This week is clearly the week of leftovers for lunch.
Leftover salmon from last night plus leftover roasted broccoli and cauliflower from Monday night!
I tossed the leftover vegetables with some quinoa and eventually ended up flaking the salmon with a fork and stirring everything together for a big, messy plate of yummy food.
The best part was that I assembled my plate in less than five minutes, thanks to the leftovers and the batch of quinoa I prepared in advance on Sunday evening. A little prep work goes a long way when it comes to throwing meals together in a flash. I felt like I was eating dinner!
Personal Training Certification Decision
I have a pretty big decision to make. As I told you guys last week when I talked about my Fitness Bucket List, I would like to get my personal training certification.
I’ve been researching various certifications for some time now and put out a call on the PBF Facebook page today looking for your certification recommendations since I know many of you are already certified personal trainers working in the industry.
A bunch of you guys weighed in with feedback about what certification you think I should go with, based on the knowledge it provides, the comprehensive nature of the certification and the credibility. I was happy to see that NASM, my current front-runner, received a lot of positive feedback. (If you’re interested in becoming a personal trainer, definitely check out the comments on the PBF Facebook page. Lots of good stuff!)
Now that I’ve basically made up my mind about the certification I wish to pursue, I am ready to take the plunge!
I registered for my CPR/AED certification next week, a requirement by NASM to receive my personal training certification. I was a lifeguard for several years in high school and hope the knowledge comes flooding back to me.
If you’re a personal trainer and have any words of wisdom for me as I begin the certification journey, I’d love to hear your advice!
Congrats, Julie! What a wonderful next step for you – good luck w/ everything!! You’ll be an amazing PT!
Such exciting news!! You will do a great job with being a PT-and there are so many different avenues to take with the cert, which is a very cool.
P.s. lunch looks awesome!
Go, Julie! Although I haven’t gone through personal training certification, my advice would be study hard and don’t give up. You’d make an awesome PT!
Woohoo! I am currently studying for my certification, too. I have until August 20th…eeps! I’ve really enjoyed reading the textbook so far and I know you will too.
awesome! peronal training twins. 🙂
I’ve been thinking about doing this as well! It might have to wait until my graduate studies slow down a bit though. Good luck to you!! 🙂
I would follow a PT for a day to see how it goes. Some people struggle with getting clients and pitching them, it’s more of a business. Also checkout how much money you would actually make, most gyms take $$$.
i agree completely. i work in a gym and PT is more of a sales job than anything else. group fitness, however, is more relaxed.
I have been teaching group fitness for about 5 years and I love it so much more! I don’t have to “make” people come to my classes.
great suggestion! my interests are more in group exercise and writing about fitness – i know i’d feel really awkward “pitching” myself to people!
I am kinda confused, I think you want a different certificate… also you can take classes at your local community college and get a certificate in exercise science. I am going back to school to get a degree in exercise science to work with patients on a clinical level.
i go into more detail about my reasoning here:
Oh gotcha you just want to be able to write about fitness. Whew, I did not want you to waste your money if you are not interested in training people one on one.
You should get your group exercise cert then.. or at least that in addition. Having a PT cert isn’t that helpful in terms of teaching group exercise classes.
that’s part two of my plan! 🙂
What’s the best way to go about getting your group exercise certification? And what all does that qualifiy you to teach?
Congrats on making the decision to go for it! I know you’ll be great at it!
Congratulations! I am actually in the process of narrowing down my own selections (and determining if I want to go all out in my pursuit of an RD or take a nutritionist certification program to compliment the PT certification). Good luck!!
Congrats Julie! You are going to be a great personal trainer :). So happy for you
Best of luck!! This is so awesome!!
How exciting!! You are going to be so awesome! This has always been a dream of mine, I am thinking about doing it as soon as I graduate college! Excited to see how it all works out for you! 🙂
I’ve been a certified PT for almost 5 years now and have worked in a variety of settings (college gym, commercial gym and currently in corporate). Being a PT is HARD work to do full time. You have to be comfortable with selling yourself. Especially if you plan to work at a commercial gym. Most PT’s do not have a salary and are just paid on a client by client basis and most the time just a %. The hours are really long and strange. If you are going to do it part time to supplement your blog that would probably work out well for you. My biggest piece of advice is to go shadow a variety of trainers before you ever take on a client. I have seen a ton of newbie trainers putting their clients through unsafe things just because they are inexperienced.
