
10 Weeks: Same as week 9.
8 Weeks: Nausea kicked in big time this week – mostly without vomiting (lots of dry heaving – mostly in the morning or if I go too long without food… aka more than 60 minutes!), growing boobs, increased appetite (<— like crazy!), clearer skin (woo!), feeling very bloated, always have to pee! Feeling grateful I haven’t felt any major fatigue so far.
9 Weeks: Constantly feeling bloated, two days of pretty major fatigue (It totally knocked me out!), nausea (only one day of vomiting, thankfully – constantly eating helps this most!), constantly thirsty
10 Weeks: First week since nausea started with almost no nausea, always have to pee, difficulty sleeping, increased thirst, increased appetite and physically I definitely feel thicker around the middle but don’t see a bump just yet.
Also, I am not really experiencing the weepy pregnancy emotions I’ve read about, but this week I am feeling all the rage. Ha! For some reason, I feel easily angered, impatient and irritable this week. What a joy, right?!
Food Aversions
8 Weeks: Tortilla soup (GAG – The sight, smell or thought of it makes me want to puke), most cooked vegetables and chicken sausage
9 Weeks: Most cooked vegetables, plain chicken
10 Weeks: All tomato-based soups/chili, anything made with cumin, most cooked vegetables
Food Cravings
8 Weeks: FRUIT (especially citrus and berries), cheeseburgers, cottage cheese, sushi (I miss you!), eggs, oatmeal… And basically all the carbs… Ever.
9 Weeks: Fruit, salty potato chips, egg sandwiches with cheese, nachos, sushi
10: Weeks: Cheddar and sour cream chips (I don’t think I’ve bought these in years, but this week they have become my BFF), nachos (no cumin in the meat though!), chocolate chips, oatmeal, doughy bread
8 Weeks: My first week of restlessness. I’m waking up constantly during the night and cannot get back to sleep quickly as much as I try! My mind starts racing and I’m tossing and turning a lot.
9 Weeks: Sleep is off and on. Some nights I feel like I’m awake every hour (most of the time to pee!), but other nights I feel like I am sleeping soundly.
10 Weeks: Waking up constantly. Difficulty going back to sleep most nights.
Looking Forward To…
8 Weeks: Developing a baby bump! After our first ultrasound, I finally felt like I was “really” pregnant and felt an overwhelming desire to have a baby bump, too!
9 Weeks: Finding out whether we’re having a boy or a girl. (See 9 Week notes below… I think that’s what prompted this one!)
10 Weeks: Same as 8 & 9 weeks.
Boy/Girl Suspicions
8 Weeks: BOY… I don’t know why but around 7 weeks I got hit with a weird feeling that our baby is a boy! Ryan said I’m crazy. Haha!
9 Weeks: Okay, I may be nuts, but after some internet research, I stumbled upon Ramzi’s Method and read about it for way too long. I then naturally studied our 8-week ultrasound picture which, according to Ramzi’s Method, said we’re having a girl. I am now back to feeling clueless… which is actually where I prefer to be! I’d honestly prefer not to have any preconceived notions about whether our baby is a boy or a girl ahead of time. I can’t wait to find out!
10 Weeks: Back to having no clue!
Any Baby/Pregnancy-Related Purchases?
8 Weeks: No. Feeling too nervous/anxious to buy anything yet.
9 Weeks: Nope!
10 Weeks: Nope!
Any Fun Stories?
8 Weeks: We had our first prenatal appointment on December 30 and saw our little one for the very first time! The ultrasound was incredible and my eyes started watering the instant our doctor said, “There’s definitely a little one in there!”
Hearing the heartbeat was unbelievable and made everything feel so, so real. Ryan and I both couldn’t get over how incredible it was to see our baby (He actually gave me a high five afterwards! Ha!) and I commented on how I now understand why moms-to-be share ultrasound photos. Before they looked like grainy pictures to me but now I totally get it. It’s an absolute miracle. I felt way more attached to our baby after this appointment and weeks of waiting to hear my pregnancy confirmed aloud by a doctor.
Also during my eighth week of pregnancy was New Year’s Eve and we were still trying to keep everything a secret from friends at that point. I did my best to disguise the fact that I wasn’t drinking as best I could!
so, so exciting! I feel the same way about ultrasounds now that I am pregnant.. They are SO amazing! I definitely thought food aversions were something pregnant woman made up to not eat veggies, but that is DEFINITELY not the case 🙂 the thought of steamed or sautéed veggies made me want to gag for a long time!
it totally took me by surprise how STRONG food aversions really can be — i’ve never started gagging at the mere THOUGHT of certain foods before. so crazy!
