Friday was a fun one over here because we had an extra friend with us all day! I watched Chase’s BFF Claire on Friday because my friend Lauren (Claire’s mom) and her husband were prepping their house to move across town this weekend. Boxing up tons of stuff with a three-year-old in the mix sounded like a recipe for low productivity and we were happy to have Claire over so we filled our Friday with pizza-making, coloring and lots of play!
Since Chase’s nap time was overruled by playtime, he was a bit of a beast by the early evening, so we opted to stay in on Friday night and hung out at home as a family.
Saturday morning began a little after 5 a.m. when Ryder was up for the day. Our sleep regression battles continue over here and I’m pretty sure this week may be the week we transition Ryder into his crib and out of the bassinet beside our bed. I’ve been running on fumes some days because he’s been so noisy and fidgety at night and I think transferring him to his crib will be better for everyone. Let’s hope it’s a smooth move!
Since Ryan, Ryder and I were up before the sun, we eased into the day with coffee and then when Ryan went to the gym for an early morning workout, I put Ryder down for a nap (a nap at 6:30 a.m. — comical, huh?) and spent the next hour working.
Since Friday was a wash on the work front, I went into the weekend feeling behind. Friday is almost always my “get ahead” day for work and really helps me feel less stressed going into the following week. Thankfully knocking out 90 minutes of work on Saturday morning helped me feel less overwhelmed and I typed up the blog post I’ll be sharing on Thursday before Chase was up for the day.
Chase woke up soon after Ryan arrived home and the two of them played doctor while I managed to photograph a recipe for cheese puff casserole to go along with Thursday’s post before we had to head out.
For the longtime blog readers, YES, I’m finally sharing our family’s favorite Christmas morning breakfast recipe! It’s only taken me nine years! Maybe my mom’s monkey bread will be next…
Our plans for the morning took us to a local trampoline park for Chase’s friend Mack’s birthday party! The kids had a great time jumping and running all over the place and Ryan and I enjoyed talking with our friends while I snuggled Ryder close in my baby carrier.
By the time we made it home, it was time for Chase’s nap and he played in his crib with his books and toys for about an hour before falling asleep for another hour. Ryder napped well in the afternoon, too, which was fabulous since it gave me the opportunity to get more work done and Ryan the chance to take Sadie for a walk.
Once everyone was awake, we were ready to head back out to Lowe’s to pick up some paint sample cards to bring back home. Ever since we’ve moved into our house, I’ve wanted to paint our dining room and living room and I’m finally feeling motivated to tackle some random home projects. The dark beige has got to go!
While we were at Lowe’s we naturally had to stop to drive the tractors with Chase and walk through the Christmas tree display. I can already tell Christmas is going to be so much fun with our boys this year because Chase was so into pointing out the big blow up Santas in the store. Bring on all of the holiday fun!
We popped into the grocery store on our way home to pick up stuff to grill outside and while Ryan, Chase and Sadie got dinner ready, I nursed Ryder and put him to bed before joining them for burgers, strawberries, carrots and cookie cake. An eclectic combination but it worked!
Sunday morning was a fun one! We were up bright and early because we had plans to meet up with Katie, the talented photographer behind Tripp Photography for some family photos. Katie reached out to me offering to take our pictures because she’s working on establishing a photography presence in the Charlotte area and since we didn’t get around to scheduling newborn photos with Ryder this time, I was so excited to have the chance to get some beautiful professional pictures of our family. I can’t wait to see how they turn out! If the sneak peek pics Katie sent our way are any indication, we are in for an amazing treat!
We made it back home in the late morning and dug into blueberry banana protein pancakes for breakfast 2.0 and I prepped some food for the week, including a whole chicken in the pressure cooker (planning to use the chicken for lunches this week), a batch of Paleo blender muffins and some roasted sweet potatoes, acorn squash and Brussels sprouts.
Our friend Ben came over to watch soccer and hang out as well and we enjoyed spending the rest of our Sunday at home. It was quite chilly on Sunday which made a cozy day at home very appealing. We rounded out the evening with a little baking — Chase helped me bake a double batch of my favorite lactation cookies — and then we called it an early night.
Ryan and I made our way to bed not long after Chase and Ryder went down and I read The First Patient until my eyes could no longer stay open.
And now it’s time to get this Monday rockin’! Chase has the day off from preschool in observance of Veteran’s Day yesterday so we are joining some friends for a boot camp workout followed by a trampoline park play date. Hope you all have a good one!
Hi! Where is your black pull over from in your Lowe’s picture?
Thank you!