I got my personal training certification through AFAA almost a year ago and it was a great decision! It was a 3 day course with a written and practical test on the last day. It wasn’t bad at all and I definitely learned a lot in those 3 days. Lucky for me I teach a cardio/strength class called Hour Blast (in New Orleans) and train a few personal clients there, too. I like it bc it’s not a gym that’s open all day where people work out on their own – we just offer classes and personal training. I agree with others comments to that group fitness is definitely more fun to teach compared to being a “salesperson” at a gym trying to get clients all day. Good luck!! You’ll have no problem with it!
I agree with NASM! I tried going down the ACSM route and it didn’t work out for me.. I’ll be doing NASM soon!
I am interested in becoming certified to teach group classes as well, I’m in grad school so I am going to wait for that to slow down and hopefully start studying for it next Summer. I talked to some of the ladies who teach the group classes I attend and most of them are AFAA certified. I think you’ll do a great job!
Awesome decision, Julie! Wish you all the success along the way 🙂
That’s awesome, Julie! I’m so happy for you! So many people find their passions after they’ve been through college & have found a job, etc. but then never do anything with it! It’s so nice to see you actively pursuing your dreams! We’ll be here to cheer you on! 🙂
Congratulations! I think you will be a wonderful pesonal trainer! I have a friend who is in the process of getting things prepared to pursue the NASM certification. It’s been so fun to follow his journey (and now hopefully yours!), and really inspiring. Who knows, maybe some day I’ll take the plunge!
Congratulations Julie! Sounds like a very natural next step for you! If I lived closer, I would definitely hire you!!
Way to go! You will do so great as a personal trainer! Your courage and ambition never ceases to inspire me. Be sure to fill us in on your progress 🙂
Congratulations! That sounds right up your alley, I can’t wait to hear more about it!
My mom is a group fitness instructor and PT, but only does personal training with a few clients independent of any gym… she trains right in a studio in her basement! She loves the flexibility the two jobs give her. Best of luck!
Congrats, Julie! I’m so happy for you! You will really love NASM. I got my certification last summer and have been working at a local gym for almost a year, now. NASM helps prepare you so much for the fitness world!
I agree with some of the other comments about about selling yourself. It can be a little awkward and difficult. Obviously, most people don’t go into training for the love of selling, but that is a part of the job if you work at a gym. When I first started the job, I promised myself that I wouldn’t try to be a cheese-ball salesperson. Instead, I try to make comprehensive fitness plans and establish relationships with my clients. I won’t try to sell someone training who doesn’t need it or can’t afford it. While I know I could be making more money if I did try to do that, I feel better morally about my approach. Training becomes less about me trying to make commission and more about me helping others succeed in fitness and health! All my long term clients, I believe, I have been blessed with.
Also- if you can, I highly recommend on of NASM’s live workshops that they offer. I went to one before I took my test and it helped SO much!
Good luck!
i’m glad you were able to decide on one! i am certified through NASM and absolutely loved it. i would highly recommend notecards while studying – they helped me a ton.
Congrats! Personal training seems like it’ll be a perfect fit for you.
WOW! Julie, I am truly excited for you! You inspire so many people on a daily basis and I couldn’t think of someone who would be better fit to do so in the gym. I cannot wait to hear about your journey with certification because this is an idea that I have toyed with multiple times! OH, and that salmon looks absolutely amazing!
AWESOME! I am NASM certified and loved it. The exam is not a cake walk but if you study the material well youll do great. The practice exams and workshop were a life saver. Especially for what youre using it for im sure you will asorb the info 100%. Im excited for you and the new journey!
Congrats on the decision! Somthing I want to look into one day too! And seeing that Salmon makes me wish so badly I had some at home for dinner!
