Picture an Hour: November 2023
- 6:20 a.m. Coffee + Devotional
I set my alarm for 6 a.m. yesterday and let Pepper out before putting the boys’ lunches in their bags, refilling water bottles and getting everything organized for the day ahead. Then it was time for coffee, glancing through my calendar and my morning devotional. My friend Lauren and I are making our way through The Well-Watered Woman together.
- 7:15 a.m. Breakfast + Playtime
Ryan had an early meeting yesterday and after we all said goodbye to him, it was time for breakfast and Botley! Botley is a coding robot toy we gave to Chase for Christmas a few years ago that was a bit of a bust. He thought it was really cool for a week or so but lost interest. (Honestly, this was probably our fault for not properly showing him how it works because I think it was over his head when we initially gave it to him.) I’m so glad I didn’t give it away because somehow Botley came back from the dead and has been the biggest hit with Ryder and Chase these past few weeks.
- 8:35 a.m. School Drop Offs + Cleaning Sweep + Mad Dash to Boot Camp
(Sparkle Leggings: Beyond Yoga — Ryder tells me I look like a Christmas tree whenever I wear these / Shoes: New Balance / Socks: Amazon / Top: Beyond Yoga but old / XL Scrunchie: Nike)
(Okay, who is stressing over our unorganized dishwasher?)
After dropping Chase off at school a little before 8 a.m., we came back home and Ryder and Rhett played for 35 minutes or so while I did a quick cleaning sweep and got dressed for boot camp. Then it was time to head back out for preschool drop off before making a mad dash to boot camp.
- 9:25 a.m. Burn Boot Camp: Biceps, Triceps, Chest Workout
The workout of the day at Burn Boot Camp focused on biceps, triceps and chest. We went through four rounds of the following exercises (40 seconds on, 20 seconds off): Chest press, triceps extensions, single-arm biceps curl with alternate arm in an isometric hold, chest flyes, triceps kickbacks, dead hang biceps curls and push ups.
- 10:15 a.m. Shower + Get Dressed
(Sweater: Target / Jeans: Levi’s Ribcage Jeans / Clogs: Amazon / Headband: Target)
Quick shower and time to get dressed for the day before busting out some work on the computer at home.
- 11:00 a.m. Work + Love on Pepper
Excuse me, Pepper, why are you so cute? Pepper in a sweater is my new favorite thing. I figured you’d rather see a picture of her than my computer. Pepper served as a fabulous furry coworker and curled up on my lap as I worked for a few hours.
- 12:25 p.m. Lunch + Work
More work time as I ate leftover turkey soup for lunch! I also ate a million and one Chica’s lime tortilla chips out of the bag because I cannot be stopped with those things.
- 1:45 p.m. Angel Tree Shopping
After picking up Ryder and Rhett from preschool, we drove to Target to do some shopping for the children we selected from an angel tree. The boys wanted to buy them everything in all of Target (Ryder insisted a 5 month-old-boy needed Nintendo) but we did our best to make sure their wish lists were filled (and then some)!
- 2:55 p.m. Back at Home
We went straight to Chase’s school pickup from Target and then back home. I always get a kick out of looking through the boys’ schoolwork after they unload their backpacks. Yesterday Chase wrote all about the time we caught a giant snapping turtle over the summer. That thing was huge and shocked all of us when Chase reeled it in after I felt something pulling intensely on my rod.
- 3:45 p.m. Home Playtime + Random Household Clean Up
I love Tuesdays because Tuesdays and Fridays are our “free days” with zero activities for the boys, meaning we get more time to simply be home or do whatever we want to do for the afternoon. The boys thoroughly entertained themselves by running all over our house, playing in their cardboard playhouse, building with Legos and tackling each other during indoor football (their latest obsession) with breaks sprinkled in only for snacks. When they were playing well and distracted, I knocked out some laundry and a few other household to-dos.
- 4:30 p.m. New Table Runner Arrives
I was so excited when I opened up a package that arrived yesterday afternoon and found our new table runner! I ordered the same runner in blue earlier this year but wanted one with a little more of a holiday flare and opted for a deeper red this time around. (I initially found the table runner on Etsy when I was looking for extra long runners that would fit our table.) I love it so much and topped it with a faux garland and flameless candles I placed in gold candlestick holders. Bring on all the holiday flare!
- 5:45 p.m. Dinner
Dinner time! Last night’s dinner looked like leftover ham with peas and a Daily Harvest grains mixture.
- 6:50 p.m. Bed Time Routine for the Boys
Ryan and I tag-teamed bedtime as usual last night and while I didn’t snap any pictures, this morning I found the above pic on my phone from last night. Hiii Ryder! The pic was saved to my phone from the Colgate Hum app and oh my gosh that toothbrush has been the best thing to happen to the boys’ toothbrushing habits in long time. I bought the Colgate Hum Kid’s Toothbrush back in October after a friend recommended it to me and really need to add it to an upcoming Things I’m Loving Friday post because it has skyrocketed the time our boys spend brushing their teeth and makes them more thorough brushers. It was well worth the $15 I spent!