It’s from Amazon actually!! They have it in a bunch of colors and it was only $27! –>
Omg, that’s identical to an Abercrombie asymmetrical snap up I’ve been seeing on IG, I’m so glad you linked us to Amazon because I have been debating this purchase for a while. Great find!
Awesome!! It’s very soft and comfy! I’ve actually been debating ordering it in another color!
Loveee your family photos so much! How did you find your photographer?
Thank you! And she actually sent me a message on Instagram and I thought her photos were gorgeous!
We made a trip to Lowe’s this weekend, too. My 3 year old daughter squealed (screamed?) at the sight of the big Mickey blow ups. Christmas is going to be a blast this year. Being a parent just gets better and better!
4 month sleep regression over here, too!! It’s mostly rough because most nights between 2-4 months my daughter was sleeping 10-11 hour stretches so I got spoiled!! She’s been in her crib for awhile now. I tried the transition with my toddler when she was 4/5 months and it was so not good, so I knew I wanted to do it earlier. Hoping it’s a smooth transition for you.
Also, what an amazing turn around to already have a sneak peek of your photos! That’s great!
We were the same way! Ryder was a seriously wonderful sleeper in the beginning so this is throwing us for a loop!
Do you still swaddle? Or if not try the magic Merlin sleep suit I feel like having a set bedtime routine with a swaddle or sleep sack preps them so well for longer sleep !
We’re using the Merlin sleep suit right now, too!!
Do you do anything different in the Lactation Cookie recipe or do you follow the recipe as it is? I have made those a couple times and mine don’t spread at all like yours do, they stay super thick. Still good, but just curious 🙂
So I actually melted the coconut oil and butter completely & I think that’s what made them flatter this time!
I also had a super noisy sleeper and transitioned her to her crib in the room right next to us when she was 4 weeks old. It was life changing for all of us. She still to this day is a light sleeper, and i think not hearing us move around at night and me not waking up for every little grunt made us all so much happier in the day! Although I think I was glued to the monitor the first week with first time mom anxiety about my baby not being next to me, but after that it was so good!
I can’t wait to see your family pictures! We take ours over Thanksgiving and I’m already stressing about getting TWO kids to cooperate!! You’ve inspired to me to find the perfect cream sweater though – it looks so cute!
Looks like you had a great weekend, Julie! I agree that this weekend went by way too fast. Loooove your family photos! Your family is so beautiful! I hope you are having a great Monday! Xoxo
The family picture is SPECTACULAR JULIE. Absolutely filled with joy and love and BEAUTY of course.
Gorgeous family picture! I really love the light in it. That trampoline park looks great for toddlers. We haven’t gone yet here because I thought she might be too young (2 1/2) but if it’s like the one in your photo I think she’d love it!
Where is Ryder’s hat from in your family photo? I’m trying to find a good, warm hat for my 3 month old, and I think that one is adorable!
thank you!! it’s from carter’s but we got it when chase was a baby. i went on their website and the closest one i could find was a black and red flannel one. baby gap had options that looked closer to the one ryder is wearing if you search “trapper hat” on their site!! –>
Do you feel like the lactation cookies have helped your supply? I’m currently nursing a 2 week old and occasionally pumping to make sure she gets enough (this is my first time not having to supplement with formula and I’m hoping to keep it that way ?). I love reading about your little family!
I don’t think they’re miracle cookies but I do think they help a bit!! Oatmeal + flax seed are two of my go-tos for keeping my supply up and I love that these cookies have both in the recipe!
Hey! Could you detail your work? It might be a good post. (I’m an attorney, so am used to having to justify every moment I spend).
Oh I like that idea for a blog post! It’s so different every day but I think it could be interesting to show more of a behind the scenes look at blogging. Thanks for the idea!
I am so happy to hear that!! Yay!
What a beautiful family! ❤️ And I love that hat you have on in the picture!
Also…I’ll be waiting for that monkey bread recipe! ?
Have you tried Chocolate Covered Katie’s blog recipe for cookie cake? It’s to die for!
How is your niece doing? Been thinking about her!! <3
Thank you for thinking of her, Jessica!! <3 She actually went home last night and we are all so incredibly thrilled!!! <3
So cuteeee!!!! 🙂 I need to get some family photos done! Sorry to hear about the sleep regression…those are the worst 🙁 I thought I was going to do the bassinet for several months but after a month of waking up to her every movement and noise, she went to her own room and I’m so glad I did. What little sleep I could have at that time, was much easier to get without all the extra noises and fidgeting haha!
I’m totally surprised he is still in a bassinet! I kicked my daughter out of hers at 6 weeks. I needed sleep.