I think I have the same “bump” as you. But mine is just a carb bump. No baby! HAHA!!!!
This has been a fun week on the blog! Bet I know what tomorrow’s post will feature! 🙂
Your joy is so contagious. =) Congratulations on your new little on and so happy for your expanding family!
Thank you, Whitney!! <3
It’s crazy being preggo – but one day you’ll wake up and that bump will be there! That in between stage is tough, especially pre preggo clothes are needed. I always just felt thick.
My guess is still girl based on where you mentioned the weight gain was happening. I have a 21 month old girl and that where it all hit me!
You will be the cutest and I look forward to reading. Thanks for sharing.
I finally went out and bought two bigger tank tops yesterday — it needed to happen!! My previously loose tanks are all tight and starting to look ridiculous! And yes, the between stage is kind of a weird one — I keep hearing that many bumps “pop” at 20 weeks! Was that true for you?
Holy typos in my first post! Yikes..
But yes, I popped around then and I hear that it happens earlier when it’s your 2nd, 3rd, etc. But I felt like I went from hiding it (or thinking I was) to full blown belly. It’s fun to have it “out” there finally because at first all I had to show for were huge breasts when I am normally a barely there girl. To save on preggo clothes I bought tanks too and then wore a cardigan over. But do invest in a high end pair of preggo jeans – sevens for sure. You’ll thank me!
Thanks for the jeans recommendation! I’ve been told by numerous people to invest in good maternity jeans — I’ll look for Sevens!
I have awesome maternity jeans that are from H&M:) They are my favorite.
i had NO idea H&M had maternity clothes! thanks for the tip!!
I love my jcrew matchstick maternity jeans!
This is so exciting! You are so cute and you can’t tell yet that you even have a little bugger in ya! I can’t wait to continue hearing about the progress and how you are feeling! I hope your feelings of nausea subside soon! Glad you are still able to workout and I hope your sleeping doesn’t get any worse! You are glowing girl!
Congratulations!! I’ve been following your blog for quite some time now and I’m so happy for you and Ryan! My hubby and I are currently TTC and I’m looking forward to reading all of your posts because like you, I am also very active and plan to remain active once I am pregnant. My guess is that you’re having a girl! I’ve had friends who have had breakouts during pregnancy and almost all of them have had beautiful baby girls!
Thanks for sharing! Cannot wait for more baby posts! Such a fun time for you and Ryan.
Oh my gosh I totally remember craving those cheddar sour cream chips too early in my pregnancy! And salt and vinegar ones which I’ve never liked before or after. Before getting pregnant I totally thought food aversions and nausea vomiting was all in the head. Ya, no there is no positive thinking your way around it. I was basically running through the grocery store when shopping to get out of there quicker because I couldn’t stand even the sight of most foods. And my husband would be forced to eat his food out on the deck because I would throw up just smelling it! Haha poor guy.
yes to salt & vinegar chips!!!! i bought a small bag during lunchtime yesterday! give me ALL THE SALTY FOOOOODS. 🙂
10 weeks pregnant over here and I can’t stop eating the salt & vinegar chips either!
Your documentation of your pregnancy is precious/adorable/amazing! As if I didn’t already have baby fever, it just got pushed to full blown!
<3 <3 <3
Your food adversions made me laugh. My husband thought I was nuts. I could not even look at an avocado when I was pregnant — and I LOVE them. My other biggest adversion was toothpaste. The thought of it made me gag. I used to sit in the bathroom some mornings and cry. 🙂 It seems so weird now — but the things you do for babies before they even get here!
Congrats on the baby! Such a fun journey! So happy for you guys!
awww, i feel bad for you with the toothpaste aversion!! and thank you for your sweet words!
It is so fun to read your pregnancy updates. I am due the same day as you and can definitely relate to your symptoms!