- 7:30 p.m. Holiday Mug Exchange
Last night I hosted the annual holiday mug exchange my girlfriends and I have been doing for 5 years! It’s one of my favorite holiday traditions and began several years ago when we wanted to do something easy yet fun to celebrate the holidays together. Everyone simply brings one holiday mug to the exchange and then we all draw numbers to determine the order in which we get to pick a mug. When it is your turn, you may “steal” a mug from someone who has already opened one or pick a new one from the pile. Mugs can only be stolen three times before they’re “frozen” and the person who picks first gets to go again one more time at the very end. It’s always so fun to see which mugs people love (and why they love them) and we’ve even started including little extras along with the mugs like hot chocolate bombs, peppermint pretzels, a pair of fuzzy holiday socks, etc., but no one spends more than $15-25. We love this tradition so, so much!
- 10:15 p.m. Wrapping Up Our Holiday Mug Exchange
Once all the mugs were exchanged, we chatted and laughed for a few hours before calling it a night! I joined Ryan in bed a little after 11 p.m. once everyone was gone and read my latest book until my eyes could no longer stay open.
And now I’m off to get this Wednesday rockin’! I hope you all enjoy the rest of your week!
I always love your day in the life posts! your house looks gorgeous all decorated! Can I just say how impressed I am with Chase’s handwriting?!!!! It’s amazing! my kids (now 18) never got close to that neatness 🙂
I came to say the same thing. WOW!!
Oh it’s definitely not always this neat but he’s been working hard!! I’ll tell him you said these sweet words and I’m sure it will make him smile! Thank you!
Would you mind sharing what size you are in the Levi jeans? I tend to be around the same as your recommended sizes.
Yes! I’m in a 27. I initially ordered a 28 but opted for a 27. They do stretch out a bit throughout the day so I’d definitely size down.
We have Botley and feel the same way – he was a hit in the beginning like all new things, but since our daughter (now almost 9) couldn’t do it completely on her own, he fell off to the side. Currently he’s starting to work his way back out, but not enough yet… I should probably do more encouraging. Sometimes it’s hard to interrupt the independent play they already have going on (big Barbie house over here).
Exactly!! Now that it’s more of a “do it on your own” toy, Botley is getting a lot more love over here!
***(Okay, who is stressing over our unorganized dishwasher?) ~ Not me. Whenever I have people over and they load the dishwasher they ask if it’s okay. I tell them as long as they’re in there I don’t care. Ha!!
***Chase’s handwriting is awesome. WOW!!
*** What a great idea on the Holiday Mug Exchange.
Haha! Yessss I’m definitely not Type A when it comes to the dishwasher!
Love these day in the life blogs! Do you by chance know where the mug is from that’s in your devotional pic? It would be the perfect gift for my sister and her husband!
Hi! It was actually the mug I got from our holiday mug exchange last year! If you are local, my friend Carrie got it at sweetgrass in Mooresville, but the brand on the bottom of the mug says it’s made by green box art culture!
Thank you so much, Julie!!
Fun post!! You get so much done each day. I’d love to know more about your cleaning routine- how do you keep your house clean with three young boys??! I only have two and feel like I can’t keep up with the trail of chaos they leave behind 😂 all the best!
I have a suggestion for a gift for guys — a gift card for their favourite coffee shop. That is a winner always in our family as it’s getting FREE COFFEE for however many days it lasts for….even if you have communal bank accounts like we do to pay for it, free coffee is a winner winner chicken dinner.
Non-girly smelling moisturizer (even if he does not admit to use it … I lost my Cyclax which I have to order from England to Kevin!)
a second set of ear phones JUST FOR THE GYM so they don’t have to remember to take their everyone days with them.
Car wash coupons – wrap them up with a bottle of windshield fluid … again it seems “free”
Have you seen those socks with faces on them? I ordered two pairs with both cat’s faces on them .. it may be too late but three pairs with your boy’s faces on them would be fun … maybe for his birthday???
Kevin adds in this:
A coupon for their favourite dinner – one you don’t like to make or like the taste of (he gave me a gift card for a local restaurant that has amazing calamari as he cannot stand the sight or smell of it and he does not cook
… my niece cannot cook and her hubby loves Bahn Mi and Moon Cakes so he got a gift card for a restaurant that specializes in them.
Julie – I love your day in the life blog posts. I too am amazed at how much you accomplish in a day and yet you look so relaxed. I look back on my days when my children were little and I often was overwhelmed or stressed about things that truly didn’t matter in the grand scheme of life. Reading your blog is always a reminder to me to focus on what is important, the other stuff will get done.
*I love seeing the strong friendships your boys have with one another. It is such a gift for them and for you and Ryan. We are grateful that our 2 children (who are now adults -20 and 21) share a very strong bond that started from the moment our daughter met her lil brother in the hospital.
* Pepper is seriously adorable in her holiday sweater! She should be a little model for Dog Holiday sweaters!!!
*I hope you guys had a blast at The Great Wolf Lodge this weekend. My 2 great nieces love going with my niece. We gave them a weekend trip last year as a Christmas gift.
*Seeing the close female friendships you have built over the years and the traditions you and your friends have started and continue is something that really makes me determined this upcoming year to prioritize building stronger connections and enjoying the joy of having close female friendships. We moved a year ago to a new state (thankfully only 75 minutes though from our families and old community) for our son to attend an amazing day program for extraordinary adults and the year was filled with a lot of ups and downs as he adjusted to all of the life changes we underwent. We have met some wonderful families and have created the therapeutic support team we needed as a family to support our son and we are seeing his happiness and excitement for life return after a tough few post covid years. I have met some truly caring and wonderful moms from the program our son attends and this year I am going to spend time forging deeper connections with these special women.
Dying to see more areas of your house!! Let me know if I missed any besides the Laundry Room 🙂