As I alluded to this morning, I have some news to share with you guys! I wanted to wait until I got the official call before I shared anything and since I heard the good news this afternoon, I feel comfortable letting you guys in on the latest development in my life.
Right after I got my personal training certification through NASM, I began searching for a fitness-related job in Ocala. Unfortunately there are a limited number of gyms in Ocala and therefore a limited number of jobs. (One day I accidentally typed Orlando into craigslist and thought I finally hit the job jackpot! Not the case.)
The jobs I found near me were still a solid 45-minute drive away, so when a personal training job finally opened up at a local gym within 20 minutes of my house, I was so excited.
I applied immediately and went in to talk with someone right away. The week before we left on our vacation, I had my first formal interview. Yesterday I had a follow-up interview with two more people and found myself getting more and more excited about possibly joining their team. We seem to share a similar fitness philosophy and they were extremely receptive to my desire to eventually transition into instructing group exercise classes when I have that certification and feel comfortable. (And we talked about BodyPump! I think I may even be able to lead the charge to bring that class to the gym which would be amazing.)
I go in on Monday to fill out the paperwork and do the whole drug test thang, but I should be starting at the gym very soon! I’m really looking forward to a new adventure and more human interaction. I’ve missed being around people every day and think this will be a great new challenge. I’m nervous and excited all at once.
So now that the news is out, let’s fly through the rest of the day, shall we?
Leftovers for lunch!
Last night I made a giant batch of Easy Orange Chicken for dinner and reheated two drumsticks for lunch today after I arrived home from an afternoon Taste of Ocala meeting.
I served the drumsticks with a sweet, crisp apple and roasted broccoli and cauliflower that I tossed in olive oil and the leftover orange sauce.
Now I’m off to continue working away on a PowerPoint presentation. Fun stuff!
Kim @ Cooking in the City says
Congrats Julie!
Kaitlyn says
Congrats, Julie!! So exciting!!! 🙂 Can’t wait to hear about this new adventure!
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
thanks, kaitlyn!
Fiona @ Get Fit Fiona says
That’s exciting – congrats on the new job!
Beckett @ The Birchwood Pie Project says
Wow! Good luck at your new job.
Jan @ Sprouts n Squats says
Wow Congratulations!!! That is such great news 🙂 So good you were able to find something close by and that they share your same philosophy. It will also be cool once you get to the point of leading group classes.
Good luck for Monday I hope all goes well.
Racheal @ Running with Racheal says
How exciting! You will do great!
Kimberly @ Healthy Strides says
Congrats! A tip – if they don’t want to pay for the Les Mills license, there’s a program called Rip on PowerMusic that is similar. I teach BP but my gym was thinking of switching as LM can be pricey.
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
i mentioned the fees that come along with les mills, but they seemed okay with it when i said how incredibly popular it was in orlando. plus, one of the trainers there is also a huge bodypump fan and backed up my enthusiasm. we shall see! thanks for the tip on rip! i’ll definitely look into that, too!
Michelle @ A Healthy Mrs says
Great news!
All the best in this new job endeavour!
Ashley says
Congrats! That job sounds so fun!
Beth Sheridan says
Congratulations! That’s wonderful news!
Mary @ Food and Fun on the Run says
Yay! Congrats! I am actually starting to get in to a local gym as well for some training! I’m pretty excited!
Laura @ beanstalk says
Just want to say congrats on the new job!! I think being a personal trainer would be one of the best jobs… Truly helping people be healthy & feel
good. Love it!
Annette@FitnessPerks says
Congrats Julie!!
So exciting 🙂 I hope you get to eventually have them bring LM to their gym 🙂 It is expensive, but members LOVE it & it’s sooooo worth it. No wonder LM is the leader in group fitness! Plus, then you can teach BP for them! So excited to watch your journey with that–and let me know if you want any tips! xo
Michelle@Peachy Palate says
Delighted for you! Your the queen of workouts so it’s the perfect job for you! Keep us posted!
Emily @SinfulNutrition says
Congrats! That is exciting news. I have thought about eventually getting my personal traning certification, but I figured I should focus on becoming an RD first. 15 days away from completing my internship, then I can sit for the exam! Can’t wait to hear how your training journey unfolds.
Julie @ Peanut Butter Fingers says
congrats!!! so awesome to hear that your hard work is paying off! RD to be!!