This is great!! Thanks so much for sharing, I am personally going to love anything you update us about your pregnancy! My daughter is 16 months old and I am SO sad I didn’t keep a little weekly journal about these specifics -but my pregnancy was also not a “norm” – no morning sickness, worked out up until 2 days before her birth, no swelling (so not much to report)…I do remember my aversion to peanut butter (I KNOW!!!) and dairy and the weeks when I first felt little flutters of movement, and then when my husband felt her kick. This is all so exciting and totally gives me baby fever again! I am so happy for your little family and hope you are feeling good! 🙂
hahaha wait so I always wonder how newly-pregnant women hide the fact that they’re not drinking… how did you do it?! Carry around a drink and sneak it to Ryan to actually drink it?!! is it weird that THATS the one thing I wonder about pregnancy? HA!
yes!!!! ryan was my go-to champagne-drinker on NYE. 🙂 apparently i didn’t do a great job of hiding it over Christmas though b/c my dad said he had a sneaking suspicion i might be pregnant when i kept passing on wine at dinner, claiming i “had a headache.” ha!
I’m also curious how you hid it.
I’m a big fan of beer and all of our social events include beers with friends and family. I can’t tell you how many beer cans we had stashed that we kept filled with water. Quite tricky when you take a cooler over to a neighbor’s or friend’s house. Not quite the same drinking a few cans of water, but it worked for us 🙂
I was also a big fan of virgin bloody marys.
Thank you so much for letting us all share this exciting journey with you. I loved reading this post and can not wait for future ones to come. I am sure I am not alone in saying I would love more than one pregnancy update post a week.
Congrats to the mommy and daddy to-be!!!!!
i cannot imagine what it must feel like to see your baby on the ultrasound screen for the first time! again, a big congratulations to you. so exciting.
You are so cute pregnant! I love the picture of you and Ryan! You guys look so happy and excited! I can’t wait to see the updates as your pregnancy continues!! You will be such great parents 🙂
Julie – just a thought… I think you should add a “baby” category to your blog. Your baby will be a part of your daily life, so it only fits with the blog 🙂
I can’t help but smile when I read all of your pregnancy posts so far, your happiness is so contagious! I’ve never had a baby (only 18!) but my mum used to crave Mar’s bars all the time and now they’re my favourite chocolate bar. I always wonder if it was because she loved them when she was pregnant with me because all my friends hate them! Congrats on the baby and I can’t wait to follow your pregnancy journey, I’m excited to find out if it’s a boy or a girl 🙂 Wishing you all the best for the rest of your pregnancy!!
Aw you look so happy in all these pics! So exciting!
Can’t wait now to find out if it’s a boy or a girl!!! I’m going to guess boy though! My friend suffered really badly with nausea up to 12 weeks n then she felt and has continued to feel amazing! Hope it’s the same for you! She’s due in 2 months and hasn’t found out the sex. She had no bump and then I didn’t see her for two weeks and she’d just popped!!!
I always found it fun to find out what produce the baby compared to that week and then go to the store and see for myself. I never knew what a kumquat was until I was pregnant. They are actually yummy! Kumquat was definitely a favorite comparison as well as blueberry!
The old wives tales of determining gender was also fun to look into but I also still felt clueless until the ultrasound! 🙂
Love that first look you posted! I’m tall so I can never get enough long tanks! And I’m in the market for some new leggings as well.
So awesome! When my sister-in-law went to her first ultra sound she totally had a Friends Ross & Rachel moment, “I don’t see it!!!!”
haha!! i love that episode!
Congrats!! I have been reading for a long time and so happy to hear this. I have 4 kids and I am done but this makes me miss being pregnant! Although all pregnancies are special there is just something so special about the first! 🙂
🙂 thank you!!
Your first trimester sounds very similar to how mine went…I’ve always been a sweets girl but in my 1st tri the thought of chocolate or anything sweet made me want to gag, so it was salty food all the way(mostly in the form of pizza
I can’t wait for your updates! I was sick all day every day for nearly the entire first tri. And all I cared about was salsa. Such a magical time.
So happy for you and Ryan! It must have been so hard to wait and tell family and friends. I remember bursting at the seams until the 12-week mark to tell everyone. My nausea didn’t go away until 14-weeks so I hope yours goes away soon. I was so sick that after we announced it, my co-workers said they already knew because of how “green” I looked. 😉 The aversions are so weird. I still can’t eat raw onions and garlic til this day. Enjoy this time; mine was a rough pregnancy but my twins are 7 now and I still cherish that time of being pregnant so much. You will LOVE feeling the baby move later! One of my favorite things!
i can’t wait to feel the baby move!!! and i love that you had twins! ryan was crossing his fingers for twins 🙂
I know you said you are craving fruit…just be careful because even though fruit is absolutely good for you it contains a lot of sugar. Definitely something to think about when trying to avoid gestational diabetes.
