Well today I’m popping in with your first photo overload post of 2016! As a blogger, I take a million pictures and only a fraction ever seem to make it on PBF. These photo overload posts give me a chance to share some of these forgotten pictures with you guys. I try my best to select photos that make me laugh or smile and hopefully they will do the same for you.
Have a great Thursday, my friends!
Photo Overload: Part Three
- Chase’s First Beach Experience
That face!!! At the end of December, Chase had his first beach experience when we were in Jacksonville. We had high hopes for our outdoorsy little dude, but he was not having it! He cried and screamed and our time at the beach lasted a whopping 15 minutes. I still managed to snap a few photos and cannot help but think his tiny little frown on the surfboard in the above picture is way too adorable. And those swim trunks!? I swear he looks like he’s 5 months going on 5 years old.
- Four Ingredient Blondies
I often check the Blue Apron website for recipes to use for dinner inspiration. A while ago, I stumbled upon a Blue Apron dessert recipe that immediately caught my eye: 5 Ingredient Brownies. Yes please! I revamped the recipe a bit to make four-ingredient blondies with brown sugar, butter, eggs and flour and they were SO good. I never got around to sharing them on the blog, but they were gooey and buttery and absolutely fantastic when served warm with creamy vanilla ice cream. I didn’t measure everything out exactly but I think I combined approximately 1/2 cup of flour (maybe a tiny bit more), 1 cup of packed brown sugar, 1/2 cup salted butter and two eggs before baking everything in an 8×8 dish at 350 for 35(ish) minutes. The blondies were super gooey in the best kind of way. If you’re looking for a delicious treat to enjoy a la mode, I highly recommend them!
- Chase + Sadie = BFFs
I snapped this picture of Chase and Sadie in Jacksonville over the holidays and love it! For some reason the angle makes it look like Chase reached out to snap a selfie of himself with his doggie BFF. Two peas in a pod!
- Sleepy Sadie on Christmas
The love Sadie has for Ryan truly melts my heart. She absolutely adores him (I’ve thrown in the towel when it comes to trying to be her favorite) and this picture of the two of them on Christmas makes me smile. Ross snapped it when we were hanging out in the living room after all of the presents were opened. It was taken during the quiet calm that follows the excitement of Christmas morning and Sadie looks so peaceful and content as she rests her head on Ryan’s leg. (<— I have a feeling this is part of her strategy for knowing the moment Ryan gets up to go anywhere just in case she happens to fall asleep.)
- Baby Selfie
This picture of Chase cracks me up! You know when you accidentally flip your phone’s camera on yourself and you look like a you have a billion chins? I feel like this picture of Chase is what he’d look like if he accidentally flipped my phone’s camera on himself. When I took this pic, I immediately texted it to Ryan and we both thought it was hilarious!
- First Post-Baby Pedicure
When my in-laws came in town in December, my mother-in-law sent me off to get a pedicure while she watched Chase one morning and it was such a treat. It was my first post-baby pedicure and up until then the most attention I gave to my toes was occasionally trimming my nails and painting over whatever coat of pink nail polish was already on them. My toes looked pretty horrific so this sweet gift from Diane was more than appreciated! If there’s a new mom in your life that you’d love to do something nice for, I highly recommend offering to watch their little one and sending them off for a pedicure or manicure. It felt like such an indulgent treat! (Oh and I know this picture is probably killing my dad. No, Dad, I don’t need new jeans. They’re supposed to be like that.)
- 2015 Best Nine
If you are active on Instagram, I’m sure you saw a billion “Best Nine” of 2015 collages popping up in your feed when 2016 rolled around. I never actually shared mine on Instagram, but I was curious about my top nine most liked images and here they are in all their glory! Baby news and baby pictures clearly dominated my year! I also love that Mimi’s reaction to our baby news was a favorite. Love! (FYI, if you have an Instagram account, you can get your Best Nine collage at 2015BestNine.com.)
I love your note to your dad about your jeans!
Love,love, love the picture of your Mimi finding out about Chase.
I am still sorry she never got the chance to meet him, although I am sure she is around you guys all the time watching!
Thank you, Karen! That picture will always be one of my all-time favorites! <3
All super cute photos! You’re great at capturing moments I don’t know how you do it that you have so many you’ve got overflow! For me I get up and run to the camera or get my phone and it’s over…. every. day.
I can’t get over how adorable chase looks with those swim trunks!
Adorable! Can’t wait to try those blondies as well…
Aww that first picture!! haha Hopefully he enjoys his next beach experience more!
Ahhh! I cannot believe you never shared that Chase beach picture!!! Adorable!!! My sons first beach trip won’t be until July when we visit cape cod for his 1 year birthday! I can’t wait to see how he likes it!!!
aw!! that will be so fun! hopefully chase’s next beach adventure will be a little more joyful for him! he was miserrrrable during our first attempt.