Michelle says
Woo-hoo congrats!!! I considered emailing you a job opening I read about a few weeks ago (I was researching teaching spin classes/qualifications I would need – because I don’t already have enough going on – and the job for Ocala popped up), but it was around the same time you were leaving for your trip. It would be funny if this was the same one. So happy for you!!
Lauren @ Berry Sweet Lauren says
Congratulations! I love Body Pump and having a good instructor is key!
Michele says
I work at a gym, and I’m trying to bring BodyPump (took some classes in Aspen and fell in love). Well, I talked to the Rep at a conference in Las Vegas recently, and it’s not just the fees for Les Mills and the follow up work you have to do, its the weights themselves! The Rack and enouch weights for 20 participants was $6200. Sad face.
The new weights they have out now are awesome- so much better than the old ones.
Lexie says
Congrats Julie!!!! SO exciting! I wish that we had a Body Pump class at my gym!
Ruthie says
Terrific news, Julie! Congrats! You’ll do a fantastic job!!!
Danielle @ Truffles n' Treadmills says
Good luck Julie! That is so exciting
Heather @ Run Eat Play says
Congrats, Julie! That’s so exciting!
Katie says
Congratulations! I hope that it is a good fit for you.
I can definitely see you setting up your own training/fitness programs or camps in Ocala after working at a gym for a while.
Good luck!
Nicole @ Fruit 'N' Fitness says
Congratulations, I’m sure you will make an excellent trainer!
Katie @ running4cupcakes says
That is super exciting!! And even more awesome if you can get body pump there too. 🙂
Lindsey says
Yay! Congrats!
Erica @ For the Sake of Cake says
Congrats! And fingers crossed you’re able to get Pump up and running!
Brittany @ Barr & Table says
Wow! Congrats Julie, that’s so awesome!! You’re going to be an amazing trainer.
Elle Noel says
Way to go lady! This is such fantastic news! I’m excited to read about this next transition!
Angela says
So exciting!! Congrats, girl! I hope you can do what it takes to get your beloved body pump to Ocala! 🙂
Ellee says
So great Julie! I am excited to see what this new adventure will bring to the blog! Good luck!
Jeannie says
Congratulations lady, that is some very exciting news! You’ll be teaching group fitness in no time.
Tiffany Bush says
So happy for you, Julie! Congratulations!
Katie @ Peace Love & Oats says
Congratulations!!! That’s so exciting that you found a position so quickly!
Lauren says
Congratulations! This is so exciting! I hope you can lead the group training classes. I have a dream of teaching Pilates -which will probably never happen- so this is so awesome!!!
Emily M. says
What great news! It would be so fitting for you to become a body pump instructor!
Erica says
Meghan @ After the Ivy League says
Such exciting news!! Congrats!
Kaylyn says
Congratulations Julie!! So excited you’ll be able to use your new certification (and maybe bring your Body Pump to your new facility!) Exciting!!
Katie @ KatieEnPursuit says
Congrats Julie! I just got NASM certified at the end of February & am still working-on where I will find my groove. Sounds like you’ve got a great place to begin, I’m sure you’ll be awesome!
Brittany says
ADSJKDA DFAJKFSDAKL;VBCNJASL;!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness! Good luck! You’ll be in my prayers! =P
Sonja @ The {Happy} Travel Bug says
Congrats! You seem excited, so that’s awesome! Will you still be blogging twice a day?
Kim Perry says
Congratulations!!! THey are going to love you!!
Katie T. says
That is so awesome for you! You are such an inspiration to me. I don’t have the same goals as you specifically, but just the fact that you realized you weren’t doing what you loved and changed your whole life around is very impressive. Well done! I hope to be able to do the same thing with my life one day!
Suzanne @ Mixing It Up says
Congrats!!! Your clients will be lucky to have you as their trainer!!
Elisabeth says
Congratulations on the new career! I don’t think I’d want to be work at home every day by myself, so the human interaction should be a plus!
Nadia says
Congrats, Julie! I wish I lived in your area, I would love to attend one of your classes. If you ever decide to do an on-line program, I will definitely sign up!
Anne says
Congratulations Julie!!!! Iw exciting that you may even be able to start a Body Pump movement!!
Kristen @ notsodomesticated says
Congratulations! That is very exciting! 🙂
Christina @TheTinyRunner says
That is so exciting! Congratulations. I am looking into getting fitness instructor certified- I have looked at ACE and NASM. How did you like NASM?