Your post was so cute/entertaining and full of Joy !! congratulations 🙂 … can’t wait to read about your pregnancy and i will send good vibes for a healthy baby boy/girl 🙂
I absolutely adore your pregnancy updates. Keep ’em coming!
So exciting! I love reading pregnancy updates! I’ve been craving all sorts of carbs during my pregnancy….oh and sugary cereals that I never ate before like fruity pebbles and golden Graham’s….so strange! Ha!
Congrats!!! It is so exciting. I love reading your pregnancy posts. Soak it all in and enjoy it. My little one is already 5 months and it feels like just last week I was still pregnant. Time really does fly by!
This is so sweet to read! I absolutely love the pregnancy updates. <3 <3
Love these posts! I am 14 weeks now and still can’t eat anything with chicken. Going through the meat department in the grocery store is a form of torture. I look like a goober because I hide my nose in my shirt. horrible. My nausea is finally starting to improve. Thank god! This groaning a baby stuff is hard work. Looking forward to feeling him/her move the most! On our second ultrasound the baby did a little dance like the salsa. It melted my heart!
Well we are growing babies. Not groaning. Ha ha. Darn typos.
Right there with you on the meat section at the grocery store! I cannot even look that direction or I will dry heave 🙁
isn’t that the most amazing thing!? the moment I saw our baby move, I was absolutely floored!
I would love a new tank and a top to wear as we transition to spring. Her line looks interesting.
With my daughter I CRAVED fruit!! With my son it was junk food. So excited for you!!!
I totally get the anything carbs! That’s all I could eat… and still can eat! Just within the past few days I cannot eat eggs!:( so sad since this is my go to breakfast. And also smoothies are a no go, it comes right back up!
One thing I have been craving is mac & cheese and mustard hahaha
Keep those baby posts coming! Love reading about baby PBF❤
Mac and cheese and mustard actually sounds good! Oh pregnancy.
Congratulations! What an exciting time! 🙂
Mandy | http://www.mandydreams.com
Yay! Love reading all the updates. Thanks for sharing 🙂
I totally laughed out loud reading all your pregnancy posts, because I found myself nodding in agreement with so many things! I am 21 weeks pregnant (Due July 11) and we studied up on the Ramzi Method too, it said we were having a girl, but we are in fact having a sweet little boy! I really hope the aversions get better, my only one is anything Disney ( we went when I was 5 weeks and I was so sick!), and I know this little guy will want to go one day! Congratulations!
I had the same due date as you last year! My baby girl was two weeks early, happy and , healthy. Enjoy this time and congratulations! I may be crazy but I miss being pregnant!
aw! how neat!!
Packing lunches for work has become SO HARD since getting pregnant! I tend to default to leftovers these days, but if I overdo it and have too many lunches/dinners out of one thing, I can’t eat it again! There are so many things that I made that the hubby and I really liked – but now I can’t even stand the thought of them! So funny what pregnancy will do to your appetite. Oh, and I am SO not crafty, but since about week 10, I’ve been taking a weekly chalkboard photo saying what week I’m at, and what size the baby is (in terms of fruit/veggie). I know it’s something I’ll cherish later! Pinterest has A TON of ideas, but mine is very basic, haha.
that is such a cute idea!!!
I’m a long time reader and just wanted to tell you how excited I am for you and Ryan!!! I also LOVE reading about all the details, keep it coming!
I totally remember you writing about your cravings for egg sandwiches! I think I even commented and agreed I was on the same wave link as you were! However, I was not pregnant 😉
Haha! Yessss — I was ALL about egg sandwiches for a while there. Still loving them this week!
I can’t tell you how happy it makes me to read these pregnancy updates from you! So fun! I especially love that photo of you posing in front of the Christmas tree. You’re too cute!
And I forgot to give you my guess on your last post, but I’m guessing BOY!
Ahhh I’m SO excited for you!! I’m loving that you started documenting it so we can read along! 😀
Congrats! this is very exciting!! You will do great for a #fitpregnancy!
I am preggers with our first baby as well…we have a few things in common Julie (many things actually!:) Check out my little “diary entry” on my blog if you have time!
thanks for sharing!
Congratulations on the pregnancy! Really like the dip dyed sweater and tank!
This made me tear up!
I second the guess that it will be a boy 😉 (Either way, he/she will be cute)