I have been reading your blog for….over 5 years…and this girl has never commented! A long time coming- Hi! 🙂 Just wanted to say I LOL’d at your dad comment. Why is it all dads out there are the same?! My first pair of ripped jeans my dad asked if I had received a discount because they had forgotten to repair the holes in my pants….#dadjokes
haha!! 🙂 love that your dad is the same. and thanks so much for reading for so long!
I have so many random pictures on my phone of me and the bf which will never make it to the internet. But I have them for my own memories.
I love your “baby selfies”! Too many cute pictures 🙂
For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to get my best nine! I guess I could have googled, but I never did. So thank you for sharing the link! 😀
Oh my gosh, that picture of Chase at the beach KILLS ME! He is so stinkin’ cute!!
Love all these photos! Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness! That beach picture! Ridiculously cute. What a sweet little dude you have. 🙂
Such a fun post! I adore Chase’s beach photo. Too cute. I am sure he will be an outdoorsy dude just like his parents are!
First of all, that picture of Sadie and Ryan is adorable. Sadie is a little love bug, isn’t she.
But also, I HATED going to the beach until I was probably five. I still don’t love it, truthfully… sand is dirty. And I’m lame. Because of that, my parents have great pictures of me whenever we went to the beach because I would be the little model baby lounging in the chair and playing near the benches. Everything has it’s perks, right?!
Haha ” no dad I don’t need new jeans”. Sounds just like my dad!!
these are easily my fave posts on your blog! those blondies sound amazing!
These are some pretty good pictures, Julie! Since getting a dog in the summer of this year, 99.9 percent of the pictures on my phone are of my little fur baby. And I’m not ashamed. I imagine it’s even worse when you have a human baby ehehhe! 🙂
hahaha! my dad would say the same thing about those jeans!! too funny!! Love the picture of Chase and Sadie together.. precious!
A manicure and a pedicure is SUCH a treat. I have a 10 month old (crazy how fast it goes by) and that is something I always look forward to!!
Love these pics!! The one of Chase and Sadie is so sweet.
The dad joke had me cracking up. My dad says the same thing…
I love the message to your dad 🙂 I like the photo overload post!
I recognize this is terrible, but there’s nothing like the cuteness of a sad baby face. I love it!
Cracking up at your baby selfie!!!
Love these pictures! I so need a pedicure and your picture reminded me! 🙂
Chase at the beach is the BEST!!! He’ll be walking(!!?) in no time. My little guy who is 4 months old loves being in the standing position. He gets the biggest grin, as though he has conquered the world! 🙂
Love these posts! I love that picture of your Mimi and Sadie with Chase of course. The dad comment reminds me of something my dad would say too!
What a great idea for a post! LOVE those beach trunks! haha!:)
Wow, he looks so old in the surfing picture! I’m amazed he’s bearing weight on his little legs. Our little girl is 3 weeks younger, and she still collapses anytime we stand her up haha 🙂
A pedi gc (spawish or a specific one if I can find one that does gc processing remotely since thevnew mommies I know have mostly been long distance) is my go to gift for new moms (after satisfying my need to buy cute clothes, one practical baby shower gift (the closest relatives get diaper pails bc who but a close female relative will buy it?), and the requisite copy of The Monster at the End of this Book). I love sending it two to three months after birth when gifts trickle off and mom may feel like all she is at all is a mom and miss a little self-time. I haven’t been able to add babysitting with it but I feel like pedis are such a treat and a mini indulgence that gets her home before she feels TOO much baby withdraw but still gives her special time to just relax and feel pretty and pampered (lol st my unplanned diaper pun!).
Love hearing it was a good treat for you (always hard to know for sure if it’s truly enjoyed or just a polite thank you). If i were local, I’d def consider actually making the reservation and saying “I’m coming to hang with the tot and you’re going out for one hourish of you time” to ensure it I s used and alleviate guilt or just procrastination!
BAHAHAHAHA the comment to your dad about the jeans cracked me up because if I wear similar jeans, my dad ALWAYS says “where did the rest of your pants go?” or “I think you forgot part of your pants”….oooooh dads!
“I hope you didn’t pay full price for those jeans”- my dad. every time.
I’ve loved all your photo overload posts, this one was no exception. It’s so fun to see the pics that didn’t make it. lol at Chase at the beach, hilarious. Fun post!
Super excited about the blondie recipe! yum!!!
I love that your beloved Mimi made your top 9! What a joy for you to see. <3 So special!
The front camera pic of Chase is cute, and reminds me of this hilarious twitter post (later curated by buzzfeed for one of their listicles). https://twitter.com/MedievalReacts/status/577508743912488960/photo/1
I just made those blondies AND I added chocolate chips. AMAZING!
I’m catching up and just read this post and had to laugh at your comment about giving up on being Sadie’s favorite. I feel the same about our fur baby. He’s an English bulldog and absolutely ADORES my husband. I joke that he merely tolerates me…ha! The bond between my husband and our fur baby is too sweet though so yeah…I give up too! Oh and Chase is adorable 🙂
I still have that photo of Mimi on my fridge … it makes me smile every day