I am so excited to see this post, because I have been considering pursuing certification as well and had no clue where to start! Thanks so much for all the great advice on here, I’ve really enjoyed reading your blog. Congrats and good luck to you!
good luck to you julie! congrats on make the decision.
Congrats on deciding to get your certification! That’s the great thing about making a bucket list, it really pushes you to cross things off and go for your goals!
That is exciting. CONGRATS on the big decision. Good luck.
The Kidless Kronicles
That’s awesome! Good luck with your certification.
I’ve been thinking about getting certified somewhere down the road. Personal training would definitely make a great part-time job!
When I was in high school and needed to gain weight I saw a personal trainer who was certified by them and she was great! Good luck, have fun!
I just graduated with a degree in Health Sciences and NO idea what to do with it, a little part of me is thinking of being a personal trainer but I don’t know. I need to get re-certified in CPR, I haven’t been since they changed it to the hands free version.
Awesome Julie, good for you! I have been thinking about getting certified as well, now that I am addicted to this whole fitness thing. I live in Canada so I think that the options are slightly different for me up here. I have also applied for my Ed. Psych. Masters program so I am waiting to hear about that before I commit to the PT certification.
I don’t really care if I make money doing PT, I want to do the certification for my own knowledge and growth.
Keep us updated!
Best of luck to you Julie!! I’m sure you will do great! 🙂
Congrats!! I think you will do great. I can’t wait to hear all about it as I’ve also pondered the idea of getting certified in PT. Also, your salmon looks to die for!!
Will you come to Orlando and make me fit like you?
Good for you Julie!!!!! 🙂 I’m sure you will ROCK as a P.T.!!!!
You’re going to be an amazing personal trainer!
Good luck! I wanted to do the personal training certification with NASM but I just can’t afford and don’t have much time being in law school! Hopefully when I graduate!
Can’t wait to follow along as you become certified. Becoming a trainer is definitely on my bucket list and NASM is who I’d want to go through as well.
Congrats on your decision! I’m currently working with a personal trainer and I love her! She’s awesome, encouraging and kicks me in the booty when I need it lol 😉
Yay! Sort of off topic, but have you ever done Turbo Kick? It’s an amazing workout AND the music is what’s really key to the class… and you’ve mentioned your love for some good jams. I’m a certified instructor (but don’t teach) but LOOOOVVEE the classes. Maybe something you might enjoy one day 🙂
Also, I live in New Orleans and am so excited that you are coming here!! I can’t wait to hear all about it. And if you need any suggestions, let me know.
Yay Julie! I’m excited that you’re following your dreams 🙂
congrats Julie! One day I want to get my personal trainer cert. but I have to wait until I am done paying off my health coaching courses! I think you will be an amazing teacher you seem so up beat!
Hey Kaitlin! Who did you do your health coaching courses through? I’m looking into coaching as a full time career and would love to hear from someone who’s been through it!
there are many legitimate companies that have health coaching as a career – i am in one of them! the difference between a health coach that isn’t a glorified sales job is education. you could spend thousands to get a bogus certification in one year at IIN, but you will not get a job with a legitimate health coaches. all of our health coaches are either masters educated in exercise physiology or registered dietitians. IIN grads are laughed out of rooms when their resumes come around. good luck!
Christina, you can email me at forloveofcarrots(at) and we can talk about it.
Thank you, I will!! 🙂
Congratulations! I loved reading this post as I hope to get my personal training certification in the future as well! Good luck with everything 🙂
Check out my latest recipe @
This is so exciting! I got certified literally one year ago this month as a personal trainer, and I loved it! You are passionate about the subject, so it will be fun for you to memorize different muscles in the body and how to use them effectively 🙂 Just keep it fun, and you will do great! Congrats!!
Ahh I wish I lived a little closer because I’d SO be your first client :):) Congrats on following your dreams – that’s what life is all about!
I think it can never be a bad idea to become more educated, in any and all areas of life! Even if you do not use the PT certification to train clients I am sure it will come in handy for your own personal workouts and fitness related opportunities that come your way.
Congrats on the exciting step!! You’re going to rock it!!